July 21, 2006


Bush Uses First Veto to Reject Stem Cell Legislation (Bloomberg, 7/19/06)

"This bill would support the taking of innocent human life in the hope of finding medical benefits for others,'' Bush said at the White House, flanked by families with children who had been adopted as frozen embryos. "It crosses a moral boundary that our decent society needs to respect.'' [...]

Iowa Senator Tom Harkin, a Democrat and one of the measure's sponsors, said Bush was setting himself up as a "moral ayatollah.''

The veto is not based on constitutional or legal objections, Harkin said. ``He is vetoing it because he says he believes it is immoral,'' Harkin said. ``Mr. President, you are not our moral ayatollah, maybe the president nothing more.''

A surprisingly insightful analysis by Mr. Harkin of why Europe will be a better place after Islam takes over.

Posted by Orrin Judd at July 21, 2006 12:46 PM

A Contrast in Poster Children: It is nothing less than profound to have children who were once frozen embryos looking into your eyes ... as if to say, "But we once were those embryos, the same ones you want to kill in the name of human progress, Mr. Harkin." This is another demonstration of the political sophistication and appeal to the moral intelligence of the American people the Bush Administration is capable of. In contrast, Clinton stormtropers kidnapped and delivered a boy named Elian Gonzalez to the fascist Castro on live television; still have yet to quite figure out why getting that symbol on voters' television screens was so important to Clinton; it cost them the White House.

O Brave New World, with such Harkins in it!

Posted by: Brother Qiao at July 21, 2006 2:37 PM

That has got to be the most insane political statement I've heard since, oh, probably Chuck Schumer last week where he said that voting based on religious morality was un-American & theocratic.

I understand that the Dems have a funding base that's gone insane, and so they need to be a little crazy, but how could they be so dumb? Americans WANT their leaders to have a strong moral foundation. That's why the likes of Dean & Kerry try so hard to burnish their religious credentials. They know this is an unavoidable fact about American politics, so why are they talking like this?

Posted by: b at July 21, 2006 3:02 PM

President Bush is of course correct in his courage; I am disappointed in the democrats, and also oj for his response (dumbitude is not a virtue).

What you stand for defines what you are. Be careful OJ, you are risking your freedom...

Posted by: darryl at July 22, 2006 2:28 AM

Islam has fairly specific criteria regarding life and it's innocence or lack thereof based on the metaphysical belief system held by that 'life'.'Unbelievers', for example have no inherent right to life if not under willing subjucation to political Islam. Life is cheap for those unwilling to submit, always has been. Abortion is unislamic.After that, you're on your own.

Posted by: Tom C.,Stamford,Ct. at July 23, 2006 1:13 AM

That's not an Islamic standard but the standard of every state on Earth. A people need not tolerate deviance from the norm, as we don't.


Posted by: oj at July 23, 2006 7:59 AM