July 18, 2006


Nasrallah's terms of surrender will be hard to change (Zvi Bar'el, 7/19/06, Haaretz)

After all that has taken place so far in Lebanon, nothing has succeeded in altering the basic equation: Any diplomatic solution will have to pass through the Lebanese political grinder and gain Hezbollah's agreement. "Everything is up in the air" according to Foreign Minister Tzipi Livni, including direct and indirect talks with Hezbollah, and therefore nothing has changed since before the outbreak of fighting

The question is not only what will stop Israel's onslaught but also what will the conditions be that will allow Hassan Nasrallah to nod approvingly. Mediators heard about what may work in a meeting with Nabih Berri, a "contact person" to Hezbollah, the speaker of Lebanon's parliament and head of Amal, another Shi'ite group. According to Berri, even if the United Nations decides to deploy a "significant" force to south Lebanon, it will need Nasrallah's approval, otherwise such a force will be involved in incessant fighting and Israel will continue to suffer missile attacks.

If Hezbollah will be asked to lay down its arms, Nasrallah will have to approve this since there is not a single political power in Lebanon on Tuesday that is capable of carrying out the group's disarmament. In fact, the idea of a disarmed Hezbollah is so far-fetched to senior Israel Defense Forces officers and Israeli politicians that they are willing to make do with a "significant weakening" of the group.

It's a shame to see Israel and America squander a perfect pretext for doing Assad.

Posted by Orrin Judd at July 18, 2006 10:36 PM

The answer is obvious: eliminate Nasrallah, Assad, and anyone else who stands in the way.

Posted by: jd watson [TypeKey Profile Page] at July 19, 2006 5:25 AM

I agree. Now's the time to end the slaughter once and for all. I'm almost to the point where I think all the "leaders" and by all, I mean, from all sides, are in cahoots and want this kabuki dance to continue in perpetuity so they can keep the millions in foreign aid pouring into their bank accounts ala Arafat.

Let this opportunity slip by with the usual "peace talks" and "cease fires" and they'll have lost me and possibly millions of others who have been sitting at the edge of our chairs for nearly fifty years waiting for the end of this drama.

It's now or never guys.

Posted by: erp at July 19, 2006 8:08 AM

I think a major reason that Syria has not been directly attacked is its perceived value at keeping order on the Syrian border of Israel. Any attack on Syria might weaken Damascus so much that all order collapses, and Syria becomes a haven for nutbag groups that may attack Israel - or American forces in Iraq - like Hezbollah is doing. I think the Israelis simply want to prevent Hezbollah from bothering them, and they're betting they can do it easier if Syria is not attacked.

This does not look to be the end game to the Arab-Israeli wars.

Posted by: Chris Durnell at July 19, 2006 12:41 PM
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