5 Bible Stories You Definitely Misunderstood as a Kid (Taylor Berry, Feb. 10th, 2025, Relevant)

  1. The Tower of Babel Wasn’t Just About People Building Too High
    For some reason, this story always got distilled down to something about people trying to build a really tall tower, as if God’s issue was just an ancient version of zoning laws. The real issue? Human arrogance and a desire for self-sufficiency apart from God.

The people of Babel weren’t just ambitious architects; they wanted to create a society where they didn’t need God. The tower wasn’t just an impressive skyscraper—it was a declaration of independence from divine authority. God confusing their language wasn’t just some random punishment; it was a way of protecting them from their own pride.

Essentially, the story is less about construction mishaps and more about what happens when humanity tries to build something great while ignoring the One who made them great in the first place.

Nope. Just as when He banished us from Eden, the Tower is another example of God’s fear that we will become as Him:

And the Lord said, Behold, the people is one, and they have all one language; and this they begin to do: and now nothing will be restrained from them, which they have imagined to do.