July 26, 2006
Cartoonist likens Olmert to Nazi (MICHAEL FREUND, 7/26/06, Jerusalem Post)
Invoking a scene from the film Schindler's List, one of Norway's largest newspapers recently published a political cartoon comparing Prime Minster Ehud Olmert to the infamous commander of a Nazi death camp who indiscriminately murdered Jews by firing at them at random from his balcony.The caricature by political cartoonist Finn Graff appeared on July 10 in the Oslo daily Dagbladet. It has prompted outrage among the country's small Jewish community and led the Simon Weisenthal Center to submit a protest to the Norwegian government.
Muslims wouldn't tolerate it and Jews oughtn't appease him. Posted by Orrin Judd at July 26, 2006 8:51 PM
Couldn't the Israelis say they're refusing a cease-fire in Lebanon due to this anti-semitic cartoon? Then threaten the cartoonist with an extreme circumcision - like the Danish cartoonists who had to go in hiding a few months ago.
I'm sure the Leftists will understand this reaction, just like they symapthized with the "offended" Muslims of Copenhagen and the rest of the world.
They lack the courage of their convictions.
Posted by: oj at July 27, 2006 12:22 AMMuslims wouldn't tolerate what, exactly? The proper analogy would be a cartoon deriding Arafat (or Assad, or Ahmadinejad, or even the former Malaysian PM) squashing insects with blue Stars of David on their foreheads. Or, to be more historical, a cartoon showing the Mufti doing the same. Or, to be technically accurate, a cartoon showing any Muslim 'strongman' crushing his Muslim subjects while snacking on kosher food.
That such cartoons are generally not published in the Islamic world is a political issue, not a religious one.
Posted by: ratbert at July 27, 2006 12:29 AMOlmert is Saddam, not Hitler?
Posted by: oj at July 27, 2006 7:59 AMRegardless, it is interesting how often in political "humor" that Jews are depicted as Nazis.
Posted by: Bartman at July 27, 2006 8:29 AMMy point (less clumsily made) is that the Arab press constantly shows Israel as bloodthirsty, oppressive, and ugly. They don't slander Yahweh because they don't believe he is real. Hating God is for philosophers, not mobs.
To draw Olmert with a swastika is the last refuge of a cartoonist. The Jew as a Nazi - what could be worse? Bartman is right - it happens a lot. Sort of a reflexive action. But a foolish one.
Muslims don't see cartoons of Mubarak or Assad or Ahmadinejad wearing swastikas, oppressing their people (except in underground papers) because such statements are too political. They don't see such cartoons of their leaders crushing Jews because it is more convenient to show a Jew being evil.
Posted by: ratbert at July 27, 2006 10:14 AMYes, Jewish appeasement of such slander has resulted in piles of Jewish corpses. But they do have that happy liberal reputation for tolerance to fall back on.....
Posted by: oj at July 27, 2006 10:16 AMWell, if you're saying that the JDL should go through the Arab media and start bashing heads for all the vicious slander that goes on, I won't disagree....
Or perhaps Dan Brown should write his next book about Muhammed and all his "quirks", and highlight all the theories about why he married a much older woman.
Posted by: ratbert at July 27, 2006 12:50 PMFunny... I must have missed the article where Jews went on a rampage and threatened to kill the cartoonist.
Posted by: ken at July 27, 2006 2:03 PMMuhammed married a much older woman? I thought he married a nine year old. It's just so hard to stay informed.
Posted by: erp at July 27, 2006 4:41 PM