July 15, 2006


Harper's a hit in London (LES WHITTINGTON, 7/15/06, Toronto Star)

Stephen Harper got a vote of confidence from Margaret Thatcher, exchanged global strategies with British Prime Minister Tony Blair and chatted with the Queen during his first visit to London as Prime Minister.

And on the eve of the G-8 summit in Russia, he announced Canada's emergence on the world stage as a "new energy superpower."

Earlier, Harper spent an hour going over his government's agenda with Thatcher, the former British prime minister, in an unannounced meeting at the PM's hotel in London.

"She complimented the Prime Minister on his government," said a Harper aide. Those around the Prime Minister felt it was an honour for Thatcher to have dropped in on Canada's new leader.

Harper also won praise from Blair for Canada's military role alongside British troops in Afghanistan.

Posted by Orrin Judd at July 15, 2006 8:57 AM
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