July 18, 2006


Bush to address NAACP (Reuters, 7/18/06)

After rebuffing the NAACP for five years, President Bush will speak at the annual convention of the oldest U.S. civil rights organization for the first time since taking office because he sees "a moment of opportunity," the White House said Tuesday. [...]

[T]ies have warmed with current NAACP President Bruce Gordon. Bush expressed appreciation for Gordon's "strong leadership" during a tribute to civil rights leaders Martin Luther King Jr. and Rosa Parks in January.

Asked why the change of heart, White House spokesman Tony Snow replied: "He wants to because I think there's a moment of opportunity here. I think the president wants to make the argument that he has had a career that reflects a strong commitment to civil rights."

Posted by Orrin Judd at July 18, 2006 9:38 PM

He's a fool for going there.

Posted by: jd watson [TypeKey Profile Page] at July 19, 2006 5:26 AM

Boy, if I had a nickel for every time someone's told me "Bush is a fool" only to be proved wrong, I'd have at least buck.

Posted by: Bryan at July 19, 2006 7:25 AM

Both jd and Bryan are right.

Posted by: erp at July 19, 2006 8:16 AM

If we are looking only at the news cycle I would agree with jd, but taking a longer view, this is a no-lose.

If the NAACP disses W, it makes them look small to an electorate that is getting immune to the bitching and moaning from the traditional black leadership. It sets up the Blackwell's, Steele's, Swann's, Watts' and Cain's of the world to scream that the black community needs new leadership, especially since the GOP is closer to most black citizens on social issues. It also sets up an opportunity for the worst elements of the black caucus to make public statements that will quite possibly be a turn-off to Hispanic voters.

If he is well-received his message and record get out to the community overall and to the black community in particular. It will make it easier for the black community to justify a vote for Blackwell, Steele or Swann.

Given W's and Karl's long-term goal of making the GOP the dominant party, this move makes all the sense in the world.

Posted by: jeff at July 19, 2006 9:55 AM