But But I was told this immigration enforcement is about "people jumping the line / not following the law." Sure seems like its about race and religion! https://t.co/JpCQGrbabQ
— Tim Miller (@Timodc) July 31, 2019
Davon Jones doesn't have to look far to see the irony in US President Donald Trump's tweets that Baltimore is a "rat and rodent infested mess." His apartment owned by the president's son-in-law has been invaded by mice since he moved in a year ago."I don't know how they come in," Jones says. "Every time I catch them, they come right back."Jared Kushner's family real estate firm owns thousands of apartments and townhomes in the Baltimore area, and some have been criticized for the same kind of disrepair and neglect that the president has accused local leaders of failing to address. Residents have complained about mold, bedbugs, leaks and, yes, mice -- plenty of mice. And they say management appears in no hurry to fix the problems.
We have come to accept a level of insult and abuse in political discourse that violates each person's sacred identity as a child of God. We have come to accept as normal a steady stream of language and accusations coming from the highest office in the land that plays to racist elements in society.This week, President Trump crossed another threshold. Not only did he insult a leader in the fight for racial justice and equality for all persons; not only did he savage the nations from which immigrants to this country have come; but now he has condemned the residents of an entire American city. Where will he go from here?Make no mistake about it, words matter. And, Mr. Trump's words are dangerous.These words are more than a "dog-whistle." When such violent dehumanizing words come from the President of the United States, they are a clarion call, and give cover, to white supremacists who consider people of color a sub-human "infestation" in America. They serve as a call to action from those people to keep America great by ridding it of such infestation. Violent words lead to violent actions.When does silence become complicity? What will it take for us all to say, with one voice, that we have had enough? The question is less about the president's sense of decency, but of ours.As leaders of faith who believe in the sacredness of every single human being, the time for silence is over. We must boldly stand witness against the bigotry, hatred, intolerance, and xenophobia that is hurled at us, especially when it comes from the highest offices of this nation. We must say that this will not be tolerated. To stay silent in the face of such rhetoric is for us to tacitly condone the violence of these words. We are compelled to take every opportunity to oppose the indecency and dehumanization that is racism, whether it comes to us through words or actions.
"This raises a fundamental question about the continuing legitimacy of statutory rape laws at a time when sex involving teenagers is so rampant and prosecution for statutory rape so selective," Dershowitz wrote. "It is obvious that there must be criminal sanctions against sex with very young children, but it is doubtful whether such sanctions should apply to teenagers above the age of puberty, since voluntary sex is so common in their age group."He then suggests that the age of consent should be lowered to 15, or perhaps even 14. [...]He has also attacked the New Yorker profile of him, written by staff writer Connie Bruck. Before it was published, he called it a "hit piece" with the "explicit purpose of silencing my defense of President Trump, Prime Minister Netanyahu, and the State of Israel."The lengthy article, titled "The Devil's Advocate," quotes Giuffre, who in accusations going back to 2014 names Dershowitz among the men she says Epstein forced her to have sex with. Giuffre says she had sex with him at least six times. When asked why she had decided to name Dershowitz, she told Bruck, "Jeffrey got away with it, basically. And Dershowitz was one of the people who enabled that to happen."Dershowitz vociferously denied her allegations and ended up suing her lawyers in 2015. According to the article, the case was settled in 2016, with Dershowitz's insurance company paying Giuffre's lawyers an undisclosed sum. The settlement also included a sum of money to Dershowitz "which would allow him to claim a payment."
The accusation that Cummings and Sharpton actively hate "Whites" -- not America generally, but only "Whites" -- stood out. And white supremacist contributors to the hate site "Stormfront" picked up on the wording as well, taking it as a signal that the president is on their side."Is this the first time DJT has explicitly stood up for White folks?" one asked. "Or has he apologized yet? More of this, Donnie, and you might win next year!" (The president has not apologized.)Others on the site agreed, echoing the sentiment that Sharpton hates white people, with some adding that all black people hate white people and that the feeling is "mutual." One added a hopeful note about what Trump's comments mean: "For an American President to call a black person racist will hopefully embolden thousands of Whites to do the same against other non-Whites." Yet another said Trump got "bonus points" for his tweet capitalizing the word "Whites," as is often a custom in these forums.As has been repeatedly observed, many white supremacists who contributor to forums like Stormfront are skeptical and critical of the president because of his relationships with Jewish people. Anti-Semitism, Nazism, and Holocaust denial run deep in these circles, and while Trump has sometimes employed anti-Semitic rhetoric, he doesn't go nearly as far as some of these bigots would like and he has Jewish family members. In the discussion of Trump's remarks, some of the Stormfront contributors continued to express skepticism about the president for being "close to the jews," but they welcomed his attack on Sharpton and "blacks in general."
Take one other seemingly clear-cut example of racism: the use of the n-word to describe African Americans. Polls show that Democrats and Republicans increasingly disagree on whether the n-word is offensive. Indeed, the percentage of Republicans who consider the word offensive or unacceptable has actually declined in recent years.The Post reports that just one-third (33 percent) of Trump voters now consider it racist to use the n-word. By comparison, 86 percent of Hillary Clinton voters believe it is racist to use the n-word.
Remnant regular and Cato Institute trade expert Scott Lincicome returns to the show for his periodic trade update, and to discuss whether the "national conservatism" assessment of trade is correct.
The Trump administration will reportedly announce the renewal of sanctions waivers this week allowing foreign firms to work on Iran's civil nuclear program.According to a Washington Post report Tuesday, US President Donald Trump backed Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin's recommendation at a White House meeting last week to extend the waivers despite objections from Secretary of State Mike Pompeo and National Security Adviser John Bolton.
The U.S. Senate will leave for a six-week break without passing a bill to grant Temporary Protected Status, or TPS, for Venezuelans even though the House of Representatives passed a similar measure last week.Two Democratic senators, Bob Menendez of New Jersey and Dick Durbin of Illinois, attempted to pass the House's TPS bill by unanimous consent on the Senate floor Tuesday. The move, which is essentially a voice vote, bypasses Senate procedure in an attempt to pass legislation quickly, but it fails if one senator opposes it.Utah Republican Sen. Mike Lee opposed Menendez and Durbin's request, so the fast-track effort to pass TPS failed.
The hashtag #MoscowMitchMcTreason is trending one day after the Kentucky Republican gave an impassioned speech on the Senate floor in response to accusations of being a Russian sympathizer.More specifically, McConnell took umbrage with MSNBC host Joe Scarborough and Washington Post opinion columnist Dana Milbank, who called him "Moscow Mitch" and "a Russian asset."These comments came after McConnell blocked two measures aimed at preventing foreign interference in U.S. elections.In his roughly 25-minute speech Monday afternoon, McConnell called out media outlets for hosting "hyperventilating hacks" and compared attacks on him to "modern-day McCarthyism."
As the Democratic presidential candidates gather to debate in Detroit this week, they have reason to be confident: At this moment in time, essentially any of them could beat President Donald Trump come November 2020.Democrats are ahead in essentially every national poll. Trump trails all five of the Democrats' leading White House contenders, and his numbers are even worse in some critical swing states like Pennsylvania. Meanwhile, the generic congressional ballot tilts even further to the left than it did on the eve of the 2018 midterms. If the 2020 elections were held today, voters--including many who have voted Republican often in the past--would likely hand Democrats the White House.Why? Because 2020 is shaping up to be a referendum on the president's personality--which is bad news for conservatives. If the election is all about Trump the person--as embodied in his ongoing fight with the so-called "Squad" of four far-left Democratic Congresswomen--the right will not likely have a large enough coalition to win.
If there is going to be a solution to the problem of mass gun violence in America, it is going to have to come from the federal government. The states cannot save us, no matter how nobly they try.That seems to be the prime policy lesson of the mass shooting horror that took place Sunday at the Gilroy Garlic Festival in California. A 19-year-old man besotted with white supremacy and armed with an assault rifle opened fire, killing three people -- including a 6-year-old boy and a 13-year-old girl.California has some of the strictest gun laws in the nation -- including an assault weapons ban -- but that didn't matter. Just weeks before Sunday's massacre, the shooter bought his semiautomatic rifle in neighboring Nevada, where the gun remains legal. A 2017 study revealed that, in the weeks after gun shows are held in Nevada, gun-related deaths and injuries in California jump 70 percent.That isn't a problem California can solve on its own.
New research reports that, while 17.2 percent of Americans believe Trump's election "is a reflection of God's will," 27.7 percent believe he is "working for the devil." That same percentage replied affirmatively to the statement: "The devil is using Donald Trump for his purposes."
For all the talk about why Donald Trump was elected president while losing the popular vote and how he could win again, one of the least discussed results of the 2016 election offers valuable lessons for Democrats.An astounding 7.8 million voters cast their presidential ballots for someone other than Trump or Hillary Clinton. The two biggest third-party vote-getters were Libertarian nominee Gary Johnson (almost 4.5 million votes) and the Green Party's Jill Stein (1.5 million voters). But others received almost another 1.9 million votes as well.Libertarians and Greens may try to convince you that this reflects growing support for their parties. It doesn't.Their strong showing was due to the unpopularity of the two major-party nominees.
"The press focused on the performance and the optics instead of on the substance," said Jerry Nadler, chairman of the Judiciary Committee. "Mueller said we were attacked by the Russians, the Trump campaign cooperated in many ways with that attack, they welcomed it, in many ways they worked with it."Democrats already knew all this, of course. But just as Trump's recent racist outbursts forced renewed attention to his bigotry, Mueller made Congress squarely confront the president's lawlessness and disloyalty to the country he purports to lead. Once he testified, congressional Democrats could no longer punt on the impeachment question by saying that they were waiting to hear from him.And even if Mueller's appearance didn't change many minds, it galvanized some voters. Dina Titus, a Nevada Democrat, told me that in recent days, "The constituent calls that I have been getting have just increased, both in number and intensity, saying: 'Enough is enough. It's time for him to go.'" On Monday, she came out for beginning an impeachment inquiry.Perhaps even more significant than the growing number of calls for impeachment is a lawsuit filed by the Judiciary Committee on Friday. The filing, demanding access to grand jury material from the Mueller investigation, says that the committee "is conducting an investigation to determine whether to recommend articles of impeachment." In other words, the Judiciary Committee, which would oversee any potential impeachment, announced, with surprisingly little fanfare, that an impeachment inquiry is already underway.
That what-has-he-got-to-lose approach comes because Trump won just 8 percent of the African American vote in 2016 while Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton won 89 percent, according to exit polling. Latinos and Asian voters also overwhelmingly supported Clinton, while Trump won 57 percent of white voters' support and Clinton won 37 percent. It was the support of white voters, who were very animated by Trump's restrictionist immigration policies, that handed him the election.One Republican political strategist and longtime Trump critic warned that these race-based tactics may not be as effective for Trump in this upcoming election cycle as they were in 2016, when Trump had the advantage of running against Clinton, whom conservatives have loved to hate for decades."Trump's reelection will be about him -- his personality and his language. He will be the focal point instead of the Democratic nominee," said John Weaver, a GOP political consultant who worked as the chief strategist for Gov. John Kasich's presidential campaign in 2016 and for Sen. John McCain's two presidential bids. "The more offensive he is, the harder it is to earn the support of suburban women, college-educated voters, young people and people of color. It is a mass issue. There are only so many people who fit into the profile of finding the president's language not offensive, or at least, excusable."That could present challenges for the Trump campaign as it attempts to chart a narrow path to victory through states such as Michigan, Wisconsin and Pennsylvania, all of which Trump won in 2016 by less than 1 percentage point, or roughly 80,000 votes, while losing the overall popular vote.
When Democratic Rep. Rashida Tlaib accused Republican Rep. Mark Meadows of racism earlier this year, one of his "best friends," House Oversight Committee chairman and Democratic Rep. Elijah Cummings immediately jumped to his defense.When Cummings was attacked on similar grounds by President Donald Trump over the weekend, it took a bit longer for Meadows to publicly repay the favor. On Saturday and Sunday, Trump went after Cummings on Twitter, calling the veteran Democratic lawmaker a "racist" and his district a "disgusting, rat and rodent infested mess."Trump's comments hung in the air for days, sparking yet another conversation about the President's race-focused rhetoric. Republicans largely stayed silent, including Meadows, whose warm relationship with Cummings prompted questions about his reticence to defend his friend.When Meadows finally did issue a reply, it came two days later and second-hand, delivered live on air by CNN contributor and former Pennsylvania senator Rick Santorum. The statement was a perfect distillation of the way Republicans have tip-toed around Trump's inflammatory language about race -- and avoided criticizing the President directly.
Two weeks before Trump was scheduled to deliver the energy policy speech, Thomas Barrack, a California investment tycoon with extensive contacts in the Middle East and who later helped oversee Trump's inauguration, provided a former business associate inside the United Arab Emirates with an advance copy of the candidate's planned remarks. The associate then told Barrack he shared them with UAE and Saudi government officials, after which Barrack arranged for language requested by the UAE officials to be added to the speech with the help of Trump's campaign manager at the time, Paul Manafort.
"If the Democrats are going to defend the Radical Left 'Squad' and King Elijah's Baltimore Fail, it will be a long road to 2020," Mr Trump wrote on Monday.
The division between the two volumes is not for ease of understanding. Practically, it reflects the shift from the two retrospective tasks of the Special Counsel's charge--to investigate responsibility for the 2016 Russian election attack and any Trump campaign links to it--to a third, real-time task: to prosecute anyone who might obstruct the investigation as it progressed. As the main person criminally obstructing it turned out to be the President, this required its own volume.Almost metaphysically, however, the two volumes divide across a change of state created by Trump's inauguration as President. With that institutional event, both Trump's person and his actions changed status, and so did the nature of the evidence collected. The "candidate," then "president-elect," became President of the United States, a being with alternative powers, privileges, and opportunities for criminality. His contacts with Russia became less legally culpable as they could pass for statecraft, and Mueller stopped documenting relevant evidence of rewards to the Kremlin and communications with Putin. Most neglectfully, Mueller did not subpoena or interview Trump, the knower at the center of the evidentiary threads, because he now sat in the office of the President. On the other side of the inaugural chasm, however, Trump's comments about the FBI investigation, and hints to its agents as well as its targets, became far more culpable, as he would now appear as the "boss" of all federal police action and thus a puissant obstacle to its independent duties--and, with his pardon power, the undoer of all threat of punishment to those likely to be convicted of federal crimes.The most discussed finding of the Mueller report forms the legal crux of Volume II: that President Trump may have committed criminal acts of obstruction of justice in ten separate instances. But it also finds that it cannot say so legally, nor prosecute these crimes on its own. The Special Counsel's office considered itself bound by a Justice Department guideline that Presidents cannot be indicted for crimes, and articulates a prosecutorial-ethical norm that prosecutors must not publicly accuse of crime anyone who cannot immediately be indicted. Volume II strongly implies that Congress, instead, is the venue in which our government should pursue the President's crimes of obstruction, using the Special Counsel's hundreds of pages of evidence and documentation as a roadmap. It implies that federal prosecutors, too, may wish to charge these crimes of obstruction once Trump, the person, is no longer President.The evidence and recommendations of Volume II have dominated subsequent discussion of the Mueller report. The implications are clear enough to rivet all opponents of Trump's presidency. Robert Mueller, a Republican lawman, with the most conservative temperament and following the most conservative legal reasoning, concludes that President Trump cannot be proven innocent of crimes of obstruction of justice. Trump misused the powers of the Presidency to protect his own family, his confederates, and himself. He tampered with witnesses and attempted to subvert the course of justice through executive power--crimes of obstruction that exceed those for which Nixon was impeached and resigned and Clinton was impeached and remained. If you care at all about obstruction of justice and the powers of the law and police, these crimes are extreme, and certainly impeachable.However, most of us don't care much about hindrances of the powers of law and police except when they're on the trail of larger crimes against society. Al Capone did not singularly outrage society by avoiding taxes. The State is right to pursue collateral crimes when the real crimes, whether through skill, accident, or lack of legislative anticipation, are unpunishable or not yet on the books. If Trump and his campaign did not actually cheat in the election; if they were not disloyal; if they did not welcome, encourage, and benefit from a foreign attack on the United States; if they won fairly, operated independently, and were not open to blackmail by the Kremlin, and did not seem to pay off with benefits to Russian foreign policy--then Trump's obstruction of government investigations could seem like what Attorney General Barr has implied it to be: a partly understandable, personal peculiarity of a generally paranoid person.That is why Volume I of the Mueller report matters more than Volume II. The remarkable result of Volume I is to confirm that two and a half years of investigative reporting was correct: the Kremlin contacts with the Trump campaign were real and substantive, and they fit in at key junctures with the Russian attack on the election. It looks as if the Russian attack and the Trump campaign coordinated. They betrayed the country and its electorate, Republicans and Democrats. And the actual situation, as far as the Mueller investigation was able to show, was much clearer and easier to follow than the press had been able to prove.In briefest summary: Mueller discovered that candidate Trump was the one who reached out initially, in 2015 and 2016, to particular, named officials in the Kremlin to ask for real estate favors and benefits. They then reached out in return in 2016, once Trump had become the Republican candidate, to offer assistance in winning the election. The head of Trump's presidential campaign began sending back their internal polling and targeting information to Kremlin intermediaries, and in apparent response to Trump's public call to Russia to "find" Hillary Clinton's "secret" emails, Kremlin-backed hackers stole emails from Clinton's campaign. Through WikiLeaks, Russia released the stolen emails in ways timed to harm Clinton's campaign and aid Trump's--timing of which candidate Trump may have had knowledge. Upon election, both the Trump side and the Kremlin sought to build out channels of secret communication, through which the Trump staff promised material benefits once Trump was in office. These are documented by the Mueller report as facts.
Although Ratcliffe's website says he "put terrorists in prison," NBC News found no evidence he ever prosecuted a terrorism case.
— Ken Dilanian (@KenDilanianNBC) July 29, 2019
Career WAR of the average HoF CF: 71.1
— Baseball Reference (@baseball_ref) July 29, 2019
Career WAR of Mike Trout thru age-27: 70.9https://t.co/535VYHJbVE
How did a small-town eye doctor mastermind an anti-immigration movement premised on racism? Listen to What Next, Slate's daily news podcast. 🎧 This week's guest is immigration lawyer, @HMAesq https://t.co/SbvUZcPMIs
— Slate Podcasts 🎧 (@SlatePodcasts) July 29, 2019
California has some of the most stringent gun laws in the country, including a ban on the type of rifle that a shooter used to kill three and wound 15 at the garlic food festival in Gilroy on Sunday.But the gunman had legally purchased the "assault-type rifle", in the style of an AK-47, from the neighboring state Nevada on 9 July before carrying it illegally over state lines into California, highlighting what some gun control advocates say is a loophole in the way laws operate, state by state. [...]"The reach of the California law ends at our border," California's attorney general, Xavier Becerra, told the San Francisco Chronicle, "and so we cannot control what other states do, and that's what makes it so tough. We may have progressive gun laws, but if other states don't match us, we have to rely on the ability to catch" the person. [,,,]"The gun used by the Gilroy shooter was an AK-47 type assault rifle. This weapon is illegal to buy or possess in California, which appears to be why the shooter crossed into Nevada to buy the gun," said Senator Dianne Feinstein in a statement. "The assault weapons ban legislation I introduced earlier this year would have prevented that sale from happening. It's time for Congress to debate this bill and vote on it."
Two of President Trump's closest advisers pushed hard for a firm trying to circumvent the safeguards meant to keep Saudi Arabia from building a nuclear weapon.That's one of the many conclusions of a year-long investigation by the House Oversight Committee, which found that Former National Security Adviser Michael Flynn and former inaugural committee chair Tom Barrack worked to enrich themselves and their colleagues in the nuclear energy sector. A centerpiece of the effort: helping American companies land contracts in Saudi Arabia--at least in one case, without the guardrails needed to keep the Saudis from making weapons-grade nuclear fuel.Flynn and Barrack used their relationships with the White House--as well as with officials from Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, and Russia--to advance their personal interests and the interests of executives at the nuclear firm IP3. The CEO of the firm, Admiral Mike Hewitt, began working with Flynn and Barrack in the fall of 2016 in an attempt to influence the incoming Trump administration's Saudi Arabia policy, according to the House Oversight report. The effort drew in a host of other officials in the Trump administration, including Trump's son-in-law Jared Kushner."The Trump Administration has virtually obliterated the lines normally separating government policymaking from corporate and foreign interests," the report states. "Documents show the Administration's willingness to let private parties with close ties to the President wield outsized influence over U.S. policy towards Saudi Arabia."
The post's caption advised reading a white supremacist, misogynist, and anti-Christianity book advocating for a kind of social Darwinism in which the values of strength and power supplant moral codes to form ideas of right and wrong. "Why overcrowd towns and pave more open space to make room for hordes of mestizos and Silicon Valley white t[***]s?" he wrote.
Seeking to secure a visit to Israel by Russian President Vladimir Putin ahead of the September 17 election, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is said to be pressuring the Jerusalem municipality and other government bodies to expedite the inauguration of a memorial in the capital to those who perished in the Nazi siege of Leningrad during World War II.
Donald Trump has always had a bit of Walter Mitty in him. But on Monday morning, in a speech to first responders and others impacted by the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks, he took his fantastical memory of himself to new and not-at-all-appropriate heights."I was down there also, but I'm not considering myself a first responder," Trump said. "But I was down there. I spent a lot of time down there with you." [...]So, what was Trump actually doing on September 11, 2001?One thing he was doing was getting on the phone with WWOR's Alan Marcus to talk about the attacks and their aftermath. It was in that interview that Trump said this about a property -- 40 Wall Street -- that he owned:"40 Wall Street actually was the second-tallest building in downtown Manhattan, and it was actually, before the World Trade Center, was the tallest--and then, when they built the World Trade Center, it became known as the second-tallest. And now it's the tallest."Yeah. He really said that.
In 2014, Maryland's 7th district, where Trump said "no human would want to live," housed some 32,000 Jews, 4.46% of the population in the district. According to data in the Jewish Federations of North America's Berman Jewish Data Bank, this district would rank in the top 65 of America's 435 congressional districts with the largest Jewish population. [...]For the last two decades, Cummings has partnered with the Baltimore Jewish Council in backing the Elijah Cummings Youth Program in Israel (ECYP), a two-year leadership fellowship that aspires to build leadership and bridges between the African-American and Jewish communities.Some 200 students have participated in the program, with its centerpiece being a month spent in Israel. The students live at the Yemin Orde Youth Village south of Haifa and are paired, as its promotional literature says, "with displaced teens from over 24 countries, including Ethiopia, Israel, South America, Europe and the former states of the Soviet Union."Among its most well-known alumni is CNN's New Day Weekend co-host Victor Blackwell, who delivered an emotional retort to Trump on Saturday."The president says about Congressman Cummings' district that no human would want to live there," he said. "You know who did, Mr. President? I did - from the day I was brought home from the hospital, to the day I left for college. And a lot of people I care about still do."Appearing to fight back tears, Blackwell continued: "There are challenges, no doubt. But people are proud of their community. I don't want to sound self-righteous, but people get up and go to work there, they care for their families there, they love their children who pledge allegiance to the flag just like people who live in districts of congressmen who support you, sir. They are Americans, too."Blackwell, who was in the ECYP's first class and was the MC of a fund-raiser for the program two years ago, said that this program "made me a better man, made me a better journalist, and it gave me some of the most formative experiences and longest friendships of my life."According to the ECYP web page, "The Israeli and American students tour historic sites in Israel, such as Jerusalem, the Jordan River and the Dead Sea. While in Israel, these young ambassadors attend workshops on diversity, Israeli culture, group dynamics and leadership. The Israel experience allows ECYP students the opportunity to gain independence, develop a respect and appreciation for other cultures, and reflect on their self-worth and character."Howard Libit, executive-director of the Baltimore Jewish Council, said that the program has sent a dozen students to Israel each summer for the last two decades to "promote better African American-Jewish relations."After returning from 3½ weeks in Israel, including a Shabbat spent in Ashkelon - Baltimore's twin city - the students return and speak in churches, schools and organizations in the community about their experience in Israel, he said. Cummings, Libit said, is fully involved in the program, participates in all the candidate interviews, regularly attends events and board meetings, and donates speaking honorariums to the project.
The Republican pathway for recapturing House control in next year's election charges straight through the districts of the most vulnerable Democratic incumbents, especially freshmen. Judging from early but formidable cash advantages those lawmakers have amassed, ousting them won't be easy.Each of the 62 freshmen House Democrats has raised more money than their top opponent. The same is true for all 31 Democrats from districts President Donald Trump had won in 2016 and for all 39 Democrats who snatched Republican-held seats last November.In nearly all cases it's not even close. While there's overlap among the categories, most of these Democrats' war chests are multiples of what their leading challengers have garnered.
In January, Kirk Cox, speaker of the Virginia House of Delegates, cited biblical scripture when he came out against a proposed bill that would lift late-term abortion restrictions."You knit me together in my mother's womb," he said, quoting Psalm 139. "You watched me as I was being formed in utter seclusion as I was woven together in the dark of the womb. You saw me before I was born."But for many leaders in the Jewish faith, such interpretations are problematic and even insulting. [...]The strongest argument in the Hebrew Bible for permitting abortion comes from Exodus, Chapter 21, Verse 22-23: "If people are fighting and hit a pregnant woman and she gives birth prematurely but there is no serious injury, the offender must be fined whatever the woman's husband demands and the court allows. But if there is serious injury, you are to take a life for a life."In this passage, "gives birth prematurely" could mean the woman miscarries, and the fetus dies. Because there's no expectation that the person who caused the miscarriage is liable for murder, Jewish scholars argue this proves a fetus is not considered a separate person or soul.
...the argument is that if the father wants the child aborted and the mother doesn't, so he punches her to cause a miscarriage, there was no harm? Then what are all these parents grieving for?The Little Spirits Garden is a landscaped garden dedicated to the memory of children lost during pregnancy. It was completed in 2012, and sits within the grounds of the Royal Oak Burial Park, a cemetery in Victoria, British Columbia.Within it are a series of long, concrete plinths, with small grey houses resting on them - these are "spirit houses", and each one commemorates a lost child. There are about 400 houses in the garden, with space for up to 3,000.Doctors put bereaved parents, like Debbie, in touch with the team that runs the garden, if they think it will benefit them. The service is free and is supported by donations.If a child is cremated, ashes can be scattered in a special section of the garden, or placed in an ossuary - a vault which sits underneath a pavilion.Whether or not the child is cremated, parents are given a spirit house.These are made of refined concrete. They also have a small womb symbol inscribed inside, a motif repeated throughout the design of the garden.The concrete is designed with indentations, so that over time moss will grow over it.Families can customise their houses with their own designs, or leave them bare, with just a named inscription."It's really difficult when you have a miscarriage and you don't have a body, because there isn't a physical object," says Debbie."The Little Spirits Garden provides that object for you, which is the house."As she only found out about the garden after her second miscarriage, she made sure she got a house to mark the first too - as well as the subsequent seven."I have a lot of real estate in this garden," she says."The feeling I got from it was a sense of validation - this sense that someone can see what I feel. You can look at this and call it your daughter's spirit house. It felt so good to be able to have a home for her."She visits her nine houses regularly."I go on their birthdays - their due dates - and the days that they passed. I go there for Mother's Day, Father's Day, Easter, Valentine's Day. My husband and I need to connect with the children we would have otherwise celebrated with," says Debbie."To be given a spirit house is the most generous, loving, kind thing that one human being can do for another. Because the sad thing about miscarriages or stillbirths is that it's such a taboo to discuss it. This garden is a kind of place where you are free to feel what you need to feel and grieve the way you want to grieve."The garden was designed by Canadian landscape architects Bill Pechet and Joseph Daly. The inspiration came from Bill Pechet's time in Japan, where he lived for two years. While there he was struck by a Buddhist tradition known as Jizo - the practice of creating a small, votive statue to mark the death of a child.These are usually placed in temples, which have cemeteries attached to them. During festivals they are adorned with clothing, typically little bonnets woven by parents, and they are all brought out together to form a pageant."I found this inspiring, so tender and beautiful to see these creations," says Bill. "I was struck by the sense of magnitude when these were displayed together on special occasions, showing a collective loss in society."He wondered if something similar could work in Canada."I realised that the Spirit Garden would have to be an ecumenical space, because we are a pluralistic society in Canada. I would need a symbol that was inclusive, and the house is a universal symbol of protection, and non-denominational."His team held a series of workshops to test what people thought of the idea, inviting parents who had lost children, counsellors and religious leaders.There was some resistance, Bill remembers - especially from those of the Christian faith, who were taken aback by the Japanese origin of the idea - but he persisted."My inner monologue at the time told me our entire country is based on immigration and adopting ideas from the rest of the world," says Bill.Eventually everyone came round to the idea, and the garden became a reality.
Don't let anybody fool you: We are engaged in an impeachment inquiry into President Donald Trump's "high crimes and misdemeanors," to quote the Constitution. The inquiry began on Friday, July 26. No fireworks, no fanfare -- omitted for fear of frightening the natives. But the message was loud and clear in the House Judiciary Committee's court petition for access to redacted material in the Mueller report, and its intention to compel testimony from relevant witnesses.Articles of impeachment have been formally referred to the Judiciary Committee for its consideration, House counsel Douglas Letter said in the Friday filing to U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia. That consideration, the committee has now informed the court, is underway, as is consideration of whether to recommend its own articles of impeachment.Savvy House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, to spare the Democrats in red and purple congressional districts from facing electoral revolt, gave Judiciary Chairman Jerrold Nadler the go-ahead without first holding a floor vote on whether to conduct hearings into the president's impeachment.
As Donald J. Trump was preparing to deliver an address on energy policy in May 2016, Paul Manafort, his campaign chairman, had a question about the speech's contents for Thomas J. Barrack Jr., a top campaign fund-raiser and close friend of Mr. Trump."Are you running this by our friends?" Mr. Manafort asked in a previously undisclosed email to Mr. Barrack, whose real estate and investment firm does extensive business in the Middle East.Mr. Barrack was, in fact, coordinating the language in a draft of the speech with Persian Gulf contacts including Rashid al-Malik, an Emirati businessman who is close to the rulers of the United Arab Emirates.The exchanges about Mr. Trump's energy speech are among a series of interactions that have come under scrutiny by federal prosecutors looking at foreign influence over his campaign, his transition and the early stages of his administration, according to documents and interviews with people familiar with the case.Sign Up for On Politics With Lisa LererA spotlight on the people reshaping our politics. A conversation with voters across the country. And a guiding hand through the endless news cycle, telling you what you really need to know.SIGN UPInvestigators have looked in particular at whether Mr. Barrack or others violated the law requiring people who try to influence American policy or opinion at the direction of foreign governments or entities to disclose their activities to the Justice Department, people familiar with the case said.The inquiry had proceeded far enough last month that Mr. Barrack, who played an influential role in the campaign and acts as an outside adviser to the White House, was interviewed, at his request, by prosecutors in the public integrity unit of the United States attorney's office in Brooklyn.
"Trump is getting a distorted view of the country from what he sees on a right-wing talk show. This content then fuels his racist tendencies and his never-ending campaign continues."@brianstelter breaks down how the President's attack on Baltimore came after a Fox News segment. pic.twitter.com/4mFcK9pCzC
— Reliable Sources (@ReliableSources) July 28, 2019
Pretty remarkable for modern baseball. https://t.co/NtoRNslSFl
— Chris Murphy (@ChrisMurphyCT) July 28, 2019
Mulvaney's district has a higher poverty rate than Cummings' district! https://t.co/Uj8HjUSaAX
— Matthew Yglesias (@mattyglesias) July 28, 2019
The Trump family's gold-rush story began when Fred, as he was known, left Germany at the age of 16 with little more than a suitcase. He headed to New York to work as a barber before venturing west in search of riches. Following stints in Seattle and now-defunct Monte Cristo, the gold fever carried him to Bennett, where he and partner Ernest Levin built the Arctic Restaurant, which touted itself as the best-equipped in town.It was open around the clock with "private boxes for ladies and parties," according to an advertisement in the Dec. 9, 1899 edition of the Bennett Sun newspaper. The boxes typically included a bed and scale for weighing gold dust used to pay for "services," according to a three-generational biography by Gwenda Blair, who traced the origins of the Trump family's wealth. Of course, in the rough-and-tumble frontier towns of that era, the Arctic's business model built on food, booze and sex was common.The Arctic sat a stone's throw from Bennett Lake in the heart of the township, amid a row of similar establishments and a sea of white canvas tents set up by prospectors. It was constructed of milled lumber and stocked fresh oysters, extravagant luxuries in a place where supplies were brought over arduous overland routes."I would advise respectable women travelling alone, or with an escort, to be careful in their selection of hotels at Bennett," according to a letter penned by "The Pirate" in the Yukon Sun on April 17, 1900. For single men, the Arctic offered excellent accommodations but women should avoid it "as they are liable to hear that which would be repugnant to their feelings and uttered, too, by the depraved of their own sex."Trump quickly saw where the real profits lay amid the gold-rush frenzy. An estimated 100,000 prospectors set out for the Klondike, of which only a third actually made it, and a mere 4 percent ever struck gold. Given those odds, Trump's willingness to lay down his pick was "a shrewd move," according to Blair. "He was mining the miners."Bennett was a key hub for prospectors, who trudged from Alaska across frozen mountains and floated rickety rafts down the treacherous rapids of the Yukon River to Dawson City in search of elusive gold. The town lost its allure with the construction of a railway link from Skagway, Alaska to Whitehorse, allowing miners to bypass Bennett.In response, Trump dismantled the restaurant and its precious lumber and rebuilt it in Whitehorse. A photo in Blair's book shows a mustachioed Fred Trump in a white apron. He's standing at the bar near a wall of drapes behind which women, known as "sporting ladies," entertained miners in privacy.
"I'm not reading between the lines. I'm reading the lines." https://t.co/K0ZXWxA9gp
— David Folkenflik (@davidfolkenflik) July 28, 2019
Before becoming DNI, Jim Clapper had worked in U.S. intelligence for nearly fifty years and personally headed two of the nation's 17 intel agencies. By comparison, John Ratcliffe was the mayor of Heath, Texas, pop., 8000. https://t.co/tHKA7B3uCp
— Garrett M. Graff (@vermontgmg) July 28, 2019
Reminder that Jared Kushner is a Baltimore slumlord https://t.co/jiGjVpXuej
— Anne Applebaum (@anneapplebaum) July 28, 2019
Beyond parody. https://t.co/hRYuZDaZ95
— Rick Wilson (@TheRickWilson) July 28, 2019
Change in confidence in US president from Obama in 2016 to Trump in 2018 (Pew)
— Brian Klaas (@brianklaas) July 28, 2019
Germany: -76%
Sweden: -76%
France: -75%
Canada: -58%
Australia: -52%
UK: -51%
Japan: -48%
Russia: +8% https://t.co/O37hF3J4Um
Four major automakers have reached a deal with California air regulators to gradually increase fuel efficiency standards, rejecting Trump administration efforts to relax tailpipe pollution regulations.The agreement between the California Air Resources Board and the automakers -- Ford, Honda, Volkswagen and BMW -- covers about 30% of new cars and SUVs sold in the United States. It presents a direct challenge to the Trump administration's plans, expected to be formally announced later this summer, to roll back tougher tailpipe pollution standards put in place under President Obama.
OYONNAX, France -- Along a vast alpine plain, hundreds of factories are cranking out plastic perfume bottles, automobile parts and industrial tools. Trucks chug through mountains ferrying thousands of ready-made wares for export. On billboards and warehouses, "We're hiring!" signs flutter in the breeze.Jobs are plentiful in Ain, a sprawling manufacturing region in eastern France known as "Plastics Valley." But companies in this forested frontier across from Switzerland have slowed production because they cannot find enough workers for a production line that increasingly requires computer and digital know-how."It's a brake on competitiveness," said Georges Pernoud, the president of Groupe Pernoud, whose company makes injection molding for plastic parts for BMW and other automakers. He said he has turned away contracts worth nearly a million euros in the past two years because he couldn't find skilled people here or anywhere in France who wanted a factory job. [...]
Despite an unemployment rate of over 8 percent -- the highest in Europe after Italy, Spain and Greece -- over a quarter of a million jobs are unfilled. Businesses can't find people to work as plumbers, engineers, waiters, cooks. The list goes on.
In case anyone missed it, the president of the United States had some choice words to describe Maryland's 7th congressional district on Saturday morning. Here are the key phrases: "no human being would want to live there," it is a "very dangerous & filthy place," "Worst in the USA" and, our personal favorite: It is a "rat and rodent infested mess." He wasn't really speaking of the 7th as a whole. He failed to mention Ellicott City, for example, or Baldwin or Monkton or Prettyboy, all of which are contained in the sprawling yet oddly-shaped district that runs from western Howard County to southern Harford County. No, Donald Trump's wrath was directed at Baltimore and specifically at Rep. Elijah Cummings, the 68-year-old son of a former South Carolina sharecropper who has represented the district in the U.S. House of Representatives since 1996.It's not hard to see what's going on here. The congressman has been a thorn in this president's side, and Mr. Trump sees attacking African American members of Congress as good politics, as it both warms the cockles of the white supremacists who love him and causes so many of the thoughtful people who don't to scream. President Trump bad-mouthed Baltimore in order to make a point that the border camps are "clean, efficient & well run," which, of course, they are not -- unless you are fine with all the overcrowding, squalor, cages and deprivation to be found in what the Department of Homeland Security's own inspector-general recently called "a ticking time bomb."In pointing to the 7th, the president wasn't hoping his supporters would recognize landmarks like Johns Hopkins Hospital, perhaps the nation's leading medical center. He wasn't conjuring images of the U.S. Social Security Administration, where they write the checks that so many retired and disabled Americans depend upon. It wasn't about the beauty of the Inner Harbor or the proud history of Fort McHenry. And it surely wasn't about the economic standing of a district where the median income is actually above the national average. No, he was returning to an old standby of attacking an African American lawmaker from a majority black district on the most emotional and bigoted of arguments.
One would have thought that conservatives would recoil in horror that Trump is turning his back on practically everything they have spent the last half a century fighting for and rededicate themselves to looking for ways to restore the "conservative value of limited government." But one would be wrong. In a conservative version of wokeness, they are positively giddy about the possibilities for deploying state power that Trump has opened for them.At a recent gathering of conservative luminaries in Washington, D.C., even as the University of Pennsylvania's Amy Wax lamented the failure of non-Western immigrants who litter and talk too loudly to culturally assimilate into America, Yarom Hazony, an Israeli citizen and author of The Virtue of Nationalism, who is fast becoming the intellectual godfather of the neo-right, intoned that it was time for conservatives to "declare independence...from what they call classical liberalism." Given that Thomas Jefferson essentially relied on classical liberalism when he asserted in the Declaration of Independence that the government's job was to protect the God-given and inalienable rights of individuals but otherwise leave them alone to pursue their life, liberty, and happiness as they saw fit, Hazony's wording was explicitly calculated to invite conservatives to turn their back on America's founding. But did the audience break into chants of "send him back"? No. It applauded in approval.Not to be outdone, Fox News host Tucker Carlson, a former libertarian who has taken to delivering fire-and-brimstone sermons against the evils of market capitalism that would put the jeremiads of the loudest mullahs against the ills of capitalistic usury to shame, declared to a rousing ovation that the "main threat to your ability to live your life as you choose, does not come from the government, but the private sector." If an immigrant had said anything like that, Schlafly would have wasted little time branding them unfit for America.It gets worse.The emerging consensus among smart-set conservatives is that if there is anything wrong with Trump's protectionism, it's that it is not radical enough. Trump, apparently, is still too concerned about global supply chains and productivity. What the country needs, Hillbilly Elegy author J.D. Vance argues, is an ambitious industrial policy dedicated to rebuilding the lost manufacturing base of the heartland, combined with massive infusions of government cash to reverse "family decline, childhood trauma, opioid abuse, community decline." Conservatives, Vance believes, need to "be willing to use politics and political power to accomplish those goods."It is not just the economic realm that conservatives want to remake by deploying "political power," but the social as well.New York Post editor Sohrab Ahmari, a recently converted Catholic, electrified some conservative quarters when he suggested in First Things that it was time for Christian conservatives not just to dispense with politeness and decency when dealing with liberal enemies that have turned "elite institutes" into "libertine and pagan" strongholds, but also the bogus notion of state neutrality in matters of religion. Such notions, he suggested, were preventing them from using the government to "defeat [the liberal] enemy" and promote their faith in a bid to "[enjoy] the spoils in the form of a public-square reordered." In plain English, Ahmari is spurring conservatives to dispense with this foolishness about separating church and state--so that they can use the state to impose their religion.
State Sen. Sylvia Allen (R), speaking at AZ's GOP HQ, warns of the 'browning of America.'
— Nico Pitney (@nicopitney) July 27, 2019
'The median age of a white woman is 43. The median age of a Hispanic woman is 27. We are not reproducing ourselves, the birthrates... It's because of immigration.'pic.twitter.com/tUjbMAaexl
Not that it really matters but Cummings' district has above-average college education rates and home prices, along with a pretty good mix of urban and suburban areas (even some rural), and well-off, working-class and middle-class areas. https://t.co/33mH7JreHw https://t.co/8VWBWVkRRD
— Nate Silver (@NateSilver538) July 27, 2019
It's interesting that after all the hot takes, Trump and his team are very clear that they believe racism (rather than anything to do with the economy) is the core of his electoral appeal. https://t.co/fcAzeusVmu
— Matthew Yglesias (@mattyglesias) July 27, 2019
Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell squashed two bills intended to ensure voting security on Thursday, just one day after former special counsel Robert Mueller warned that Russians were attempting to sabotage the 2020 presidential elections "as we sit here." [...]The plans would likely burden the two largest electronic voting machine vendors in the United States, Election Systems & Software and Dominion Voting Systems, with new regulations and financial burdens. Together, the companies make up about 80 percent of all voting machines used in the country and both have far-reaching lobbying arms in Washington D.C. Many of those lobbyists have contributed to the McConnell campaign, reported Sludge last month, an investigative outlet that focuses on money in politics.Sludge found that Brownstein Hyatt Farber Schreck lobbyist David Cohen, who has worked on behalf of Dominion Voting Systems this year, donated $2,000 to McConnell during this time. Brian Wild, who works with Cohen and has also lobbied Dominion, gave McConnell $1,000.Around the same time, on February 19 and March 4 Emily Kirlin and Jen Olson, who have lobbied on behalf of Election Systems & Software over the last year donated $1,000 to McConnell each.
"thought"?Trump has decided the answer to "How I spent my summer vacation" will be sending racist tweets, primarily because that was the thing that he felt like doing at those moments, contradicting the pleas of most of his fellow Republicans.Yet these impulsive thumb-rants amount to some of the most important and revealing communications of Trump's presidency. For one thing, they convey the beliefs that have undergirded his career. As Victor Blackwell points out, Trump reserves terms like "infest" and "infestation" -- which most people use only to describe diseases or vermin -- exclusively for non-whites. As much hate as he might generate for a target like, say, the mainstream media or transnational institutions, he would never describe the New York Times as an infestation.Trump's professional career began in his father's and his systematically discriminatory housing empire. Excluding African-Americans was the basis of the Trump business model. He did not merely engage in periodic acts of discrimination, but insistently violated federal law and went to war with the Department of Justice rather than amend his ways. Trump's association of African-Americans with crime and filth, and the assumption they must be cordoned off from other Americans, is a conviction so deep it cannot be uprooted.Trump has brought these patterns of thought with him to the presidency.
While Jared Kushner was visiting Iraq with a bulletproof vest over his blazer and failing to find $7 billion to finance his phallic eighty-story glass tower on Fifth Avenue, tenants in two of his Lower Manhattan buildings were dealing with a more prosaic problem.Rats. Big ones."One of the neighbors opened the door to take out the garbage and a rat jumped on her leg," says a rent-stabilized tenant at 156 Sullivan Street in the South Village who doesn't want to give his name because he's "nervous that the landlord might do something.""I can see there's rats running around all over the place," he told the Voice, referring to the enclosed alley next to the building where the garbage cans are kept. "A lot of times, you can see the bags move because the rats are in there eating."Kushner, Donald Trump's son-in-law, is arguably the president's top adviser. With no previous experience in government, he now holds roles stretching from Middle East diplomacy to overseeing a commission on opioid addiction, from discussing who knows what with Russian oligarchs to promoting the administration's Wall Street wing over the white-nationalist visions of Stephen Bannon. The son of a politically connected New Jersey developer, he has bought his way to being a leading New York City residential landlord over the last five years: He's spent more than $400 million amassing more than fifty buildings, most of them in the East Village. Kushner claims to have divested some of his real estate holdings since joining the Trump administration but has been very vague about how or which ones. A spokesperson for Kushner's Westminster Management declined to comment on the ownership and divestment issues.Kushner acquired the 156 Sullivan Street building in 2012. There were problems with rodents before then, the tenant says, but "the rats have gotten a lot worse since they bought the building."
I am proud our campaign headquarters is in Rep. Elijah Cummings' district. Baltimore has become home to my team and it's disgraceful the president has chosen to start his morning disparaging this great American city.
— Kamala Harris (@KamalaHarris) July 27, 2019
He was sworn in earlier Friday in Dallas after taking the final steps in the naturalization process, including answering six questions correctly about U.S. civics and history.Applicants are allowed to miss four questions. Andrus went 6 for 6, but it wasn't easy."I was really nervous," Andrus said of taking the citizenship oath. "When I was repeating, I was like, 'Let me slow down. This thing is a lot more nerve-racking than playing baseball for sure.' I never felt like this."Andrus is the fourth and final member of his immediate family to gain citizenship after his wife, Cori, became a naturalized citizen and his two children were born in the U.S. His mother has her residency card, and his brother Erickson was granted political asylum.Andrus said that he first came to the U.S. at age 15, signed with the Atlanta Braves at 16, and received his residency card at age 25. His journey to becoming an American ended Friday.
Reminded of this powerful moment with Elijah Cummings from last week.
— Kyle Griffin (@kylegriffin1) July 27, 2019
"What does that mean when a child is sitting in their own feces, can't take a shower? Come on, man. What's that about? None of us would have our children in that position. They are human beings." pic.twitter.com/Loo2F1riHA
The Impeachment Referral was the watershed, not the testimony.Mueller's testimony before the House Judiciary and Intelligence Committees was a watershed moment. At this point, it is up to Congress to act on the evidence of multiple counts of obstruction of justice committed by the president, and to continue our investigation into whether he has committed other high crimes and misdemeanors. [...]While many people believe that beginning an impeachment investigation can begin only with a vote of the full House of Representatives, this is not true. Article I authorizes the House Judiciary Committee to begin this process.As members of the House Judiciary Committee, we understand the gravity of this moment that we find ourselves in. We wake up every morning with the understanding of the oath that binds us as members of Congress, and the trust that our constituents placed in us to uphold that oath. We will move forward with the impeachment process. Our investigation will seriously examine all the evidence as we consider whether to bring articles of impeachment or other remedies under our Article I powers.Our Constitution requires it. Our democracy depends on it.
Trump, his company and three of his children must face a class-action lawsuit alleging multilevel marketing fraud https://t.co/qYxoYclXGv
— Bloomberg Politics (@bpolitics) July 27, 2019
In the summer of 2018, congressman-turned-lobbyist Jim Moran was trying to recruit his former colleagues to put pressure on the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Moran was doing so on behalf of one of his clients, the government of Qatar. And he had a pot of money, left over from years of donations to his reelection campaigns, that he could steer to his lobbying targets.Throughout June and July, Moran, a "senior legislative advisor" at the firm McDermott Will & Emery, reached out to at least a dozen House and Senate members of both parties as part of the effort. He provided them with suggested text for the letter, which he hoped the legislators would send to the Saudi ambassador to the U.S. urging him to ease travel restrictions between Saudi Arabia and Qatar.One of the congressmen Moran pitched was Rep. Charlie Crist (D-FL). On June 15, 2018, Moran's assistant emailed Crist's chief of staff with a draft letter they hoped the congressman would send under his name. Moran's staff even followed up with suggested edits.Crist obliged. On June 20, he sent a letter to the Saudi ambassador that lifted huge portions verbatim from Moran's suggested language.A month later, Moran wrote a $1,000 check to Crist's reelection campaign. But the money didn't come from Moran personally. Instead, the former congressman used his campaign committee, which remains active to this day, more than four years after he left the House. It was the first time Moran, either personally or through his campaign committee, had contributed to Crist. Neither Moran nor Crist responded to requests for comment.Moran is one of at least 17 former members of Congress who are registered as U.S. agents of foreign governments and have also kept their campaign committees active since retirement--or converted them, along with their cash reserves, into other types of committees that can disburse funds to political allies. And according to a joint investigation by The Daily Beast, the Campaign Legal Center, and the Center for Responsive Politics, at least nine of those former members have used those committees to donate to the same legislators they've reported lobbying on behalf of their foreign government clients.
Trump early Saturday lashed out at Elijah Cummings, calling the Democratic lawmaker a "brutal bully" on the border issue and criticizing his Baltimore district as "disgusting"https://t.co/0Bk4iAMGda
— POLITICO (@politico) July 27, 2019
"Donald Trump has tweeted more than 43,000 times. He's insulted thousands of people... but when he tweets about infestation, it's about black and brown people." pic.twitter.com/PPVvL9VlUU
— Josh Campbell (@joshscampbell) July 27, 2019
...thwart Shi'a self-determination.The president's justifications for his vetoes were not the least bit persuasive, and it is worth digging into the president's veto messages to understand how disgraceful and indefensible his continued willingness to arm these governments is.The president states in his veto message for S.J.Res. 36 (echoed in his other veto messages):First and foremost, it is our solemn duty to protect the safety of the more than 80,000 United States citizens who reside in Saudi Arabia and who are imperiled by Houthi attacks from Yemen.This is one of the Trump administration's preferred talking points for justifying arming war criminals. The conceit here is that they are somehow "protecting" Americans who choose to live in Saudi Arabia by providing the Saudis and the UAE with the means to slaughter Yemeni civilians. This excuse is not even slightly credible. None of the weapons that the U.S. sells to the Saudis and the UAE actually protects anyone. The weapons that the U.S. sells to these governments are used to imperil and kill people in Yemen that have never done anything to the U.S. It is not our government's responsibility to enable war crimes by a government simply because some of our citizens may happen to reside in the country in question, and the Americans living in the kingdom would not be at any risk if it were not for the Saudi coalition's indiscriminate bombing campaign and long list of atrocities against the people of Yemen. By continuing to funnel weapons to the Saudis and Emiratis, Trump exposes American citizens in the region to greater danger.Trump's embarrassing excuses for arming war criminals continue:Third, Saudi Arabia is a bulwark against the malign activities of Iran and its proxies in the region, and the licenses the joint resolution would prohibit enhance Saudi Arabia's ability to deter and defend against these threats.The great Saudi "bulwark" launched a stupid war of choice in Yemen and they are now paying the price for their stupidity. The war on Yemen is a boon to Iran by bogging Saudi Arabia and the UAE in an unwinnable war, and the more weapons that the U.S. sends to these governments the longer they can keep waging that war. Sending more weapons to the Saudis and Emiratis does not deter or defend against anything. It simply encourages more bloodshed and recklessness from horrible client governments.The president is not done misleading the public:Finally, by restricting the ability of our partners to produce and purchase precision-guided munitions, S.J. Res. 36 would likely prolong the conflict in Yemen and deepen the suffering it causes.The quickest way to bring the war on Yemen to an end is to deprive the Saudi coalition of the means to continue their campaign. It has been the Saudi coalition's intervention that prolonged and intensified the war, and more than four years later it is the Saudi coalition's involvement that prevents the war from ending.
Despite four years of numbing vileness, Donald Trump's determination to degrade us retains its power to shock.Plumbing America's psychic cesspool for bigoted votes and feral adulation, Trump has targeted four controversial Democratic congresswomen -- the ardently progressive Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Ayanna Pressley, Rashida Tlaib, and Ilhan Omar -- as magnets for his race-based xenophobia. [...]Go back where exactly, one wonders. Three were born in America to families of Puerto Rican, African-American, and Palestinian descent; Omar is a naturalized American citizen from Somalia. Their only shared demographic is that they are women of color. By roiling the fever swamp of misogyny and race, Trump clearly risks inciting violence -- exposing, yet again, a soul barren of empathy or conscience.Americans writ large are better. In a poll following his initial tweet, 68 percent found it offensive; 59 percent "un-American." Trump's bigoted railings might seem self-destructive. Yet Trump not only claimed to be "enjoying" the ensuing disturbance but boasted that he was "winning it by a lot."Seemingly, he was redefining victory with his customary solipsism: Most voters opposed his attacks but his approval rating rose among Republicans.And so however personally congenial they may be, Trump sees his racial provocations as strategic. Notes the Atlantic: "[I]nstead of campaigning on his administration's signature achievements -- cutting regulation, appointing conservative judges, presiding over steady economic growth -- [Trump] seems intent on reprising his 2016 run, a campaign largely built on fear, resentment and division." [...]Understand how the Electoral College works at present, and you grasp why Donald Trump is laser-focused on converting an ardent minority of voters into a majority of electors: It worked the last time, and may well again. As Nate Cohn suggests, Trump's electoral college advantage may be even greater than was in 2016, when Trump lost the popular vote by almost 3 million Americans, yet won the Electoral College 304-227.Cohn writes:That persistent edge leaves him closer to reelection than one would think based on national polls, and it might blunt any electoral cost of actions like his recent tweets attacking four minority congresswomen.For now, the mostly white working-class Rust Belt states, decisive in the 2016 election, remain at the center of the electoral map... The Democrats have few obviously promising alternative paths to win without these battleground states...A strategy rooted in racial polarization could at once once energize parts of the president's base and rebuild support among wavering white working-class voters. Many of these voters backed Mr. Trump in the first place in part because of his views on hot-button issues, including on immigration and race.Therefore the president's strategy for 2020, an adviser says, is to "win where we won in 2016." This year he has held campaign rallies exclusively in the swing states that made him president -- Florida, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, Michigan, North Carolina, and Florida.Trump's attacks on the four congresswomen epitomize that effort. Trump escalates them daily - a recent tweet labeled them "a very Racist group of troublemakers who are young, inexperienced, and not very smart," adding that they were "against humanitarian aid at the Border... And are now against ICE and Homeland Security"Little wonder that a spokeswoman for a pro-Trump super-PAC says: "The president can turn out his base like no other president ever seen before in my lifetime. He has a way of exciting people to get them the polls."He sure does -- at whatever cost, we will see it every day until November 2020. As of now, the super-PAC intends to invest in only six states -- all of which Trump won.Cohn understands the reasons: "[T]he major Democratic opportunity -- to mobilize nonwhite and young voters on the periphery of politics -- would disproportionally help Democrats in diverse, often noncompetitive states." Conversely, "the major Republican opportunity -- to mobilize less educated white voters, particularly those who voted in 2016 but sat out 2018 -- would disproportionately help them in white, working-class areas overrepresented in the Northern battleground states.In short, the Electoral College turbocharges demographic sorting -- and racial politics of the worst sort.
Eight years ago, we were in the midst of a frothy, frothy tech bubble.It was all anyone could talk about--at investor conferences, in the pages of The New York Times and The Wall Street Journal, in notes by research analysts. "Irrational exuberance has returned to the internet world," The Economist warned, in one of many stories on the topic. That late-1990s feeling was "back," said Esquire, pooh-poohing LinkedIn's business model and arguing that "American ingenuity and American gullibility" were thriving in Silicon Valley. This magazine was not immune to writing about it, nor was yours truly.Then, poof! It was gone. The tech bubble did not burst. It simply disappeared as a matter of concern. Investors kept on investing. Valuations kept on rising and falling. Companies went public, got acquired, succeeded, and fell apart.
I feel the need to explain to you why I am so alarmed by what Trump is doing this week, and more than that, by what is happening in our culture. For you who have read my books, or read this blog for a while, most of this will be old news. I beg your pardon, then, for repeating myself. But this stuff is all personal to me, for reasons I'm about to explain.What worries me most about Trump and the Trump mob is the fear they give me for dissenters. Most of my adult life, in every institution I've been a part of -- schools, media organizations, church), I have been a dissenter of some sort. It's partly my nature, but the fact is, I have found myself in the minority in a crowd. Not a mob, but a crowd. A mob is an angry crowd that has lost its reason. Crowds turn into mobs easily, even if they aren't aware of it. I have seen polite, professional mobs at work. These are the mobs who hide their mobbishness from themselves. More on which in a second.If I had to pick one single event that formed my outlook on the world, it would be a couple of minutes on the floor of a hotel room at the beach, in the summer of 1982. I was part of a group of high school kids from our town who were on a summer vacation. We were chaperoned by several parents of kids on the trip. The cool kids had been pushing me and a couple of other kids around the whole time, but it was relatively minor stuff. One afternoon, when a bunch of us kids gathered in one of the hotels' suites, group of older high school boys threw me onto the ground, pinned me, and tried to pull down my pants. The goals was to humiliate me for the amusement of the high school girls in the room.I was 14. And I was terrified.They had been picking on me for days, but this was a real escalation. What made it so important to the development of my worldview was that I was lying on the floor, pinned and helpless as I struggled to get free, I called out to the two adults in the room to help me. Both of them literally stepped over me to get out of the room. As I'm sitting here writing this, nearly four decades later, I can recall with crystal clarity the stitching on the pants leg of the jeans one of those moms wore as she stepped over me (the other mom went around me).After a minute or so more, the boys let me up, and I ran away. They never took my pants down; they were just toying with me. For all I know, as the two moms left the room, they signaled to the boys to knock it off. The point is, though, that rather than use the authority they had to force this idiot small mob of boys, and the girls who stood on the hotel room beds jumping up and down, squealing and egging them on, to stand down, they walked away. No doubt because they wanted to stay in good with the cool kids. These were the kind of moms who wanted to be friends with their teenagers, not authorities.Here's something else: this was not an angry mob (and not much of a mob either: maybe seven or eight boys, and that many girls). They were merry. I was a mouse, and they were cats. They were doing something vicious, but to them, they were just having fun. There was no point to what they did other than to amuse themselves by the suffering of someone who couldn't fight back.The whole thing might have lasted two minutes at most. But the shock waves of that have reverberated throughout my life. I learned more in those two minutes about the way the world really works than I have learned in five decades, though it took a very long time for me to understand that. [...]The Trump mob, convinced of its own righteousness, doesn't recognize what it is turning into. They're willing to run over dissenters, even bad people like Ilhan Omar, to get what they want -- and just like the progressives they loathe, they're hiding from themselves what they're doing. I'm so tired of hearing that whatever Trump says or does is justified, because progressives are so wicked that they must be stopped by any means necessary, and if you object to that, then you must be some sort of cuck. Really? Was Tolkien a cuck when he warned, in one of the greatest literary works of the blood-soaked 20th century, that seizing the Ring to defeat evil was going to corrupt? Was Solzhenitsyn a cuck when he recognized that the fathomless evil to which he bore witness could be reproduced anywhere on this earth, because the line between good and evil bisects the heart of every one of us?There is a meaningful difference, I believe, between the mob mentality exercised within institutions, and the actual mob gathered on the street. The mob on the street is subject in a particular way to the demonic. Let me explain what I mean.I said in a post yesterday that Trump is summoning demons. This is a phrase I have also used a number of times in the past to describe what progressives are doing with their rhetoric on racial matters, and other things. I use the concept of the demonic in both a metaphorical and a literal sense.Metaphorically, I mean that these political figures are calling up extremely dark passions that history shows can easily master individuals and peoples. A few days ago, I was standing in a gas chamber at Auschwitz. I will never understand how any human society can build such places, much less what was the most technologically and culturally advanced society on earth at the time. We don't have to understand it to recognize that it happened, and that if it happened once, to intelligent and cultured people, it could happen again. The demons that Germany gave itself over to could come calling for us as well. And also the demons that Soviet Russia invited in. And Red China. And, for that matter, the slave-owning South, and the Jim Crow South.Hitler, Stalin, Mao, and their demons, and the demons of their followers -- that's far away. But think of the demon that drove the old man in my town who was a friend of my father's to trust authority -- the sheriff -- and to trust his culture's narrative, and to participate in the lynching of an innocent man one night, because the man had to be guilty, according to that murderer's understanding of the world. No white woman would voluntarily have sexual congress with a black man. That black man had violated the purity of that white woman, and in so doing had attacked the foundation of Southern society. He was no human at all, in fact -- he had to pay to restore order to the world.Had the black man been brought to trial, there was a chance, however slim, that the demon's lie would have been exposed under rational deliberation. That the lie of the supposed victim would have come out. That the black man would have been set free. But the mob -- the sheriff and his two helpers -- they knew the truth in their hearts. They executed justice by executing the black man without trial. They didn't think they were surrendering to a demon. They surely thought they were agents of righteousness. I have no idea if any of those three murderers were churchgoing men, but certainly they would have considered themselves Christian. But they gave themselves over to a demonic (dark, overwhelming, irrational) passion for what they thought was justice -- and became killers.There is also this. Tony Judt wrote, in remembrance of the Polish thinker Leszek Kolakowski, about the one time he heard the great man lecture:The seductively suggestive title of Kolakowski talk was 'The Devil in History.' For a while there was silence as students, faculty, and visitors listened intently. Kołakowski's writings were well known to many of those present and his penchant for irony and close reasoning was familiar. But even so, the audience was clearly having trouble following his argument. Try as they would, they could not decode the metaphor. An air of bewildered mystification started to fall across the auditorium. And then, about a third of the way through, my neighbor -- Timothy Garton Ash -- leaned across. 'I've got it,' he whispered. 'He really is talking about the Devil.' And so he was.Kolakowski had survived the Nazi occupation of Poland and the de facto Soviet occupation. I've been reading him lately, and thought it's not clear if he ever became a religious believer, he was certainly acquainted with the devil -- and he did not believe in the devil as a mere metaphor. I also believe in the demonic as a real force. I have been worshiping as an Eastern Orthodox Christian for 13 years. Orthodoxy tells us that the life of each individual Christian is a constant struggle to master the inner passions, and against the demons. I believe in demons -- real demons, meaning discarnate intelligences that are malevolent and chaotic, and that serve death.Many of those drawn to Donald Trump are Christians -- Christians who correctly see that the forces aligning among progressives against us really do hate us, and wish to see harm done to us. Personally, I have no time at all for progressives who tell themselves that social and religious conservatives are nothing but paranoids. We see what you have done, what you are doing, and what you will do if you are not stopped. We see this even if, blinded by self-righteousness, you don't. These Christians -- on some days I am among them -- are drawn to Trump not out of any respect or affection for him, but solely out of self-protection. It would be a near-miracle if progressives who are mystified by Trump's popularity would ask themselves, in all honesty, if they have given conservatives reason to fear them such that they (conservatives) would see a manifestly bad man like Trump as the lesser evil.That said, when I look at Trump's crowds, shouting, "Send her back!" about Ilhan Omar, I instinctively take the side of the dissenter. From what I know of her, Omar is an appalling figure, and I hope everything she touches in politics fails. But I know the demonic when I see it, and a US president stoking a crowd to chant that kind of thing about an American citizen is demonic.
Trump is now openly threatening to investigate Obama: "We want to find out what happened with the last Democrat president. Let's look into Obama the way they've looked at me ... they could look into the book deal that President Obama made. Let's subpoena all of his records." pic.twitter.com/uDO0kL9QfA
— Aaron Rupar (@atrupar) July 26, 2019
A former al-Qaeda member claims the Bahraini government recruited him to assassinate members of the country's Shia-led opposition.This comes after thousands of Bahraini opposition members and activists were arrested following a violent crackdown on mass protests in March 2011.
Bahrain executed three men on Saturday, including two Shia activists accused of terrorism, the public prosecutor said in a statement.Shia activists Ahmad al-Mullali, 24, and Ali Hakim al-Arab, 25, were sentenced to death last year in a mass trial, along with 56 other men who were handed jail terms over "terrorism crimes". [...]Rights groups have decried the executions and said the cases of the two activists were based on confessions allegedly obtained through torture.Aya Majzoub, Gulf researcher at Human Rights Watch (HRW), described the executions as "cruel" and said they were a sign that the kingdom "was not serious about reform and rule of law".
Civil rights icon Rep. John Lewis, D-Ga., explained why he backed a resolution upholding the right to boycott "at home and abroad" -- even though he also voted to condemn the boycott, divestment and sanction movement aimed at IsraelLewis was a cosponsor of a House resolution, 496,. "affirming that all Americans have the right to participate in boycotts in pursuit of civil and human rights at home and abroad.'" The non-binding resolution was introduced last week by Reps. Ilhan Omar, D-Minn., and Rashida Tlaib, D-Mich., who back BDS.Resolution 496 does not specifically mention BDS or Israel, but its authors have said that they were moved in part to introduce it because of efforts to penalize Israel boycotters.Lewis explained his support of this resolution as "a simple demonstration of my ongoing commitment to the ability of every American to exercise the fundamental First Amendment right to protest through nonviolent actions," he said. His statement Thursday noted his role in the civil rights struggles of the 1960s, which included boycotts.That doesn't mean Lewis personally supports BDS -- in fact, he cosponsored a separate resolution, 246, that passed Tuesday that condemns the movement.
Our research shows Russian trolls were trying to stoke divisions among Canadians by tweeting fake news stories and Islamaphobic statements after the Québec mosque shootings in 2017. The Russians have used similar techniques to disrupt and sow dissent in other countries. It's reasonable to assume the same thing could happen in advance of the October election.
Does Trump respect minorities in @foxnews poll? Non college white men are +6 yes; col + white men are +1 yes. But non-col wh women are -13 no; col+wh women are -48 no; minorities are -53 no. A clear majority of US say the president does not respect minorities. That's our moment https://t.co/Qsa7dgtEbw
— Ronald Brownstein (@RonBrownstein) July 25, 2019
In the summer of 2017, I sang at a rally that was heavily counter-protested by a crowd of white men in Make America Great Again hats.After my performance, I approached a few of these counter-protesters and asked why they had come. In response, one of them began ranting about Antifa, gesticulating at a group of black-clad youth leaning against a low retaining wall on the other side of the police barricade."They're terrorists," he said. "They look just like ISIS. Just look at them."These kids, most of whom were clearly overheating behind the black bandanas impractically tied across their faces, seemed enigmatic and slightly silly to me; but nothing about their posture or behavior struck me as remotely menacing. I've met golden retrievers who scared me more.By contrast, I later learned that the man who'd invoked the ISIS comparison was well-known throughout the Pacific Northwest for showing up at mosques to harass worshippers and that his affiliations included multiple groups recognized as far-right hate, reactionary, and antigovernment groups by the Southern Poverty Law Center. [...]For starters, the vast majority of terrorist attacks on American soil are motivated by right-wing extremism, and terrorists typically attack soft targets such as places of worship, workplaces, schools, or clinics. By aiming at people going about their daily lives, terrorists sow fear and instability, often in an attempt to coerce powerful institutions into complying with their demands.We should therefore all be asking why Republicans are so eager to slap the "terrorist organization" label on a decentralized, left-wing, grassroots network that has never claimed responsibility for any such attack, and which is responsible for zero deaths ever.
After recruiting thousands of donors for the American Conservative Union -- the powerful organization behind the annual CPAC conference -- a Republican political operative pushed the same contributors to give millions to a PAC that promised to go after then-President Barack Obama, but then steered much of their donations to himself and his partners.The PAC, called the Conservative Majority Fund, has raised nearly $10 million since mid-2012 and continues to solicit funds to this day, primarily from thousands of steadfast contributors to conservative causes, many of them senior citizens. But it has made just $48,400 in political contributions to candidates and committees. Public records indicate its main beneficiaries are the operative Kelley Rogers, who has a history of disputes over allegedly unethical fundraising, and one of the largest conservative fundraising companies, InfoCision Management Corp., which charged millions of dollars in fundraising fees.
3) Rebutting Trump's claims of total exoneration: "The president was not exculpated for the acts that he allegedly committed."Mueller clarified his position on whether he would have indicted the president if not for the opinion from the Office of Legal Counsel that says a sitting president shouldn't face criminal charges. "We did not reach a determination as to whether the president committed a crime," he said."We did not address 'collusion,' which is not a legal term," Mueller said in his opening statement. "Rather, we focused on whether the evidence was sufficient to charge any member of the campaign with taking part in a criminal conspiracy. It was not."Asked whether the president, under Justice Department policy, could be prosecuted for obstruction of justice after he leaves office, Mueller kept his answer succinct: "True." [...]5) On why he didn't subpoena the president: "We decided that we did not want to exercise the subpoena powers because of the necessity of expediting the end of the investigation."The former special counsel conceded that Trump's written answers to his questions about Russian interference -- the president refused to answer any questions about the 10 episodes of potential obstruction of justice that his office explored - were "certainly not as useful as the interview would be."Despite Trump's claims that he fully cooperated, Mueller noted that the president's team stonewalled in negotiations for over a year about a sit-down interview and said he assumed Trump "would fight the subpoena." Mueller explained that he needed to decide "how much time you are willing to spend in the courts litigating an interview with the president."Despite claims that Mueller wanted to drag out his investigation, he made clear that he hoped to get it wrapped up as soon as possible. "The reason we didn't do the interview was because of the length of time that it would take to resolve the issues attendant to that," he said.6) There was a coverup: "A number of people we interviewed in our investigation, it turns out, did lie."Michael Flynn, Paul Manafort, Michael Cohen, Rick Gates and George Papadopoulos have each acknowledged that they lied to the FBI. Rep. Val Demings (D-Fla.) asked Mueller whether it was "fair to say" that Trump's written answers were "not only inadequate and incomplete, because he didn't answer many of your questions, but where he did, his answers showed that he wasn't always being truthful.""I would say, generally," Mueller replied.Mueller acknowledged that he caught many former members of Trump's team not telling the truth, and this made it harder to investigate what really happened. "That would be accurate," he said."And then," Schiff said, "they lied to cover it up?""Generally, that's true," said Mueller.
When the conservative group Turning Point USA announced Thursday that it had fired the staffer who projected a parody presidential seal behind President Trump during his speech to the group, a spokesman said he thought it was an honest mistake based on a sloppy Google search. Charles Leazott, the 46-year-old graphic designer who created the seal after the 2016 election, a form of mocking catharsis for the Republican Party he said Trump drove him from, isn't buying it."That's a load of cr-p," Leazott told The Washington Post. "You have to look for this. There's no way this was an accident is all I'm saying." Leazott's parody seal has some obvious differences from the real one -- the American eagle replaced by a two-headed eagle from Russia's coat of arms, golf clubs in one claw instead of arrows, wads of cash in the other claw -- and some more subtle ones, like the U.S. motto "E pluibus unum" ("out of many, one") swapped with a Trump-specific Spanish phrase, "45 es un títere," or "45 is a puppet." No one at Turning Point USA or the White House noticed any of this until the Post pointed it out Wednesday.The Turning Point USA staffer who put it behind Trump was "either wildly incompetent or the best troll ever -- either way, I love them," Leazott told the Post.
Before Nazilla Akbari can check out the latest offerings on Twitter or YouTube, she scrolls through an array of icons on her smartphone, searching for the right workaround to bypass state censors.It's a cat-and-mouse game that has become second nature in Iran, where the clerically-led government restricts access to popular social media sites and where US sanctions create other barriers."Every day I struggle for 40 minutes just to get connected to uncensored internet," Akbari, a 30-year-old software developer, told The Associated Press. "Even after I do, the internet is so slow that I have difficulty even watching a short video."Iranian authorities have sought to limit Western cultural influence since the 1979 Islamic Revolution. They began blocking popular sites like Twitter, Facebook and YouTube when activists used them to organize mass protests and document a crackdown after a disputed election in 2009.That hasn't stopped Iranians from accessing such sites through virtual private networks, or VPNs, and other services. It also hasn't prevented a number of top Iranian officials from using the sites to broadcast the official line. Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif frequently tweets in English, and accounts believed to be run by the offices of Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei and President Hassan Rouhani regularly post on their behalf.
Rudy Giuliani, one of President Donald Trump's personal attorneys, was accused of intentionally deflating his own wealth in an attempt to stiff his estranged wife Judith Nathan Giuliani in court proceedings Thursday.In the midst of an increasingly vitriolic end to their fifteen year marriage, Judith's attorney Bernard Claire claimed that Giuliani had actually been losing money by working in Trump's employ free of charge and also footing the bill for all of his own expenses, according to a Daily Beast report.
The reports and images of ICE officers staking out homes and arresting people recall a parallel moment in history in apartheid South Africa, where the authorities regularly swept up black people under the "pass laws," a system that rigidly regulated the movement of black people from so-called homelands to the white urban centers.The pass laws represented one of the most inhumane and hated aspects of the South African apartheid system. Under a system of racially based citizenship laws, the apartheid regime mandated that all black South Africans over the age of 16 carry a "pass" in the form of a small reference book--brown for men, blue for women--at all times. Without these passes it was virtually impossible to find work, obtain housing, register births, or obtain a range of labor rights. Failure to carry it was a crime.This system of "influx control" entailed the constant policing of homes and other private spaces as well as public places like train stations and places of employment. Uniformed police squads would sweep communities in frequent pass raids and arrest "illegals," or anyone caught without a pass in a designated white neighborhood. Those caught in the pass raids were forcibly removed to "homelands," where they would be relegated to lives of starvation and deprivation. A system that clearly demarcated and labeled "others" based on their race and ethnicity, the pass laws wreaked havoc on black families by forcing the separation of spouses from spouses and children from their parents, consequently destabilizing communities.The pass law raids subordinated the humanity of black individuals caught in the web of constant surveillance. Treated as mere numbers, they were stalked and hounded like prey. Between 1916 and 1984, approximately 17,745,000 black South Africans were arrested or prosecuted under the so-called influx control laws. The officials responsible had lost empathy for those whom they considered "illegals"--and they failed to see their humanity or care about their survival.
The Niskanen Center applauds Representatives Francis Rooney (FL-19) and Dan Lipinski (IL-3) for their new proposal, the Stemming Warming and Augmenting Pay (SWAP) Act of 2019. If passed, the SWAP Act would levy a tax on carbon pollution in exchange for a reduction in the rate of payroll taxes for employees and employers, and a moratorium on enforcement of the Clean Air Act regulations on stationary sources of greenhouse gas emissions. Combined with a meaningful increase in R&D funding for low-carbon technology, these measures will help reduce the long-term costs of decarbonization and accelerate emissions reductions in the United States."The Swap Act is an ambitious initiative that would reduce greenhouse gas emissions far more than the regulatory initiatives launched by former President Barack Obama, taking us a long way towards decarbonization of the economy by 2050," said Niskanen Center president Jerry Taylor. "The net effect of the bill is to shift the burden of taxation from working Americans to polluters--where it should be--all while harnessing capitalism, not regulatory bureaucracies, to direct the necessary emission reductions. This is what a free market climate solution looks like," he added.In embracing pricing carbon emissions through a carbon tax, the SWAP Act, utilizes the best tool Congress has at its disposal for achieving emissions reductions at low cost and the needed scale.
Authorities are investigating why not one girl was born across dozens of villages in a northern Indian district in the last three months. In a country grappling with a skewed gender ratio, data has revealed that of the 216 newborns in 132 villages across the Uttarkashi district, in Uttarakhand state, none were girls, the news agency ANI reported.
Why did Mueller testify at all? Plainly not because he felt it was necessary to his work--as he made clear time and again Wednesday, Mueller considers his report to be his first and last word on the findings of his investigation. Certainly not too out of desire to seek publicity or grandstand, as was so transparently the case with many of his questioners on both sides of the aisle. Rather, it seems Mueller came only because he was asked, and considered it part of his duty to answer for his work if called to do so. To partisans incapable of judging a public figure's actions except through the lens of whose tribe it helps and whose tribe it harms, it may have seemed a foolish endeavor. Perhaps Mueller privately felt so too. But it is to his credit that he came and slogged through the whole silly spectacle regardless.If this is the last we see of Mueller--as it very likely is--it was a fitting sendoff. The Robert Mueller who showed up Wednesday was neither party's caricature of him: Not the duplicitous, Trump-deranged witch-hunter bedeviled by much of the right, not the messianic, giant-slaying #Resistance hero adored by much of the left. Rather, he was just the dowdy old lawyer and public servant who was called on to do a crazily difficult and controversial task, and did it as best he could with the least possible amount of drama or fuss. That was the Robert Mueller we needed, and the Robert Mueller we got. Don't blame him if we can't handle the rest.
Biden leads Trump by 8 in Ohio. Everyone else virtually tied.
— Aaron Blake (@AaronBlake) July 25, 2019
Trump won Ohio by 8 last time.
(via @QuinnipiacPoll) pic.twitter.com/1VAiti3wCd
The Cloud Appreciation Society recently traveled to Lundy, an island that seems untouched by the 21st century, to contemplate the sky. Take a walk around the island: https://t.co/0nPQAvek8y pic.twitter.com/MMZKjdlcf2
— Reuters Top News (@Reuters) July 25, 2019
Fox News Poll - Trump approval on the issues:
— Josh Jordan (@NumbersMuncher) July 24, 2019
Economy 52-41 (+11)
Iran 39-46 (-7)
Border Security 44-52 (-8)
Trade 40-49 (-9)
North Korea 39-49 (-10)
Immigration 41-54 (-13)
Health Care 38-51 (-13)
Race Relations 32-57 (-25)
Trump is strong on the economy and terrible elsewhere
Absent any consensus, journalists ought to clarify which meaning they're using in a particular article. But even when explicitly grappling with the appropriateness of using "racist" in coverage, journalists often make no attempt to do so.Among the definitions that may come to mind for readers when they see the term:A belief in the innate inferiority of a racial group.Animus directed at someone due to their racial identity.Denying equal treatment to a racial group.Any action, law, policy, or institution that disproportionately harms a racial group.Prejudging members of a racial group or failing to treat them as individuals.Any of the above applied to ethnic, religious, or national origin groups, too.Any of the above plus power over members of the target group.This free-for-all makes it difficult if not impossible for everyone to be on the same page. And the lack of clarity is vexing for those of us who believe that rigor ought to be the lodestar in determining whether to use "racist" in a given instance.
Secular congregations such as Sunday Assembly and Oasis--a similar group started in 2012--seek to offer a solution. Both were founded by faithless seekers hoping to carry on certain aspects of religious life: the community, the moral deliberation, and the rich sense of wonder. When they were growing so rapidly in their early years, these congregations were heavily covered by media outlets. "The Hot New Atheist Church," gushed a 2013 Daily Beast headline about Sunday Assembly. HuffPost noted that the number of assemblies had doubled in a single weekend in 2014. The media coverage emphasized the new community's high-energy services, its celebratory message, and the top-of-your-lungs group renditions of pop anthems such as "Livin' on a Prayer." For those uncomfortable with the level of overt spirituality even within relatively liberal denominations, such as Unitarian Universalism, secular communities offered a different option.But even as the growth of "nones" has revved up in the intervening years, the growth of secular congregations hasn't kept pace. After a promising start, attendance declined, and nearly half the chapters have fizzled out--including the New York one that Walford joined. Building a durable community of nonbelievers, it turns out, is more complicated than just excising God.If the sudden emergence of secular communities speaks to a desire for human connection and a deeper sense of meaning, their subsequent decline shows the difficulty of making people feel part of something bigger than themselves. One thing has become clear: The yearning for belonging is not enough, in itself, to create a sense of home.
Mikhail's story is not unusual, and is becoming even more common, according to Itim's director, Rabbi Seth Farber. And in an increasing number of cases, the Chief Rabbinate has asked people, many of them immigrants or children of immigrants from the former Soviet Union, to undergo DNA testing to prove their Jewish roots."A new culture has developed within the Rabbinate that suspects everyone and relies on documents and science and technology, and not on religious norms," Farber, whose organization helps Israelis navigate the nation's Orthodox-run religious monopoly, told the Jewish Telegraphic Agency.A study recently released by the Israel Democracy Institute and Itim warns that over the next two decades, hundreds of thousands of Israeli citizens from the former Soviet Union or of Ethiopian descent may need to undergo a process to validate their Judaism.The study showed an increase in the proportion of cases that ended with a ruling that the applicant was not Jewish, from 2.9 percent in 2011 to 6.1 percent in 2016 to 6.7 percent in 2017.Although those numbers may appear small, Itim and other advocates say the process is humiliating, demoralizing, unnecessary and undertaken with no clear or uniform standard for validating a person's Jewishness.In Israel, the Chief Rabbinate controls marriage and divorce. In order to marry through the Chief Rabbinate, would-be spouses must prove they are Jewish. It's not difficult for Israelis who have been in the country for generations: The marriage certificates of their parents and grandparents issued by the Chief Rabbinate are on file.Israeli World War II veterans of the Allied armies of Russian origins take part in a parade marking the 71st anniversary of the Allied victory over Nazi Germany, in Jerusalem, on May 8, 2016. / AFP PHOTO / GALI TIBBONImmigrants to the country must prove to a rabbinical court that they are Jewish.
In July 1939, eight months after Kristallnacht and seven weeks before Hitler would invade Poland, Congress killed a bill that would have allowed 20,000 Jewish refugee children into the United States.Opponents of the bill, according to the Jewish Telegraphic Agency, said America should help its own poor people before foreigners, and worried that letting in children could later lead to admitting their parents."I have nothing against the Jews," said a woman quoted by JTA at the time as Mrs. Arthur J. O'Neill, president of the United Daughters of 1812, that April. "But this is a predominantly Christian country and we should take care of our own needy before we receive new aliens."Get The Times of Israel's Daily Edition by email and never miss our top stories FREE SIGN UPAfter the war, and the Holocaust, Congress passed two bills that let 80,000 Holocaust survivors move to the US. Since then, the United States has continued accepting tens of thousands of refugees per year.But next year, that number may again shrink -- this time to zero.According to multiple news reports, Stephen Miller, the architect of President Donald Trump's immigration policies, may try to eliminate refugee admissions next year -- no refugees would be allowed beyond the borders. A Miller ally in the office of US Citizenship and Immigration Services proposed the shutdown at a meeting this month of security officials on refugee admissions, according to Politico.
Larry Klayman, a right-wing activist and attorney who has represented conspiracy theorist Jerome Corsi, former U.S. Senate candidate Roy Moore and Laura Loomer among others, faces a possible 33-month suspension from practicing law in the District of Columbia.A Hearing Committee with the Board on Professional Responsibility filed a report Wednesday alleging that he took advantage of a client and tried to start a relationship with her...
ROBERT MUELLER PROVED Wednesday that he might just be the least cooperative friendly witness Congress has ever faced. During close to six hours of Mueller's testimony before two committees, House Democrats learned the hard way that you can lead a special counsel to an impeachment hearing, but you can't make him testify.The man who had spent the past two years leading the investigation of Russia's attack on the 2016 election, and Donald Trump's apparent obstruction of justice, had promised--warned, really--that he would not go beyond the four corners of the 448-page report he'd delivered earlier this spring. He lived up to that promise."The report is my testimony," he told both committees. He refused even to read aloud key portions of that report, preferring to have congressional representatives read it aloud themselves, and then confirming in monosyllabic answers whether those portions were accurate. CBS tallied 41 one-word answers in just the first half of the morning Judiciary Committee hearing; Mueller declined more broadly to discuss all manner of other related and unrelated topics.The day's most clarifying exchange came during the first five minutes of the hearing, when Judiciary Committee chair Jerrold Nadler ran through a rapid-fire series of questions aimed at undermining President Trump's consistent mantra of "No collusion, no obstruction."As Nadler opened, "Director Mueller, the president has repeatedly claimed that your report found there was no obstruction and that it completely and totally exonerated him, but that is not what your report said, is it?""Correct. That is not what the report said," the former special counsel replied.Then Nadler proceeded: "The report did not conclude that he did not commit obstruction of justice, is that correct?""That is correct," Mueller said.Nadler: "And what about total exoneration? Did you actually totally exonerate the president?"Mueller: "No."Nadler: "Now, in fact, your report expressly states that it does not exonerate the president."Mueller: "It does."Nadler: "Your investigation actually found, 'multiple acts by the president that were capable of exerting undue influence over law enforcement investigations, including the Russian interference and obstruction investigations.' Is that correct?"Mueller: "Correct."
A writer for the New Yorker magazine once described Madison Grant, the early 20th-century conservationist best known for his race-based opposition to immigration, as someone who had "extended a passion for preserving bison and caribou into a mania for preserving the 'Nordic race.' " The same might be said of John Tanton, a physician turned political activist who died last week at age 85.Tanton was one of the nation's leading anti-immigration figures over the past four decades, but he wasn't a right-wing conservative. He was a left-wing tree-hugger obsessed with overpopulation. Opposition to immigration, legal or illegal, was simply a means to that end.Tanton came to his beliefs about population control in the 1960s and through the writings of antinatal zealots like Garrett Hardin and Paul Ehrlich, who argued that additional human beings have a negative effect on the supply of land, food and other resources. Modern-day Malthusians insist that the larger the population, the bigger the threat to nature.
First, in the past when Americans wanted to seriously undermine a minority faith they didn't merely argue that it was an untrue religion but that it wasn't a religion at all. Samuel Morse, the inventor of the Morse code and the telegraph, led attacks on Catholics in the nineteenth century by saying that "Popery" was less a religion that "a Political system, despotic in its organization, anti-democratic and anti-republican, cannot therefore coexist with American republicanism." A few decades later, Mormonism was described in similar ways--"an immoral and quasi criminal conspiracy," as the Kalamazoo Telegraph put it.Now listen to how Islam has been described by modern American anti-Islam activists. "Islam is a political ideology. It definitely hides behind being a religion," said Michael Flynn, President Trump's first national security advisor, in 2016. That same year, a poll found that only half of Republicans said Islam should be legal in America.In case there was any ambiguity about why this distinction was important, Lieutenant General William G. "Jerry" Boykin, an anti-Muslim activist and former Pentagon official, explained in 2010 that since Islam is "a totalitarian way of life," it "should not be protected under the First Amendment."Second, practitioners of particular minority religions could not assimilate, we were told. An editorial in the Missouri Commercial Appeal took this tactic in describing Mormons: "Their manners, customs, religion and all, [Mormons] are more obnoxious to our citizens than those of the Indians, and they can never live among us in peace." An anti-Mormon group in Carroll County in 1838 complained that too many Mormons came from across the border. (No, the other border). "It is impossible that the two communities can long live together," wrote the Signal. "They can never assimilate." To these writers, the Mormons were alien and dangerous. The next month the governor of the state, Lilburn Boggs, issued a rule that "the Mormons must be treated as enemies, and must be exterminated and driven from the State if necessary for the public peace."Three days later, about 250 Missourians, including a state senator, went to a small community called Haun's Mill and massacred 17 Mormons.At other moments in history, Catholics, Jews, and other European immigrants were also thought to be unassimilable too.In modern times, anti-Islam activists have claimed, against evidence, that Muslims are particularly unable to assimilate. When the Islamic Society of Milwaukee applied for permission to build a mosque, a rally was held where one resident explained that "a mosque is a Trojan Horse in a community. Muslims have not come to integrate but to dominate." Donald Trump made it explicit. "I'm talking about second and third generation," Donald Trump said during the 2016 campaign. "They come--they don't--for some reason, there's no real assimilation."In thwarting religious freedom, Americans have accused adherents of minority faiths of having dual allegiances. When Al Smith, a Catholic, ran for president in 1928, cartoons depicted him as kissing the ring of--or serving the liquor to--the pope whom, it was assumed, would be calling the shots. The newly constructed Holland Tunnel in New York was supposedly going to provide the pontiff ready access to America. Jews have long been subject to a similar charge, initially that they would put global Jewry above loyalty to country, and more recently that they would put the interests of Israel over that of America--criticisms that were reflected in the recent comments by Rep. Ilhan Omar that "the political influence in this country that says it is okay to push for allegiance to a foreign country."In the twenty-first century, the most pervasive dual loyalty charge has been against American Muslims, like Rep. Omar. They are, we are told, required by their faith to follow Sharia, the broad set of Islamic religious rules, akin to Catholic Canon Law or Halacha rules influencing some Orthodox Jews. Brigitte Gabriel, leader of ACT for America, one of the leading anti-Islam groups, has said, "A practicing Muslim who believes the word of the Koran to be the word of Allah, who abides by Islam, who goes to mosque and prays every Friday, who prays five times a day--this practicing Muslim, who believes in the teachings of the Koran, cannot be a loyal citizen to the United States of America."
You've gotta see Gerardo Parra's Baby Shark intro.
— Cut4 (@Cut4) July 24, 2019
This is WILD. pic.twitter.com/kjmb6vaoUl
Here's what Mueller said:
— Adam Schiff (@RepAdamSchiff) July 24, 2019
➡️ Russia interfered in our election to help Trump.
➡️ Russians made numerous contacts with the campaign.
➡️ Campaign welcomed their help.
➡️ No one reported these contacts or interference to FBI.
➡️ They lied to cover it up. pic.twitter.com/ePAjUkfMlo
First, there was President Trump's June 2017 direction to the White House counsel, Don McGahn, to fire the special counsel in the wake of news reports that he was investigating the president for obstruction of justice -- and Mr. Trump's later insistence that Mr. McGahn create a false internal memorandum that would contradict reporting about this order.Then there was President Trump's instructions, in summer 2017, to his former campaign manager Corey Lewandowski, who was then a private citizen, to direct Attorney General Jeff Sessions to limit Mr. Mueller's investigation with the intent to, as stated in the report, "prevent further investigative scrutiny of the president and his campaign's conduct."Democrats also noted Mr. Trump's repeated instructions that Mr. Sessions "unrecuse" himself from running the investigation, which Mr. Mueller said in the report lead to a "reasonable inference" that the president wanted his attorney general to act as a shield from the investigation.And finally, Mr. Mueller described how Mr. Trump sought, in part through his private attorneys, to influence the cooperation and testimony of several possible witnesses, including his former campaign manager Paul Manafort and his former lawyer Michael Cohen, by making public and private threats, and by floating the possibility of pardons.These facts, starkly affirmed on Wednesday by Mr. Mueller after months of mischaracterization of his report by the president and others, are catastrophic.Despite Mr. Mueller's unwillingness to speculate on hypotheticals, and his adherence to the Justice Department policy against indicting a sitting president, these facts, which he also outlined in depth in his report, make clear that were Mr. Trump an ordinary person, he would have been indicted on multiple counts of obstruction of justice, as more than a thousand former federal prosecutors, free of those limitations, have observed.
Robert Mueller on Wednesday condemned President Donald Trump's repeated praise of WikiLeaks during the 2016 presidential election. According to the former special counsel, Trump's public embrace of the organization--even as it was regularly releasing Hillary Clinton campaign emails hacked by the Russian government--was tantamount to promoting "illegal activity.""Problematic is an understatement, in terms of what it displays, in terms of giving some hope or some boost to what is and should be illegal activity," Mueller said after Rep. Mike Quigley (D-Ill.) read direct statements from Trump expressing admiration for WikiLeaks. Mueller also said he agreed with Mike Pompeo, who as CIA director in 2017 called Wikileaks a "hostile intelligence service." Pompeo is now Trump's secretary of State.It was a striking moment from the former special counsel, who had spent the bulk of his back-to-back congressional hearings on Wednesday largely repeating the findings of his lengthy report. On this matter, however, Mueller appeared to offer a personal indictment of Trump's conduct.
Rep. Ken Buck: "Could you charge the president with a crime after he left office?"
— ABC News Politics (@ABCPolitics) July 24, 2019
Robert Mueller: "Yes"
Buck: "You could charge the President of the United States with obstruction of justice after he left office?"
Mueller: "Yes" https://t.co/jFAp2RJoaI #MuellerHearings pic.twitter.com/rG1psVL0ib
Puerto Rico governor Ricardo Rosselló will resign by Wednesday following nearly two weeks of relentless protests calling for him to step down, according to reports by two major local media outlets.Rumors of his resignation have circled in Puerto Rico since Sunday, after Rosselló spent the day meeting with cabinet members and mayors of his party. He announced that evening he was resigning to the presidency of the pro-statehood New Progressive Party and would not run for re-election.Rosselló will offer a farewell announcement that would be broadcast before noon on Wednesday, sources told El Nuevo Día.
Of course, Chandler preceded Robert B. Parker in wrecking his own hero by making him non-solitary, and not in the good, Don Quijote, way.Sixty years after the death of Raymond Chandler, and eighty years after the publication of his first novel, we mark the first anniversary of a brilliant achievement, The Annotated Big Sleep. In 1939, Chandler (1888-1959) published The Big Sleep, introducing a fictional Los Angeles private investigator, Philip Marlowe, and in 2018, Owen Hill, Pamela Jackson, and Anthony Dean Rizzuto produced an edition with Chandler's text on the left-hand pages and their explanatory notes on the right-hand pages. Also illustrating this volume are maps, photographs, and excerpts from other stories by Chandler.Unlike a biblical commentary, where obvious passages can get lengthy deciphering and obscure lines get passed over, The Annotated Big Sleep tackles it all. It is amusing that some readers, apparently, will need to have defined for them slang such as "swell' and "jalopy," or standard words such as "bookplate" and "davenport." Most captivating is information about firearms and newspapers, about bygone fashions and obsolete automobiles, as well as the vanished landscape of 1930's Los Angeles.Moreover, our annotators identify in The Big Sleep allusions to Arthurian legend. In The Big Sleep and subsequent novels, Marlowe casts himself as a latter-day knight errant, with his own code of chivalrous integrity, righting wrongs and rescuing damsels in distress, even if the distress is of the damsel's own making. In The High Window (1942), a medical doctor admiringly calls Marlowe "the shop-soiled Galahad." Marlowe is unmarried, and in The Big Sleep, set in 1938, he is thirty-three. With Marlowe, Chandler tapped into an archetype in Western literature, the solitary young hero, embodying virtue and virility.
Wax's address was based on a 2018 Georgetown Journal of Law and Public Policy paper titled "Debating Immigration Restriction: The Case for Low and Slow." In the paper, Wax argues that America's debate over immigration has been warped in a pro-immigration direction by "left-leaning elites," whose "reactive, highly emotional, and one-sided" approach to the issue has made a serious debate over policy possible. It is the right and only the right, she argues, that is willing to talk unsentimentally about the harms from mass immigration.Wax's paper splits the case for lower immigration rates into two buckets: the economic and the cultural. Her economic arguments follow those of Harvard economist George Borjas -- that low-skill immigration lowers wages for native-born Americans and is a drain on the welfare state -- as well as one of her own articles, written with policy analyst Jason Richwine (who has also run into controversy), arguing that such immigrants take jobs from native-born Americans. These claims are certainly debatable -- Borjas is somewhat of an outlier in his field -- but relatively straightforward.Culture is, in Wax's phrase, a bit more "elusive." She defines the core of the cultural case for immigration restriction as this:The idea is that a shared American identity is essential to maintaining a common sense of purpose, trust, and community. A large influx of immigrants, especially from nations that do not share our cultural values and understandings, will undermine citizen morale, unity, and solidarity as well as the integrity of our institutions.There are two ways to make this case, per Wax. One set of people, "creedal nationalists," believe that immigrants from all backgrounds can move here without disrupting American society. But such assimilation takes time, so it might be wise to keep the pace of immigration slow and the number of immigrants low. "For this ilk of nationalist, there is no obstacle to America's core ideas being successfully adopted and embraced, and equally so, by people regardless of ethnicity and national origin," she writes.A different group, "cultural distance" nationalists, "draw a sharp distinction among potential newcomers based on culture of origin and national background." In essence, they hold that immigrants from some backgrounds are not assimilable -- specifically, immigrants from non-Western nations are extremely unlikely to be able to accept the norms and values that would make them contribute to American society."Many cultural-distance restrictionists endorse the notion of maintaining a majority 'legacy' (European and Anglo-Protestant) population," she writes. "Immigration from non-Western countries should thus be kept at a minimum so as not to compromise the dominance of groups that are closer to our cultural heritage and more effective at transmitting it."Who are the people advocating this view? Wax cites John Derbyshire, a right-wing writer who formerly wrote for the mainstream National Review. Derbyshire was fired from this job for penning a piece in which he advises his children that "if you are at some public event at which the number of blacks suddenly swells, leave as quickly as possible." Other places that Wax credits for "thoughtful discussion" of these issues are Taki's Mag, the alt-right publication where Derbyshire published his screed about "the number of blacks," and VDARE, another leading alt-right publication. (The pro-Trump Journal of American Greatness and the marginal right-wing site Jacobite were also mentioned.)This idea -- cultural distance nationalism -- is what seems to especially interest Wax in her paper. It's an idea whose implications are extremely troubling if you believe in a multicultural, pluralistic America. Cultural distance nationalism makes blanket judgments about people based on their national origin and ethnic identity. It also argues that immigration policy must not be allowed to "compromise the dominance" of "European and Anglo-Protestant" people in the United States and Europe.
American borders were for generations open to newcomers, but that was often in spite of, not because of, popular attitudes. Colonial America, a frontier society, was highly diverse by what passed for diversity in those days-mixes of English, Scots, Frenchmen, Dutch, and even Jews from the Caribbean. By the early 1800s century, however, the nation increasingly defined the "standard" American as a Protestant of British origin. (Needless to say, Africans and Indians were totally outside of this conversation.)The great challenge of the mid-19th century came in the form of Catholic immigration, first heavily from the Irish fleeing famine, then Central Europeans fleeing political chaos, and later Southern and Eastern Europeans seeking economic opportunity.Employers in America's era of industrialization of course encouraged and subsidized the influx. But millions of native-born Protestants resisted it. They resisted, in part, because they feared the economic competition. But nativists also felt threatened by foreigners' lifestyles and the spectre that Catholic immigrants would install Papal rule from Rome--a charge that actually gained far more credence than the occasional warnings we hear today about Sharia law. The struggle against foreigners was so great that a national political party, the Know Nothings, arose on this platform alone. Blood literally ran in the streets as mobs attacked the "unassimilable" immigrants and their institutions.Around the end of the 19th and the beginning of 20th century, resistance to immigrants focused on the Italians, Poles, Greeks, Slavs, and Jews coming from Europe, as well as the Japanese and Chinese coming from Asia. Job competition was again one concern and it led to murders of Asian immigrants in California. (Ironically, Irish immigrants and Irish-descended Americans were especially vociferous in this context.) Anti-immigrant voices also raised political objections that European immigrants were bringing in radical, Bolshevik ideas. At the same time, progressives (yes, friends, progressives) provided a scientific justification for controlling immigration: These foreign "races" were inherently less intelligent and less moral than the Nordic race; their rabbit-like breeding would corrupt America; they could not assimilate.In the mid-1920s, nativist campaigns led to laws effectively closing off immigration from much of the world that wasn't "Nordic." Whereas in 1910, before the interruption of World War I, almost 15 percent of Americans were foreign-born, by 1970 fewer than five percent were. Today, about 14 percent are, a result of the 1965 immigration reform legislation that removed quotas by national origin and also allowed family reunions, a celebrated rejection of discrimination by nationality.Unfortunately, Americans hold a warped collective memory of earlier immigration history. Many assume that the European immigrants of generations past assimilated quickly, unlike Latin American, Asian, or Muslim immigrants today. Not true. Lasting ethnic enclaves like Greektowns and Little Italys were typical. Today's immigrants actually learn English and forget their native languages faster than did the earlier newcomers. Similarly, romanticized memories lead many to believe that, unlike today's immigrants, their ancestors made it up the ladder on their own steam-also a distortion. In the end, the supposedly unassimilable children and grandchildren of earlier immigrants became regular Americans, often to the chagrin of parents who hoped that their traditions would be more lasting.
LANCASTER, Pa. -- Lancaster Central Market, a patchwork of stalls neatly encased in a Romanesque-style downtown building since 1889, has long been a bustling hub where the area's large Pennsylvania Dutch population sells the fruit, meat, baked goods and other foods produced on farms outside the city.These days, though, something different is in the air.The heady scent of spices from the beef samosas at one stall, Rafiki Taste of Africa, mixes with the tang of onions and pineapple being chopped for salsa at Guacamole Specialist. The low growl of sugar cane being crushed into liquid can be heard at Havana Juice. A Puerto Rican flag hangs near the cash register at Christina's Criollo, where empanadas and sweet plantains are on offer."Malala was here not too long ago," said Omar Al Saife, 65, the owner of Saife's Middle Eastern Food, referring to Malala Yousafzai, the young Pakistani woman who won the Nobel Peace Prize in 2014 for her fight to guarantee girls the right to an education. A framed photo of her and Mr. Al Saife hangs in his stand.For ages, Lancaster has conjured up images of the horses and buggies, dairy farms and rustic bakeries of its Amish and Mennonite people, who believe in living simply, many of them eschewing modern conveniences like cars and electricity.And in the last few years, the city has drawn notice for a boomlet of upscale bars, breweries, restaurants and art galleries. In 2016, the New York Post proclaimed Lancaster "the new Brooklyn." Even in the old Brooklyn, you can spot people sporting T-shirts with the logos of Lancaster businesses.But both stereotypes miss the real news here: the increasing number of restaurants and food businesses run by immigrants and refugees, and the way they effortlessly mesh with the fancy cocktail bars and old-school bakeries. The seven-square-mile city is now a hive of culinary diversity.
Editor's noteIt feels as if nobody read the Mueller report. That's a shame, because it's an important document, depicting possible crimes by a sitting US president.But not reading it makes sense. As a narrative, the document is a disaster. And at 448 pages, it's too long to grind through. For long stretches, it reads less like a story and more like a terms-of-service agreement. The instinct to click "next" is strong.And yet, buried within the Mueller report, there is a narrative that reads in parts like a thriller, like a comedy, like a tragedy -- and, most important -- like an indictment. The facts are compelling, all the more so because they come not from President Donald Trump's critics or "fake news" reports, but from Trump's own handpicked colleagues and associates. The story just needed to be rearranged in a better form.So we hired Mark Bowden, a journalist and author known for his brilliant works of narrative nonfiction like "Black Hawk Down," "Killing Pablo," and "Hue 1968."Our assignment for him was simple. Use the interviews and facts laid out in the Mueller report (plus those from reliable, fact-checked sources and published firsthand accounts) to do what he does best: Tell a story recounting Mueller's report that's so gripping it will hold your attention (and maybe your congressional representative's).We also hired Chad Hurd, an illustrator from the art department of "Archer." We asked him to draw out scenes from the report to bring them to life.Here's what Bowden and Hurd gave us ...
The resolution, backed by the American Israel Public Affairs Committee, also enshrines the two state-outcome to the Palestinian-Israeli conflict at a time that the Trump administration and Israel's government have retreated from two states.Additionally, it says Americans have a right to petition in opposition to government policy, a nod toward some Democrats who oppose separate legislation that penalizes Israel boycotts because, they say, such penalties impinge on speech freedoms.Rep. Brad Schneider, D-Ill., one of the resolution's lead sponsors told The Jewish Telegraphic Agency that bringing a vast majority of the House, including virtually the entire GOP caucus, onboard in backing two states was a major achievement. The Republican Party abandoned two states in its 2016 platform.
By every relevant measure, humanity is the most advanced and productive it has ever been, and the world is a much better place than it was even a short time ago. To point this out does not take romanticism, nor cherry-picking of statistics, but what should be the blindingly obvious assertion that, as we have all got richer, our lives have gotten better.The alarmist narratives are grounded in rhetoric, rather than truth. On the environment, carbon dioxide emissions have been declining in the UK for six consecutive years, plummeting last year to levels not seen since 1858. Around the world, use of renewable energy resources has been shooting up in recent decades; as of 2016, modern renewable energy production has seen more than a five-fold increase since the 1960s, with infamous polluters China and India leading the pack.Life expectancy - the surest measure of how well we are doing at looking after ourselves - tells a heartening story. Less than thirty years ago, we lived to an average of 65 years. As of 2016, that figure stands at 72.5; we added seven and a half years to each of our lives in the space of less than three decades.At the crux of these great strides forward, of course, is economic growth. In 1990, well over a third of the world's population was living in abject poverty. Today, it is less than one tenth, and that figure continues to tumble. As if that wasn't enough, we are also more peaceful, more democratic and much more literate than at any other point in human history, with these rigidly upward trends showing no signs of plateauing.Famed orator James May put it beautifully: "The world has never been going to the dogs. Every generation says it but if it were true we'd be there by now. There are no dogs."
From the Washington Post:They were stopped at a Border Patrol checkpoint in the South Texas town of Falfurrias, about 65 miles north of their hometown, according to his attorney, Claudia Galan. They were asked for papers. And Galicia had plenty, including a wallet-sized Texas birth certificate, a Texas ID card and Social Security card, Galan said. But U.S. Customs and Border Protection detained Galicia anyway over suspicion that his documents were fraudulent.Birth certificate. State ID. Social Security card. Who carries all of this? I literally don't know where my Social Security card is.And yet despite providing copious evidence that he is a legal resident, law enforcement officers still had a "nagging suspicion" about Francisco. He was traveling to a soccer tryout with his undocumented brother and a group of friends, at least one of whom was a citizen. And he happened to be brown. Voila. That "suspicion" led to him being fingerprinted, after which discrepancies in paperwork filed by his mother resulted in his detention.Let me say that one more time for those in the back. This young man was fingerprinted by federal law enforcement because of his race and because of his company, who made the agents suspicious he was a criminal. That's it.
Trump makes a hand gesture while saying AOC's name pic.twitter.com/2266fEvlWE
— Aaron Rupar (@atrupar) July 23, 2019
Tulsi Gabbard claims Kamala Harris is 'not qualified to serve as commander in chief' @ayesharascoe @KirstenPowers @mkhammer @jeffzeleny discuss https://t.co/sVTPTmBij0 pic.twitter.com/Vy7FLDAnYF
— The Lead CNN (@TheLeadCNN) July 23, 2019
BREAKING: Sen. Bernie Sanders' 2020 presidential campaign has been hit with an unfair labor practice complaint alleging illegal employee interrogation and retaliation against staffers. https://t.co/BYEAh696rF
— Bloomberg Law (@BLaw) July 23, 2019
Trump today: "Then I have an Article 2, where I have the right to do whatever I want as president."
— Bill Kristol (@BillKristol) July 23, 2019
This man should not have a second term.
A federal jury on Tuesday convicted Bijan Rafiekian, a former business partner of Michael Flynn, on a pair of foreign-agent felony charges stemming from work the two men did for Turkish interests during the final months of the Trump presidential campaign in 2016.The verdicts, returned by jurors in Alexandria, Va., after a weeklong trial and only about four hours of deliberation, amount to a belated courtroom victory for special counsel Robert Mueller, who investigated the $600,000 lobbying and public relations contract at the heart of the case and then handed the matter off to other federal prosecutors after Flynn's guilty plea to a false-statement charge in 2017.
Pastor E.W. Lucas put up the sign "America: Love it or leave it" at Friendship Baptist Church in Appomattox
— Stone 🥶 (@stonecold2050) July 22, 2019
The congregation at the church walked out of the service yesterday in protest. https://t.co/5qCWpUy69u
FBI Director Wray says white supremacist violence is fueling most domestic terrorism: "I will say that a majority of the domestic terrorism cases we've investigated are motivated by some version of what you might call white supremacist violence." https://t.co/aQGVhAwkXy
— Newsweek (@Newsweek) July 23, 2019
Some of my Christian friends weren't ready to crown the President as God's Man right out of the gate. They called him the Lesser of Two Evils when they voted for him in 2016. But as time has gone on, they've realized that by bending the knee to this new king, they can get political power and Supreme Court justices. It's just like when Daniel was serving in Nebuchadnezzar's court, and was presented with two unsavory options: eat the king's unclean food to secure his place of safety and proximity to power, or refuse and suffer the consequences. Because he was a political realist, Daniel chose the Lesser of Two Evils and ate the king's food and...wait a minute...that's not how it went down, is it?Bad example. Let me try again.Maybe 2016 was like Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego who really had no choice but to bow down to the idol because if they didn't they were guaranteed death (HILLARY!), so they bowed down and avoided the fiery furnace/Democrat president and that's how God was glorified...right?Tell you what--let's forget the Book of Daniel, because it's full of people who couldn't possibly understand the pressure we're under here in 21st-century America. Sure, they refused to move the goalposts for a king who could exterminate them at any moment, and tried to. But we have real problems.And because we have far more significant problems, we cannot afford the luxury of calling sin by it's name, or rebuking an unrepentant sinner with whom we've publicly aligned ourselves, or doing anything that might weaken God's Man politically. Because his political success is where our hope lies. He gets our loyalty and praise, because of the power of his office.Now if the God he cursed had any real power, that would be a different story. But we're sophisticated enough to know that all the power that matters is in Washington, DC. We're not a bunch of yahoos who believe that God can accomplish his purposes without God's Man. I mean, have you even heard how tough God's Man can talk?
Sayoc is described in the defense filing as someone with "severe learning disabilities" who was "abandoned by his father and sexually abused by a teacher" and "lost everything in the Great Recession," ABC News reports. "In this darkness, Mr. Sayoc found light in Donald J. Trump," Sayoc's lawyers said.The filing goes on to detail Sayoc becoming obsessed with Trump on a personal level and beginning to watch Fox News -- especially Fox & Friends and Hannity -- "religiously," in addition to following pro-Trump Facebook groups, The Washington Post reports. These groups pushed "the idea that Trump's critics were dangerous, unpatriotic, and evil" and that Democrats are "murderous, terroristic, and violent," and "Fox News furthered these arguments," the lawyers say.The lawyers go on to cite a specific segment from Hannity in which the Fox News host described prominent Democrats as "encouraging mob violence against their political opponents," which came in response to former Attorney General Eric Holder saying, "When they go low, we kick them."
The day after thugs attack Hong Kong demonstrators with iron bars, sending 45 to the hospital, Trump endorses China's handling of mass protests: "I think President Xi has acted very responsibly...he's allowed that to go on for a long time."
— Jackson Diehl (@JacksonDiehl) July 22, 2019
I served with Jim Jordan in the House and remember him as a good, decent conservative. He chaired the Republican Study Committee, a predecessor of the Tea Party Caucus, when I was a member. I've thought of Mark Meadows the same way: He helped make the health care bill that passed the House a couple of years ago more conservative and sensible than when it was first introduced. While I'm miffed that Republicans apparently are no longer the party of lower deficits and free trade, there have been times that no one could question the conservative bona fides of these two men.This is not one of those times. Jordan and Meadows belong to a generation of conservatives who supposedly believed that it was Congress's job to hold the executive branch accountable. Former Tea Party Rep. Mick Mulvaney lamented in 2016 that Republicans were unfairly criticized for applying their standard to President Obama: "When we do it against a Republican president [instead], maybe people will see it was a principled objection in the first place," he said, according to Tim Alberta's American Carnage. But they're not doing it. Donald Trump is in the Oval Office, Mulvaney is his acting chief of staff, and Jordan and Meadows are no longer defenders of the law but apologists for a president who abuses it.
This was not the first time Wax has made unpleasant declarations about race. In 2017 she told Glenn Lowry on the video chat site Bloggingheads: "Here's a very inconvenient fact, Glenn: I don't think I've ever seen a black student graduate in the top quarter of the class, and rarely, rarely, in the top half." She later admitted that she had no data to support this statement. [...]The definition of what it means to be "white" in America has always been fraught. Unlike ethnicity, which has at least some basis in shared DNA, the quality of "whiteness"--or "non-whiteness"--is both amorphous and transitory, defined differently at various points in our history, usually depending on who was doing the defining.The eugenicists who pushed through broad-scale immigration restriction in 1917 and 1924 were obsessed with classifying races. Madison Grant's influential book The Passing of the Great Race defined a hierarchy of European races, with "Nordics" at the apex, "Alpines" in the middle strata, and "Mediterraneans" on the lowest rung. Grant and other restrictionists of the era argued that the United States was being flooded with inferior peoples from Southern and Eastern Europe, who were diluting the stock of native-born Americans, namely from the British Isles and Northwestern Europe. He argued that native-stock Americans "will not bring children into the world to compete in the labor market with the Slovak, the Syrian, and the Jew," who, he claimed "adopt the language of the native American, they wear his clothes, they steal his name, and they are beginning to take his women, but they seldom adopt his religion or understand his ideals, and while he is being elbowed out of his own home, the American looks calmly abroad and urges on others the suicidal ethics which are exterminating his own race."Wax and her fellow travelers among nationalist conservatives make the case that today's immigrants are culturally unfit to become Americans. Using a metaphor associated with the alt-right, Wax dismisses the idea that the "magic dirt" of American soil will transform immigrants into Americans--a straw man argument not made by any serious immigration proponent--and claims that there is no reason to believe that "people who come here will quickly come to think, live, and act just like us."
In a statement, Pelosi and Schumer said the agreement will "enhance our national security and invest in middle class priorities that advance the health, financial security and well-being of the American people."
A Saudi man visiting the Al-Aqsa Mosque Mosque compound in occupied East Jerusalem as part of an Israeli-sponsored trip has been driven out of the site by Palestinians, who accused him of normalisation.Wearing his traditional Gulf Arab clothing, Mohammed Saud was recorded on Monday being chased out of the Old City of Jerusalem as Palestinians threw plastic chairs and hurled insults at him, accusing him of being a traitor and a Zionist.
[T]he publicity may have prompted many of those who had been targeted -- 2,105 people in more than a dozen cities who had received final deportation orders but had not reported to Immigration and Customs Enforcement officers -- to temporarily leave their homes, or to move altogether to evade arrest.Advance notice of the large-scale operation also gave immigrant advocates time to counsel families about their rights, which include not opening the door or answering questions. On social media, community groups shared detailed information about sightings of ICE agents.In an interview Monday, Matthew Albence, the acting director of ICE, which is responsible for arresting, detaining and deporting unauthorized immigrants who are already in the United States, acknowledged that the number of apprehensions was low."I don't know of any other population where people are telling them how to avoid arrest as a result of illegal activity," he said. "It certainly makes it harder for us to effectuate these orders issued.""You didn't hear ICE talking about it before the operation was taking place," he added.
New Jersey Senator Cory Booker, a candidate for the 2020 Democratic presidential nomination, clarified that he would not meet with Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan, a notorious anti-Semite."I will not sit -- I will not sit down with Louis Farrakhan, period. And I reject anybody who preaches that kind of bigotry and hate towards other Americans," he said Sunday on CNN's "State of the Union."
Troubling listening to Trump Oval Office news conference with Pakistani PM. He baldly states that we have analyzed and considered using nuclear weapons to kill millions of people in Afghanistan as a solution to the conflict. WHAT IS TRUMP THINKING?
— Barry R McCaffrey (@mccaffreyr3) July 22, 2019
Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi never asked U.S. President Donald Trump to help mediate with Pakistan their dispute over the Kashmir region, the government said on Tuesday, after Trump's comments set off a storm of criticism.
New study finds immigrants and children of immigrants founded 45 percent of U.S. Fortune 500 companies, amassing $6.1 trillion in annual revenue last year. https://t.co/euve6uKKlR
— Newsweek (@Newsweek) July 22, 2019
Wow. One of the on-air reporters at pro-Trump One America News Network (OANN) is a Russian national *currently* on the payroll of Kremlin propaganda outlet Sputnik News.
— Caroline Orr (@RVAwonk) July 22, 2019
He's been working at both outlets simultaneously since 2017.https://t.co/r0OL7hBfYV
Here it is: "Active Measures," the first part of THE REPORT, our new podcast documentary on the Mueller Report.
— Lawfare (@lawfareblog) July 19, 2019
All summer, we will present this audio experience of the special counsel's findings, in a format more digestible than 448 pages of text.https://t.co/Jio0Q2rz3z
This point was drawn out during the conference by the ultraconservative Notre Dame political scientist Patrick Deneen, the only person I heard voice any unease with the national conservative project. In American history, he noted, "the emphasis of [nationalism] was the explicit and desired and in many ways successful aim to weaken the more local, regional, neighborhood, and particular forms of identity within the nation--those identifications that had been the hallmark of the American political/cultural experience." According to Deneen, nationalism was the progressive idea that we should put "the national need before the sectional or personal advantage" and "that local government should cede its activities to the national government." In this moment, he said, "it seems natural for conservative to rally around the idea of the nation. But we should always be wary of simply occupying the ground recently vacated by progressives."Alas, Deneen went on to support virtually all the same policy prescriptions as everyone else at the conference. Anti-individualism seems to be the unifying theory of the ascendant political right. If government infringements on personal liberty are the price of achieving good outcomes, conservatives are more than happy to pay it.
As one of the United States's most scenic historic railroads, the Durango & Silverton Narrow Gauge Railroad (D&SNG), with its jet-black steam-powered locomotives and 1880s-era coaches, travels along the same tracks that miners, frontiersmen, and cowboys journeyed nearly 140 years ago.The Durango & Silverton stretch of the Denver and Rio Grande Railroad was completed in 1882. It was built to transport gold and silver ore from the more than 4,000 mining claims in and around Silverton, Colorado, to the smelters and mills in Durango, 45 miles to the south.But in the 1910s, the Silverton mining boom began gradually subsiding. The D&SNG was then promoted as a scenic route for travelers and tourists. It remains as one of a very few surviving narrow-gauge steam railroads in the United States and is a favorite of railroad enthusiasts.As it leaves Durango, the train's multiple-chime steam whistle can be heard reverberating throughout the town and along the Animas Valley. As it proceeds north, the train winds alongside the Animas River as it traverses the verdant green pastures of the Animas Valley and then crosses through the spectacular and breathtaking San Juan National Forest. The remote and treacherous route through the mountains includes a dramatic and stomach-churning stretch along the edge of a narrow shelf carved into the sheer granite cliffs 400 feet above the river.
In research that will ensure the sitcoms of the future are as painful as those broadcast today, scientists have found that canned laughter makes bad jokes seem funnier. [...]All of the volunteers found the jokes funnier when they were accompanied by the sound of others laughing, with the biggest gains produced by recordings of spontaneous laughter rather than more deliberate and controlled laughing, the study found."The laughter is influencing how funny the jokes seem and I think that's because laughter is a very important signal for humans. It always means something," said Sophie Scott, a professor of cognitive neuroscience who led the research at University College London. "You're getting information not only that it's funny but that it's OK to laugh."
It's not surprising that quantum physics has a reputation for being weird and counterintuitive. The world we're living in sure doesn't feel quantum mechanical. And until the 20th century, everyone assumed that the classical laws of physics devised by Isaac Newton and others -- according to which objects have well-defined positions and properties at all times -- would work at every scale. But Max Planck, Albert Einstein, Niels Bohr and their contemporaries discovered that down among atoms and subatomic particles, this concreteness dissolves into a soup of possibilities. An atom typically can't be assigned a definite position, for example -- we can merely calculate the probability of finding it in various places. The vexing question then becomes: How do quantum probabilities coalesce into the sharp focus of the classical world?Physicists sometimes talk about this changeover as the "quantum-classical transition." But in fact there's no reason to think that the large and the small have fundamentally different rules, or that there's a sudden switch between them. Over the past several decades, researchers have achieved a greater understanding of how quantum mechanics inevitably becomes classical mechanics through an interaction between a particle or other microscopic system and its surrounding environment.One of the most remarkable ideas in this theoretical framework is that the definite properties of objects that we associate with classical physics -- position and speed, say -- are selected from a menu of quantum possibilities in a process loosely analogous to natural selection in evolution: The properties that survive are in some sense the "fittest." As in natural selection, the survivors are those that make the most copies of themselves. This means that many independent observers can make measurements of a quantum system and agree on the outcome -- a hallmark of classical behavior. [...]At the heart of quantum Darwinism is the slippery notion of measurement -- the process of making an observation.
The reality, according to his lawyer, appears to be even more bizarre: Mr. Comello had become convinced that Mr. Cali was part of the so-called deep state, a cabal of criminals that conspiracy theorists claim controls the United States government. Mr. Comello also believed he was a chosen vigilante of President Trump."Mr. Comello became certain that he was enjoying the protection of President Trump himself, and that he had the president's full support," Mr. Gottlieb wrote.That delusion will be part of a package of evidence that Mr. Gottlieb says he plans to submit to the court that prove Mr. Comello is not guilty by reason of mental defect. Mr. Gottlieb is seeking to have the court place Mr. Comello in psychiatric treatment, rather than prosecute him on murder charges. Mr. Comello is being held in protective custody as he awaits trial.Prosecutors in the Staten Island district attorney's office declined to comment.Mr. Comello took handcuffs with him to Todt Hill on March 13, Mr. Gottlieb said, but his plan was foiled when Mr. Cali refused to submit to a citizen's arrest. Instead, Mr. Gottlieb said, the Gambino leader reached toward his waistband. Fearing for his life, Mr. Comello shot Mr. Cali 10 times and fled, Mr. Gottlieb said.QAnon, a baseless conspiracy theory that originated on internet message boards, played a key role in Mr. Comello's descent into mental instability, his lawyer said. It claims, among other things, that America is controlled by a "deep state," that prominent Democratic politicians are pedophiles and that John F. Kennedy Jr., who died in a 1999 plane crash, is secretly alive and will run for president in 2020.At Mr. Comello's first court appearance in March, he displayed symbols and phrases associated with QAnon scrawled on his hand in pen. He first began to take an interest in political conspiracy theories, Mr. Gottlieb said, in the weeks after Mr. Trump's 2016 election."Mr. Comello's support for 'QAnon' went beyond mere participation in a radical political organization," Mr. Gottlieb wrote. "It evolved into a delusional obsession."Driven by that obsession, Mr. Gottlieb said, Mr. Comello began early this year to attempt citizen's arrests of people he believed to be associated with the deep state. In February, Mr. Comello twice tried to conduct his own arrest of Mayor Bill de Blasio, including one instance in which he showed up at Gracie Mansion, the mayoral home in Manhattan.Not long after that incident, Mr. Comello sought the help of United States marshals at Federal District Court in Manhattan, and asked that they help him to arrest two California Democrats, Representatives Maxine Waters and Adam Schiff, both of whom he believed were in the vicinity. He was rebuffed.
[T]rump's eruption last week, in which he attacked (but did not name) Representatives Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Ayanna Pressley, Ilhan Omar, and Rashida Tlaib, tweeting that they should "go back" to where they came from, and later accused them of hating America, could not be called unexpected. [...]This most recent incident highlights a theme of Trump's pronouncements as they pertain to people of color. He presents the citizenship of black and brown Americans as a kind of probation that can be revoked for the most minor infractions of protocol. [...]The idea of selective citizenship is not uncommon in American history. The nation's first immigration law, passed in 1790, allowed for the naturalization of white immigrants only. It took the Fourteenth Amendment to the Constitution, which was ratified in 1868, to establish that birthright citizenship also applies to blacks. As Jill Lepore notes, in her book "This America," another thirty years passed before the Supreme Court found, in United States v. Wong Kim Ark, that birthright citizenship applies to a person of Asian descent, and it was another quarter century before the Indian Citizenship Act of 1924 declared that all indigenous people born in the United States are citizens. Trump isn't just attacking four women of color; he is reanimating ideas whose prevalence wreaked havoc in the nation's past.
"The report presents very substantial evidence that the president is guilty of high crime and misdemeanours, and we have to let Mueller present those facts to the American people and then see where we go from there," committee chairman Jerrold Nadler said on Fox News Sunday."The administration must be held accountable, and no president can be above the law."
In his most recent book, The Coddling of the American Mind, Haidt soft pedals the evolutionary biology he relied on in his previous works, The Happiness Hypothesis and The Righteous Mind. The Coddling of the American Mind, was co-authored with Greg Lukianoff, the CEO and president of FIRE, the Foundation for Individual Rights in Education. Building on earlier work by the two authors, the book argues that free speech is the means by which a society preserves its connection to reality and prevents myths and slogans--whether progressive or reactionary--from overpowering facts. The cost in America of abandoning the commitment to free speech is evident, Lukianoff and Haidt say, by the armies of the righteous on both left and right gathering power to force their extremism on everyone else.The current anti-free-speech plague, Haidt and Lukianoff write, began in 2017. That was the year, fresh off the election of Donald Trump, when the UC Berkeley administration refused to restrain the violent demonstrators, many affiliated with the left-wing group Antifa, protesting a planned speech by Milo Yiannopoulos. Berkeley did not discipline a single student for smashing windows and beating up people who had the bad luck to get in the way of their rage. "The clear sign of being afraid of your students is that you will say nothing, nothing, that suggests that they are wrong," Haidt said at the Heterodox conference. "I can only name one example from a university president" of standing up to students, he added: Oberlin's former President Marvin Krislov, who refused in 2016 to respond to student protesters' "nonnegotiable" demands.The Coddling of the American Mind targets the progressive taboos that stop us from addressing the issues that progressives, paradoxically, are most concerned about. Haidt and Lukianoff quote Jeannie Suk Gersen, a Harvard law professor who says that discussing rape law in the classroom "has become so difficult that teachers are starting to give up on the subject." She adds that if law professors stop mentioning sexual assault, that "would be a tremendous loss--above all to victims of sexual assault."The current student progressives differ from their '60s forebears because they deem themselves fragile, liable to be harmed by, for instance, depictions of women being treated badly by men. (I've experienced a few such objections myself when teaching college students books that show violence against women.) And so professors become PR agents for the masculine gender, carefully avoiding books that describe male brutality. After all, students are easily triggered, and they will be healthy and safe--so the story goes--if they can avoid triggers altogether. Meanwhile, campus health services pander to students who think themselves too psychologically fragile to handle disturbing opinions in the classroom. Not surprisingly, given the incentives created in these institutions, on some elite campuses 1 in 4 students consider themselves disabled, a huge spike from a few years ago. Our current idea is that higher education exists to protect young adults from stress, which as Haidt and Lukianoff point out is not the way to promote their future success in life, much less their strength of soul and open-mindedness.The reason college students see themselves as fragile beings who need protection is that they are shellshocked from the social media shame culture that has taken over our high schools. A few years ago, Haidt and Lukianoff write, Gen Z arrived on campus: kids born around 1996 who grew up with social media. "That's when things started to get weird," Haidt said at the Heterodox conference. "Safe? What do you mean? You don't feel safe because a book was assigned?" Gen Z, Haidt says, was given free range on social media but had vastly overprotected childhoods in every other way. The result: a college age culture in which self-righteously deriding other people is a sign of virtue, and everyone fears being called out. "We've got to get the age of social media raised from 13," Haidt said at Heterodox. "Girls in the fourth grade are getting Instagram accounts--all you do is lie about your age.""The recent spike in students' anxiety and depression is like nothing else in history," Haidt added, because they grew up exposed to online bullying and know they could be the next victim. Their aggression comes from fear that they might be pilloried themselves if they don't think or say the right things. College administrations fuel this paranoia. At NYU, for instance, posters urge students to call a "bias response hotline." "It's like East Germany," Haidt said to Bari Weiss in a 2017 Wall Street Journal interview, with the woke students playing the role of the Stasi.
Shortly after 10 p.m. on a recent night, a car came to a stop at the edge of the woods. The door opened to release three children: towheaded boys of 12 and 15, and a 12-year-old girl with dark pigtails and an emoji-covered backpack. Then the driver threw the car into gear and sped away, gravel crunching under its tires.They were tiny figures at the foot of the forest, miles from the summer camp they were attending, with only a primitive GPS to indicate the right direction. Darkness was falling. And they were alone.They peered into the night: Was this the path?"Could be," said Thomas, the 12-year-old team leader.And then, because there was nothing else to do, they plunged into the woods.This is the Dutch scouting tradition known as a "dropping," in which groups of children, generally pre-teenagers, are deposited in a forest and expected to find their way back to base. It is meant to be challenging, and they often stagger in at 2 or 3 in the morning.
Support for British Labour head Jeremy Corbyn has fallen significantly among party members, many of whom are dissatisfied with his leadership in the face of Brexit and a growing anti-Semitism crisis that has developed under his leadership, a new poll conducted on behalf of the Times of London has found.According to survey, which was carried out by pollster YouGov, two fifths of Labour members want Corbyn, who has led the party since 2015, to resign before the next general election while fully a quarter demand that he step down immediately.Over half disapprove of Corbyn's approach to Brexit and 48 percent have stated that he has handled anti-Semitism either fairly or very badly.
Sebastian Gorka, a onetime adviser to Donald Trump, wore a medal from the Vitezi Rend, a Hungarian group historically aligned with Nazism, to one of Trump's inaugural balls. Gorka was reportedly a member of the group, whose founder, the Hungarian autocrat Miklos Horthy, once said, "For all my life, I have been an anti-Semite."Max Berger is a Jewish social justice activist who has long been deeply involved in Jewish communal life. He's the co-founder of IfNotNow, a group of American Jews devoted to ending Israel's occupation of Palestinian territory, and recently joined Elizabeth Warren's presidential campaign.In a tweet this month, one of these men tarred the other as an anti-Semite. If you've been following the increasingly bizarre turn that American discussion of anti-Semitism has taken, you can probably guess which one.That's right, it was Gorka who called Berger an anti-Semite, for having once joined in an internet in-joke about a nonexistent group called "Friends of Hamas." (Gorka's tweet appears to have since been deleted.) It wasn't the only time this month that Gorka accused a Jew of Jew-hating; he's also charged the anti-Trump conservative writer Anne Applebaum with "standing with the anti-Semites," demanding that she explain "how you justify this to the community."
If this were just Gorka, you could dismiss it as trolling. But his tweets were only a particularly brazen example of how right-wing gentiles are wrapping themselves in a smarmy philo-Semitism to attack the left, even when that means attacking either individual Jews or the political interests of most Jewish Americans.
Maxwell first grew close with the Clintons after Bill Clinton left office, vacationing on a yacht with Chelsea Clinton in 2009, attending her wedding in 2010, and participating in the Clinton Global Initiative as recently as 2013, years after her name first emerged in accounts of Epstein's alleged sexual abuse."Ghislaine was the contact between Epstein and Clinton," said a person familiar with the relationship. "She ended up being close to the family because she and Chelsea ended up becoming close." (Lawyers for Maxwell did not respond to requests for comment, and a spokesperson for Clinton disputed the idea that the two women were ever close.)Trump's ties to Maxwell and her late father, the publishing tycoon Robert Maxwell, meanwhile, go back even further, to at least the late 1980s."He really likes her," said Steven Hoffenberg, a former mentor to Epstein who pleaded guilty in 1995 to running a massive Ponzi scheme, of Trump and Maxwell. "He was friendly with her father."In the 1980s, Trump and Robert Maxwell, the Czech-born owner of London's Daily Mirror tabloid, rubbed shoulders on the high-flying Manhattan party circuit.An item from a May 1989 gossip column placed Trump and both Maxwells together at a party aboard the elder Maxwell's yacht, named the Lady Ghislaine, that featured caviar flown in from Paris and former Republican senator John Tower of Texas. The item notes that Trump compared his own larger yacht with Maxwell's.As it happened, Trump's yacht, the Trump Princess, had originally belonged to the Saudi arms dealer Adnan Khashoggi (uncle of the slain Washington Post contributor Jamal), and Maxwell's yacht had originally belonged to one of Adnan's brothers. [...]Virginia Roberts Giuffre, a former changing room attendant at Mar-a-Lago who has accused Epstein of sexually abusing her as a minor, alleges in a lawsuit that she was first approached at the club in 1998 by Ghislaine Maxwell, who convinced her to meet Epstein and joined him in the abuse. Maxwell has denied wrongdoing.
The battle for the Senate is coming down to five states where Republicans are defending seats: Arizona, Colorado, Iowa, Maine, and North Carolina. If Democrats can't hold Sen. Doug Jones's seat in ruby-red Alabama--a very difficult task--they'll need to win at least four of those five races. (Should Trump win reelection, they'll need a clean sweep.)Georgia and Texas, once seen as compelling opportunities, are looking further out of reach for Democrats. And despite GOP dysfunction in Kansas and strong Democratic fundraising against Mitch McConnell in Kentucky, those conservative states are still heavily favored to elect Republicans next year.But the GOP's standing in the traditional swing states is looking more tenuous. The prospect of a Democratic sweep isn't out of the question, especially given the polarized nature of the electorate. If Democrats simply carry the states where Trump is viewed unfavorably, they'd win at least 50 Senate seats.Down the ballot, Morning Consult's latest round of polls measuring the approval ratings of sitting senators should also concern Republicans. While most senators boast net-positive approval ratings, three Republicans up in 2020 are in precarious shape.That list includes Sen. Susan Collins of Maine, who has long enjoyed strong bipartisan support even in tough political times. She now holds the highest disapproval rating in the country. Sen. Thom Tillis of North Carolina has the lowest approval rating of any senator, according to the survey. Sen. Cory Gardner, running in the bluest state of any Republican up in 2020, is viewed favorably by only 37 percent of Coloradans.The two other swing-state GOP senators aren't faring much better. Sen. Martha McSally of Arizona holds a 40-37 job approval-disapproval rating, a sign of vulnerability. And Sen. Joni Ernst of Iowa, despite her reputation as a popular figure back home, holds a tenuous 42-38 approval-disapproval rating.
In FY 2006, the median immigrant bond price was just $50. Last fiscal year, the median was $8,000.
— Axios (@axios) July 21, 2019
"This is an administration that loves detention," says former immigration judge Paul Schmidt. https://t.co/OWt8WJFMq4
Reps. @AOC, @RashidaTlaib, @IlhanMN and @AyannaPressley are not "capable of loving" America, the president said. https://t.co/QqdAeHRCyK
— Jake Sherman (@JakeSherman) July 21, 2019
With Trump again retweeting the extreme racist -- #KatieHopkins -- four times today
— Ryan Goodman (@rgoodlaw) July 20, 2019
This is a Must Read informative thread👇by @AdamWagner1 from June (the prior time Trump quote tweeted Hopkins).https://t.co/b6gtXv9mRn
Owners have until December 20 to hand in their weapons and the government has set aside NZ$208 million (A$200 million) to compensate them for up to 95% of the original cost.The buyback comes four months after a lone gunman with semi-automatic weapons attacked Muslims attending Friday prayers in Christchurch on New Zealand's South Island, killing 51 people.More than 2,000 people have surrendered 3,275 firearms, 7,827 parts and accessories and in return authorities have paid them slightly more than NZ$6 million (A$5.76 million) since the buyback began last Saturday, a police spokesperson told Reuters by telephone on Sunday.
Trump says if you don't love America, leave it.
— VICE News (@vicenews) July 19, 2019
He's been bashing the U.S. for years. pic.twitter.com/Kyk5oRXx1U
NASA deserves a lot of credit. A space agency funded by 4 percent of the world's population, it is responsible for launching 100 percent of the rovers that have ever wheeled on Mars; all the probes that have visited Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto; nearly all the major space telescopes; and all the people who have ever walked on the Moon. But while its robotic planetary exploration and space astronomy programs continue to produce epic results, for nearly half a century its human spaceflight effort has been stuck in low Earth orbit.The reason for this is simple: NASA's space science programs accomplish a lot because they are mission-driven. In contrast, the human spaceflight program has allowed itself to become constituency-driven (or, to put it less charitably, vendor-driven). In consequence, the space science programs spend money in order to do things, while the human spaceflight program does things in order to spend money. Thus, the efforts of the science programs are focused and directed, while those of the human spaceflight program are purposeless and entropic.This was not always so. During the Apollo period, NASA's human spaceflight program was strongly mission-driven. We did not go to the Moon because there were three random constituency-backed programs to develop Saturn V boosters, command modules, and lunar excursion vehicles, which luckily happened to fit together, and which needed something to do to justify their funding. Rather, we had a clear goal -- sending humans to the Moon within a decade -- from which we derived a mission plan, which then dictated vehicle designs, which in turn defined necessary technology developments. That's why the elements of the flight hardware set all fit together. But in the period since, with no clear mission, things have worked the other way.Neither the space shuttle nor the International Space Station were designed as parts of any well-conceived plan to send humans to the Moon or Mars. Insistence that they be included as part of such programs only served to make them infeasible. More recently, other constituencies in NASA have made demands that any expedition to the Moon or Mars make use of new hobbyhorses, including variously a space station or asteroid fragment in lunar orbit, or high-powered electric propulsion, none of which are necessary, desirable, or arguably even acceptable for near-term human exploration.NASA's current plan for the "Lunar Gateway" space station (formerly known as the Deep Space Gateway, and then until a few months ago as the "Lunar Orbital Platform-Gateway," or LOP-G -- I am not making this up) is a case in point. If you want to understand the merit of this project, consider a business proposition where you are offered a chance to rent an office in Saskatoon. Under the terms proposed, you will need to pay to build the office building and agree to a thirty-year lease at $100,000 per month rent, with no exit clause. In addition, you will need to spend one month per year in Saskatoon and travel through Saskatoon on your way to anywhere else for the rest of your life.That, in a nutshell, is the Gateway project. It will cost a fortune to build and a fortune to maintain, and it will add to the propulsion requirements and timing constraints of all missions to the Moon and Mars that are forced to stop there -- as they surely will, since otherwise the pointlessness of building it will be revealed to the public. It is not an asset but a liability, or rather an entitlement, created for no other purpose but to provide a mechanism to drain agency funds to NASA's largest contractors.This is unacceptable. NASA's space program is our space program. It does not belong to the major aerospace contractors, or even to NASA's management. It belongs to us. That some of the money NASA's human spaceflight office throws around on useless projects might end up in the hands of entrepreneurial space companies is not enough. The American people deserve a space program that is really going somewhere. We are paying for it. We have a right to insist on real results.The mission needs to come first. The NASA human spaceflight program needs a clear, driving goal, which should be to initiate a permanent human presence on the Moon and Mars within a decade. Such a deadline is as necessary as a defined destination, because without it, the goal has no force, and activities will continue to be directed by the entropic pressure of vendors or political constituencies, rather than by the alleged purpose.Rather than continue paying for endless cost-plus contracts to "develop" things with no real purpose, NASA needs to set clear goals and contract for services to support those goals. So, for example, let's say enabling human lunar exploration is the goal -- as it currently supposedly is. NASA should put out a request for proposals to industry for systems to deliver cargos to the Moon, and astronauts round-trip, offering to match development costs dollar for dollar and to award a certain number of missions to the best bidders. Whoever got such a contract would be strongly incentivized to minimize development cost and time because they would be paying half the cost out of pocket and would not start making a profit until actual missions began.
"Holy, Holy, Holy!" has been chosen in a March Madness-like tournament as "the greatest hymn of all time."The Hymn Society in the United States and Canada announced the winner on Thursday (July 18), the last day of its annual conference in Dallas."Some matchups were real nail-biters, while in others one hymn blew its opposition out of the water!" reads a Thursday post on the society's Facebook page. "Yesterday was the final round and we can safely say that the Greatest Hymn of All Time -- as chosen by you -- is: Holy, Holy Holy!!!"More than 800 people, mostly members of the 1,200-member Hymn Society, voted on the society's website, on Facebook and, in the last rounds, in person at the conference during the competition that featured brackets similar to the springtime NCAA basketball tradition.Hymn experts said it was fitting, if not surprising, that "Holy, Holy, Holy!" -- which trounced "Amazing Grace," 70% to 30% in the second round -- defeated its musical challengers.Christopher Phillips, author of the 2018 book "The Hymnal: A Reading History," said "Holy, Holy, Holy!" is "something of a natural champion among hymns of various eras."The words and music have a stately, majestic quality, something many worshippers want to associate with the traditional hymn repertoire," he said.Phillips, a professor at Lafayette College in Easton, Pennsylvania, added that the hymn's tune by English clergyman John B. Dykes is one of the 19th century's best. The words by Anglican bishop Reginald Heber, he said, "are an elegant way of affirming the basic belief in the Trinity that unites most Christian denominations regardless of other doctrinal differences."
USSR and post-Soviet Russia combined? 4 women astronauts since 1963. The USA? Almost 50, including all these firsts: mother, Chinese-born woman, payload specialist, married couple, black woman, hispanic woman, shuttle pilot and commander, ISS commander, and teacher. Also oldest. https://t.co/SFQLyjw9Gm
— Holly (Maths Geek) (@hollymathnerd) July 18, 2019
I don't remember how I discovered OOTP Baseball, but I was instantly hooked. To the point where I'd get yelled at for spacing out and getting lost in the game as I ran my team into the year 2023, overseeing a World Series champion Padres team that featured Jedd Gyorko (the lone holdover), League MVP Miguel Sanó, José Berríos, and an aging Stephen Strasburg.I made trades, I hoarded minor leaguers, I fired my head scout and manager in 2018 and replaced them quickly for the first of three title runs in four years. And it was awesome. But there was another real-life element that I quickly discovered.A prospect named Christian Walker was my starting first baseman in fictional 2018, and was putting up monster numbers -- to the point where I felt the need to trade away my incumbent, Anthony Rizzo, for prospects. It got Walker on my fantasy radar, I grabbed him in real-life dynasty leagues... and here we are, several years later, when he's an impact first baseman for the Diamondbacks.There were other prospects who popped up on my fantasy radar thanks to playing OOTP several seasons into the future. And some final-year stats for established players in the fictional universe were great, too -- everything from unexpected players hitting 40-plus home runs to Cy Young awards for previously unheralded pitchers. When it came close to fruition in real life the next year, I took notice.So I dropped the OOTP developers a note and asked if they'd run a sim for the second half of this season for us -- with the idea being that maybe the process would unearth some surprise performances fantasy players could dig deeper on. There were plenty, along with some weird splits for a few players and a devastating injury for a jinxed closer.Away we go...
Health care is one of retirees' biggest expenses, but it's not just because older people tend to access more medical services. Even if you never visit the doctor, your insurance bill will be higher in retirement than it was when you were working, according to a new analysis.That's because retirees pay a bigger share of their premiums under Medicare than they did under their employer's health insurance. Employers generally subsidize around 75% of their employees' health insurance premiums, leaving employees responsible for just a quarter of the monthly costs, according to HealthView Services, a Danvers, Mass.-based company that provides health care cost data to financial advisors.In retirement, however, you're responsible for 100% of your Medicare premiums. And that often comes as a surprise.
[T]rump's really trying to thread the needle here. A lot of things can go wrong.His net approval rating remains negative (currently -9 points), as it has throughout a presidency in which he has focused on hardline immigration policies and racial resentment.Further, Trump's Republican Party lost the 2018 midterm elections, which were held under similar conditions as today. Trump's net approval rating was -9 points in the 2018 exit poll. The result was that Trump's Republican Party lost 40 House seats and the House popular vote by 9 points.In the final weeks of that cycle, Republicans were not helped by Trump continuously pointing out in the final weeks of that campaign that migrants were coming up through Central America. Voters who decided in the final month of the 2018 campaign were as likely to vote Democratic as those who decided before then.It remains unclear if Trump can compensate his unpopularity by demonizing the Democratic nominee this time around.And remember, Trump also risks raising turnout among nonwhite voters. That's not a big deal in a state like Wisconsin, which is very white. It could, however, take Sunbelt states moving to the left, like Arizona and Texas, and put them into play for the Democrats.If either Arizona or Texas go blue, it opens up a lot of electoral college paths for the eventual Democratic nominee.
Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton head into the final hours of the 2016 presidential campaign with the worst election-eve images of any major-party presidential candidates Gallup has measured back to 1956. Majorities of Americans now view each of them unfavorably on a 10-point favorability scale, a first for any presidential standard-bearer on this long-term Gallup trend. Trump's image is worse than Clinton's, however, with 61% viewing him negatively on the 10-point scale compared with 52% for her.
In order to give life to that movement, Buckley specifically chose to rid its ranks of people who espoused the sort of anti-Semitism that once was inescapable on the American right.Buckley would himself acknowledge that prejudice was a presence in his own home growing up. And as a youngster, Buckley admitted that he was a fan of Charles Lindbergh and his "America First" movement, whose flirtation with anti-Semitism was of a piece with its advocacy of appeasement of Adolf Hitler's Nazi Germany.But as National Review took flight in the late 1950s, anti-Semitic writers found themselves on the outside looking in. So, too, did apologists for the extremist John Birch Society.But despite the fact that his conservatism was one that was informed by his own Catholic faith (something that was consistently made clear in the pages of National Review), Buckley made his journal, and by extension, the movement for which it served as an unofficial bible, off-limits to the anti-Semitism that was commonplace in the world in which he grew up.Though he didn't always agree with all of its policies, Buckley was also a consistent supporter of Israel. A staunch anti-Communist, he was also deeply supportive of the movement to free Soviet Jewry at a time when many in this country (including some Jews) were loath to speak out because it might be interpreted as opposition to a policy of detente with Moscow.Long after he chased the Birchers out of NR, Buckley found himself forced to confront the issue again. When longtime colleagues Pat Buchanan and Joseph Sobran used their bully pulpits on the right to bash Israel and stigmatize Jews for their support for the state, it was again Buckley who took on the haters.Buckley repudiated Sobran's writing, which he labeled anti-Semitic, and pushed him off the magazine's masthead.As the issue continued to percolate in the aftermath of the Persian Gulf war in December 1991, he devoted an entire issue of the magazine to an essay titled "In Search of Anti-Semitism" (which was also the title of the book he later published on the same subject), in which he took on Buchanan, who was preparing an insurgent run for the White House against the first President Bush.His conclusion was damning: "I find it impossible to defend Pat Buchanan against the charge that what he did and said during the period under examination amounted to anti-Semitism, whatever it was that drove him to say and do it," Buckley wrote.Though Buchanan would continue to snipe away on television, it was largely Buckley's doing that he and others like him would do so from outside a perch in one of our two major parties rather than inside it.
When the conservative editor and intellectual William F. Buckley, Jr., ran for mayor of New York in 1965, he may have been the first conservative to endorse affirmative action, or, as he called it, "the kind of special treatment [of African Americans] that might make up for centuries of oppression." He also promised to crack down on labor unions that discriminated against minorities, a cause even his liberal opponents were unwilling to embrace. Buckley pointed out the inherent unfairness in the administration of drug laws and in judicial sentencing. He also advanced a welfare "reform" plan whose major components were job training, education and daycare.In 1969, in his capacity as founding editor of National Review, launched a decade and a half earlier as a "conservative weekly journal of opinion" that stood in opposition to the dominant liberal ethos of the time, Buckley toured African-American neighborhoods in Cleveland, Detroit, Chicago, San Francisco, Oakland, Los Angeles and Atlanta organized by the Urban League and afterward singled out for special praise "community organizers" who were working "in straightforward social work in the ghettos." In an article in Look magazine months later, Buckley anticipated that the United States could well elect an African-American president within a decade, and that this milestone would confer the same reassurance and social distinction upon African Americans that Roman Catholics had felt upon the election of John F. Kennedy. That, he said, would be "welcome tonic" for the American soul.This Buckley, who emerged in the years after 1965, bore little resemblance to the one who, eight years earlier in 1957, had penned an editorial he titled "Why the South Must Prevail"--in which he declared the white race the more "advanced" race and, as such, the most fit to govern. What happened in those eight years that sparked this change in attitude and policy advocacy on Buckley's part? How did a man who later proclaimed his greatest legacy was keeping the conservative movement free of bigots, kooks and anti-Semites move past a nakedly racist editorial like that?It was the convergence of political shifts--particularly in the South, where the more genteel, states' rights-focused politicians were giving way to more overtly racist, populist demagogues--and his own personal introspection, rooted particularly in his religious faith and his own intellectual concerns about the integrity of conservatism. Buckley's evolution makes for important context today, particularly in the wake of the 2016 election. As Republican standard-bearers struggle with how to discourage the alt-righters and white nationalists and new wave of populists that Donald Trump's campaign apparently surfaced, they might do well to pay attention to how exactly Buckley began his search and how he charted out a new course for conservatism at a time when polarization over civil rights threatened to tear the GOP apart."Why the South Must Prevail" is shocking to the 21st century reader. The piece put National Review on record in favor of both legal segregation where it existed (in accordance with the "states' rights" principle) and the right of southern whites to discriminate against southern blacks, on the basis of their "Negro backwardness." The editorial defended the right of whites to govern exclusively, even in jurisdictions where they did not constitute a majority of the population.In the same op-ed, Buckley concluded that as long as African Americans remained "backward" in education and in economic progress, Southern whites had a right to "impose superior mores for whatever period it takes to affect a genuine cultural equality between the races." In defense of his position that whites, for the time being, remained the "more advanced race," Buckley pointed to the name a major civil rights organization, The National Association for the Advancement of Colored People had adopted for itself as evidence that its founders considered its constituents "less advanced." He offered no guidance as to how blacks might attain what he called "cultural equality," save for by the sufferance of the white population.It's important to understand how Buckley rationalized such thinking because it's at the root of his later transformation. National Review justified its position on the grounds that whites were "the more advanced race," and as such were "entitled to rule." Buckley, the author of the editorial, made no mention of the role Southern whites had played, through the social and legal systems they had put into place, in keeping Southern blacks from rising to the point where he--or their white neighbors--would consider them "advanced" and therefore eligible to participate in the region's governance. He went so far as to condone the violence whites committed to perpetuate segregation.National Review's opposition to federal civil rights legislation put it at odds not only with self-proclaimed "modern Republicans" such as Dwight Eisenhower and Richard Nixon. (In 1957, years before he adopted the southern strategy, Nixon was one of the highest-profile defenders of civil rights in the Republican Party). But it also put him at odds with conservative Republicans, whom the magazine supported editorially, such as Senate Minority Leader William Knowland, the 1957 Civil Rights bill's primary sponsor.Buckley's 1957 opposition to legislative and other attempts to enforce Brown vs. Board of Education, the 1954 Supreme Court decision that declared segregated schools unconstitutional, betrayed more than a defense of the rights of states to impose segregation and unequal treatment of citizens, but also his reservations about democracy's capacity to enhance freedom. In a subsequent editorial of "clarification," Buckley proposed in the name of racial equality an alternative to disenfranchising all African Americans on account of their race: All states should disenfranchise the uneducated of all races. He saw no reason to confine such practices to the South. In Buckley's view, too many ignorant people were being allowed to vote elsewhere.As he contemplated the merits of the franchise and to whom to extend it, Buckley had restated views he had advanced while a student at Millbrook, his preparatory school. In a term paper he had written for his headmaster, Buckley maintained that uneducated voters might be manipulated by demagogues into surrendering some of their freedom in exchange for benefits raised through taxation of the citizenry. In staking out this position, Buckley was taking his place in a long line of conservative theorists beginning as far back as Aristotle, who saw in such democratic practices the roots of tyranny.It was these intellectual currents that turned Buckley away from the Southern politicians of the time--and toward his reversal on civil rights.
Red faces in Moscow this weekend, with the news that hackers have successfully targeted FSB--Russia's Federal Security Service, making off with 7.5 terabytes of data which exposed secret projects to de-anonymize Tor browsing, scrape social media, and help the state split its internet off from the rest of the world. The data was passed to mainstream media outlets for publishing.A week ago, on July 13, hackers under the name 0v1ru$ reportedly breached SyTech, a major FSB contractor working on a range of live and exploratory internet projects. With the data stolen, 0v1ru$ left a smiling Yoba Face on SyTech's homepage alongside pictures purporting to showcase the breach. 0v1ru$ then passed the data itself to the larger hacking group Digital Revolution, which shared the files with various media outlets and the headlines with Twitter--taunting FSB that the agency should maybe rename one of its breached activities "Project Collander."
Proponents say that mandating rooftop solar will cause the cost of installations to drop even further and also potentially encourage more innovation in distributed solar and home energy storage. In preparation for an influx of solar from rooftop installations, grid utilities might also be forced to make much-needed upgrades to energy distribution infrastructure.And there's another benefit to the rooftop solar mandate proponents cite that's harder to quantify: its influence on public opinion. Requiring rooftop solar on new homes normalizes it. The idea is that if homeowners in older buildings see solar installations go up on new homes, they might be more persuaded to switch their own energy systems to renewable. And it's likely that the increased visibility of home solar installations might make people more amenable to supporting larger-scale policy shifts in favor of renewable energy.Though this public-opinion ripple effect is difficult to quantify, a new study from CITE Research, a market research firm for communications campaigns, finds evidence that it's already happening. In a nationally representative poll of 2,000 people, 70% said that they would support a version of California's rooftop solar policy being mandated nationwide."We've seen all the surveys about general support for solar," says David Bywater, CEO of Vivint Solar, a residential solar installation company that commissioned the survey. He nods specifically to a 2016 Pew Research study that found 89% of Americans supported expanding rooftop solar. But the fact that support for a national mandate around rooftop solar is nearly as high shows that public sentiment is translating into policy. "In a lot of cases, people might say that California's policy is the big hand of government overreaching," Bywater says. "But it's actually what the people want."
[A]t Wimbledon this year the winner of the men's title Novak Djokovic earned £2.3m, while the winner of the women's title Simona Halep got exactly the same amount. It has been a principle for a number of years now that there is no difference in men's and women's pay at the top of tennis. So normalised has it become that to question the policy is to immediately occupy the misogynistic position - and who but some unreconstructed neanderthal wants to do that?Well, here goes: there is something wrong about equal pay, at least in the four grand slam tournaments. The problem was exemplified in this year's respective Wimbledon singles finals. Djokovic took four hours and 57 minutes to beat Roger Federer in an epic match that tested every aspect of the two competitors: skill, stamina, mental strength, you name it.Halep, by contrast, finished her match against Serena Williams in just 56 minutes. That is more than four hours less time than the men's final. The Romanian played the match of her life and deserved to win. But still, 56 minutes? You don't book Centre Court by the hour. One reason for the disparity is that in grand slam events, men play the best of five sets. But the women play the same as they do in any other tournament on the circuit: the best of three sets.
— SI MLB (@si_mlb) July 21, 2019
(via @MLB) pic.twitter.com/fqIfsQzxVG
Tommy Robinson 'decked in prison shower by man, 70, for acting like a celebrity' https://t.co/8voADX6jyI pic.twitter.com/51wZHv6hQs
— Daily Mirror (@DailyMirror) July 21, 2019
Amy Wax, a law professor at the University of Pennsylvania who was removed from teaching first-year students last year after writing an article questioning the abilities of black students, offered what she called "the cultural case" for reduced immigration.She defended President Trump's vulgar comment last year disparaging immigration from certain countries, to laughter and applause. And she dismissed the idea that immigrants somehow became American simply by living here, which Ms. Wax (borrowing a term used by white nationalists and self-described "race realists") mocked as the "magic dirt" argument.There's no reason that "people who come here will quickly come to think, live and act just like us." she said. Immigration policy, she said, should take into account "cultural compatibility.""In effect," she said, this "means taking the position that our country will be better off with more whites and fewer nonwhites."
When the demand for electricity surges in Oakland, California, a power plant burning jet fuel switches on, pumping pollution into the western part of the city. But the plant will soon close--and will be replaced in part by a network of solar panels and batteries installed in affordable apartment buildings in the area."If it's a really hot summer day, and everyone has their air-conditioning on and demand for electricity is really high, we can work with [the grid operator] to discharge those batteries and provide electricity to the grid so that another fossil fuel power plant doesn't have to turn on to serve that demand," says Audrey Lee, vice president of energy services at Sunrun, the company that is building the new "virtual" power plant.At the jet fuel plant, the plant's owner will install another massive battery system that can take electricity from the grid when demand is low and then release it when it's needed. Other battery storage systems in the area will also help. But the installation at apartment buildings is a unique way to solve the problem. The power will go first to the low-income families living in the buildings, then fill the batteries, with any excess electricity going back into the general grid. The system will be ready in 2022.
Sadly, were he alive today, WFB would be apologizing for helping to make Donald possible, just as he had to apologize over civil rights and Anti-Semitism on the Right.You could say that I always had conservative tendencies. But I prefer to call them American. I was born and grew up in Bosnia-Herzegovina. Up until the start of the Bosnian war (the Siege of Sarajevo began in April 1992), I lived an ordinary life like most people there. That is, if you consider living in Communist Yugoslavia normal. The Soviet Union it was not, but neither was it "socialism with a human face."I was born a Muslim, and for the most part I considered myself a cultural and ethnic Muslim rather then a fully practicing one. I began to think more deeply about my identity only once the war began. Muslims were targeted and eliminated. The Bosnian war brought the phrase "ethnic cleansing" into the public sphere.As much as I was close to death more times than I'd care to remember, I was spared. I left my home by the end of 1992 in a convoy of women and children bound for a refugee camp in the Czech Republic.Having spent almost four years in the camp, I did not want to go back to Bosnia. I was set on coming to America, and so I applied through the refugee resettlement program. My application was rejected and, out of both anger and desire, I wrote an appeal. That was a success, and I found myself on American soil in May 1996, just a few months shy of my 17th birthday.Parallel to my geographic travels and constant uprooting was an odyssey of the mind. In many ways, books saved my life and kept me from being overcome by the darkness of my painful memories.As I got older, I found myself navigating through the world of politics. Everything was political then, trending toward the absurd. On the surface, I subscribed to many of the liberal theories du jour. University space has a way of leading you into that abyss of identity politics, political correctness, and the worst offender of them all, collectivism. And yet, I was growing more and more restless. I was always interested in the order of things. By nature, I am a seeker of the True, the Good, and the Beautiful, and I found myself increasingly surrounded by acts that were contra naturam.Then I discovered William F. Buckley, Jr.
Donald Trump just tweeted that London will "never be safe" under Sadiq Kahn pic.twitter.com/xAZ8n2Gcsu
— James Felton (@JimMFelton) July 20, 2019
Over decades in business, entertainment and now politics, Mr. Trump has approached America's racial, ethnic and religious divisions opportunistically, not as the nation's wounds to be healed but as openings to achieve his goals, whether they be ratings, fame, money or power, without regard for adverse consequences.He was accused by government investigators in the 1970s of refusing to rent apartments to black tenants (he denied it but settled the case) and made a name for himself in the 1980s by championing the return of the death penalty when five black and Hispanic teenagers were charged with raping a jogger. They were later exonerated. He threatened to sell his Mar-a-Lago estate to the Unification Church in 1991 and unleash "thousands of Moonies" if city officials in Palm Beach, Fla., did not allow him to carve up his property.Taking on competitors of his Atlantic City casinos, he questioned whether rival owners were really Native Americans entitled to federal recognition -- then later teamed up with another tribe when there was money to be made. With his eye on the White House, he opened a yearslong drive to convince Americans that President Barack Obama was really born in Africa.His own campaign in 2016 was marked by slurs against Mexicans, a proposed Muslim ban and other furors. To deflect criticism, two campaign officials said they regularly positioned a supporter nicknamed "Michael the Black Man" so cameras would show him behind Mr. Trump at his rallies.In the White House, Mr. Trump equated "both sides" of a white supremacist rally in Charlottesville, Va., referred to African nations as "shithole countries" and said Nigerian visitors to the United States would never "go back to their huts."
U.S. should close migrant "concentration camps" before complaining about Xinjiang abuses, Chinese media says https://t.co/XwxtDsw6df
— Newsweek (@Newsweek) July 20, 2019
On Nov. 7, 2018, I woke up to some astounding news: Two Muslim women had been elected to the House of Representatives. And in my Queens district, a young progressive, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, who had defeated our longtime congressman, went on to become the youngest woman ever elected to Congress. At that moment, seeing what women like me were able to achieve, I became convinced that my own political aspirations could become a reality.This week, I watched in horror as President Trump escalated attacks on one of those new Muslim congresswomen, Ilhan Omar, at a campaign rally in North Carolina, including falsely accusing her of being a supporter of Al Qaeda, as audience members chanted "Send her back." Ms. Omar responded eloquently to his vicious attacks, tweeting, "I am where I belong, at the people's house and you're just gonna have to deal!" But I worry about those chants turning into something more sinister.When I was growing up, I thought I wanted to pursue a career in medicine. I was surrounded by many women in medicine with a similar background to mine: My doctor was a Muslim woman, and many of the older Muslim girls I knew were aspiring physicians, nurses or pharmacists. There were no Muslim politicians for me to look up to, so I did not even consider that career path as an option.Then in January 2018 I was invited to go to the Women's March with Seventeen magazine. I was 16 at the time and it was inspiring to meet everyday Americans turned activists, actresses, politicians -- some of them Muslim, like me. As I reflected on my experience at the march, I began to think that maybe I could be a force for change. I felt compelled to do something about the systems put in place that hurt me as a low-income, Muslim, Arab-American woman and others like myself. I wanted to help those both within and outside my community.
Thousands of people turned out in Moscow on Saturday to support the right of opposition candidates to be allowed to take part in elections to Moscow's city legislature, which are set to take place on September 8. The protest in the center of the Russian capital was organized by the country's Libertarian Party and had been authorized. The independent monitor "White counter" said 22,500 people attended the rally, while police put the figure at 12,000.Protesters in the crowd chanted "Let them run!," "This is our city!" and "For free elections!"Opposition politician Alexei Navalny was present, shaking protesters' hands and talking to the candidates who weren't registered. This issue is one of the rare ones to unite Russia's usually divided opposition.Navalny made this point as he addressed the crowds: "Usually it is my exclusive right" not to be registered for elections, he joked, referring to the 2018 presidential elections in which he was not allowed to run. "But this has united us."Navalny told journalists the mayor's office in Moscow would not be able to ignore such a huge crowd. He also insisted authorities could not ignore the huge number of people who planned to vote for independent candidates and had added their names to the signature lists the candidates need to collect to be registered.
[T]here were some oddities to the British decision. Few previous shipments of oil to Syria have been impounded. The Spanish claim that the British acted under the instruction of the Americans. The Trump administration is trying to freeze all Iranian oil exports as part of its policy of maximum economic sanctions designed to force the Iranians to reopen talks on the nuclear deal signed in 2015.But Britain opposes that US policy, arguing that it is counterproductive and only likely to strengthen the hands of hardliners in Tehran.Carl Bildt, the former Swedish prime minister and co-chair of the European council on foreign relations, pinpointed the ambiguities of the British action in Gibraltar: "The legality of the UK seizure of a tanker heading for Syria with oil from Iran intrigues me. One refers to EU sanctions against Syria, but Iran is not a member of the EU. And the EU as a principle doesn't impose its sanctions on others. That's what the US does."To the Iranian eye, the British action had nothing to do with an EU embargo, and everything to do with an desire to support the US squeeze on Iranian oil exports, the quickest route to bringing the Iranian economy to its knees. Some reports estimate that Iranian exports are down to 200,000 barrels a month.Britain's efforts to extricate itself started to emerge at the weekend, when Jeremy Hunt, the foreign secretary, rang his Iranian opposite number, Javad Zarif, and said the ship could be released if there was an undertaking that the ship would no longer travel to Syria.But trust between Hunt and Zairif is low: Zarif feels let down by Hunt on a range of bilateral issues, including the case of Nazaninin Zaghari-Ratcliffe, the Iranian dual national imprisoned in Tehran.
Donald Trump has retweeted the British far-right commentator Katie Hopkins and launched another attack on Sadiq Khan.Referring to a message from Hopkins that the Met's Twitter account had been targeted by hackers on Friday night, in which she said officers had "lost control of London streets" and "lost control of their Twitter account too", Trump tweeted: "With the incompetent mayor of London, you will never have safe streets!" [...]Hopkins, who once wrote a column comparing migrants to "cockroaches" and "feral humans", was last week banned from speaking at Eastbourne's new conference center.Earlier this month Trump retweeted a tweet from Hopkins in which she praised a number of far-right politicians and said "the fightback by proud nations is on".
Right-wing commentator Katie Hopkins has been condemnd for blaming the "Chief Rabbi and his support for mass migration" into Europe for the Pittsburgh synagogue shooting in which 11 died.Robert Bowers, the suspected shooter, is purported to have kept a social media account that sent antisemitic messages in the hours before the attack.Two days after the mass shooting stunned the Jewish communty, Ms Hopkins tweeted she was "watching the pin-the-blame on the donkey"."Look to the Chief Rabbi and his support for mass migration across the Med," she wrote. "There you will find your truths."
Trump's monumental unpopularity is threatening his reelection chances in two red states in the deep south: Georgia and North Carolina. A PPP poll released Friday shows Trump losing both states to a generic Democrat.In Georgia, Trump trails 50 percent - 46 percent, while his numbers in North Carolina are slightly worse, trailing 49 percent - 44 percent.
Join us as we count down the final 13-minute descent from 18:45 GMT on Saturday 20 JulyDownload the story of the Apollo 11 mission with the 13 Minutes to the Moon podcast.
The former Federally Administered Tribal Areas (FATA), a mountainous cluster of seven districts and six towns along the Afghan border that resisted efforts at outside control for hundreds of years, were merged into the province of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa last May.The result of the vote for the provincial assembly is unlikely to have much direct impact on national politics or Prime Minister Imran Khan's government in Islamabad.But the election marks a significant milestone for a region that has been a byword for unrest since before the days of the British rulers of India, who generally left tribal elders to administer their own justice in a system that continued after Pakistan gained its independence in 1947."It is a historic day," said Ajmal Wazir, the government's adviser on the tribal areas. "The polling process is continuing smoothly."The elections will see 16 seats contested by 285 candidates from all the main national parties as well as independents. But the issue of how parliamentary democracy can be brought to a region that was for centuries governed by often harsh tribal custom has added uncertainty to the process.
[A]ccording to research that debuted this week, lawmakers shouldn't worry too much about accumulating pension debt. "There's an assumption that fully funding pensions is the right thing to do," said the Brookings Institution's Louise Sheiner at the paper's presentation. "Most of the work in this area has been about calculating how unfunded these plans are [and] that's led to a lot of concern that these plans are in a huge crisis."Sheiner, along with co-authors Byron F. Lutz of the Federal Reserve Board and Jamie Lenney of the Bank of England, say that's not the case. They argue that pension debt is stable as long as its size relative to the economy doesn't increase. "When you approach the pension situation from a public finance [and sustainability] angle," Sheiner said, "there's less of a crisis than is typically portrayed."The paper, which was presented at the Brookings Institution's annual municipal finance conference in Washington, D.C., finds that pension benefit payments as a share of GDP are currently at their peak level and will remain there for the next two decades. That's because the 2008 market crash came at a time when pension plans were starting to see baby boomers retire, meaning they dropped in value just when payments to retirees were starting to increase.By 2040, however, the reforms instituted by many plans following the financial crisis will gradually cause benefit cash flows to decline significantly. Since those changes were to current employees' plans, governments won't see the full effect of those savings until those workers retire.All of this means that, according to the research, the worst of it is over for most pension plans. For the next 40 or so years, the ratio of pension debt as a share of the economy is expected to remain the same, as long as the plans achieve moderate investment returns and governments continue to make consistent payments equal to or slightly higher than they are now.
Provisions of the Constitution that prohibit "unreasonable searches and seizures" are effectively curtailed in border zones like Vermont. Within a 100-mile range of a border, Customs and Border Protection agents can detain, question, and search anyone without reasonable suspicion or a warrant; within a 25-mile range, they can additionally enter private land. In Vermont, many of Border Patrol arrests have specifically targeted workers in the dairy industry."Vermont is very dependent on milk," says Teresa Mares, an associate professor of anthropology at the University of Vermont. "It's the main agricultural commodity in the state. And it's an industry that's dependent on hiring workers from outside of the country."In her recent book Life on the Other Border: Farmworkers and Food Justice in Vermont, Mares provides a snapshot of the state's dairy industry and its relationship with undocumented workers. Approximately 80 percent of the state's farmland is dedicated to supporting dairy production, which accounts for 70 percent of the state's agricultural sales. The industry provides up to 7,000 jobs and employs at least 1,000 Latinx migrants--90 percent of whom are thought to be undocumented. Dairy farms are reliant on these undocumented workers to fill a local labor shortage, and undocumented workers are attracted to dairy farms due to the stability of the year-round work, as compared to other seasonal farm work, and the relatively low cost of living, with farm owners often providing housing.Despite the attraction of Vermont's dairy farms, the industry also poses unique threats to undocumented workers. As Mares highlights in Life on the Other Border, more than 90 percent of Vermont's residents live within 100 miles of the U.S.-Canada border and a significant number of the state's dairy farms are within the 25-mile range. In addition, Vermont is home to a relatively high density of Border Patrol stations--four, compared to zero in neighboring New Hampshire. These factors combined render many undocumented dairy farmworkers legally susceptible to immigration enforcement in an area where they have a relatively high likelihood of encountering Border Patrol officers, who are armed with extraordinary powers.Besides their legal susceptibility, Vermont's undocumented dairy farmworkers are also especially vulnerable to racial profiling. According to the U.S. Census Bureau, more than 94 percent of the state's residents identify as white, and in rural counties that are home to a significant number of dairy farms, such as Orleans, that figure is higher than 96 percent. The lack of diversity makes undocumented dairy farmworkers, who typically come from indigenous or Latinx backgrounds, hypervisible as people of color and, therefore, exposed to racial profiling.Both location and demographics contributed to the arrests of three undocumented dairy farmworkers in Vermont last month. Newport, where they were arrested, is fewer than five miles from the border, meaning Border Patrol were able to stop and question them without probable cause or a warrant, and the workers' hypervisibility as people of color attracted Border Patrol's interest in the first place. While ICE declined to answer questions from Pacific Standard (Adrian Smith, ICE public affairs officer, would only state that "unlawfully present Mexican nationals ... were transferred to ICE custody from U.S. Customs and Border Protection"), a Border Patrol spokesperson told local newspaper Seven Days that the workers were pursued "based on information from a concerned citizen.""The 'suspicious activity' here was nothing more than shopping while brown," says Will Lambek, staff member of Migrant Justice, a community organization for dairy farmworkers.
Responding to Trump's accusations, Omar tells Al Jazeera: "Those [9/11] are horrific attacks. There's no question about it, that's not a debatable thing. Innocent Americans lost their lives that day, we all mourn their deaths ... And I think it's quite disgusting that people even question that and want to debate that."Trump made the comments after Omar said Muslims in America have lost access to their civil liberties because they are collectively seen to be responsible for the attacks claimed by al-Qaeda."What is important is the larger point that I was speaking to," Omar clarifies, "which is about making sure that blame isn't placed on a whole faith, that we as Muslims are not collectively blamed for the actions of terrorists.""I do not blame every single white person when we have a white man who massacres children at a school, or moviegoers in a movie theatre. And I think this really horrendous narrative that says, as a Muslim, I'm supposed to explain, apologise, for the actions of someone who's also terrorising me, is absurd."Omar is critical of Trump's leadership and has supported calls for him to be impeached."I always said it wasn't the question of whether he should be impeached, but when. And we are seeing now so many people are coming to that conclusion," she says. "This president said he didn't see any problem in having a foreign, hostile government [Russia] intervene in our elections. He didn't understand how that could be a problem ... We do not accept information that is going to change the trajectory of our elections, from hostile governments."Omar is vocal in her opposition to other US-foreign allegiances, including the relationship with Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates (UAE)."How can we make a decision to sell weapons to Saudi Arabia, knowing that they have been part of causing one of the most atrocious humanitarian crises in Yemen, when we know that they have a hand in what's happening right now in Sudan, what's happening in Libya, and the list can go on and on and on," she says."Our alliedship with Saudi Arabia and the Emirates is immoral. I believe that it is one of the most absurd alliedships; it doesn't fit with any of our values. When we think about what is in the interest of our national security, entrusting them to help us with that is like trusting a thief to watch over your shop. We know that they can't be trusted in that process."Omar acknowledges the challenges posed by the current US administration, but believes the polarisation it creates has resulted in some positive side effects, including mass mobilisation of voters and the election of the most diverse Congress in US history.
The unsealed affidavit does not flatly assert that the Hicks was part of a discussion about paying off Daniels. But it supported that possibility. On Thursday night, Judiciary Committee Chairman Jerrold Nadler (D-NY) wrote to Hicks and her attorney, Robert Trout, asking her to clarify apparent inconsistencies in her testimony "in very short order--but not later than August 15, 2019." Nadler said that unsealed material "raises substantial questions about the accuracy" of several of Hicks' claims.In a statement Friday, Trout said that Hicks' testimony was accurate. "Reports claiming that Ms. Hicks was involved in conversations about 'hush money' payments on October 8, 2016, or knew that payments were being discussed, are simply wrong," Trout said. "Ms. Hicks stands by her truthful testimony that she first became aware of this issue in early November 2016, as the result of press inquiries, and she will be responding formally to Chairman Nadler's letter as requested."Hicks previously offered more detail on the October 8 call with Trump and Cohen. During her June testimony, she said the call was about rumors she'd heard about "a tape involving Mr. Trump in Moscow with, you know--can I say this?...with Russian hookers, participating in some lewd activities." Hicks explained that she "wanted to make sure that I stayed on top of it before it developed any further, to try to contain it from spiraling out of control." She said she had heard that the gossip site TMZ might have "access to this tape," and she knew Cohen was friendly with TMZ founder Harvey Levin.
Charlottesville, VIRGINIA - Benjamin Daley, Michael Miselis, and Thomas Gillen, members of the white-supremacist organization formerly known as the Rise Above Movement (RAM), were sentenced today in U.S. District Court in Charlottesville for violence they committed as part of their conspiracy to riot, including at the August 2017 Unite the Riot Rally in Charlottesville, and other alleged political rallies in California. The announcement was made by United States Attorney Thomas T. Cullen, Special Agent in Charge David W. Archey of the FBI's Richmond Division, and Colonel Gary T. Settle of the Virginia State Police.Daley, 26, of Torrance, Calif., was sentenced today to 37 months in prison. Gillen, 25, of Redondo Beach, was sentenced to 33 months in prison. Miselis, 30, of Lawndale, Calif., was sentenced to 27 months in prison. A fourth defendant, Cole Evan White, will be sentenced at a future date. All four defendants previously pleaded guilty to one count of conspiracy to riot."These defendants, motivated by hateful ideology, incited and committed acts of violence in Charlottesville, as well at other purported political rallies in California," U.S. Attorney Cullen stated today. "They were not interested in peaceful protest or lawful First Amendment expression; instead, they intended to provoke and engage in street battles with those that they perceived as their enemies. I am grateful for the diligence and hard work of the FBI and Virginia State Police in bringing these violent white supremacists to justice."
In my farewell message to colleagues, I cited philosophical differences over the best way to protect reproductive health. While the traditional approach has been through prioritizing advocating for abortion rights, I have long believed that the most effective way to advance reproductive health is to be clear that it is not a political issue but a health care one. I believed we could expand support for Planned Parenthood -- and ultimately for abortion access -- by finding common ground with the large majority of Americans who can unite behind the goal of improving the health and well-being of women and children.When the board hired me to chart this new course, I knew that it would be challenging. Few organizations, let alone organizations under constant siege, accept change easily. Indeed, there was immediate criticism that I did not prioritize abortion enough. While I am passionately committed to protecting abortion access, I do not view it as a stand-alone issue. As one of the few national health care organizations with a presence in all 50 states, Planned Parenthood's mandate should be to promote reproductive health care as part of a wide range of policies that affect women's health and public health.
It is with such messy and complicated American realities in mind that we read Daniel Okrent's important new book. Its title refers to a nasty anti-immigrant poem by Thomas Bailey Aldrich, published in the august Atlantic Monthly in 1892--the very same year Ellis Island officially opened. Aldrich's verses ("Wide open and unguarded stand our gates, / And through them presses a wild motley throng /... In street and alley what strange tongues are loud, / Accents of menace alien to our air...") reflect the profound nativist sentiment of an era when as many as a million immigrants were entering the U.S. annually. The newcomers--largely Catholic and Jewish immigrants from central and eastern Europe--terrified the Protestant American establishment, particularly what Okrent calls the "Brahmin intelligentsia." These were men like one-time U.S. Senator Henry Cabot Lodge, who wrote in 1891 that it was time to "guard our civilization against an infusion which seems to threaten deterioration," or Boston school committee member Joe Lee, who declared "the Catholic Church a great evil," and feared Europe was being "drained of Jews--to its benefit no doubt but not ours."The broader arc of The Guarded Gate traces the slow but steady merger of this long-standing American nativism with something new: scientific racism.Okrent, best known as the first public editor of the New York Times, and the author of lively popular histories about Prohibition and Rockefeller Center, acknowledges his own personal connection to this material. His maternal grandfather, a physician, emigrated from Romania in 1922, managing "to slip in before the gates clanged shut two years later." Consequently, Okrent confesses that he "can't claim spotless objectivity as I tell the fateful story of how a perverse form of 'science' gave respectability to the drastic limits imposed on the number of Jews, Italians, Greeks, Poles, and various other eastern and southern Europeans seeking to come to America between 1924 and 1965." The Guarded Gate also explores the role Okrent's own publisher played in spreading many of this era's more heinous ideas: the 1916 publication of Madison Grant's seminal book, The Passing of the Great Race, made Charles Scribner's Sons "effectively the official publisher of the scientific racism movement," he writes.The story of this "perverse science" is terrifying and complex, with a sprawling cast of characters, and Okrent's narrative occasionally feels a touch bumpy, zigzagging back and forth through decades, with characters disappearing and reappearing. Overall, though, The Guarded Gate exerts a chilling power. One would be hard-pressed to exaggerate either the breadth or the intensity of the anti-immigrant animus Okrent chronicles. Cabot Lodge and others insisted that the era's immigrants were "far removed in thought and speech and blood from the men who have made this country what it is." And it wasn't just the Brahmins. The editors of the Nation worried about the "foreign vote," the New York Times feared the scheming of a "secret Polish society" in Pennsylvania, and a mob in New Orleans was so blinded by rage they lynched eleven Italians in 1891.Not content with vilifying immigrants whose misfortune it was to be impoverished devotees of minority religions, the nativists of the day were fired up by thinkers like Edward A. Ross, who rose to prominence, Okrent writes, via articles and books "expressing his belief that many of the immigrants coming into the United States early in the twentieth century were members of 'the lower races'--in truth, scarcely human." Once a scientific rationale for nativism was established, it was only a matter of time before the political class responded--with the notorious Johnson-Reed Act of 1924, which targeted what our current president might call the "shithole countries" of the day, radically reducing Catholic and Jewish immigration to the U.S. "America of the Melting Pot Comes to an End," the New York Times blared in April of 1924.The story doesn't end there. Okrent's is just the latest book--others include Hitler's American Model by James Q. Whitman, and Hitler's American Friends by Bradley W. Hart--to highlight the significant contribution made by American eugenicists to what would become the Nazis' Final Solution. (Okrent also notes that the Johnson-Reed Act deprived thousands a place of refuge from the Nazis.) The Guarded Gate closes with a nod to the immigration reforms of 1965, which flung open America's gates once more.
The president's instincts in this moment were telling. Presidential reelection campaigns are typically base elections. Energizing reliable voters within the incumbent's existing coalition and depressing the opposition draws the straightest line between points A and B. As Trump's record in politics demonstrates, he has always seen his most racially toxic supporters as valid members of his base--not necessarily because they are racially toxic, but because he believes they are members of a broader forgotten class of Americans for whom he presumes to speak.That's why Trump declined to denounce David Duke when he had the chance, only doing so when his reluctance became a scandal. It's why he indulged in Birtherism and legitimized Alex Jones and Infowars with campaign trail appearances. It's why he took on Steve Bannon, the self-described proprietor of a "platform for the alt-right," as his campaign chairman and chief strategist despite his lack of political experience. It's why he couldn't bring himself unequivocally to condemn violent white nationalists, one of whom murdered a woman in Charlottesville, Virginia.There's an ugly condescension inherent in the unspoken assumption that repudiating bigotry might fracture the president's winning coalition of voters who are otherwise underserved by elite opinion-makers on the coasts, but there is no better explanation for Trump's politically foolish compromises. Trump's approach to constituency maintenance routinely manifests in the stoking of racial and class tensions, and there's no reason to expect that to abate when the presidency is on the line.
Wisconsin Republicans have tried their best to steer clear of the aftermath of President Donald Trump's use of a racist trope that led thousands of his supporters at a rally Wednesday night to chant "send her back" about a black Muslim congresswoman.One exception is U.S. Rep. Mike Gallagher, who represents -- of all places -- the heart of Trump country."This is not a good look for the United States of America," Gallagher, of Green Bay, said in a video posted on his official Twitter account after characterizing as "abhorrent" the chant calling for the deportation of Democratic U.S. Rep. Ilhan Omar of Minnesota."We don't want to spend the next year engaging in this endless tribal warfare and Twitter nonsense because we're not going to get anything done, the problems are just going to continue to get worse and politics are going to become an exercise in the absolute absurd," he said.Gallagher also was the only Wisconsin Republican to respond to a Milwaukee Journal Sentinel request this week seeking reaction to a series of tweets in which Trump suggested Omar and three other Democratic congresswomen who are not white go back to the "crime infested places from which they came."
It's been 20 years since the end of apartheid in South Africa, the system of racial segregation that curtailed the rights of black South Africans for decades. One of the strongest protest movements outside South Africa to dismantle apartheid was in the United States during the 1980s.Television news images of the violent struggles to end apartheid in South Africa captured the attention of Americans in the 1980s.They also galvanized support for the U.S. anti-apartheid movement. Former U.S. Congressman Ron Dellums was one of the leaders of the movement."Challenging apartheid in South Africa became a logical next place to go," he said.Dellums worked to expose the plight of South Africa's blacks along with the injustices carried out by the white minority government. Dellums introduced anti-apartheid legislation in Congress banning trade and investment in South Africa, and also led many demonstrations in which ordinary people and many celebrities were arrested."They went out there to put themselves on the line to say, 'Look if South Africans could be beaten and jailed the least we could do is go out there and experience some discomfort ourselves and be one with our sisters and brothers in the struggle to liberate them," he said.Howard Dodson, director of the Howard University Library, remembers protesting with his son outside the South African consulate in Atlanta."The anti-apartheid activities in the United States actually reverberated around the world leading other people to develop their own demonstration activities and that was probably as critical to the overthrow of apartheid as anything else that was going on," he said.Students also protested on university campuses - calling on schools and corporations get rid of their investments in South Africa.
116th CONGRESS 1st Session |
Affirming that all Americans have the right to participate in boycotts in pursuit of civil and human rights at home and abroad, as protected by the First Amendment to the Constitution.
Ms. Omar (for herself, Ms. Tlaib, and Mr. Lewis) submitted the following resolution; which was referred to the Committee on the Judiciary
Affirming that all Americans have the right to participate in boycotts in pursuit of civil and human rights at home and abroad, as protected by the First Amendment to the Constitution.
Whereas boycotts have been effectively used in the United States by advocates for equal rights since the Boston Tea Party and include boycotts led by civil rights activists during the 1950s and 1960s in order to advocate for racial equality, such as the Montgomery bus boycott, and promote workers' rights, such as the United Farm Workers-led boycott of table grapes;
Whereas Americans of conscience have a proud history of participating in boycotts to advocate for human rights abroad, including--
(1) attempting to slow Japanese aggression in the Pacific by boycotting Imperial Japan in 1937 and 1938;
(2) boycotting Nazi Germany from March 1933 to October 1941 in response to the dehumanization of the Jewish people in the lead-up to the Holocaust;
(3) the United States Olympic Committee boycotting the 1980 summer Olympics in Moscow in protest of the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan in the preceding year; and
(4) leading the campaign in the 1980s to boycott South African goods in opposition to apartheid in that country;
Whereas the Supreme Court, in the 1966 case Rosenblatt v. Baer, held that the First Amendment to the Constitution ensures that "[c]riticism of government is at the very center of the constitutionally protected area of free discussion";
Whereas the Supreme Court held in the 1982 case NAACP v. Claiborne Hardware that "[t]he right of the States to regulate economic activity could not justify a complete prohibition against a nonviolent, politically motivated boycott ... .";
Whereas the Supreme Court has recognized various activities as "expressive conduct" warranting constitutional protection, such as flag burning, wearing black armbands, silent sit-ins, and creating and designing custom wedding cakes; and
Whereas despite this tradition, governments and nongovernmental organizations alike have sought to criminalize, stigmatize, and delegitimize the use of boycotts in an attempt to stifle constitutionally protected political expression: Now, therefore, be it
Resolved, That the House of Representatives--
(1) affirms that all Americans have the right to participate in boycotts in pursuit of civil and human rights at home and abroad, as protected by the First Amendment to the Constitution;
(2) opposes unconstitutional legislative efforts to limit the use of boycotts to further civil rights at home and abroad; and
(3) urges Congress, States, and civil rights leaders from all communities to endeavor to preserve the freedom of advocacy for all by opposing antiboycott resolutions and legislation.
Sen. Josh Hawley, R-Mo., gave a speech condemning "cosmopolitan elites" and their plan to weaken America through their international network and their control of big business.Hawley made the remarks Thursday at the National Conservatism Conference in Washington, D.C., a gathering of nationalist thinkers organized by Yoram Hazony, an American-Israeli professor.Aside from referring to Jesus as a "Jewish rabbi," he didn't mention the Jews by name in the speech. But critics of the speech found parallels to the use of the term "rootless cosmopolitan," an anti-Semitic smear popularized by Joseph Stalin in the mid-20th century. Nazis also used "cosmopolitan" as an anti-Semitic term.Said Hawley, "For years the politics of both Left and Right have been informed by a political consensus that reflects the interests not of the American middle, but of a powerful upper class and their cosmopolitan priorities. This class lives in the United States, but they identify as 'citizens of the world.' They run businesses or oversee universities here, but their primary loyalty is to the global community."
Sheffield, in truth, is only the most recent locale to become the focus of the subreddit "BreadStapledToTrees," or BSTT, in which people post and discuss photos of their staplings. The forum was actually launched in 2017 by a user who has since deleted his Reddit account. Nevertheless, the subreddit has accumulated some 213,000 members. According to prominent BSTT member I_Say_Fool_Of_A_Took (real name Andy Chamberlain), the founding user and his friend had originally envisioned a subreddit about "whole wheat bread stapled to trees," before they ultimately decided that was too specific. Soon, they opened the floor to...any kind of bread stapled to trees.
Your Beard Might Be Slowing Down Airport Security https://t.co/hZjGceADPa #frommycolddeadface
— brothersjudd (@brothersjudd) July 19, 2019
Angela Merkel was asked if she supported the congresswomen being attacked by Trump. Her reply was to the point pic.twitter.com/J16vFojcts
— The Independent (@Independent) July 19, 2019
Terrorism does increase with immigration -- but only homegrown, right-wing terrorism https://t.co/a6ophzvRvL
— Monkey Cage (@monkeycageblog) July 19, 2019
Y'all sharing the John McCain video defending Obama from the "smear" that he's a Muslim--please share Colin Powell's answer instead
— Qasim Rashid, Esq. (@QasimRashid) July 18, 2019
Note how he warned of this racist bigotry among senior Republicans back in 2008--GOP did nothing to stop it & now we have 45pic.twitter.com/yfWNWJo4dZ
When John Tanton, a Michigan ophthalmologist and environmentalist, launched the modern anti-immigration movement in 1979, he had a simple but radical goal: eliminate nearly all immigration to the United States. To do that, Tanton hoped to turn opposition to immigration into a high-minded cause embraced by people of all political persuasions. Charges of nativism, Tanton assumed, would sink his new endeavor.On Tuesday, Tanton died at the age of 85. Despite his initial warnings about nativism, Tanton spent the last decades of his life issuing increasingly extreme warnings about immigrants of color and became a hero to white nationalists. It was fitting, then, that news of his death didn't spread until Wednesday evening, just as President Donald Trump was leading a reelection campaign rally on a platform of unabashed racism.Under Trump, Tanton's once-fringe ideas have become the guiding philosophy of a White House obsessed with immigration. The Federation for American Immigration Reform, the group Tanton founded four decades ago, now has alumni in key posts across the federal immigration bureaucracy. And for the first time ever, all three immigration agencies are led by people who follow FAIR's playbook. Stephen Miller, the president's immigration guru, is a savvier and far more influential Tanton.In a 1989 oral history, Tanton recalled that the two defining events of his childhood in Detroit were Pearl Harbor and the city's 1943 race riot. After leaving the city for a farm in the wake of the riot, Tanton grew up to be a conservationist. He took to population control activism with a convert's fervor after reading the Stanford biologist Paul Ehrlich's warnings about overpopulation.Inspired by the ideas of the ecologist Garrett Hardin, Tanton came to see immigration as a neglected piece of the population puzzle. In his 1974 essay "Lifeboat Ethics: the Case Against Helping the Poor," Hardin proposed allowing people in the developing world to starve to death in the name of tough-love population control and criticized immigration because it "moves people to the food."
Long before a surge of migrants from Central America overwhelmed the southwestern border, the Trump administration was already waging a broad assault on the rules determining who can seek asylum in the United States.But on Monday, the administration announced one of its most restrictive rules yet for a system, enshrined in international law, that Mr. Trump has called "ridiculous" and "insane."In a move that would stop virtually all Central American families who are fleeing persecution and poverty from entering the United States, Trump administration officials said they would deny asylum to migrants who failed to apply for protections in at least one country they passed through on their way north.
Michelle Obama is the most admired woman in the world, according to a new poll.The former first lady led the pack in a survey released Thursday by market research firm YouGov.Obama came out ahead of an array of high-profile women, besting Oprah Winfrey in second, actress Angelina Jolie, who came in third, and Queen Elizabeth II, fourth on the list.
Two in three Americans (66%) in a June Gallup survey said they favor admitting Puerto Rico, now a U.S. territory, as a U.S. state. This is consistent with the 59% to 65% range of public support Gallup has recorded for Puerto Rico statehood since 1962.
In Trump's version, "American" is defined by three propositions. First, to be American is to be xenophobic. The basic narrative he tells is that the good people of the heartland are under assault from aliens, elitists and outsiders. Second, to be American is to be nostalgic. America's values were better during some golden past. Third, a true American is white. White Protestants created this country; everybody else is here on their sufferance.When you look at Trump's American idea you realize that it contradicts the traditional American idea in every particular. In fact, Trump's national story is much closer to the Russian national story than it is toward our own. It's an alien ideology he's trying to plant on our soil.Trump's vision is radically anti-American.
The United States is struggling to win its allies' support for an initiative to heighten surveillance of vital Middle East oil shipping lanes because of fears it will increase tension with Iran, six sources familiar with the matter said.
Restaurant in Greenville, where Donald Trump's "send her back" rally was held, donates 100% of proceeds to helping immigrants https://t.co/zYkYbhF6O3
— Newsweek (@Newsweek) July 18, 2019
There are many elements to the conservative mantra that the Affordable Care Act is a "disaster" -- it's too expensive, it doesn't cover all that many people, it's driven up costs for everyone, etc., etc. None of this is news to anyone who follows healthcare affairs. Nor is the fact that these criticisms all are either false or misleading.A new study from the Society of Actuaries graphically shows how false and misleading. It documents the sharp rise in coverage and medical utilization in the individual health insurance market starting in 2014, when the ACA's insurance exchanges began operating. The actuaries also document that costs and utilization trends in the large- and small-group market -- health insurance provided by employers -- remained stable, fell, or continued trends that already existed before the advent of the exchanges.The report, a collaboration with the Health Care Cost Institute (hat tip to David Anderson of Duke), is crystal clear about the reasons for the jumps in coverage and utilization. Chiefly, the launch of the individual exchanges resulted in a "surge of pent-up demand in both previously uninsured populations and previously uncovered services."Simply put, many of the new entrants into the health coverage market had been uninsured "due to preexisting conditions," which had resulted in their being refused coverage or offered insurance at inordinately high premium rates. The ACA, moreover, mandated coverage of conditions that previously had been routinely excluded from individual health plans, notably maternity services.Before the ACA, insurers in the individual market charged women of childbearing age sky-high premiums for policies including maternity coverage, on the perfectly fair assumption that they would probably use it. That discouraged the entry of those women into the insurance market. "Similarly, male members or other members not likely to give birth would select individual coverages that excluded maternity so as to pay a lower premium," the actuaries observe.Under the ACA, the cost of maternity care is spread among the entire insurance pool. That gives younger women more financial incentive to buy coverage. In effect, non-pregnant buyers subsidize pregnancy. Despite the idiotic posturing of conservatives (including President Trump's own Medicare and Medicaid director, Seema Verma) that maternity coverage should be optional, this is plainly the proper policy, as the cost of propagating the species shouldn't be imposed exclusively on women aged 18-45.
"Donald Trump is a race-baiting, xenophobic, religious bigot."
— Ilhan Omar (@IlhanMN) July 18, 2019
~ Sen. Lindsey Graham https://t.co/IqQaIbynHs https://t.co/z4aFtJRxdj
FBI documents unsealed on Thursday suggest that Donald Trump was actively involved in engineering a hush-money payment shortly before the 2016 election to a porn actress who said she had a sexual encounter with him, as his personal lawyer Michael Cohen, campaign team and others scrambled to head off a scandal.
Fifty years ago Saturday, millions of Americans tuned in to watch the Apollo 11 lunar module land on the moon.Thirteen-year old Jay Buckey, who grew up on Long Island, was one of those eager viewers. Watching Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin take those first steps on the moon, Buckey fell in love with space.This childhood admiration grew into a lifetime commitment to NASA research and space exploration."I always thought that space was a very exciting thing and something I wanted to be a part of," said Buckey, a professor at the Geisel School of Medicine at Dartmouth, medical director of Dartmouth-Hitchcock Medical Center's hyperbaric medicine program and director of its space medicine innovation laboratory.In 1998, Buckey fulfilled his dream of going to space. As a payload specialist for the final Spacelab mission, he conducted a number of studies on how entering and leaving space affects the nervous system and brain. While the research couldn't be totally conclusive due to a lack of further studies, it did suggest that the presence of gravity is essential to certain aspects of development, such as balance and the nervous system, he said.Buckey, a Hanover resident, still remembers the feeling of liftoff from NASA's Kennedy Space Center at Cape Canaveral, Fla."It's very exciting. For launch morning, it's the first time I was in the space shuttle where it actually got turned on," he said.Today, at 63, Buckey continues to conduct research for NASA. He also runs the clinical hyperbaric oxygen program at Dartmouth-Hitchcock Medical Center. This treatment consists of a chamber with high-pressure levels of oxygen, which can help heal damaged blood supply. It's useful as therapy for people suffering from carbon monoxide poisoning, severe anemia or radiation injuries, among other major health problems. The program at Dartmouth-Hitchcock started because Buckey needed the chamber to study a bubble detector, a technology for detecting decompression sickness.
We can go back to the start of his career in the early 1970s and the outrage he expressed when Trump and his father were charged by the federal government with discriminating against African-Americans in the rental housing they owned in New York City. Trump's response was to hire Roy Cohn, who then countersued, calling the Justice Department attorneys "storm troopers" and "Gestapo." The Trumps ultimately agreed to integrate their buildings, but the Justice Department acknowledged they never really complied. Because they didn't want to. As Donald saw it, and I remember him voicing a version of this idea within the inner circle of his executives on several occasions: "Blacks don't want to live with whites, so why isn't it OK for whites not to want to live with blacks?" I know that in similar fashion he despised the affirmative action guidelines (50 percent female and 30 percent minority at every level) we were required to implement to maintain our gaming license. He would say it was not realistic and a waste of money to train people who did not have the ability.I recall one busy Saturday night, walking the cas[***]o floor with him, when he saw what he considered an inordinate number of black customers. "It's looking a little dark in here," he calmly stated. It was his way of telling me to limit our charter bus programs in urban neighborhoods. I ignored him and continued to run the business in the best interest of Donald, the bondholders and the employees.His prejudices didn't stop at the color of one's skin. Everyone was subject to judgment. It could be their ethnicity, their gender, their religion. It could be their social "caste." Like the time we were speaking of the fiancée of one of our executives who had died in a tragic helicopter crash while returning to Atlantic City from a news conference with Donald in New York. The woman happened to be a cocktail server at the ca[***]o. Donald's take was, "Poor girl. Her ticket out was Jon. She got lucky. Now she will be serving drinks the rest of her life."Sometimes his petty prejudices begat very public tirades. One day, he flew into a rage over a limousine driver who arrived to pick him up wearing gray shoes, soiling his image by "looking like a f------ Puerto Rican."In 1988, shortly after I was promoted to president of Trump Plaza Hotel & Cas[***]o, he invited me up to New York for lunch. There was a lot to talk over one issue in particular: one of our senior managers, who happened to be African-American. Donald considered him incompetent and wanted him fired. When I acknowledged some shortcomings in the man's performance, he instantly became enthused. "Yeah, I never liked the guy," he said. "And isn't it funny, I've got black accountants at Trump Castle and Trump Plaza. Black guys counting my money! I hate it. The only kind of people I want counting my money are short guys that wear yarmulkes every day."I was mortified. We were in a restaurant in Trump Tower. I worried he'd be overheard. But he went on, "Besides that, I've got to tell you something else: I think the guy is lazy, and it's probably not his fault because laziness is a trait in blacks. It really is. I believe that. It's not anything they can control."Then, eyeing me closely, he said, "Don't you agree?"When I told him in no uncertain terms that I did not, he swiped aside my objections with a chop of his hand. "Ah, it's a trait," he said.Where did the bigotry come from? Was he possessed of some insatiable inner need for reassurance that there is a social order of which he occupies the pinnacle? Certainly, he was no less self-obsessed back then. No less brittle, mercurial, vindictive. I think it explains in no small part the reflexive ease with which he slinks into the most sordid identity politics whenever he feels threatened, as when he claimed the judge presiding over the federal lawsuits in the Trump University swindle, the American-born Gonzalo Curiel, was "Mexican" and therefore biased against him. He's suggested the same of any Muslim judge. Knowing Donald, I'm sure he wondered how a "Mexican" came to be a judge in the first place.
School shootings since 2009.
— The Spectator Index (@spectatorindex) July 18, 2019
US: 288
Mexico: 8
South Africa: 6
India: 5
Pakistan: 4
Nigeria: 4
Afghanistan: 3
Brazil: 2
Canada: 2
France: 1
China: 1
Russia: 1
Germany: 1
Turkey: 1
Japan: 0
Spain: 0
Italy: 0
UK: 0
Netherlands: 0
Australia: 0
There was also a third way -- a dark horse candidate favored by a minority of engineers led by Houbolt at NASA's Langley Research Center. Lunar orbit rendezvous, or LOR, would require only one Saturn V and two smaller vehicles to go to the moon -- a mother ship to stay in lunar orbit, which came to be known as the command module, while a lightweight lunar module, designed solely to land and return from the lunar surface, made the descent.The catch? Astronauts, circling the moon nearly a quarter of a million miles away from any possibility of rescue, would have to link up the two spaceships to get home.To the NASA establishment, that sounded way too risky. Nearly all but Houbolt and his group of supporters at Langley dismissed it out of hand.At the time, no one had ever done rendezvous or docking in space -- maneuvers that are considered the bread and butter of spaceflight today but that were daunting and untried concepts in the early 1960s."If rendezvous had to be part of Project Apollo, critics of LOR felt that it should be done only in Earth orbit," according to the NASA fact sheet. In case the maneuver was unsuccessful, the astronauts could easily return home. However, "if a rendezvous around the moon failed, the astronauts would be too far away to be saved. Nothing could be done," it said.Houbolt believed the risks of LOR were manageable. And further, he was adamant that a rendezvous of two spacecraft in lunar orbit wasn't just one possible method for a moon mission, but the only one that had any chance of meeting Kennedy's nearly impossible deadline.To Houbolt, it was a simple equation involving the need to save weight, time and money. Lunar orbit rendezvous accomplished all three. But despite the obvious advantages, Houbolt faced an uphill battle. "He got batted down by pretty much everybody," Launius says.There was von Braun's opposition, but also vehement pushback from Faget, the Mercury capsule designer.In one meeting attended by NASA Associate Administrator Robert Seamans, von Braun and Faget, Houbolt pitched LOR. After the presentation, Faget rose from his seat to denounce Houbolt's plan."His figures lie!" Faget proclaimed. Amid a stunned silence in the room, Faget added, "He doesn't know what he's talking about!"The outsider gets a hearingHis idea for getting to the moon may have been roundabout, but Houbolt himself was direct. He was also an outsider among the group of engineers studying a moonshot."Houbolt was not part of the program, and that is really where a core issue comes into play," Launius says. "He went to his boss and his boss sort of shouted him down and said, 'What are you doing?' because he wasn't working in this area at all."Frustrated with his inability to get anyone to listen, in November 1961, Houbolt wrote a letter to Seamans, essentially going straight to the top of the NASA hierarchy. The move was a breach of protocol that Houbolt acknowledged in the letter was "somewhat unorthodox." But, he insisted, "[the] issues at stake are crucial enough to us all that an unusual course is warranted.""Do we want to go to the moon or not?" Houbolt asked rhetorically, challenging the administrator to act. "Why is Nova, with its ponderous size, simply just accepted, and why is a much less grandiose scheme involving rendezvous ostracized or put on the defensive?"The letter got Seamans' attention."It was rather strident in the way it was written," the former NASA official recalled in a 2008 documentary. "My first reaction was, 'I'd like some way to get that son of a gun off my back.' "In a reply to Houbolt, Seamans promised to put LOR into active consideration.Months later, at a June 1962 meeting, von Braun unexpectedly reversed course and publicly announced that he was recommending lunar orbit rendezvous.Despite their differences, Houbolt -- who left the space agency in 1963 -- was invited by von Braun to mission control in Houston to witness the historic Apollo 11 landing on July 20, 1969.
📈Tonight's top searches, in order: racism, socialism, fascism, concentration camp, xenophobia, bigot
— Merriam-Webster (@MerriamWebster) July 18, 2019
If you think about it, the chant was more wretched even than Trump's own despicable attacks against Omar and her cohorts. At least Trump was merely urging Omar and her colleagues to leave of their own accord. The North Carolina crowd sounded thirsty for them to be thrown onto a trans-Atlantic barge in a sack.In another way, however, the chants of "Send her back" and those of "Lock her up" are two sides of the same coin. Both are acts of deliberate transgression against what many Trump supporters have come to view as the supposedly stifling ethics of our cultural elites. But while such transgression may have started, in the minds of some, as a way of pushing back for unpopular truths, it is increasingly clear that many on the right these days just enjoy the transgression for the perverse pleasure of it. If "Send her back" is what's going to send those damn media types into a tizzy, you can bet that's what they're going to chant.The danger here--besides the obvious repulsiveness of the chant itself--is that this accelerating culture of political transgression is like a ratchet that can only turn one way. For a critical mass of conservatives, it is a sign that a given act is actually praiseworthy and brave if it draws condemnation from the despised left-wing media. "Send her back" is a chant that might make some cringe today--but once it's been digested by the media cycle and the battle lines drawn, and it's been repeated at rally after rally, it will become, in the minds of Trump's fans, just another handy weapon for triggering the pearl-clutching libs.At which point it will be stale. And they'll need a new, more baldly indefensible, transgression. And so on, and on, and on.
America stinks. At least that's what Donald J. Trump seemed to be saying before becoming president.He did not believe in "American exceptionalism," he said, because America was not exceptional. Instead, it was a "laughingstock" that was no better than Vladimir V. Putin's Russia. By promising to make America great again, he made it clear that he believed it was not great anymore. [...]Ben Domenech, a founder and publisher of The Federalist, a conservative online publication, said the debate of recent days reminded him of a "South Park" episode where the characters say that America has problems, but anyone who does not root for the home team should get out of the stadium."The president is doing the same thing, with an added tinge of xenophobia," said Mr. Domenech. "It's tribal, it ramps up the intensity of everything, but it plays both in his interest and the interests of the congressional members involved from their perspective."Mr. Trump was less bothered by criticism of the United States in the years leading up to his election. He repeatedly said "our country is a laughingstock" and took issue with the term "American exceptionalism." In 2013, he praised Mr. Putin for an "amazing" Op-Ed in The New York Times that said the United States was not special and criticized Mr. Obama for asserting American exceptionalism.Speaking on CNN, Mr. Trump said, "You think of the term as being fine, but all of a sudden you say, what if you're in Germany or Japan or any one of 100 different countries? You're not going to like that term. It's very insulting, and Putin really put it to him about that." As for whether Americans were exceptional, he said, "Why would we be?" citing the disastrous Iraq war.He likewise rejected the term in 2016 as a presidential candidate when asked about his praise for Mr. Putin's Op-Ed. "And that's basically what Putin was saying, is that, you know, you use a term like 'American exceptionalism,' and frankly, the way our country is being treated right now by Russia and Syria and lots of other places and with all the mistakes we've made over the years, like Iraq and so many others, it's sort of a hard term to use," he said on Fox News.During other interviews, he has said the United States was no better than Russia when it came to its moral values on the international front. During a conversation with Bill O'Reilly on Fox shortly after Mr. Trump took office, the host pointed out that "Putin's a killer." Mr. Trump replied by saying, "What, do you think our country is so innocent?"Mr. Trump's affinity for Russia was so pronounced during the campaign that Representative Kevin McCarthy of California, now the Republican leader in the House, privately told colleagues that "I think Putin pays" Mr. Trump. Last year, Mr. Trump blamed poor relations with Russia on "many years of U.S. foolishness and stupidity" -- to which the Russian Foreign Ministry then tweeted, "We agree."
Near the beginning of his campaign rally Wednesday evening, Donald Trump let loose a string of insults and smears against the four congresswomen of color who he'd previously said should "go back" to the countries they came from. All four lawmakers--Ilhan Omar of Minnesota, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez of New York, Rashida Tlaib of Michigan, and Ayanna Pressley of Massachusetts--are US citizens. All but Omar, who emigrated from war-torn Somalia as a child, were born here. Omar and Tlaib went on to become the first Muslim women to serve in Congress.But Trump and his adoring fans in Greenville, North Carolina, don't think these members of Congress qualify as Americans. As the president did his best to link Omar to Islamic terrorists, the crowd broke into a chant of "Send her back, send her back." Trump paused his speech and basked in the moment. He seemed to realize he'd hit upon this election's version of the infamous "Lock her up" chant.
If it weren't tragic, it would be fun to watch just how much racism the Trumpbots are willing to defend."If they don't love it, tell them to leave it" - that was US President Donald Trump's message about four Democratic congresswomen at a rally in North Carolina, where supporters called for one of four female politicians - who was born overseas - to be "sent back"."Let 'em leave," Mr Trump said of the four women. "They're always telling us how to run it, how to do this, how to do that. You know what? If they don't love it, tell 'em to leave it."But the 'love it or leave it' line is an eerily familiar slogan of the Klu Klux Klan in North Carolina, according to Australian National University US politics expert Jennifer Hunt.Dr Hunt, who grew up in North Carolina, said the "Love it or Leave it" slogan was used by the KKK years ago when it claimed to be fighting "communism and integration".
Roma, Sinti, and Camminanti are traditionally nomadic ethnic groups that have lived in Europe for hundreds of years.According to the Council of Europe, Italy has one of the lowest concentrations of these groups in the EU, with a population of between 120,000 and 180,000, according to the AFP. More than half of these people are Italian citizens who have integrated into mainstream society, AFP claims.Despite this, hate crimes and prejudice against Roma, Sinti, and Camminanti are rampant, particularly against the less fortunate, some of whom still live in unofficial settlements.Some 26,000 members of these groups were living in emergency shelters or camps across Italy in 2017, according to the advocacy group Associazione 21 Luglio.Salvini, who is also leader of the far-right Lega party, has called for non-Italians found amongst the Roma, Sinti, and Camminanti to be rounded up and sent back to their countries of origin.
A group of Ethiopian-Israeli parents has petitioned a court against the refusal of four ultra-Orthodox schools in Jerusalem to register their children for the coming school year.One of the children has been offered a place in a school far from his home. The other three are without places. [...]In previous years, the same four -- currently aged three to six -- have had to travel long distances for their education, with their families having to shoulder the transportation costs. One of the children spent an extra year in kindergarten because he was not accepted to one of the four schools, despite a professional opinion that he was ready to move up a year.The petition was submitted after the parents appealed to the Jerusalem Municipality and the Education Ministry. According to the petition, officials from both bodies visited the schools in question and invited the parents and children to come, but did not invite them into the talks with senior school staff.Largman said that the petition charged not only discrimination against the families but an almost complete absence of Ethiopian-Israeli children in the institutions, indicating a pattern of behavior.
Getting CNN to produce a compilation of Sir Stories is one of my top career accomplishments so far pic.twitter.com/zh3hyULDVJ
— Daniel Dale (@ddale8) July 17, 2019
This week American Greatness published an anonymously written poem titled "Cuck Elegy." I'm not going to link to it. It is an attack on David French and other conservatives who the author believes are too invested in getting the approbation of the left and not willing enough to fight . . . well, for whatever.And midway through the verse are these lines:The "Global South"? "The mocha-skinned Lazarus"?"You are more rich than him if not in cash, then in your white skin"?I don't know to read this as anything other than racism--and not just racism, but actual, honest-to-God, KKK-style white nationalism.Especially since--again--the author is using a pseudonym. Which is the writerly equivalent of wearing a hood. If there was an innocent interpretation for this, then the author's name would be on it.It is not a coincidence that this post appeared on a website devoted to the perpetual and total defense of Donald Trump 72 hours after Trump started telling some of America's elected representatives to "go back to your own country."This is how the cancer spreads.
Justice Stevens, with whom Justice Souter, Justice Ginsburg, and Justice Breyer join, dissenting.
The question presented by this case is not whether the Second Amendment protects a "collective right" or an "individual right." Surely it protects a right that can be enforced by individuals. But a conclusion that the Second Amendment protects an individual right does not tell us anything about the scope of that right.
Guns are used to hunt, for self-defense, to commit crimes, for sporting activities, and to perform military duties. The Second Amendment plainly does not protect the right to use a gun to rob a bank; it is equally clear that it does encompass the right to use weapons for certain military purposes. Whether it also protects the right to possess and use guns for nonmilitary purposes like hunting and personal self-defense is the question presented by this case. The text of the Amendment, its history, and our decision in United States v. Miller, 307 U. S. 174 (1939) , provide a clear answer to that question.
The Second Amendment was adopted to protect the right of the people of each of the several States to maintain a well-regulated militia. It was a response to concerns raised during the ratification of the Constitution that the power of Congress to disarm the state militias and create a national standing army posed an intolerable threat to the sovereignty of the several States. Neither the text of the Amendment nor the arguments advanced by its proponents evidenced the slightest interest in limiting any legislature's authority to regulate private civilian uses of firearms. Specifically, there is no indication that the Framers of the Amendment intended to enshrine the common-law right of self-defense in the Constitution.
In 1934, Congress enacted the National Firearms Act, the first major federal firearms law.1 Upholding a conviction under that Act, this Court held that, "[i]n the absence of any evidence tending to show that possession or use of a 'shotgun having a barrel of less than eighteen inches in length' at this time has some reasonable relationship to the preservation or efficiency of a well regulated militia, we cannot say that the Second Amendment guarantees the right to keep and bear such an instrument." Miller, 307 U. S., at 178. The view of the Amendment we took in Miller--that it protects the right to keep and bear arms for certain military purposes, but that it does not curtail the Legislature's power to regulate the nonmilitary use and ownership of weapons--is both the most natural reading of the Amendment's text and the interpretation most faithful to the history of its adoption.
Since our decision in Miller, hundreds of judges have relied on the view of the Amendment we endorsed there;2 we ourselves affirmed it in 1980. SeeLewis v. United States, 445 U. S. 55 , n. 8 (1980).3 No new evidence has surfaced since 1980 supporting the view that the Amendment was intended to curtail the power of Congress to regulate civilian use or misuse of weapons. Indeed, a review of the drafting history of the Amendment demonstrates that its Framers rejected proposals that would have broadened its coverage to include such uses.
The opinion the Court announces today fails to identify any new evidence supporting the view that the Amendment was intended to limit the power of Congress to regulate civilian uses of weapons. Unable to point to any such evidence, the Court stakes its holding on a strained and unpersuasive reading of the Amendment's text; significantly different provisions in the 1689 English Bill of Rights, and in various 19th-century State Constitutions; postenactment commentary that was available to the Court when it decided Miller; and, ultimately, a feeble attempt to distinguish Miller that places more emphasis on the Court's decisional process than on the reasoning in the opinion itself.
Even if the textual and historical arguments on both sides of the issue were evenly balanced, respect for the well-settled views of all of our predecessors on this Court, and for the rule of law itself, see Mitchell v. W. T. Grant Co., 416 U. S. 600, 636 (1974) (Stewart, J., dissenting), would prevent most jurists from endorsing such a dramatic upheaval in the law.4 As Justice Cardozo observed years ago, the "labor of judges would be increased almost to the breaking point if every past decision could be reopened in every case, and one could not lay one's own course of bricks on the secure foundation of the courses laid by others who had gone before him." The Nature of the Judicial Process 149 (1921).
In this dissent I shall first explain why our decision in Miller was faithful to the text of the Second Amendment and the purposes revealed in its drafting history. I shall then comment on the postratification history of the Amendment, which makes abundantly clear that the Amendment should not be interpreted as limiting the authority of Congress to regulate the use or possession of firearms for purely civilian purposes.
The text of the Second Amendment is brief. It provides: "A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed."
Three portions of that text merit special focus: the introductory language defining the Amendment's purpose, the class of persons encompassed within its reach, and the unitary nature of the right that it protects.
"A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State"
The preamble to the Second Amendment makes three important points. It identifies the preservation of the militia as the Amendment's purpose; it explains that the militia is necessary to the security of a free State; and it recognizes that the militia must be "well regulated." In all three respects it is comparable to provisions in several State Declarations of Rights that were adopted roughly contemporaneously with the Declaration of Independence.5Those state provisions highlight the importance members of the founding generation attached to the maintenance of state militias; they also underscore the profound fear shared by many in that era of the dangers posed by standing armies.6 While the need for state militias has not been a matter of significant public interest for almost two centuries, that fact should not obscure the contemporary concerns that animated the Framers.
The parallels between the Second Amendment and these state declarations, and the Second Amendment 's omission of any statement of purpose related to the right to use firearms for hunting or personal self-defense, is especially striking in light of the fact that the Declarations of Rights of Pennsylvania and Vermont did expresslyprotect such civilian uses at the time. Article XIII of Pennsylvania's 1776 Declaration of Rights announced that "the people have a right to bear arms for the defence of themselves and the state," 1 Schwartz 266 (emphasis added); §43 of the Declaration assured that "the inhabitants of this state shall have the liberty to fowl and hunt in seasonable times on the lands they hold, and on all other lands therein not inclosed," id., at 274. And Article XV of the 1777 Vermont Declaration of Rights guaranteed "[t]hat the people have a right to bear arms for the defence of themselves and the State." Id., at 324 (emphasis added). The contrast between those two declarations and the Second Amendment reinforces the clear statement of purpose announced in the Amendment's preamble. It confirms that the Framers' single-minded focus in crafting the constitutional guarantee "to keep and bear arms" was on military uses of firearms, which they viewed in the context of service in state militias.
The preamble thus both sets forth the object of the Amendment and informs the meaning of the remainder of its text. Such text should not be treated as mere surplusage, for "[i]t cannot be presumed that any clause in the constitution is intended to be without effect." Marbury v. Madison, 1 Cranch 137, 174 (1803).
The Court today tries to denigrate the importance of this clause of the Amendment by beginning its analysis with the Amendment's operative provision and returning to the preamble merely "to ensure that our reading of the operative clause is consistent with the announced purpose." Ante, at 5. That is not how this Court ordinarily reads such texts, and it is not how the preamble would have been viewed at the time the Amendment was adopted. While the Court makes the novel suggestion that it need only find some "logical connection" between the preamble and the operative provision, it does acknowledge that a prefatory clause may resolve an ambiguity in the text. Ante, at 4.7 Without identifying any language in the text that even mentions civilian uses of firearms, the Court proceeds to "find" its preferred reading in what is at best an ambiguous text, and then concludes that its reading is not foreclosed by the preamble. Perhaps the Court's approach to the text is acceptable advocacy, but it is surely an unusual approach for judges to follow.
"The right of the people"
The centerpiece of the Court's textual argument is its insistence that the words "the people" as used in the Second Amendment must have the same meaning, and protect the same class of individuals, as when they are used in the First and Fourth Amendment s. According to the Court, in all three provisions--as well as the Constitution's preamble, section 2 of Article I, and the Tenth Amendment --"the term unambiguously refers to all members of the political community, not an unspecified subset." Ante, at 6. But the Court itself reads the Second Amendment to protect a "subset" significantly narrower than the class of persons protected by the First and Fourth Amendment s; when it finally drills down on the substantive meaning of the Second Amendment , the Court limits the protected class to "law-abiding, responsible citizens," ante, at 63. But the class of persons protected by the First andFourth Amendment s is not so limited; for even felons (and presumably irresponsible citizens as well) may invoke the protections of those constitutional provisions. The Court offers no way to harmonize its conflicting pronouncements.
The Court also overlooks the significance of the way the Framers used the phrase "the people" in these constitutional provisions. In the First Amendment , no words define the class of individuals entitled to speak, to publish, or to worship; in that Amendment it is only the right peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances, that is described as a right of "the people." These rights contemplate collective action. While the right peaceably to assemble protects the individual rights of those persons participating in the assembly, its concern is with action engaged in by members of a group, rather than any single individual. Likewise, although the act of petitioning the Government is a right that can be exercised by individuals, it is primarily collective in nature. For if they are to be effective, petitions must involve groups of individuals acting in concert.
Similarly, the words "the people" in the Second Amendment refer back to the object announced in the Amendment's preamble. They remind us that it is the collective action of individuals having a duty to serve in the militia that the text directly protects and, perhaps more importantly, that the ultimate purpose of the Amendment was to protect the States' share of the divided sovereignty created by the Constitution.
As used in the Fourth Amendment , "the people" describes the class of persons protected from unreasonable searches and seizures by Government officials. It is true that the Fourth Amendment describes a right that need not be exercised in any collective sense. But that observation does not settle the meaning of the phrase "the people" when used in the Second Amendment . For, as we have seen, the phrase means something quite different in the Petition and Assembly Clauses of the First Amendment . Although the abstract definition of the phrase "the people" could carry the same meaning in theSecond Amendment as in the Fourth Amendment , the preamble of the Second Amendment suggests that the uses of the phrase in the First and Second Amendment s are the same in referring to a collective activity. By way of contrast, the Fourth Amendment describes a right against governmental interference rather than an affirmative right to engage in protected conduct, and so refers to a right to protect a purely individual interest. As used in the Second Amendment , the words "the people" do not enlarge the right to keep and bear arms to encompass use or ownership of weapons outside the context of service in a well-regulated militia.
"To keep and bear Arms"
Although the Court's discussion of these words treats them as two "phrases"--as if they read "to keep" and "to bear"--they describe a unitary right: to possess arms if needed for military purposes and to use them in conjunction with military activities.
As a threshold matter, it is worth pausing to note an oddity in the Court's interpretation of "to keep and bear arms." Unlike the Court of Appeals, the Court does not read that phrase to create a right to possess arms for "lawful, private purposes." Parker v. District of Columbia, 478 F. 3d 370, 382 (CADC 2007). Instead, the Court limits the Amendment's protection to the right "to possess and carry weapons in case of confrontation." Ante, at 19. No party or amicus urged this interpretation; the Court appears to have fashioned it out of whole cloth. But although this novel limitation lacks support in the text of the Amendment, the Amendment's text does justify a different limitation: the "right to keep and bear arms" protects only a right to possess and use firearms in connection with service in a state-organized militia.
The term "bear arms" is a familiar idiom; when used unadorned by any additional words, its meaning is "to serve as a soldier, do military service, fight." 1 Oxford English Dictionary 634 (2d ed. 1989). It is derived from the Latin arma ferre, which, translated literally, means "to bear [ferre] war equipment [arma]." Brief for Professors of Linguistics and English as Amici Curiae 19. One 18th-century dictionary defined "arms" as "weapons of offence, or armour of defence," 1 S. Johnson, A Dictionary of theEnglish Language(1755), and another contemporaneous source explained that "[b]y arms, we understand those instruments of offence generally made use of in war; such as firearms, swords, & c. By weapons, we more particularly mean instruments of other kinds (exclusive of fire-arms), made use of as offensive, on special occasions." 1 J. Trusler, The Distinction Between Words Esteemed Synonymous in the English Language37 (1794).8 Had the Framers wished to expand the meaning of the phrase "bear arms" to encompass civilian possession and use, they could have done so by the addition of phrases such as "for the defense of themselves," as was done in the Pennsylvania and Vermont Declarations of Rights. The unmodified use of "bear arms," by contrast, refers most naturally to a military purpose, as evidenced by its use in literally dozens of contemporary texts.9 The absence of any reference to civilian uses of weapons tailors the text of the Amendment to the purpose identified in its preamble.10 But when discussing these words, the Court simply ignores the preamble.
The Court argues that a "qualifying phrase that contradicts the word or phrase it modifies is unknown this side of the looking glass." Ante, at 15. But this fundamentally fails to grasp the point. The stand-alone phrase "bear arms" most naturally conveys a military meaning unless the addition of a qualifying phrase signals that a different meaning is intended. When, as in this case, there is no such qualifier, the most natural meaning is the military one; and, in the absence of any qualifier, it is all the more appropriate to look to the preamble to confirm the natural meaning of the text.11 The Court's objection is particularly puzzling in light of its own contention that the addition of the modifier "against" changes the meaning of "bear arms." Compare ante, at 10 (defining "bear arms" to mean "carrying [a weapon] for a particular purpose--confrontation"), with ante, at 12 ("The phrase 'bear Arms' also had at the time of the founding an idiomatic meaning that was significantly different from its natural meaning: to serve as a soldier, do military service, fight or to wage war. But it unequivocally bore that idiomatic meaning only when followed by the preposition 'against.' " (citations and some internal quotation marks omitted)).
The Amendment's use of the term "keep" in no way contradicts the military meaning conveyed by the phrase "bear arms" and the Amendment's preamble. To the contrary, a number of state militia laws in effect at the time of the Second Amendment 's drafting used the term "keep" to describe the requirement that militia members store their arms at their homes, ready to be used for service when necessary. The Virginia military law, for example, ordered that "every one of the said officers, non-commissioned officers, and privates, shall constantly keep the aforesaid arms, accoutrements, and ammunition, ready to be produced whenever called for by his commanding officer." Act for Regulating and Disciplining the Militia, 1785 Va. Acts ch. 1, §3, p. 2 (emphasis added).12 "[K]eep and bear arms" thus perfectly describes the responsibilities of a framing-era militia member.
This reading is confirmed by the fact that the clause protects only one right, rather than two. It does not describe a right "to keep arms" and a separate right "to bear arms." Rather, the single right that it does describe is both a duty and a right to have arms available and ready for military service, and to use them for military purposes when necessary.13 Different language surely would have been used to protect nonmilitary use and possession of weapons from regulation if such an intent had played any role in the drafting of the Amendment.
* * *
When each word in the text is given full effect, the Amendment is most naturally read to secure to the people a right to use and possess arms in conjunction with service in a well-regulated militia. So far as appears, no more than that was contemplated by its drafters or is encompassed within its terms. Even if the meaning of the text were genuinely susceptible to more than one interpretation, the burden would remain on those advocating a departure from the purpose identified in the preamble and from settled law to come forward with persuasive new arguments or evidence. The textual analysis offered by respondent and embraced by the Court falls far short of sustaining that heavy burden.14 And the Court's emphatic reliance on the claim "that the Second Amendment ... codified a pre-existing right," ante, at 19, is of course beside the point because the right to keep and bear arms for service in a state militia was also a pre-existing right.
Indeed, not a word in the constitutional text even arguably supports the Court's overwrought and novel description of the Second Amendment as "elevat[ing] above all other interests" "the right of law-abiding, responsible citizens to use arms in defense of hearth and home." Ante, at 63.
The proper allocation of military power in the new Nation was an issue of central concern for the Framers. The compromises they ultimately reached, reflected in Article I's Militia Clauses and the Second Amendment , represent quintessential examples of the Framers' "splitting the atom of sovereignty." 15
Two themes relevant to our current interpretive task ran through the debates on the original Constitution. "On the one hand, there was a widespread fear that a national standing Army posed an intolerable threat to individual liberty and to the sovereignty of the separate States." Perpich v. Department of Defense, 496 U. S. 334, 340 (1990) .16 Governor Edmund Randolph, reporting on the Constitutional Convention to the Virginia Ratification Convention, explained: "With respect to a standing army, I believe there was not a member in the federal Convention, who did not feel indignation at such an institution." 3 J. Elliot, Debates in the Several State Conventions on the Adoption of the Federal Constitution 401 (2d ed. 1863) (hereinafter Elliot). On the other hand, the Framers recognized the dangers inherent in relying on inadequately trained militia members "as the primary means of providing for the common defense," Perpich, 496 U. S., at 340; during the Revolutionary War, "[t]his force, though armed, was largely untrained, and its deficiencies were the subject of bitter complaint." Wiener, The Militia Clause of the Constitution, 54 Harv. L. Rev. 181, 182 (1940).17 In order to respond to those twin concerns, a compromise was reached: Congress would be authorized to raise and support a national Army18 and Navy, and also to organize, arm, discipline, and provide for the calling forth of "the Militia." U. S. Const., Art. I, §8, cls. 12-16. The President, at the same time, was empowered as the "Commander in Chief of the Army and Navy of the United States, and of the Militia of the several States, when called into the actual Service of the United States." Art. II, §2. But, with respect to the militia, a significant reservation was made to the States: Although Congress would have the power to call forth,19 organize, arm, and discipline the militia, as well as to govern "such Part of them as may be employed in the Service of the United States," the States respectively would retain the right to appoint the officers and to train the militia in accordance with the discipline prescribed by Congress. Art. I, §8, cl. 16.20
But the original Constitution's retention of the militia and its creation of divided authority over that body did not prove sufficient to allay fears about the dangers posed by a standing army. For it was perceived by some that Article I contained a significant gap: While it empowered Congress to organize, arm, and discipline the militia, it did not prevent Congress from providing for the militia's disarmament. As George Mason argued during the debates in Virginia on the ratification of the original Constitution:
"The militia may be here destroyed by that method which has been practiced in other parts of the world before; that is, by rendering them useless--by disarming them. Under various pretences, Congress may neglect to provide for arming and disciplining the militia; and the state governments cannot do it, for Congress has the exclusive right to arm them." Elliot 379.
This sentiment was echoed at a number of state ratification conventions; indeed, it was one of the primary objections to the original Constitution voiced by its opponents. The Anti-Federalists were ultimately unsuccessful in persuading state ratification conventions to condition their approval of the Constitution upon the eventual inclusion of any particular amendment. But a number of States did propose to the first Federal Congress amendments reflecting a desire to ensure that the institution of the militia would remain protected under the new Government. The proposed amendments sent by the States of Virginia, North Carolina, and New York focused on the importance of preserving the state militias and reiterated the dangers posed by standing armies. New Hampshire sent a proposal that differed significantly from the others; while also invoking the dangers of a standing army, it suggested that the Constitution should more broadly protect the use and possession of weapons, without tying such a guarantee expressly to the maintenance of the militia. The States of Maryland, Pennsylvania, and Massachusetts sent no relevant proposed amendments to Congress, but in each of those States a minority of the delegates advocated related amendments. While the Maryland minority proposals were exclusively concerned with standing armies and conscientious objectors, the unsuccessful proposals in both Massachusetts and Pennsylvania would have protected a more broadly worded right, less clearly tied to service in a state militia. Faced with all of these options, it is telling that James Madison chose to craft the Second Amendmentas he did.
The relevant proposals sent by the Virginia Ratifying Convention read as follows:
"17th, That the people have a right to keep and bear arms; that a well regulated Militia composed of the body of the people trained to arms is the proper, natural and safe defence of a free State. That standing armies are dangerous to liberty, and therefore ought to be avoided, as far as the circumstances and protection of the Community will admit; and that in all cases the military should be under strict subordination to and be governed by the civil power." Elliot 659.
"19th. That any person religiously scrupulous of bearing arms ought to be exempted, upon payment of an equivalent to employ another to bear arms in his stead." Ibid.
North Carolina adopted Virginia's proposals and sent them to Congress as its own, although it did not actually ratify the original Constitution until Congress had sent the proposed Bill of Rights to the States for ratification. 2 Schwartz932-933; see The Complete Bill of Rights 182-183 (N. Cogan ed. 1997) (hereinafter Cogan).
New York produced a proposal with nearly identical language. It read:
"That the people have a right to keep and bear Arms; that a well regulated Militia, including the body of the People capable of bearing Arms, is the proper, natural, and safe defence of a free State... . That standing Armies, in time of Peace, are dangerous to Liberty, and ought not to be kept up, except in Cases of necessity; and that at all times, the Military should be kept under strict Subordination to the civil Power." 2 Schwartz 912.
Notably, each of these proposals used the phrase "keep and bear arms," which was eventually adopted by Madison. And each proposal embedded the phrase withina group of principles that are distinctly military inmeaning.21
By contrast, New Hampshire's proposal, although it followed another proposed amendment that echoed the familiar concern about standing armies,22described the protection involved in more clearly personal terms. Its proposal read:
"Twelfth, Congress shall never disarm any Citizen unless such as are or have been in Actual Rebellion." Id., at 758, 761.
The proposals considered in the other three States, although ultimately rejected by their respective ratification conventions, are also relevant to our historical inquiry. First, the Maryland proposal, endorsed by a minority of the delegates and later circulated in pamphlet form, read:
"4. That no standing army shall be kept up in time of peace, unless with the consent of two thirds of the members present of each branch of Congress.
. . . . .
"10. That no person conscientiously scrupulous of bearing arms in any case, shall be compelled personally to serve as a soldier." Id., at 729, 735.
The rejected Pennsylvania proposal, which was later incorporated into a critique of the Constitution titled "The Address and Reasons of Dissent of the Pennsylvania Minority of the Convention of the State of Pennsylvania to Their Constituents (1787)," signed by a minority of the State's delegates (those who had voted against ratification of the Constitution), id., at 628, 662, read:
7. "That the people have a right to bear arms for the defense of themselves and their own State, or the United States, or for the purpose of killing game; and no law shall be passed for disarming the people or any of them unless for crimes committed, or real danger of public injury from individuals; and as standing armies in the time of peace are dangerous to liberty, they ought not to be kept up; and that the military shall be kept under strict subordination to, and be governed by the civil powers." Id., at 665.
Finally, after the delegates at the Massachusetts Ratification Convention had compiled a list of proposed amendments and alterations, a motion was made to add to the list the following language: "[T]hat the said Constitution never be construed to authorize Congress to ... prevent the people of the United States, who are peaceable citizens, from keeping their own arms." Cogan 181. This motion, however, failed to achieve the necessary support, and the proposal was excluded from the list of amendments the State sent to Congress. 2 Schwartz 674-675.
Madison, charged with the task of assembling the proposals for amendments sent by the ratifying States, was the principal draftsman of the Second Amendment .23 He had before him, or at the very least would have been aware of, all of these proposed formulations. In addition, Madison had been a member, some years earlier, of the committee tasked with drafting the Virginia Declaration of Rights. That committee considered a proposal by Thomas Jefferson that would have included within the Virginia Declaration the following language: "No freeman shall ever be debarred the use of arms [within his own lands or tenements]." 1 Papers of Thomas Jefferson 363 (J. Boyd ed. 1950). But the committee rejected that language, adopting instead the provision drafted by George Mason.24
Scotland's wind turbines have generated enough electricity this year to power all of its homes twice over, according to Weather Energy.In the first half of 2019, Scotland's wind turbines produced more than 9.8 million megawatt-hours of electricity, which is about enough to power 4.47 million homes. There are 2.46 million homes in Scotland.
A lot of Chicago Cubs fans have waited a long time to see them win the championship. In this case, it feels like forever.How many people can say they went to the very first World Series game at Wrigley Field?That was in 1929, and future Supreme Court Justice John Paul Stevens was there. He was in the box seats behind third base a few Octobers later, too, and saw Babe Ruth call his shot."Very definitely," Stevens told The Associated Press this week by phone from Florida. "He pointed his bat."
He published his first book when he was 53, but it made little impact and he subsequently gave up writing for many years, only producing the first Montalbano novel, "The Shape of Water", in 1994, when he was almost 70.The 26th novel in the series, "The Cook of Alcyon", hit Italian bookstores at the end of May. Camilleri said in 2006 he had prepared a final installment chronicling the death of his detective hero which was locked in his publisher's safe.The popularity of both the chain-smoking Camilleri and his food-loving alter ego Montalbano soared after Rai started adapting the adventures of the Sicilian detective in 1999, subsequently selling the series worldwide.The Montalbano novels are set in the fictional town of Vigata, which closely resembles Camilleri's hometown of Porto Empedocle -- a port in southern Sicily. Sicilian life and cooking infuses the mysteries, as does local dialect.The television series has fueled a tourism renaissance on the island, with Italians and foreigners alike regularly flocking to the small and picturesque towns of Ragusa, Scicli and Modica where the fictional Montalbano conducted his investigations.
President Trump's incendiary claims that his Democratic critics in Congress are un-American are driving a deep wedge between his 2020 campaign and critical elements of the coalition he needs to secure a second term.Suburban women and college-educated whites sidelined doubts about Trump and provided support crucial to his victory over Hillary Clinton. But many, fed up with the president's antics and rhetoric, defected to the Democratic Party in midterm elections two years later. Senior Republican strategists are warning that Trump's divisive attacks on the four female minority congressional Democrats could permanently exile these key voting blocs, costing the president reelection."Republicans want this election to be about the economy and judges. If it's about Trump's tweets and temperament, it's likely that Democrats will have an enthusiasm advantage," said Alex Conant, a GOP operative who has advised presidential candidates.
Trump won the 2016 election with the help of blue-collar white voters, some of them longtime Democrats, who are more conservative on immigration and more likely to embrace racial solidarity. Two years later, the 2018 midterm election showed suburban and college-educated whites recoiling at the same policies and statements, propelling Democrats to recapture control of the House."Trump is proposing a giant swap: Republicans can no longer count on suburban women and we will continue to lose college-educated men and women, while we increasingly pick up working white Americans without college degrees," said Ari Fleischer, who was a White House press secretary for President George W. Bush and who has spoken with Trump campaign advisers about their strategy for increasing turnout.
More than two-thirds of those aware of the controversy, 68%, called Trump's tweets offensive. Among Republicans alone, however, 57% said they agreed with tweets that told the congresswomen to go back to their "original" countries, and a third "strongly" agreed with them. [...][T[he dispute could be costly for Trump among some key voters in his bid for a second term. Three-fourths of the women polled called his tweets offensive. Independents by more than 2-1 said they were "un-American."Overall, 59% called the president's tweets "un-American."
Producers at NBC News uncovered a 1992 clip showing President Trump and accused sex trafficker Jeffrey Epstein talking about women at a party at Trump's Mar-a-Lago resort.The footage was captured for a profile of Trump's then-bachelor life on Faith Daniels' NBC talk show. It features a party Trump threw with NFL cheerleaders at Mar-a-Lago -- then his private residence before it became a resort. Epstein was also there, and the footage shows the two appearing to discuss the women dancing in front of them.Although their exact conversation cannot be heard over the sound of the music, NBC reported that Trump appears to say, "Look at her back there. She's hot." He then added something that made Epstein bend over with laughter.
CNN interviewed white supremacist Richard Spencer during a Tuesday segment on President Donald Trump's racist tweets, in another example of a news outlet normalizing far-right radicals by giving them a mainstream platform.The segment on Jake Tapper's The Lead covered neo-Nazis' support for Trump's racist attacks on four progressive congresswomen of color. The spot included an interview with Spencer who said Trump is playing a "con game" and that his attacks were not racist enough."He gives us nothing outside of racist tweets," he said. "And by racist tweets, I mean tweets that are meaningless and cheap and express the kind of sentiments you might hear from your drunk uncle while he's watching [Sean] Hannity."
I know the vast majority of Republicans in the House, in their hearts, condemn @realDonaldTrump's racist tweets and words of recent days. It saddens me that Mr. Trump's insistence on partisan warfare prevents them from voting their hearts and, more importantly, their conscience.
— Gov. Bill Weld (@GovBillWeld) July 17, 2019
It's the same playbook. "Go back to where you came from" and "if you don't like it you can leave" have always been dripping with racism. Always. pic.twitter.com/CCnoWwT9fU
— Millennial Politics (@MillenPolitics) July 17, 2019
Apollo 11 in Real Time is a "mission experience" a website, created by Ben Feist, that replays the Apollo 11 mission second by second, starting with archival footage and audio taken 20 hours before launch, and ending just after Neil Armstrong, Buzz Aldrin and Michael Collins step onto the USS Hornet recovery ship. The website lets viewers switch between multiple camera angles and also includes:All mission control film footageAll TV transmissions and onboard film footage2,000 photographs11,000 hours of Mission Control audio240 hours of space-to-ground audioAll onboard recorder audio15,000 searchable utterancesPost-mission commentaryAstromaterials sample dataYou can start at the beginning, 1 minute to launch, or you can join the 'in progress' view to see exactly where the mission was at this very second 50 years ago.
The report, published Monday by the Pew Research Center, tracks the rise of religious restrictions globally. Israel was one of the top 20 most religiously restrictive countries in the world, according to Pew.It also has the fifth-highest level of "social hostilities related to religious norms," and the sixth-highest level of "interreligious tension and violence" -- a worse score than Syria.The report cited incidents in Israel like harassment of people who drive cars near haredi Orthodox neighborhoods on Shabbat, or government officials who "defer in some way to religious authorities or doctrines on legal issues."Israel self-defines as a Jewish state. Its haredi Orthodox Chief Rabbinate controls all recognized marriage, divorce, burial and Jewish conversion in the country, which means that non-Orthodox weddings, divorces, funerals and conversions are not recognized by the state. The state likewise does not recognize intermarriages conducted in the country. Most cities do not run public transit on Shabbat.Regarding restrictions on Jews worldwide, the report pointed out government interference in circumcision in Germany and Slovenia. And the report noted rising anti-Semitic and neo-Nazi activity, including assaults on Jews, in Europe and the United States.
The following Republicans approved the resolution:Rep. Will Hurd of TexasRep. Susan Brooks of IndianaRep. Fred Upton of MichiganRep. Brian Fitzpatrick of PennsylvaniaRep. Justin Amash of Michigan, who recently left the GOP after calling for Trump's impeachment, also voted in favor of the resolution.
Barring telepathy, there is no way for a human being to establish him or herself as "a racist" more convincingly than saying, "I am a racist." And yet Kobach, who is so worried about left wingers unfairly throwing around the word "racist," says, "Um, I don't know. That would be a really tough question. I'd have to know who was running against him." OK, then!Here's the complete exchange:Kris Kobach: No, he didn't pick a race battle. He picked a battle, and then the left, and you, choose to characterize it as a race battle. It's not about race.Chris Cuomo: What do you want me to do when he makes a racist comment? I call him a demagogue, because I don't want to get into the business of what he thinks he is. Because in our political culture, if he says, "I'm not a racist," then it gives guys like you cover to defend him. But let me ask you something: If the president said, "I am a racist. That's why I said it," what would you do?Kobach: Uh, then I would not defend him, because there's no excuse for racism in America, period.Cuomo: Really?Kobach: Really.Cuomo: Would you still support him as president?Kobach: Um, I don't know. That would be a really tough question.Cuomo: You have to think about it? You have to think about whether or not you would support a racist?Kobach: If he said, if he said, if he said, if he says it's ...Cuomo: Really?Kobach: I'd have to know who was running against him.Cuomo: A racist?
The Astros will wear this #Apollo11 tribute cap on the field on July 22, confirms @AstrosTalk. pic.twitter.com/BZlUZQWLbV
— 50th Anniversary Of Apollo 11 (@MoonLanding50) July 16, 2019
At a Border Patrol holding facility in El Paso, Texas, an agent told a Honduran family that one parent would be sent to Mexico while the other parent and their three children could stay in the United States, according to the family. The agent turned to the couple's youngest daughter -- 3-year-old Sofia, whom they call Sofi -- and asked her to make a choice."The agent asked her who she wanted to go with, mom or dad," her mother, Tania, told NPR through an interpreter. "And the girl, because she is more attached to me, she said mom. But when they started to take [my husband] away, the girl started to cry. The officer said, 'You said [you want to go] with mom.' "
Start with President Donald Trump, who himself has mixed motives. He has favored tariffs and protectionism since the 1980s, when he focused on Japan.
Dr. Wen had been the first physician to lead the organization in decades. The people familiar with the move said there had been internal strife over her management, and that the group felt it needed a more aggressive political leader to fight the efforts to roll back access to abortions.
While Wen spoke of fighting back--both in the courts and by mobilizing Planned Parenthood's 13 million supporters--she also hoped to broaden the organization's mandate to include services like addiction treatment, mental health services, and pre- and post-natal care. She further talked about serving not just women but men and nonbinary people. "The way that I think about our work, and why I took on this role, I believe that the best way to take on abortion care is to contextualize it as the fundamental healthcare that it is," she said. "I believe that the best way to protect Planned Parenthood is to make clear that we are a healthcare organization and that we provide essential services to millions of people around the country."
An investor-led building boom has almost doubled the size of the Sydney apartment rental market in two years, forcing landlords to drop rents more than $100 a week in some areas to secure tenants, and casting a shadow over the thousands of units still under construction.The number of flats listed on real estate websites to rent has more than tripled in 15 postcodes, including around Gordon, Miranda, Botany, Sutherland and Homebush. This oversupply has left some areas struggling to find tenants, rental bond data shows.
It's rare to hear from Border Patrol agents, especially since the Trump administration has put them at the front lines of its sweeping immigration crackdown. Public access to them is typically controlled and choreographed. When approached off duty, agents say they risk their jobs if they speak about their work without permission. As a result, much about the country's largest federal law enforcement agency -- with some 20,000 agents policing the borders and ports -- remains shrouded in secrecy, even from congressional oversight, making it nearly impossible to hold it accountable.Disturbing glimpses of some agents have recently begun to fill the void, including some that were published recently after ProPublica obtained screenshots from a secret Facebook group for current and former Border Patrol agents that showed several agents and at least one supervisor had posted crude, racist and misogynistic comments about immigrants and Democratic members of Congress. The posts raised questions about whether the deplorable detention conditions on the border were out of the control of Customs and Border Protection, as the agency had asserted, or a reflection of its culture.Other reports followed, including one from CNN that described agents attempting to humiliate a Honduran immigrant by trying to force him to be photographed holding a sign that read in Spanish, "I like men." The Intercept published more degrading posts from the secret Facebook group, and it reported that it appeared that Border Patrol Chief Carla Provost had once been a member. Provost has not commented.But there was some nuance. An account of life inside a Border Patrol detention facility outside El Paso, Texas, by The New York Times and The El Paso Times, revealed that two agents there had expressed concerns about the conditions to their supervisors.The agent who spent June in McAllen doesn't see his reality in any of those depictions. He's in his late 30s and is a husband and father who served overseas in the military before joining the Border Patrol. He asked not to be identified because he worried that his candor could cost him his job and thrust him and his family into the middle of the angry public debate over the Trump administration's border policies.His comments come at a particularly fraught moment, as politicians on the left compare the Border Patrol's detention facilities to "concentration camps" and senior Trump administration officials, including most recently Vice President Mike Pence, dismiss descriptions of the inhumane conditions as "unsubstantiated."When asked about Pence's comments, the agent said the damning descriptions of the facilities are "more substantiated than not." And, while he didn't embrace the term concentration camp, he didn't dispute it either. He searched out loud for a term that might be more accurate. Gulag felt too strong. Jail didn't feel strong enough.He came around to this: "It's kind of like torture in the army. It starts out with just sleep deprivation, then the next guys come in and sleep deprivation is normal, so they ramp it up. Then the next guys ramp it up some more, and then the next guys, until you have full blown torture going on. That becomes the new normal."
During a press conference on Tuesday, when reporter Andrew Feinberg asked Conway what countries Trump was referring to in his tweets (considering three of the four congresswomen Trump told to "go back" to the "places from which they came" were born in the United States), Conway responded by asking "what's your ethnicity?"
In a different situation, this would merely be a debate over semantics: Levant, Canaan, Judea, Philistia, Palestine, Israel, they would all be different names for the same place.Unfortunately, a key feature of Palestinian nationalism is the erasure of Jewish history, and so what the land is called does matter. The Palestinian Authority routinely denounces archeological finds in the city of Jerusalem as fake or illegitimate (see here, here, and here). It is common to hear claims that "Jesus was a Palestinian," but this is misleading; Jesus was most likely born in Bethlehem, which today is within the borders of the West Bank, but he was Jewish and at his time of birth Bethlehem was part of the Herodian Tetrarchy, a Jewish client state of Rome. Furthermore, claiming that Jesus was a Palestinian (or Israeli, or Arab, or Middle Easterner, etc.) is inherently wrong because none of these terms existed at the time. Jesus would certainly not have identified himself as Palestinian, because that concept existed only as a place name, and not even one in widespread use.To be sure, the conclusion to draw is not that Palestinian Arabs have no national history or heritage, because they most certainly do. However, the Palestinian narrative of descent from Canaan continuously through to today is disingenuous at best and outright false at worst, because it implies that the idea of Palestine as a nation has existed for just as long, and this is demonstrably false.In summary, the name Palestine originally had nothing to do with the Palestinian people, but instead was associated with first the Philistines and then the area where they had lived, while the Palestinian people are a mix of indigenous and Arabic populations who assumed the label off of the example of the British Mandate.In contrast, the Jewish people are historically connected to the names of Judea/Judah and Israel. While this by no means invalidates Palestinian claims to peoplehood, it is important to recognize what is truth and what is not.
Confronted by the violence sweeping over Israel, it can be easy to overlook the things that Jews and Palestinians share: a deep attachment to the same sliver of contested land, a shared appetite for hummus, a common tradition of descent from the patriarch Abraham, and, as scientific research shows - a common genetic ancestry, as well.Several major studies published in the past five years attest to these ancient hereditary links. At the forefront of these efforts are two researchers: Harry Ostrer, professor of pediatrics and pathology at Albert Einstein College of Medicine in the Bronx, New York, and Karl Skorecki, director of medical and research development at the Rambam Health Care Campus in Haifa. Back in June 2010, and within two days of each other, the two scientists and their research teams published extensive analyses of the genetic origins of the Jewish people and their Near East ancestry."The closest genetic neighbors to most Jewish groups were the Palestinians, Israeli Bedouins, and Druze in addition to the Southern Europeans, including Cypriots," as Ostrer and Skorecki wrote in a review of their findings that they co-authored in the journal Human Genetics in October 2012.
Contrary to Ryan, Trump's comments about Curiel were not "textbook" racist. Mexican-Americans, after all, are not a race, but an ethnicity (as, say, Puerto Rican AOC, is). So, for the sake of precision let's say that these words aren't explicitly racist.But, let's take in toto what this president has said. If we do, we discover that "racism" is actually too limiting a word.The person who smears Mexican immigrants as rapists and murderers (even grudgingly admitting "some are good people") is clearly a nativist bigot.The person who initially attempted to pass by executive fiat a ban on Muslim immigrants is clearly an Islamaphobic bigot.The person who caviled for years that the first black president -- of Kenyan heritage -- wasn't really born here (despite voluminous, contemporaneous, evidence to the contrary) is clearly a xenophobic bigot.The person who suggests that four members of Congress should just shut up or "go back" to other countries is clearly an ignorant and xenophobic bigot. Ignorant because of the "four Progressive Congresswomen" Trump alludes to, Ilhan Omar, is Somali-born, but a naturalized American; Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is a New York-born Latina; Rashida Tlaib is a Michigan-born Arab; Ayanna Pressley is a black Cincinnati-born, Chicago-raised Massachusetts representative.He's xenophobic, because even if all were born elsewhere, America welcomes all, even those who find, at times, the need to criticize it.Indeed, when he doubles down and declares "If they're not happy here, they can leave," it is he who is being the anti-American bigot.This is something the Republican Party didn't just once believe, in fact it as much as told this Trinidadian-born, partly British-raised immigrant.
"Government figures show the revenue the United States has collected from tariffs on $250 billion worth of Chinese goods is not enough to cover the cost of the president's bailout for farmers, let alone compensate other industries hurt by trade tensions." https://t.co/hmZATe3AbF
— Binyamin Appelbaum (@BCAppelbaum) July 16, 2019
Remember when indie rock turned into a whimsical, state-by-state geography lesson? Sufjan Stevens was our banjo-plucking pied piper, traversing the map while delivering two outlandishly baroque masterpieces about specific U.S. states. First came Michigan. Then Illinois. Then Illinois again, sort of. And then--well, we're still waiting.Michigan and Illinois seemed to unite the whole cynical swath of music lovers: Here were two kid-friendly, parent-friendly, grandparent-friendly concept albums capable of topping Pitchfork's year-end lists and delighting your history teacher all at once. Yet by the last decade's end, the singer's overarching conceit had been mysteriously abandoned: Sufjan Stevens did not write and record an album about all 50 states. He didn't even make it out of the Great Lakes region. No wonder millennials have trust issues.I was reminded of the 50 states project recently while traveling through Michigan. As I passed Ypsilanti and Romulus--names familiar to me, I confess, because of Sufjan Stevens--I couldn't resist revisiting the singer's tribute to his home state. Then I thought of the years I spent waiting for 48 more state albums, and I wrote a silly tweet. It touched a nerve. "This hits hard," one fan responded. "I even paid to see him dance in neon in 2010 cause I craved that sweet sweet Dakotas double album that never was." I'd tapped into a diaspora of Sufjan fans, of people who'd spent their college years sipping Natty Light while secretly wondering when the singer might tackle Alabama.My subsequent investigation has undercovered indie-folk corruption of the most galling degree: Stevens never really planned on recording 50 state albums. That was a joke. We were duped, our trust stolen in an audacious act of grand theft banjo. (Stevens was not available for comment for this article, and while I'd love to tell you that is because he is busy conducting scrupulous research into Delaware, that's just wishful thinking.)
Furious after he was criticized by evangelicals for stumbling in his reference to a book of the Bible during the 2016 campaign, Donald J. Trump lashed out at "so-called Christians" and used an epithet in describing them to a party official, according to a new book.Mr. Trump's anger was aroused after he stumbled in an appearance at Liberty University by referring to Second Corinthians as "Two Corinthians" as he was competing for the votes of evangelicals -- traditionally critical to a Republican's success in the Iowa caucuses -- with Senator Ted Cruz of Texas.Allies of Mr. Cruz's, including Bob Vander Plaats, a well-known evangelical leader in Iowa, seized on the slip-up to taunt Mr. Trump.According to a new book, "American Carnage: On the Front Lines of the Republican Civil War and the Rise of President Trump," by Tim Alberta, the chief political correspondent for Politico Magazine, Mr. Trump was incensed by Mr. Vander Plaats and others "hanging around with Ted," and referred to them in the most vulgar of terms. [...]For his part, in 2016, Mr. Cruz was candid with friends about his view of evangelicals who backed Mr. Trump. "If you're a faithful person, if you believe that Jesus Christ died for your sins, emerged from the grave three days later and gives eternal life, and you're supporting Donald Trump," the book quotes Mr. Cruz saying to friends, "I think there's something fundamentally wrong with you."
Trump can't get more than 44 percent support when facing top Democratic challengers in a new poll from NBC News and the Wall Street Journal.Americans appear like they may be ready to reject Trump and replace him with Vice President Joe Biden, Sen. Kamala Harris (D-CA), Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT), or Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-MA), according to an NBC News/Wall Street Journal poll released on Sunday.In the nationwide poll, Trump never manages to get more than 44 percent of support, while each of the candidates listed would win the popular vote if it were held today.
In the past, parents who could not feed their children often made the difficult decision to leave them behind with family members in the home country while they sought work in other countries. For the last hundred years, millions ofmen, mostly Mexican, came north, crossing the porous border illegally, to work in fields, plants, and factories, sending money back to support their families when work was available and returning home when jobs dried up.Employers were eager to hire them--which did not become illegal until 1987-and, at least in prosperous times, the government was happy to turn a blind eye. In the 1940s, the Bracero Program formalized the arrangement, sending illegal migration plummeting, by providing temporary work visas for some 4.6 million Mexicans. Even after the Bracero Program ended in 1964, Mexicans continued to come to the U.S. for seasonal work--albeit without documentation. As the Cato Institute had pointed out, Ronald Reagan remarked in 1977 in one of his regular radio addresses, "'It makes one wonder about the illegal alien fuss. Are great numbers of our unemployed really victims of the illegal alien invasion or are those illegal tourists actually doing work our own people won't do?," Reagan asked. "One thing is certain in this hungry world; no regulation or law should be allowed if it results in crops rotting in the fields for lack of harvesters.'"Of course, Reagan famously granted amnesty in 1986 to some 3 million illegal immigrants, but the inept and ineffective legislation Congress passed that year to try to deal proactively with the problem of illegal immigration did little to stem the flow because it did not address the real issue: namely, how to provide employers with a reliable flow of immigrant labor for niche industries and markets where Americans shunned available jobs. Unsurprisingly, less than a decade later with the economy booming, more and more migrants made the trip north so that by 2000 the population of illegal immigrants had grown to more than 12 million.In successive administrations from Bush '41 to Trump, the response has been to throw money at enforcement rather than recognizing the role of labor market forces in driving immigration. Conservatives used to understand market economics--maybe some still do, but Trump's appointees and supporters clearly refuse to. With unemployment at historic lows, the economy producing more jobs than there are workers to fill them, and an aging native population, we must find a way to expand our labor force--and quickly. Why not give those adult asylum seekers languishing in CPB facilities who are willing and eager to work the right to do so by releasing them and granting temporary work permits immediately, as we once did, instead of making them wait at least six months? Many of these migrants have skills that are sorely needed in agriculture, construction, and other services.
When President Donald Trump declared himself a "nationalist," he was telling the truth, but he was inadequately specific.On Sunday morning, the president told four members of Congress to "go back" to the countries "from which they came." The remark, a racist taunt with a historic pedigree, inspired a flurry of fact-checking from mainstream journalists who were quick to note that Rashida Tlaib, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Ayanna Pressley, and Ilhan Omar are American citizens, and that only Omar was born abroad, in Somalia. It was a rather remarkable exercise in missing the point.When Trump told these women to "go back," he was not making a factual claim about where they were born. He was stating his ideological belief that American citizenship is fundamentally racial, that only white people can truly be citizens, and that people of color, immigrants in particular, are only conditionally American. This is a cornerstone of white nationalism, and one of the president's few closely held ideological beliefs.
Pigou, one of founding members of the Economics department at Cambridge, focused his work on externalities -- consequences of activities that affect third parties but are often not reflected in the cost of the goods or services involved. Because these externalities are effectively "market failures", Pigou suggested imposing taxes to raise the price associated with these actions. Therefore, activities that carry negative externalities would be disincentivised and their price would be, more or less, correct. [...]The irony is that Pigouvian "taxes" hardly deserve their title. Unlike most other taxes, which warp the market, Pigou's creation corrects a market flaw to reflect the true price of harmful actions.To Republican politicians, a Pigouvian tax by any other name would certainly smell sweeter. Perhaps a simple re-brand to a "Carbon Correction" could dissociate the negative connotation of the word "tax" from positive action of curbing climate change.Labels aside, some conservative groups have already jumped on board.While many proposals exist, one which is especially popular is from the Climate Leadership Council (CLC) -- a conservative group -- which prices carbon at $40 per ton and gradually increase each year. This fee would be imposed at the point where fossil fuels enter the environment -- the mine, well, or port. The returns would be rebated to the American public.A clever "border carbon adjustment" would add a fee on foreign goods entering the US from countries that did not tax carbon. This would not only keep domestic goods competitive, but also incentivise trading partners -- like China and India, who have significant emissions -- to set ambitious prices on carbon as well.As plans like these begin to emerge from conservative groups, the tide in the Republican Party may be shifting. Polling by Republican opinion guru Frank Luntz -- who championed the term "climate change" as a less "frightening" alternative to "global warming"-- suggests that the CLC plan enjoys 2-1 support among Republican voters, including 75 per cent support with GOP voters under 40.
Burger King has a dare for its customers. The fast food chain recently launched two plant-based burgers in Sweden, one a meatless version of the classic Whopper and the other a chicken-free version of its chicken sandwich, called the "Rebel Whopper" and "Rebel Chicken King" respectively. The chain is so convinced that its vegetarian versions are indistinguishable from the animal-based versions that it is daring their customers to tell the difference.
The original dispute between the freshman lefties and the ostensibly pragmatic/moderate members of the "Blue Dog" and "Problem Solvers" caucuses turned on whether the House should have taken extra time to negotiate with the Senate in order to insert care standards and accountability measures, like a requirement that Congress must be notified within 24 hours after the death of a child in custody, into the border-funding bill. The progressives wanted to take the time to advocate for such concessions, while, in the words of the Washington Post, the moderates "wanted to see the House act to address the border crisis, not get locked in a conflict with the Senate, especially with Congress about to leave Washington for a week-long Fourth of July recess." The Blue Dogs moreover wanted to protect funding for Border Patrol guards and the Immigration and Customs Enforcement agency.You can see what the moderates were thinking: They would score a bipartisan feather in their caps by passing an administration-friendly bill that included money for "border security" in addition to humanitarian relief, just in time for America's birthday.Like many Democratic initiatives, this reasoning relies on a '90s-style model of what the average voter wants--a collaborative relationship between the president and Congress, say, and conservative-leaning immigration policies. But that model doesn't accord with polling in the Trump era. In 2018, large majorities of voters across the U.S. consistently told pollsters that they wanted to see a Democratic Congress elected to act as "a check" on the administration. This was true, as my colleague William Saletan pointed out at the time, not just in traditionally liberal areas but in swing states Trump won. In Arizona and Ohio, for example, voters--all voters, not just Democrats--said by 16-percentage-point margins (!) that their congressional votes were meant to "send a message that we need more Democrats to be a check and balance to Donald Trump" rather than to elect "Republicans who will help Donald Trump pass his agenda."Trump's positions on border issues, meanwhile, are also landslide-level unpopular. A late-June CNN poll found that Americans disapprove of the way that Trump is "handling immigration" by a 57-40 percent margin, that 60 percent support "allowing refugees from central American countries to seek asylum in the United States" while only 35 percent do not, and that they choose "developing a plan to allow some people living in the U.S. illegally to become legal residents" over "deporting all people living in the U.S. illegally" 80 percent to 15 percent. The gap is too large to be just a partisan one, and a January Quinnipiac poll found that 50 percent of independents trusted Democrats in Congress more than Trump on the issue of border security against only 37 percent who trusted Trump, while an April Washington Post-ABC poll of "suburban" voters found that they disapproved, 42-33 percent, of the president's "handling of illegal immigration."Given all of this, it would seem that the Democratic faction that's playing smart politics is the one advocating for tougher oversight of the Trump administration on an issue where swing voters generally take the Dems' side, and not the faction that wants to accommodate the administration and fund ICE.
New @SaintAnselmPoll shows big NH bounce for @KamalaHarris, @JoeBiden still leading, @ewarren & @PeteButtigieg rounding out top 4 #FITN #nhpolitics #WMUR pic.twitter.com/SBFyUiBRKB
— Adam Sexton (@AdamSextonWMUR) July 15, 2019
Immigrants and children of immigrants account for at least 13% of all voting members of the newly sworn in 116th Congress. These lawmakers claim heritage in 37 countries - mostly in Europe, Latin America and Asia - and are overwhelmingly Democrats. https://t.co/8JPSFLkXBn
— PewResearch Hispanic (@PewHispanic) July 15, 2019
Although, Mr. French does underestimate the universality of our creed: they need not have immigrated here to criticize America.The blessings of liberty accrue to all Americans, including immigrants. And while all Americans should be deeply grateful for their freedoms and for American opportunity, it's a simple fact that immigrant citizens have actually done something to earn their status. They've often migrated here at great personal cost, learned a new language, built a life in a new land, passed a test most Americans can't pass, and then swore an oath that most Americans have never sworn.By contrast, what must natural-born citizens do to earn their citizenship? Survive labor and delivery. That's it. If anything, natural-born citizens should exercise the most gratitude. What did we do to earn our liberty?American polarization is reaching a dangerous phase. On a bipartisan basis, criticism of presidents and our political opponents is escalating. I'm old enough to remember all the way back to 2015, when GOP hatred for Barack Obama even on occasion trumped Republican patriotism. Remember when Mike Huckabee actually urged American Christians not to join the military so long as Obama -- or someone like him -- remained president? Which country should he go back to so that they can somehow earn back our respect?Trump is fully employing malice as a political strategy. It's not clever. It's not shrewd. It's destructive and wrong. The fact that so few Republicans can muster enough courage to state this obvious truth speaks to a sad reality -- the rot extends far beyond 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue.
"Migrants surveyed over the last 20 years are learning and using English at increasingly higher rates, and are growing less isolated from non-Mexicans over time," writes Brown University sociologist David Lindstrom.Lindstrom reports that this shift occurred "despite the rise in anti-immigrant public sentiment, and policies designed to marginalize unauthorized migrants." While levels of economic integration have stayed stagnant over that period, this largely reflects the challenges of the 70 percent of respondents who lacked authorization to be in the country, and thus didn't have the necessary documents to fully enter the financial system.Lindstrom utilized data from the Mexican Migration Project, which tracks the behavior and attitudes of Mexican immigrants to the United States. He analyzed survey responses from 4,137 heads of households who had immigrated to America for some period of time between the years 1997 and 2016.The respondents were a mix of people who regularly traveled back and forth from Mexico to the U.S. to work (the large majority without their spouses or children), along with people who moved to the U.S. permanently, and others who ultimately moved back to Mexico.Lindstrom measured six types of integration: linguistic (how well the respondents understood English, and whether they used it at home and/or work); social (whether they had close relationships with whites, blacks, or Asian Americans); family (whether their spouse and children lived in the U.S.); employment (whether they were paid by check and had taxes withheld from their wages); financial (whether they had an American bank account or credit card); and asset (whether they owned a home or business in the U.S.).Lindstrom found that Mexican immigrants' linguistic and social integration have steadily increased over the years. "The general trend for Mexican migrants is one of increasing contact and interaction with people outside of the Mexican community, regardless of whether they were temporary, long-term, or settled migrants," he writes."On the other hand, employment, financial, and asset integration ... do not appear to have changed over time," he adds. That reflects the limitations faced by undocumented immigrants, who generally cannot obtain the legal forms of identification needed to, say, open a checking account.He also discovered that, "contrary to concerns that migrant networks might encourage insularity from the host society," having family members in the U.S. is "associated with higher levels of integration in all domains." This finding suggests that the process derisively known as "chain migration" actually facilitates integration into American society.
Inevitably, though, word of the dossier began to spread through Washington. A former State Department official recalls a social gathering where he danced around the subject with the British Ambassador, Sir Kim Darroch. After exchanging cryptic hints, to make sure that they were both in the know, he asked the Ambassador, "Is this guy Steele legit?" The Ambassador replied, "Absolutely."
As a nationwide immigration crackdown loomed, religious leaders across the country used their pulpits Sunday to quell concerns in immigrant communities and spring into action to help those potentially threatened by the operation.A Chicago priest talked during his homily about the compassion of a border activist accused of harboring illegal immigrants, while another city church advertised a "deportation defense workshop." Dozens of churches in Houston and Los Angeles offered sanctuary to anyone afraid of being arrested. In Miami, activists handed out fliers outside churches to help immigrants know their rights in case of an arrest."We're living in a time where the law may permit the government to do certain things but that doesn't necessarily make it right," said the Rev. John Celichowski of St. Clare de Montefalco Parish in Chicago, where the nearly 1,000-member congregation is 90 percent Hispanic and mostly immigrant.
College enrollment in Hebrew courses is dropping sharply, and this downward spiral may soon have profound effects on the American Jewish community.Modern Hebrew enrollment fell 17.6 percent between 2013 and 2016, according to a report from the Modern Languages Association, while Biblical Hebrew suffered a 23.9% decline. [...]Hebrew is a tiny player in the college language scene, where Spanish dominates. Out of 1,417,921 enrollments in college courses tracked in the MLA report, Spanish accounted for 712,240 of that total.Those statistics only tell part of the story, because Hebrew is more than a traditional "foreign language" for Jews. The Hebrew language is the gateway to the prayers, the Torah, and other foundational Jewish texts. While the common second language for much of the world today is English, the common language for the Jewish community is now Hebrew.As the Jewish world splits into two large communities in America and Israel, Hebrew is even more critical as the language that can connect American Jewry and Israeli Jewry; without Hebrew, much of contemporary Israeli culture is simply inaccessible.
FYI.https://t.co/ANOyRBeIUF pic.twitter.com/uir1hRx564
— FiveThirtyEight (@FiveThirtyEight) July 14, 2019
Being a judge at a macaroni and cheese competition in San Francisco taught me a lot about American food. The competitors were mostly chefs, and the audience--the online tickets sold out in minutes--was soaking up the chance to be at a "Top Chef" kind of event, but more urban and cool. The judges included a food writer, an award-winning grilled-cheese-maker, and me, a cheesemonger.We awarded the win to a chef who made mac and cheese with an aged Vermont cheddar. The audience, however, chose another contestant. When he arrived at the winner's circle, he made a stunning announcement: His main ingredient was Velveeta. [...]To understand the evolution of macaroni and cheese is to realize that pursuit of the "cheapest protein possible" has been a longstanding quest of the American food system. At times, cheese itself has shared a similar trajectory. Cheesemaking, which began 10,000 years ago, was originally about survival for a farm family or community: taking a very perishable protein (milk) and transforming it into something less perishable (cheese) so that there would be something to eat at a later date. Many of us today think of cheese in the context of tradition, flavor, or saving family farms, but a basic goal--whether a producer is making farm-made cheddar or concocting the cheeseless dairy product Velveeta--has always been getting as much edible food from a gallon of milk as possible. Cheesemakers weren't always successful at this. Cheese is vulnerable to mold, rot, and maggots, not to mention pitfalls like excess salt. Many generations of cheesemakers have tossed countless bad batches, which meant feeding a lot of precious protein to their farm animals instead of their families.The first cheese factory in the U.S. was built in 1851, making cheddar one of the first foods affected by the Industrial Revolution. Before that, all cheese made in the United States was made on a farm, usually by the farm wife or--on prosperous farms--a cheese maid or an enslaved woman. As foods industrialize, they often go from being made by women to being made by men, and so it was with cheese: Women were mostly absent from the make rooms of these new cheese factories, and didn't return to cheesemaking until the artisanal cheese revolution of the past few decades.Processed cheese, which was invented 107 years ago, is basically cheese that is emulsified and cooked, rendering it much less perishable (but also no longer a "living food" because, unlike natural cheese, processed cheese's flavor will no longer alter with age). The advent of processed cheese has led over the years to innovations like Kraft Singles, Easy Cheese, powdered "sauce" for boxed mac and cheese, and Velveeta--a type of processed cheese when it was invented in 1918, and now a dairy-based processed food, with 22 ingredients, that is no longer regulated as a cheese.Processing cheese was a good way to make food for soldiers at war, to turn safe but not-as-good-as-standard cheese into edible food, and to save producers when there was a glut in the market and too much cheese to sell. It was also a good way to get nutrients to people who didn't have refrigeration. Ironically, perhaps, it was the culmination of the age-old cheesemakers' goal: producing as much edible food as possible from the original protein.
Partisanship is a stronger factor in people's beliefs about climate change than is their level of knowledge and understanding about science. In 2016, 93% of Democrats (including leaners) with a high level of knowledge about science said climate change is mostly due to human activity, compared with 49% of Democrats with low science knowledge, based on a nine-item index. By contrast, Republicans and GOP-leaning independents with a high level of science knowledge were no more likely than those with a low level of knowledge to say climate change is mostly due to human activity. A similar pattern was found for people's beliefs about energy issues. These findings illustrate that the relationship between people's level of science knowledge and their attitudes can be complex.
When Burke examined the French Revolutionary arguments against the French aristocracy, he found, not surprisingly, that while the Revolutionaries had acquainted themselves very well with the particular evils as practiced by particular aristocrats, they had missed the norm, the essence of the aristocratic class.Certainly, the Anglo-Irish statesman and philosopher agreed, one could find mistakes, some of which might be horrendous. Of those French aristocrats who lived at the end of the eighteenth century, Burke observed three general failings. First, French aristocrats behaved as children long after they had attained adulthood. They took from their families more than they gave, well past the years of irresponsibility. Second, too many French aristocrats had absorbed and manifested the ignobility of enlightenment philosophy, themselves disgusted with the past and ready thoughtlessly to revolutionize society. They had come to see the past, tradition, mores, norms, and association as means by which to shackle rather than to promote human dignity and freedom. They had, in other words, Burke worried, read way too much Locke and Rousseau and not enough Socrates and Cicero. Third, he claimed, the old aristocracy has held onto its privileges too long and too tenaciously, not allowing the many who had earned it in the eighteenth century into their own ranks. Thus, Burke noted with regret, by being both ignorant in philosophy and selfish in position, they had failed to see the creation of their own enemy class, those who had worked and given, but had not received the titles and honors so richly bestowed. Nowhere in French society did this prove more blatant than in the military orders. There, the old aristocracy remained obnoxiously over-represented, endangering the internal as well as the external order of French society.Despite these failings, though, Burke noted with much satisfaction that when the French Revolution began in 1789, the monarch as well as the majority of aristocrats apologized for their selfish errors and had been the first to admit that their own orders needed reform for the good and benefit of the whole of society.Read their instructions to their representatives. They breathe the spirit of liberty as warmly, and they recommend reformation as strongly, as any other order. Their privileges relative to contribution were voluntarily surrendered; as the king, from the beginning, surrendered all pretence to a right of taxation. Upon a free constitution there was but one opinion in France. The absolute monarchy was at an end. It breathed its last, without a groan, without struggle, without convulsion.Such an apology and a reform (or series of reforms) the real revolutionaries mightily feared. Never had they actually sought reform of French society, whatever their claims and protestations. Instead, from the moment they began the revolution in 1789, they wanted to destroy and overturn all that opposed them and to do so utterly and completely, leaving no remnant and no possible opposition. To destroy as violently and wholly as possible, they needed to make a caricature of the aristocrat and the monarch. They needed to take the particular evils of each and make the average person believe them the universal and norm of each. Rather than examining the human condition, the true revolutionaries exaggerated its faults as manifested in the elites of society. They, Burke claimed in true Aristotelian and Thomistic fashion, redefined the thing, claiming its accidents to be its essence. Being revolutionaries, they could not create, they could only mock and pervert. Though the revolutionaries claimed to hate the violence and errors of the aristocracy, they submitted themselves to the very same evils, creating excuses for their own sins, as if necessary to expiate all of those of the past.
Darroch was calm, professional and much liked by journalists. He was completely straight and "did friendly" much better than FCO Old Etonian or Wykehamist effortless superiority. Over the years in his company, I never heard him say anything party political. He served the government of the day to the best of his ability,He was then our man in Brussels after a stint as Blair's No 10 Europe adviser in the later years, when the Blair star in Europe dimmed after Iraq and his opportunistic pledge of a referendum on the EU constitution - the first promise by a British prime minister to go down the road of a populist plebiscite on Europe.Following that, he was called back by David Cameron to be national security adviser, again one of the most sensitive top government jobs, reserved for the safest of safe hands, his last posting was Washington.This is the Foreign Office's most prestigious overseas embassy job and only goes to the best diplomat of his generation. His reports back to the FCO in 2017 with the actually rather obvious remarks about President Trump would have been read by the then foreign secretary, Johnson, in his red box of papers taken home every night. His political team would have seen them too, as well as political aides in Downing Street.It is no problem to photocopy such documents and the hopes that Scotland Yard can find an email trail to reveal the leaker through its recently launched investigation are not realistic. Nor are the attempts to class reporting on the leaks as a "criminal matter", as Neil Basu, assistant commissioner, suggested on Saturday to much criticism.No 10, and more broadly the British state establishment, certainly owe Sir Kim. His prompt resignation when Johnson failed to support him stopped the story dead. The media firestorm kept alive by President Trump's continuing attacks on Darroch relegated the Tory leadership contest off all front pages until Johnson refused to back Darroch in his ITV debate with Jeremy Hunt. He has behaved with nothing but honour and dignity since.Putting him in the Lords would send a signal to President Trump that his coarse, bullying vulgarity in attacking Darroch has had no impact on the government and British public opinion. Rather the opposite. Darroch would be seen as having been rewarded and honoured by Britain.
President Donald Trump launched a bizarre, racist attack against a group of progressive Democratic congresswomen, saying they should "go back and help fix the totally broken and crime infested places from which they came."
Republicans have no real plan to establish a new health care system if the courts strike down the Affordable Care Act before the 2020 election. But plenty of them are rooting for its demise anyway -- even if it means plunging the GOP into a debate that splits the party and leaves them politically vulnerable.After a decade of trying to gut Obamacare, Republicans may finally get their wish thanks to a Trump administration-backed lawsuit. Its success would cause chaos not only in the insurance markets but on Capitol Hill. And Republican senators largely welcome it -- even if they don't know what comes next.
[A]s he said of his most ambitious novel: "I wrote 'The Tunnel' out of the conviction that no race or nation is better than any other, and that no nation or race is worse; that the evil men do every day far outweighs the good."Kohler, its narrator, is a 50-year-old professor of history at a thinly disguised version of Purdue University, where Gass himself taught for more than a decade. As the novel opens, he has just completed a book, "Guilt and Innocence in Hitler's Germany," that he'd once hoped would be his masterpiece. When he sits down to write the introduction, however, he finds that he despises it, and he starts to pour out his life story instead -- his dismal boyhood, his unhappy marriage, his failed love affairs. He also begins to dig a tunnel to nowhere out of his basement, although this evocative symbol occupies only a fraction of the narrative, which is dominated by Kohler's seemingly endless flood of rage, interspersed with typographical tricks, cartoons and obscene limericks.At first it can be hard to understand why Gass dedicated so much of his career to writing in such an unbearable voice. As we learn more about Kohler, however, we find that Gass is assembling a case study with the meticulousness of a psychological profiler. We gradually discover that Kohler -- who keeps a trunk of Nazi memorabilia hidden under his porch -- is drawn to the Hitler era because it reveals the unspeakable truth about his own soul. As a young man, he studied in Germany, and on Kristallnacht, he was so swept up by the fury that he hurled a brick at the window of a Jewish grocery store.After brooding over his actions, he concludes that violence is an eruption of disappointment -- the attacker hurts those whom he sees as unfairly advantaged, even if it costs him everything. Kohler connects this irrational longing for revenge to the Holocaust, as well as to a distinctly American bitterness caused by "an implicit promise broken, the social contract itself," which deprives its victims of the happiness that they had seen as an inalienable right. This theory of history reflects his own toxic envy, but the picture that emerges of Kohler himself is painfully real, and his humiliation over his own minor failures leads him to exhibit what Gass diagnosed as "a slightly hidden fascist mentality" common in the United States.This is an immensely important theme, and Gass explores it relentlessly. His narrator's memories begin with his bigoted father, who scorned the ideas -- "free trade, for instance" -- that his son learned at school, while dismissing immigrants as "parasites, scabs, seducers" and ranting against "those who let these people into the country in the first place, when there were few enough jobs." Gass methodically depicts what he elsewhere called the "fascism of the breakfast table," as domestic combatants "crow over every victory as if each were the conquest of a continent, grudge every defeat as if it were the most meanly contrived and ill-deserved bad luck a good sport ever suffered," in performances that can expand outward to define an entire culture. He also devotes many pages to the small towns over which "sunsets were displayed in the deepest colors of catastrophe, the dark discordant tones of the Last Trump."As Kohler recalls the resentments of his father's generation -- "They were America, damn it, and Americans should come first" -- he offers a word of advice to those who have been abandoned by history: "Don't invest in a future you will never see, a future which will despise you anyway, a future which will find you useless. Pay for your own burial plot. Get the golf clubs out. Die with a tan your daughter's thighs would envy." This sense of betrayal, which can shade into vengefulness, leads to a radical strain of politics that Gass later described in an interview: "Fascism is a tyranny which enshrines the values of the lower middle class, even though the lower middle class doesn't get to rule. It just gets to feel satisfied that the world is well-run. It likes symbols of authority and it likes to dress up. It likes patriotic parades."In the novel's most prophetic passages, Kohler fantasizes about forming a movement called the "Party of the Disappointed People." He draws pictures of its insignia and merchandise (including special caps) and explains: "What the other parties avoid, we shall embrace. We shall be the ones with the handshakes like the Shriners, the symbols, the slogans as if we were selling something, the shirts, the salutes and the flags." By definition, its constituents feel disenfranchised by life, so they need powerful collaborators: "If we were to recover a bit of pride, we might be able to make ourselves into harassing gangs. So we shall make our pitch to the huddled elites, the ins who are on the outs."The party will need to be circumspect about its intentions -- Kohler proposes a secret hand signal that will allow its members to recognize one another -- until a public figure arises to amplify its anger: "What a pool of energy awaits the right voice." Kohler's ideal tyrant is modeled on Hitler, but he also looks ahead to the demagogue of the future. "And now the hero comes -- the trumpet of his people. And his voice is enlarged like a movie's lion. He roars, he screams so well for everyone, his tantrums tame a people. He is the Son of God, if God is Resentment. And God is Resentment -- a pharaoh for the disappointed people." Kohler anticipates the role of the media -- "TV faces and their blatant lies are now our leaders" -- and contemplates the shape of such a man's life: "Our favorite modern bad guys became villains by serving as heroes first -- to millions. It is now a necessary apprenticeship."
The story begins with Iran in the mid-1980s. In the face of repeated Iraqi chemical weapons attacks, the government in Tehran decided to revive the shah's nuclear programme - overcoming Ayatollah Khomeini's reservations about the bomb's sharia-compliance. Iran needed help to get started and turned to Pakistan's military dictator, General Zia, who authorised Pakistan's nuclear scientists to engage with their Iranian counterparts. At the time Washington was threatening Pakistan with sanctions for its work on the bomb, and Zia may have calculated that low-level nuclear co-operation with Iran could be used as a negotiating chip to be traded in later: the co-operation could always be ended if sanctions looked imminent, as a way of averting the threat.So the general, always adept at managing the relationship with Washington, directed his officials to help the Iranians - but not to give them anything substantial. Between 1986 and 2001 Pakistan provided Iran with designs for a uranium enrichment facility as well as key components needed to make a bomb. By the time the co-operation began, Khan had already put together an international network of suppliers and middlemen to procure the materials Pakistan needed for its own nuclear programme - a network that eventually included businessmen and engineers in Singapore, Malaysia, South Korea, Turkey, South Africa and Switzerland. A front company in Dubai, Gulf Technical Industries, was run by a British businessman who lived near Swansea. This loose confederation saw Iran as a potential new customer; Khan's name gave their sales pitch credibility. In 1987, Pakistan sent Iran two used centrifuges which, in line with Zia's directives, were of limited use: Khan himself was already working on a more advanced model. Abbas believes the person in charge of the day to day management of the nuclear relationship with Iran was General Beg, at the time vice chief of army staff, who once claimed that Tehran had offered him $10 billion for nuclear weapons technology. In the event Pakistan sold it much more cheaply.An indication of quite how tight a grip Pakistan's military kept on all this is that Benazir Bhutto knew nothing about it until well into her first term as prime minister - and even then found out only by accident. In the autumn of 1989, as she told Abbas and others, she was at a conference in Tehran when President Rafsanjani invited her into a quiet corner to discuss a sensitive matter. He said he wanted to reaffirm the agreement their two countries had reached on 'special defence matters'. Unaware of any such arrangement, Bhutto said: 'What exactly are you talking about, Mr President?' 'Nuclear technology, Madam Prime Minister, nuclear technology,' Rafsanjani replied. Back home, Bhutto asked the president and army chief what he'd been talking about; they pretended they hadn't a clue.Abbas concludes that the initial phase of co-operation with Iran was conducted without the army's institutional support - but that Khan had the tacit backing of a small number of senior individuals. It's a rather odd way of looking at it. If a serving army chief makes major strategic commitments to a foreign power it's hard to see how the outcome can be considered a freelance or rogue operation.Then there was the deal with North Korea, which came about during Bhutto's second term in office. This time, more aware of the need to placate the Pakistani deep state, she offered to do its bidding. The journalist Shyam Bhatia, who had known Bhutto at Oxford, interviewed her in Dubai in 2004. In the course of their conversation, Bhatia says, Bhutto revealed that in 1993, while she was prime minister, she had personally carried discs with data on uranium enrichment into Pyongyang. She had even bought an overcoat with especially deep pockets so as to conceal the discs on her journey. Loyal friends of Bhutto have rejected the claim outright, insisting that she and Bhatia were only distant acquaintances. But when you listen to the tape of the 2004 interview - and hear them discuss Bhutto's brother Murtaza, whom Bhatia had met in Damascus - it's clear that the two knew each other well. Frustratingly, the comments about taking the data to Pyongyang weren't recorded - Bhatia says Bhutto asked that the tape recorder be switched off before she told the story.There were of course other senior Pakistanis involved in the arrangement with North Korea. Khan has claimed that three army chiefs, Generals Kakar, Karamat and Musharraf, knew all about it. Karamat's possible involvement, first publicly alleged in the Washington Post in 2011, is particularly interesting. The Post claimed that in 1998, in order to secure military support for the deal, Khan gave Karamat - chief of army staff at the time - half a million dollars of North Korean money in cash, for use in 'secret army funds'. Apparently this was not enough to win him over, so Khan hand-delivered him another $2.5 million - some of it hidden in a cardboard box under a layer of fruit, some in a canvas bag.The story's provenance was rock-solid: the source was a British journalist turned Washington think-tanker, Simon Henderson, who had established a relationship with Khan in the 1970s while working in Pakistan as a stringer for the BBC and the Financial Times. They kept in touch. Khan had good reason to unburden himself to Henderson. In 2004, after Pakistan's involvement in nuclear proliferation became known to the world, Khan appeared on TV to make a confession: he himself took 'full responsibility' for the nuclear deals, which 'were inevitably initiated at my behest'. He added - in words which the state presumably insisted he include - that 'there was never any kind of authorisation for these activities from the government' or the military. He was under house arrest for the next five years, and being made a lone scapegoat must have rankled. So once he was released he started naming names in public. Eventually he sent Henderson a copy of a letter from a North Korean official that detailed the secret payments.Given the seriousness of the allegation, the Post put considerable resources into verifying the document. Having satisfied themselves that it was genuine, they splashed it on the front page. Karamat strongly denied the allegation but chose not to sue. The fate of what should have been a world-class scoop was instructive. Washington was heavily invested at the time in trying to improve relations with Pakistan so as to further US goals in Afghanistan: no one in the administration could see any advantage in holding the Pakistani army to account, and with the exception of the Post the press toed the government line. Khan must have been deeply frustrated. Having got the story published on the front page of a major Western newspaper he should have been in a position to begin a conversation about nuclear proliferation that involved a central pillar of the Pakistani state. But nobody took any notice.
The survivors' team rowed about a mile of the 15-mile course, and the team's inaugural row was a small but poignant part of the event, which brought more than 200 rowers to Kendal Riverfront Park. In total, more than 4,400 people came out for the rowing, walking, biking and golf at the 38th annual Prouty fundraiser, which was created in honor of Audrey Prouty by four nurses who treated her during her nine-year battle with ovarian cancer. [...]Using a boat on loan from the Upper Valley Rowing Foundation, the team had just a few weeks to learn the sport."Learning to row is a challenge. There's a lot of nuances," Wallace said. "It was a good experience, though."This was a banner year for the Prouty, as organizers said the event raised more than $3.3 million for patient support services and cancer research at the Norris Cotton Cancer Center. That's the most money ever raised by event day and just a few thousand dollars shy of the Prouty's previous record, said Jean Brown, executive director of the Friends of the Norris Cotton Cancer Center. Because more money always trickles in after the race, she's certain this year will break past records."This has been a really exciting year," Brown said. "There's a really good feeling in the community about the cancer center."Appreciation for the cancer center was a key motivation for Donna Palatucci, Sue Goulet and Hatsy McGraw as they walked the 7K at the Prouty on Saturday. The three friends have been walking together every year since 2005, the same year that Palatucci was diagnosed with cancer.Palatucci, who lives in Windsor, recalled the massages she received at the cancer center, and the musicians who came in and played the harp while she was waiting for treatment. She knows how much those little things can mean."We also have a good friend who is in treatment right now," said McGraw, who met Palatucci and Goulet while she was living in Windsor and now lives in Hartland.All three of the women, who joke that they are the "Prouty cover girls" because their photo was once on the front of a Prouty publication, have lost friends and family members to cancer. They have walked through drenching rains and heat waves alike, and they even recalled having to wait out a thunderstorm in the Frances Richmond Middle School gym. They've also witnessed the growth of the event, which was started in 1982 after Audrey Prouty's death and is now the biggest charity challenge north of Boston."This is really important to us every year. We really try not to miss," McGraw said.
Sir Kim's Iran memo was sent in May 2018, after Mr Johnson - who was then Foreign Secretary - had been dispatched to Washington to make a last ditch plea to President Trump not to abandon the nuclear deal with Iran designed to prevent the regime from building an atomic bomb.Despite a frantic 26 hours of meetings with Trump's closest advisers, it became clear that the President was not going to change his mind.After Mr Johnson returned to London, Sir Kim told No 10 in a 'diptel' (diplomatic telegram) that Mr Trump's Administration was 'set upon an act of diplomatic vandalism'. The Ambassador wrote that Mr Trump appeared to be abandoning the deal for 'personality reasons' because it had been agreed by his predecessor Barack Obama.Sir Kim suggested there were splits among the President's closest advisers and said the White House lacked a 'day-after' strategy on what to do following withdrawal from the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action, as the deal was called.
Scholars of foreign policy preference formation have accepted what Rathbun et al. (2016) call the "vertical hierarchy model," which says that policy attitudes are determined by more abstract moral ideas about right and wrong. This paper turns this idea on its head by introducing the prejudice first model, arguing that foreign policy preferences and orientations are in part driven by attitudes towards the groups being affected by specific policies. Three experiments are used to test the utility of this framework. First, when conservatives heard about Muslims killing Christians, as opposed to the opposite scenario, they were more likely to support a humanitarian intervention and agree that the United States has a moral obligation to help those persecuted by their governments. Liberals showed no religious preference. When the relevant identity group was race, however, liberals were more likely to want to help blacks persecuted by whites, while conservatives showed no racial bias. In contrast, the degree of persecution mattered relatively little to respondents in either experiment. In another experiment, conservatives adopted more isolationist policies after reading a text about the country becoming more liberal, as opposed to a paragraph that said the United States was a relatively conservative country. The treatment showed the opposite effect on liberals, although the results fell just short of statistical significance. While not necessarily contradicting the vertical hierarchy model, the results indicate that prejudices and biases not only help influence foreign policy attitudes, but moral perceptions of right and wrong in international politics.
For as long as he can remember, Tim Sherstyuk has been tinkering away in his parents' basement. He built his first computer at age 11, his first software program at 13 and filed his first patent application at 19. Two years later, he dropped out of school to build a company that has the potential to significantly improve the lifespan and charging speed of batteries -- with huge consequences for the planet.GBatteries is on the verge of enabling electric vehicles to charge as fast as it takes to fill a tank of gas, a benchmark Sherstyuk says could retire the internal combustion engine once and for all.
Customs and Border Protection agents at a facility in Yuma, Arizona, are facing allegations of sexual assault and mistreatment of migrant children, according to documents obtained by NBC News. The outlet reviewed nearly 30 accounts from government case managers dating from April 10 to June 12 that detail an environment in which kids were allegedly neglected, denied basic provisions, and verbally and physically abused by those running the facilities. This mirrors the dismal conditions that have been criticized in Texas border facilities, like those in El Paso and Rio Grande Valley.One 15-year-old Honduran girl described being sexually assaulted by a CBP agent during a pat-down. She said the agent "put his hands down her bra, pulled down her underwear and groped her" while laughing and speaking to other agents in English, leaving her feeling humiliated.In another case, a boy recounted officers using offensive slurs in Spanish, calling children "puto" while giving orders. Retaliation by agents was also mentioned in the reports. In one such instance, after a group of children complained about the taste of their water and food, CBP agents allegedly removed the mats from their cells, leaving them to sleep on concrete. Detainees in Yuma also report being denied phone calls, regular showers and clean clothes, going to bed hungry, and being detained longer than 72 hours.
In 2016, "Jane Doe" filed a lawsuit against Trump alleging a "savage sexual attack" in 1994, when she was 13 years old, in which he tied her to a bed at Epstein's house, raped her, and struck her in the face. The account was corroborated by a witness who claimed to have seen the child perform sexual acts on both Trump and Epstein.Just as he has a patten of sexual predation, Trump also seems to have a pattern of threatening victims who come forward. Jane Doe alleged in the lawsuit that Trump told her she shouldn't ever say anything if she didn't want to "disappear like Maria," a 12-year-old girl who had also been abused along with her. Jane Doe dropped the lawsuit in November 2016, days before Trump's election, after her attorney, Lisa Bloom, cited "numerous threats" against her client. (Trump denied the allegations, and Bloom declined to comment for this story.)Even if the Epstein proceedings fail to produce evidence against Trump, there is enough already in the public record--including words recorded out of his own mouth--to substantiate a shockingly prolific history of sexual misconduct. The first rape allegation against him was by his ex-wife Ivana, who in a deposition in the early 1990s described a violent assault by her husband in 1989 in which he pulled out fistfuls of her hair and jammed himself inside her. She clarified while he was running for president in 2015--and while under a gag order that prevents her from discussing her marriage with Trump without his approval--that the alleged rape was not in a "criminal sense." What she, likely coached by Trump's team, seemed to be implying is that a man has a right to sex with his wife, regardless of his level of violence or her protestations (all 50 states have laws against non-consensual sex, or rape, within a marriage).Even though Michael Cohen, Trump's former personal lawyer and fixer, claimed that "you cannot rape your spouse," he was so invested in squashing the story that he dramatically threatened a Daily Beast reporter who was writing about the incident that same year. "I will make sure that you and I meet one day while we're in the courthouse. And I will take you for every penny you still don't have. And I will come after your Daily Beast and everybody else that you possibly know," Cohen said. "So I'm warning you, tread very fucking lightly, because what I'm going to do to you is going to be fucking disgusting. You understand me?"The allegations have piled up against Trump for almost 40 years now. Businesswoman Jessica Leeds told The New York Times that in the 1980s, he grabbed her breasts and reached up her skirt on an airplane without her consent. "He was like an octopus," she said. "His hands were everywhere."In total, and not counting the young Jane Doe who rescinded her lawsuit, more than 20 women have accused Trump of sexual misconduct so far, and many of them have produced witnesses and corroborators. Five have produced at least two witnesses.
On June 30, Vietnam signed a trade agreement and investment protection agreement with the European Union (EU). In doing so, the country became the second member of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN), following Singapore, to conclude a major trade agreement with the EU. Although the news was partly upstaged by the EU's agreement with the South American trade bloc Mercosur just a few days earlier, the deal has important implications not only for Vietnam's relationship with Europe, but for the EU's wider role in Southeast Asia.There are obvious economic benefits for both sides, with a 99 percent reduction in tariffs envisaged. From day one, around 65 percent of EU exports to Vietnam will be tariff free, with most other areas being fully liberalized over the next 10 years. For Vietnamese exports to the EU, 71 percent of exports will be tariff free from day one, with 99 percent liberalized within seven years.Enjoying this article? Click here to subscribe for full access. Just $5 a month.Just as importantly from the European perspective, the deal allowed the EU to further strengthen its credentials as the chief defender of free trade and multilateralism, at a time when the protectionist instincts of Donald Trump and an entrenched trade conflict between the United States and China continue to dominate global affairs.Indeed, the contrast between the approach pursued by Trump in Vietnam and the deal with the EU could hardly have been greater. In the days leading up to the agreement, the U.S. president had sharply rebuked the country, labeling Vietnam "almost the single worst abuser of everybody." Trump's ire, as ever, was linked to a burgeoning trade deficit between the United States and Vietnam.
An unofficial commemorative coin has been circulating among Border Patrol agents at the U.S./Mexico border, mocking the task of caring for migrant children and other duties that have fallen to agents as families cross into the U.S.On the front, the coin declares "KEEP THE CARAVANS COMING" under an image of a massive parade of people carrying a Honduran flag -- a caricature of the "caravan" from last fall, which started in Honduras and attracted thousands of people as it moved north. (While the caravan included many women and children, the only visible figures on the coin appear to be adult men.)The coin's reverse side features the Border Patrol logo and three illustrations: a Border Patrol agent bottle-feeding an infant; an agent fingerprinting a teen boy wearing a backwards baseball cap; and a U.S. Border Patrol van. The text along the edge reads "FEEDING ** PROCESSING ** HOSPITAL ** TRANSPORT."
Former Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) chief Thomas Homan told a House panel Friday that migrant families seeking asylum should wait out their legal process in detention. [...]He added that the "unprecedented attack and vilification of the men and women of ICE and the Border Patrol" is negatively affecting agent morale."They have to wake up every day and see the news reports and comments from representatives in Congress that they are Nazis, white supremacists, that they operate concentration camps, that they abuse women and children," said Homan."Those that make those outrageous statements believe that once you decide to carry that ICE badge or the Border Patrol badge, that you lose your sense of humanity and love for another person," he added.
as Mr. Homan said, sit back and enjoy it.While traveling with Vice President Mike Pence to Texas, pool reporters negotiated access to see an outdoor portal at the McAllen Border Station. And what they found, as documented in a pool report and photos by reporter Josh Dawsey of the Washington Post, was an absolutely horrifying scene.There were about 400 men caged in a fenced-in area outdoors, "so crowded that it would have been impossible for all of the men to lie on the concrete," Dawsey reported."There were no mats or pillows -- some of the men were sleeping on concrete," he said. "The stench was horrendous."He described the weather as "sweltering hot."The men in the cages began shouting at the press when they came by, saying that they've been kept there for 40 days or longer. Dawsey said they appeared dirty. The patrol agent in charge at the station admitted some of the men hadn't showered for 10 or 20 days because the facility only recently got showers.
Police Minister Stuart Nash said the objective was to "remove the most dangerous weapons from circulation".With armed police monitoring the handover, 169 firearms owners handed in 224 weapons and 217 parts and accessories. They were then crushed in hydraulic presses.More than NZ$433,600 ($290,300) was paid out to gun owners in exchange for their weapons.Regional police commander Mike Johnson said 903 residents in the Canterbury region, which includes Christchurch, had registered 1,415 firearms to be handed in."Police recognise that this is a big change for the law-abiding firearms community and we are hearing really positive feedback from people as they come through today that they are finding the process works well for them," Johnson said."Canterbury firearms owners' attitude towards this process has been outstanding."Ray Berard, who moved to New Zealand from Canada 25 years ago, handed in an assault rifle. He told reporters he had been in the Canadian army and on the Canada shooting team but believed there was no place for military-style firearms in modern society."My wife is working as one of the project directors on the hospital rebuild and we were there on the day of the shooting and watched the 35-odd hearses leave the next day," he said.
"You know, they have a word," said Donald Trump at one of his rallies last year, "it's sort of became old-fashioned--it's called a 'nationalist.' And I say, really, we're not supposed to use that word. You know what I am? I'm a nationalist, okay? I'm a nationalist. Nationalist. Nothing wrong. Use that word. Use that word."The word is being used. Nationalism of a certain "old-fashioned" and nasty sort is making a comeback here in the United States and around the world. Inextricably associated with the most destructive war in human history, it has long been looked at askance by thinking people who remember the bloodshed it unleashed. But now, in an era in which liberal democracies and the very idea of liberal democracy are under assault, the taboo surrounding nationalism is being stripped away.Starting Sunday, Washington will be home to a three-day gathering for those "who understand that the past and future of conservatism," according to the conference website, "are inextricably tied to the idea of the nation." [...]Along with Bolton, giving one of the keynote addresses is none other than Tucker Carlson of Fox News, who regularly dabbles in nationalism's unwholesome side.Authoritarianism? "You've got to be honest about what it means to lead a country, it means killing people," said Carlson, speaking to Fox & Friends about Trump's meeting with North Korean tyrant Kim Jong-un.Demonization? To Carlson immigration is something that "makes our own country poor and dirtier and more divided." Or as he said on another occasion, "I actually hate litter which is why I'm so against illegal immigration."Bigotry? This is the same Tucker Carlson who has called Iraqis: "semiliterate primitive monkeys."In this ugliness, Carlson is not alone. Another featured speaker, Michael Anton, formerly of the Trump administration's national security council and author of the notorious "Flight 93 Election" essay, warns that "a republic that opens its doors to immigrants must choose carefully whom and how many to accept." He cautions darkly against "the ceaseless importation of Third World foreigners with no tradition of, taste for, or experience in liberty." The racialist tenor of such statements is as transparent as Donald Trump's comments about the "very fine people" among the white supremacists carrying tiki torches as they marched in Charlottesville.According to Yoram Hazony, the Israeli-American student of political philosophy who is the principal organizer of the conference, liberal principles, "have brought us to a dead end." He lumps "universal liberalism" together with Marxism and Nazism as a potentially "genocidal" ideology that fuels "the desire for imperial conquest." In liberalism's stead, he is a proponent of what he calls "conservative democracy." He favors a tradition in which, among other things, the state "upholds and honors the biblical God and religious practices common to the nation." In other words, in the American context, he would bid farewell to the Establishment Clause of the First Amendment.Hazony opposes liberal democracy root and branch and also the very idea of a pluralistic society. "The overwhelming dominance of a single cohesive nationality," he writes, "is in fact the only basis for domestic peace within a free state." He approvingly quotes Johann Gottfried Herder, the 18th-century father of German nationalism, who warns against "the wild mixing of races and nationalities under one scepter."
Attorney General Bill Barr has ordered an investigation into whether the CIA was correct to determine that Russian President Vladimir Putin wanted to boost Donald Trump during the 2016 election.But that question has already been asked and answered at the CIA's highest levels -- by Mike Pompeo, a Trump loyalist, according to three people familiar with the matter.Just after Pompeo took over as CIA director in 2017, he conducted a personal review of the CIA's findings, grilling analysts on their conclusions in a challenging and at times combative interview, these people said. He ultimately found no evidence of any wrongdoing, or that the analysts had been under political pressure to produce their findings."This wasn't just a briefing," said one person familiar with the episode. "This was a challenging back and forth, in which Pompeo asked the officers tough questions about their work and how they determined Putin's specific objectives." Pompeo also asked about CIA's work with the FBI on the Russia probe in 2016. Two U.S. officials further confirmed to POLITICO that the interview occurred and was robust.Additionally, a congressional official said Pompeo and his deputies never gave any indication to lawmakers, even behind closed doors, that the CIA had acted improperly or drawn incorrect conclusions about Putin's desire to help Trump get elected.
Kentucky Senate candidate Amy McGrath's three-minute campaign launch video retells her personal story of getting no answer to letters to members of Congress, then features four Kentuckians writing to Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell for help with personal crises.The video implies that McConnell never responded, but it appears the letters were sent Tuesday, the same day that McGrath announced her bid for the Democratic nomination to challenge him.
Acting Secretary of Homeland Security Kevin McAleenan is at the center of a federal investigation into the leak of confidential government information in late June that forced Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) to call off a nationwide operation, three senior administration officials told the Washington Examiner.
Gov. Bill Lee has proclaimed Saturday as Nathan Bedford Forrest Day in Tennessee, a day of observation to honor the former Confederate general and early Ku Klux Klan leader whose bust is on display in the state Capitol.
Indicted Rep. Duncan Hunter is sending Islamophobic mail pieces to voters in his Southern California district, attacking his Democratic opponent, Ammar Campa-Najjar, for his deceased grandfather alleged ties to a 1972 terrorist attack.The mailers show a photo of one of the terrorists involved in an attack on Israeli athletes at the Munich Olympics wearing a ski mask on one side, and photos of Campa-Najjar and Muslim Democratic Reps. Ilhan Omar of Minnesota and Rashida Tlaib of Michigan, on the other.
More than a dozen rabbis from the city of Elad near Tel Aviv issued an edict declaring all dogs bad and warning residents that keeping them will make them accursed.The edict, dated to June 14, contains the signatures of all the Sephardic rabbis in Elad, a city of about 46,000 residents where most of the population is haredi Orthodox and the city's chief rabbi, Mordechai Malka, the news site bhol reported Friday."We have heard and have seen that lately, a serious phenomenon has spread in our city Elad, in which young boys and children walk around publicly with dogs. This is strictly forbidden, as explained in the Talmud and by the Rambam, anyone raising a dog is accursed and especially in our city where many women and children are afraid of dogs," the anti-canine edict states.
Carla Provost, the chief of the United States Border Patrol, was one of a number of Border Patrol personnel to participate in a Facebook group in which members joked about migrant deaths and made other offensive comments about immigrants and asylum-seekers, the Intercept reported Friday. The group's discovery led to two separate investigations by government watchdog groups into unprofessional behavior.
The U.S. House of Representatives approved a $733 billion defense policy bill on Friday, defying President Donald Trump's veto threat by including provisions like a clampdown on funding for his planned wall on the border with Mexico.
The three judges on the panel did not say how or when they would rule. But they repeatedly sparred with Trump's personal lawyer William Consovoy over his central argument that the subpoena is unconstitutional because it is "law enforcement" that would not further Congress' main task of enacting laws.Judge David Tatel said the House is already working on legislation relating to presidential conflicts of interest and government ethics, and suggested that the financial records requested from Mazars are reasonably related to that effort.
"These bills have passed the House and are directly related to the subject of this subpoena," Tatel said.
As Labor Secretary Alex Acosta resigns, yet another administration departure could be imminent.President Trump has been telling confidants that he's "eager" to remove Director of National Intelligence Dan Coats, Axios reported on Friday. In fact, Trump has reportedly been saying he'd like to get rid of the entire Office of the Director of National Intelligence -- or at least "downsize" it, since he's been told scrapping the whole office isn't possible.
Tier 1: The front-runners: Biden, Harris and WarrenBiden, Harris and Warren represent three relatively distinct, but fairly traditional, archetypes for party nominees:Biden, as a former vice president, is a "next-in-line" candidate who is rather explicitly promising to perpetuate the legacy of President Obama and uphold the party's current agenda. It might not be exciting, but these candidates have pretty good track records.Harris is a coalition-builder who would hope to unite the different factions of the party -- black, white, left, liberal, moderate, etc. -- as a consensus choice.Warren is offering more red meat (or should it be blue meat?) and would represent more of a leftward transformation from the status quo. But she's simpatico enough with party elites and has broad enough appeal that she isn't necessarily a factional candidate in the way that Sanders is. Instead, a better analogy for Warren might be Ronald Reagan; they are not comparable in terms of their backgrounds or their political styles, but they are both candidates who straddle the boundary between the ideological wings of their party and the party establishment.On an empirical basis, the Biden and Harris strategies have produced more winners than the Warren one, although all three approaches are viable. That doesn't mean that Biden, Harris and Warren are the only candidates pursuing these strategies. Cory Booker's coalition could look a lot like Harris's, for instance, were he ever to gain traction. But they're the only candidates who are both (a) taking approaches that have worked well in the past and (b) polling reasonably well at the moment. That puts them in the top tier.How you would rank them within the top tier is harder. But we should probably start with the fact that Biden is still ahead of the other two in the polls. It's closer in early state polls, and it's closer once you account for the fact that Harris and Warren still aren't as well-known as Biden is. But Biden's lead is nontrivial -- he's ahead of Harris by 12 percentage points (and Warren by 13) in the RealClearPolitics average.And while you might claim that Harris and Warren have momentum, you need to be careful with that. Often, polling bounces from debates and other events fade, so it's at least possible that Harris and Warren are at their high-water marks. Or not. But Biden is (POKER ANALOGY ALERT!) a bit like a poker player who's just lost a big pot. Before, he had way more chips than Warren and Harris did; now, he has only slightly more than they do. But you'd still rather be the candidate with more chips than fewer, momentum be damned.Unless ... the way you lost that hand reveals something about your game that could come back to bite you again in the future. Biden wasn't very effective in the debates, according to the voters we surveyed along with Morning Consult. And some of his decline in the polls has to do with what could be Biden's two biggest vulnerabilities: his electability halo bursting and voters expressing concern about his age. The age problem isn't going away. And while Biden can still make an electability case -- there are plenty of polls showing him doing better than other Democrats against President Trump -- voters are at least likely to scrutinize his argument rather than take it for granted.
[E]ven some conservative legal experts who supported past efforts to throw out the law think this challenge is outrageous. Jonathan Adler of Case Western University has called the current case "just absurd," as well as "unmoored" and "shocking." Ted Frank, a lawyer at the Competitive Enterprise Institute, called the trial judge's decision "embarrassingly bad." Ilya Somin of George Mason University has signed a brief opposing the lawsuit.And conservative writers including Philip Klein of the Washington Examiner and the Cato Institute's Michael Cannon have criticized the lawsuit. The headline on Klein's piece is: "I hate Obamacare, but Texas judge's decision on its unconstitutionality is an assault on the rule of law."How has this case managed to go so far? Jonathan Cohn of HuffPost has written a helpful summary.The brief version is: The Supreme Court ruled in 2012 that the health law was legal even though it overreached in requiring people to buy health insurance, because that requirement -- known as the mandate -- wasn't really a requirement. People could choose not to have insurance and instead pay a fee, which meant that the mandate was more akin to a tax on the uninsured. Congress clearly has the right to impose taxes.Trump's tax law, passed in 2017, reduced this fee on the uninsured to zero. In the current lawsuit, the plaintiffs have taken advantage of this change to argue that the mandate is now back to being a mandate rather than a tax -- even if it's an irrelevant mandate, because ignoring it brings no penalty. As Cohn wrote, "It doesn't take a fancypants law degree to see that the new scheme is, if anything, less intrusive than the old one -- a point that the attorneys for California and the U.S. House [who were arguing against the Trump administration] made several times."
"These guys have all convinced themselves that to be successful and keep their jobs, they need to stand by Trump," Rep. Justin Amash (Mich.), who recently left the GOP over his differences with Trump, said in an interview for the book. "But Trump won't stand with them as soon as he doesn't need them. He's not loyal. They're very loyal to Trump, but the second he thinks it's to his advantage to throw someone under the bus, he'll be happy to do it."Alberta dings Vice President Pence and others for seeking to defend Trump as an evangelical and humble man behind the scenes seeking to help his country -- while casting aside their core convictions. He reports that the vice president's wife, Karen Pence, did not want to appear in public with her husband after the "Access Hollywood" tape and that Pence disagreed with Trump on many key issues, from immigration to trade.Now, Pence's oldest friends joke about whether Trump has blackmail material on him."Pence's talents for bootlicking -- he was nicknamed 'the Bobblehead' by Republicans on Capitol Hill for his solemn nodding routine whenever Trump spoke -- were at their most obscene during meetings at the White House," Alberta writes.Mick Mulvaney is cast as ambitious and clear-eyed about Trump before the election, telling fellow lawmakers that he read "The Art of the Deal" and could play to Trump's ego while blocking his worst inclinations."We're not going to let Donald Trump dismantle the Bill of Rights," Mulvaney said to Alberta in 2016 when he was still a congressman from South Carolina. "For five and half years, every time we got to the floor and try to push back against an overreaching president, we get accused of being partisan at best and racist at worst. When we do it against a Republican president, maybe people will see it was a principled objection in the first place."Now, as the president's acting chief of staff, Mulvaney says to others that he "lets Trump be Trump."Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Tex.), who basked in Trump's glory during a large rally that helped him win a tight Texas race down the stretch of the 2018 midterms, once felt differently about the president.Cruz "told confidantes there was 'no way in hell' he was prepared to subjugate himself to Trump in front of tens of millions of viewers," Alberta writes. " 'History isn't kind to the man who holds Mussolini's jacket,' Cruz told friends in 2016." Even later, he bemoaned Trump for seeking to end birthright citizenship, saying he would cost the party seats.Rep. Jim Jordan (R-Ohio) told Alberta in June 2016 that he wishes the Republican-controlled Congress could have done things differently to "avoid creating this environment that was conducive to someone like Donald Trump becoming the nominee." Jordan is now on Fox News defending Trump more than almost any other of the president's allies.
True, Trump may not be a man of ideas, but his presidency and political style were imagined by one man: the libertarian economist and philosopher Murray N. Rothbard, who died in 1995. Not long before his death, Rothbard rejoiced when he saw in the emergence of David Duke and Pat Buchanan, in 1992, his long-held vision for America's right and concluded that what was needed was more of the same:And so the proper strategy for the right wing must be what we can call "right-wing populism": exciting, dynamic, tough, and confrontational, rousing and inspiring not only the exploited masses, but the often-shell-shocked right-wing intellectual cadre as well. And in this era where the intellectual and media elites are all establishment liberal-conservatives, all in a deep sense one variety or another of social democrat, all bitterly hostile to a genuine Right, we need a dynamic, charismatic leader who has the ability to short-circuit the media elites, and to reach and rouse the masses directly. We need a leadership that can reach the masses and cut through the crippling and distorting hermeneutical fog spread by the media elites.Despite the eerie accuracy of his vision, Rothbard's name is not widely known.Despite the eerie accuracy of his vision and his prolific writing on every subject from contemporary cinema to the Federal Reserve system, Rothbard's name is not widely known. It's not likely to be found in bibliography of a contemporary economist's paper, but you will find it scrawled on the seamy underbelly of the web, in the message boards of the alt-right, where fewer voices are more in the air than Rothbard's. One can look at the recent profiles of neo-fascists to find the name Rothbard, and that of his favorite pupil and protégé, Hans Hermann-Hoppe, again and again. In The New Yorker's piece on Mike Enoch, the founder of the "Daily Shoah" podcast, Enoch notes that his path to the alt-right began with reading Rothbard, Ayn Rand, and Ludwig von Mises. When asked how he began to move "so far right," Tony Hovater, the Indiana Nazi from the infamous New York Times profile, "name-drops Murray Rothbard and Hans-Hermann Hoppe." Chris Cantwell, the crying Nazi of Vice News notoriety, says he was a "big fan of Murray Rothbard" and then went on to "read Hans-Hermann Hoppe's Democracy: The God that Failed." Trump backer Peter Thiel's essay, "The Education of a Libertarian," shows the clear influence of Rothbard's apostle Hoppe, who invited Thiel to a conference that also hosted American Renaissance's Jared Taylor and VDARE's Peter Brimelow. For a time before his death, Rothbard had the ear of Pat Buchanan. Paul Gottfried, the erstwhile ally of Richard Spencer, who is sometimes credited with coining the term "alternative right," was a friend and admirer of Rothbard, and he also delivered the Murray N. Rothbard Memorial lectures at the Mises Institute.Inching more to the mainstream, Andrew Breitbart and Steve Bannon's fusion of libertarianism and populism seems Rothbardian in inspiration. Indeed, Justin Raimondo, Rothbard's disciple and the author of the biography Enemy of the State: The Life of Murray N. Rothbard, pronounced in February 2017, "Bannonism is libertarianism." A few days, later Bannon announced his fight for the "deconstruction of the administrative state," a goal that would have garnered Rothbard's enthusiastic applause. Rothbard and Bannon apparently also both share an appreciation for Vladimir Lenin as political sensei, but the latter's familiarity with the Russian revolutionary's ideas might very well have come from the former's writings.The literature about Rothbard tends to be hagiographic; at times, almost literally so. One biographer, right off the bat, compares him to Saint Augustine and Soren Kierkegaard. Raimondo, sounding like something that might have been written in the nineteenth century about Beethoven or Goethe, is taken by the man's physiognomy: "The high forehead, the nose prominent but finely formed, the half-smile exuding an earnest intelligence." The Mises Institute, named for Rothbard's mentor, the Austrian economist Ludwig von Mises, which served his intellectual home for many years, is almost a personality cult dedicated to the memory of Rothbard the Great; its website is sprinkled with many fond reminiscences of his intellectual and personal virtues. [...]No matter how abstract the economics he liked were, Rothbard never lost his taste for concrete politics. He was particularly drawn to the first reactions against the early stirrings of civil rights legislation. In 1948, he horrified his fellow Jewish students by leading a meeting of a Students for Thurmond group. He claimed toward the end of his life to have founded the group, but if he did, he did not cop to it in his effusive fan letter to Strom Thurmond's States Rights Democrats in Jackson, Mississippi: "Although a New Yorker born and bred, I was a staunch supporter of the Thurmond movement; a good friend of mine headed the Columbia Students for Thurmond, which I believe was the only such collegiate movement north of the Mason-Dixon line." But he only regretted that Thurmond's movement was too regional, too Southern, saying it was "imperative for the States Rights movement to establish itself on a nation-wide scale" where "[it] could grow into a mighty movement if you have the will and vision. There are millions of Americans throughout the country, Republicans and Democrats, who would flock to your banner."He did not find himself at home with the New Right rallying around William F. Buckley's National Review.But it was Joseph McCarthy and McCarthyism that provided Rothbard with one of his main political inspirations. In 1954, when Roy Cohn was forced to resign as McCarthy's counsel, Rothbard wrote a speech for Students for America's George Reisman to give at what would be a raucous goodbye fete for Cohn at the Hotel Astor. With McCarthy in attendance, Reisman declaimed Rothbard's words:There's been only one thing wrong with the famous methods of you or that other great American Senator Joe McCarthy: You have been too kind, too courteous, too considerate, too decent to realize in the fullest sense the viciousness and venom of the left's smear bund that's dedicated to drive every effective anti-communist from public life. The communists and their New Dealer cousins may have their family quarrels at times, but essentially they have been united, united for 21 years in a popular front regime of the left. [...]The other big idea that Rothbard cooked up during his years at the Volker Fund was to borrow from a particular tradition on the left, one that would've been very familiar from his Bronx boyhood. In a 1961 memo entitled "What Is To Be Done," after Lenin's 1901 pamphlet of the same name, Rothbard outlined a strategy for the movement:Here we stand, then, a "hard core" of libertarian-individualist "revolutionaries," anxious not only to develop our own understanding of this wonderful system of thought, but also anxious to spread its principles--and its policies--to the rest of society. How do we go about it? I think that here we can learn a great deal from Lenin and the Leninists--not too much, of course--but particularly the idea that the Leninist party is the main, or indeed only, moral principle.What Rothbard thought the libertarian movement needed to copy from Leninism were professional cadres of dedicated ideologues to organize cells and spread the faith. After an abortive attempt to woo the New Left in the late 1960s and early 1970s, this was almost certainly the vision Rothbard brought to Charles Koch, when he inspired him to found the Cato Institute at the Koch's ski lodge in Vail. Justin Raimondo illustrates the scene vividly: "Over the course of a weekend, in the winter of 1976," Raimondo writes, "Rothbard and the heir to one of the largest family held corporations in the nation talked into the night. As the roaring fire in the elaborate stone fireplace, burned down to flickering embers, Rothbard outlined the need to organize and systematize the burgeoning libertarian movement and bring order out of chaos." [...]The writing Rockwell produced on behalf of Ron Paul in the 1980s and early 1990s is quite frank in its racism, homophobia, and paranoia about AIDS--part of what Rothbard described as an "Outreach to the Rednecks." By 1990, the Ron Paul newsletters started discussing David Duke in favorable terms. But it was in 1992, after David Duke's failed presidential run, that Rothbard in an article entitled "Right Wing Populism," from the Rockwell-Rothbard Report, fully puts Duke's politics in the context of his earlier articulated "populist short-circuit" strategy. There he encourages emulation of Duke:It is fascinating that there was nothing in Duke's current program or campaign that could not also be embraced by paleoconservatives or paleo-libertarians: lower taxes, dismantling the bureaucracy, slashing the welfare system, attacking affirmative action and racial set-asides, calling for equal rights for all Americans, including whites: what's wrong with any of that?Ultimately it was Pat Buchanan who was to be Rothbard's man in 1992.Rothbard applauded The Bell Curve for destroying "the egalitarian myth" that "has been the major ideological groundwork for the welfare state."But the clearest expression of Rothbard's racism comes in his review of Charles Murray's and Richard Herrnstein's book The Bell Curve in 1994. As far back as his undergraduate years Rothbard believed that the statistical regularities expressed in bell curves were a load of bulls[**]t: "Well, what is the evidence for this vital assumption around a normal curve? None whatever. It is a purely mystical act of faith." He stayed remarkably consistent in his review of Murray's book: he thought there was entirely too much reliance on boring numbers and evidence, that it doesn't get to the good stuff fast enough: ". . . the Herrnstein-Murray book almost drowns its subject in statistics and qualifications, and it tries to downplay the entire race issue, devoting most of its space to inheritable differences among individuals within each ethnic or racial group." He applauds the book for destroying "the egalitarian myth" that "has been the major ideological groundwork for the welfare state, and, in its racial aspect, for the entire vast, ever expanding civil rights-affirmative action-set aside-quota aspect of the welfare state. The recognition of inheritance and natural inequalities among races as well as among individuals knocks the props out from under the welfare state system." Rothbard continues:If and when we as populists and libertarians abolish the welfare state in all of its aspects, and property rights and the free market shall be triumphant once more, many individuals and groups will predictably not like the end result. In that case, those ethnic and other groups who might be concentrated in lower-income or less prestigious occupations, guided by their socialistic mentors, will predictably raise the cry that free-market capitalism is evil and "discriminatory" and that therefore collectivism is needed to redress the balance . . . In short; racialist science is properly not an act of aggression or a cover for oppression of one group over another, but, on the contrary, an operation in defense of private property against assaults by aggressors.Here what Rothbard meant when he talks about non-aggression and self-defense is made plain: the ideological rampart of the post-welfare order against egalitarian attacks would have to be scientifically dressed up racism, defending the "property rights" of the rightful masters, sorted to the top by the ineluctable logic of the market. At this point his appeal to the alt-right shouldn't be much of a mystery.
Justin Raimondo is dying. It's October 2018 and I am headed to the 'Raimondo Ranch', in Sebastopol, northern California, to visit the home of the founder of Antiwar.com, the cult website that kept the faith in the early days of the net as Bill Clinton mindlessly bombed Yugoslavia, and George W. Bush leveled Iraq. No one cared, of course. And everyone else was wrong.Raimondo is a legend. The 'ranch' is no paleoconservative plantation. It's a quaint shack with a garden that looks like it's used to grow marijuana, but charmingly probably isn't. The property will go to Yoshi, who Raimondo describes as his boyfriend, though in fact the pair are married. Raimondo wouldn't like such talk: if you want a spouse, get a wife, seems to be his sentiment, but he will bend the knee for those he loves.Raimondo cuts an ascetic figure: wiry, chain-smoking, dressed punky but plainly. His reputation is the same to friends and enemies: warrior-monk and a[***]hole.There is no God, Raimondo says. This is it; this is all there is. 'My country's f[***]ed up,' he tells me, through tears. Time is short. [...]Like a lot of people who encountered him, I am still grappling with what to make of Justin Raimondo. He was a conservative, of sorts, committed at his death to the new Republican party as a vehicle of national salvation. When I asked him if he considered himself an intellectual, not merely a brawler, he answered hesitantly: 'I would say yes.'As a tween reader of Antiwar and kindred publication The American Conservative, anti-Bush staples, I found meeting Raimondo reminded me of that scene in Almost Famous, when the green reporter protagonist, William Miller encounters underground rock journalist Lester Bangs. Bangs tells Miller: 'It's just a damned shame you missed out on rock 'n' roll. It's over.'Proto-Trumps are dropping like flies. Raimondo's demise was followed this week by the death of Ross Perot, the anti-Bush populist, whom acolytes Tucker Carlson and Laura Ingraham, remarkably for any viewer with long-term memory, paid moving tribute to on primetime Fox News Tuesday night. Justin Raimondo may be dead, but the sentiment that the country is to the dogs and the wars are very much to blame is alive as it's ever been.Raimondo's death comes at an inflection point for Trumpism. On the one hand, if Trump leaves office today, he will be the first American president of my lifetime to not push the union into a new war. On the other hand, Trump's been maddeningly sluggish on the promise of the 2016 campaign: we're still in Syria, we're still in Afghanistan, and we've riskily turned up the heat on Iran. Tehran's already 120 degrees in the summer.Consider Raimondo as a dying optimist - at least on Donald Trump - however. He was also, oddly for a libertine, a culture warrior.
During a 2017 casino tournament, a poker-playing program called Libratus deftly defeated four professional players in 120,000 hands of two-player poker. But the program's co-creator, Tuomas Sandholm, did not believe artificial intelligence could achieve a similar performance against a greater number of players.Two years later, he has proved himself wrong. Sandholm has co-created an AI program called Pluribus, which can consistently defeat human experts in six-player matches of no-limit Texas Hold'em poker. "I never would have imagined we would reach this in my lifetime," says Sandholm, a professor of computer science at Carnegie Mellon University.Past AI victories over humans have involved two-player or two-team games such as checkers, chess, Go and two-player no-limit poker. All of these games are zero-sum--they have just one winning side and one losing side. But six-player poker comes much closer to resembling real-life situations in which one party must make decisions without knowing about multiple opponents' decision-making processes and resources. "This is the first major benchmark that is not two-player or two-team zero-sum games," says Noam Brown, a research scientist at Facebook AI Research and co-creator of Pluribus. "For the first time, we're going beyond that paradigm and showing AI can do well even in a general setting."
The Trump administration has dropped one of the meatiest portions of its plan to reduce drug prices.The Department of Health and Human Services said it will no longer pursue a rule that would have prohibited the payment of certain rebates on drugs in Medicare Part D and Medicaid plans.
China's trade surplus with the United States, a major source of friction with its biggest trading partner, rose 11% in June to $29.92 billion from $26.9 billion in May, customs data showed on Friday.
At the White House today, amid much concern that conservative voices are being silenced by social media platforms, President Donald Trump (after a "morning of tweets [that] was off the rails, even by his standards") stood before a group of activists to deliver a message of support. "Some of you are extraordinary," the president said. "The crap you think of is unbelievable."
On today's Bulwark podcast, Lawfare's Benjamin Wittes joins host Charlie Sykes to discuss the upcoming Mueller hearing, the recent reporting about Russia's involvement promoting the Seth Rich conspiracy, the resignation of Ambassador Kim Darroch, and the future of the emoluments clause.
On Christmas Eve 2003, Gen. Michael Hayden, the director of the secretive U.S. National Security Agency, made a secure phone call to his British counterpart, David Pepper, the director of the Government Communications Headquarters."Happy Christmas, David," Hayden said, speaking to Pepper from NSA headquarters at Ft. Meade, Maryland, about 20 miles from the Capitol in Washington, D.C. Such social calls weren't unusual. The NSA and GCHQ were the closest of allies in a global hunt for the phone calls, emails, and other electronic communications of spies and terrorists.But Hayden had more on his mind than season's greetings. In recent days, the NSA had been collecting what Hayden would later describe as a "massive amount of chatter"--phone calls and emails from terrorists--that suggested al Qaeda was planning multiple attacks inside the United States, timed to the holidays."One more thing, David," Hayden said after the two men exchanged pleasantries. "We actually feel a bit under threat here. And so I've told my liaison to your office that should there be catastrophic loss at Ft. Meade, we are turning the functioning of the American [signals intelligence] system over to GCHQ."
There was a long pause as Pepper absorbed what his American colleague had just told him.
Shockley turned out to be a boss from hell, and, in a legendary rupture, a handful of his most talented employees -- the "Traitorous Eight" -- parted ways from him and founded Fairchild Semiconductor. Fairchild became the Valley's ur-corporation: Its founders subsequently launched many more storied firms, from the chip maker Intel to the venture capital firm Kleiner Perkins.O'Mara argues persuasively that Fairchild "established a blueprint that thousands followed in the decades to come: Find outside investors willing to put in capital, give employees stock ownership, disrupt existing markets and create new ones." But she makes clear that this formula wasn't just a matter of free markets working their magic; it took a whole lot of Defense Department dollars to transform the region. Conveniently, the Soviets launched Sputnik three days after Fairchild was incorporated, inaugurating a torrent of money into the tech sector that only increased with the space race.Something similar happened again in the 1980s, when Ronald Reagan's Strategic Defense Initiative and Darpa's Strategic Computing Initiative -- aimed at threats posed by the Soviet Union and Japan, respectively -- funneled even more resources into the region's companies. Defense money, O'Mara observes, "remained the big-government engine hidden under the hood of the Valley's shiny new entrepreneurial sports car, flying largely under the radar screen of the saturation media coverage of hackers and capitalists."But it was how these defense dollars got distributed -- via Stanford and a growing number of subcontractors in the region -- that mattered as much, if not more. O'Mara argues that the decentralized, privatized system of doling out public contracts fostered entrepreneurship. So, too, did Congress, which passed the Small Business Investment Act in 1958, offering generous tax breaks to the kinds of start-ups proliferating in the shadow of Stanford.These same factors prevailed at other aspiring tech hubs, notably Route 128 outside Boston, which housed several iconic firms, including Wang and Polaroid. Yet California eventually bested Route 128, and not just because the state had a clear edge when it came to winter weather.The sources of its success, O'Mara contends, had to do with a host of regulations and legal decisions that governed how firms in the Valley did business. Foremost among these was California's longstanding prohibition on noncompete clauses. This made it easy for employees to job-hop and share news of the latest innovations without fear of reprisal or recrimination. The turnover was staggering at Valley start-ups compared with established corporations such as I.B.M. on the other side of the country. But the creativity unleashed in the process left other regions far behind.No less important was the passage of the Immigration and Naturalization Act of 1965, which unexpectedly led to an influx of newcomers, many of them skilled in the technical fields that are Silicon Valley's bread and butter. Between 1995 and 2005, more than half the founders of companies in the Valley were born outside the United States.
Childhood sweethearts, Boris and Rosa Shoenbaum, were born in 1896 in the small town of Beresteczko, in what is now western Ukraine. They were wealthy and lived in a large 11-bedroom house in Lvov, with servants. In June 1941, the German army occupied the town in the course of Operation Barbarossa, the Nazi invasion of the Soviet Union. Before the Nazis arrived there were 330,000 Jews in Lvov. By the end of the war, almost none were left.Two of the very few who did survive were Grisha and Luba, the Shoenbaum's two children. The family were originally taken off to the local concentration camp, Janowaska. But Boris bribed his captors, and managed to engineer their escape. Within days, Boris and Rosa had been recaptured and shot. But the teenage Luba managed to pass herself off as a Christian and got a job as a local housekeeper. She hid her brother in a local clock tower for three years, secretly taking him food as he struggled to stay alive amid the constant fear of discovery and the stench of pigeon shit.After the war, Luba made her way to Israel where she became a financial advisor to the government. Even as an elderly woman in Tel Aviv, she would cross herself and exclaim "Jesus, Mary and Joseph" - the deception had been so deep. Her little brother, Grisha, now Gregory, left for America where he became an eminent biochemist, working to alleviate the side effects of chemotherapy at St Jude's Children's Hospital in Memphis, Tennessee. He passed away last month at the age of 91. Luba, also now passed away, was my wife's grandmother. Every year, my mother-in-law goes to Yad Vashem to light a candle for Boris and Rosa.A few months ago, my wife had a baby boy, and we have named him Jonah Boris. Given this back story, you can imagine how much we appreciated it when some of my more delightful Twitter followers decided that Boris (my son now inevitably nicknamed Jo Bo) was a less than appropriate name, with some interpreting this as indicative of fascist sympathies. My reaction was unpublishable.So too was my reaction to the latest comments of the newly appointed Israeli education minister, Rafi Peretz that intermarriage - Jews 'marrying out' - "is like a second holocaust". His comment, made last week, during a government cabinet meeting is indicative of a growing rift between hard line Israeli nationalists and the increasingly liberal Jewish diaspora, especially in places like the United States. Peretz was commenting on a briefing given to the Netanyahu government by Dennis Ross, formerly a senior official in the Obama administration, on recent trends in Jewish communities around the world. Peretz pointedly commented that over the last 70 years, the Jewish community has "lost six million people" - a figure that is commonly understood to be the number of Jews that were murdered in the Shoah.
Top figures in the conservative legal community are stunned and depressed by President Trump's cave in his fight for a citizenship question on the 2020 Census.The state of play: Sources say Leonard Leo and other Federalist Society stalwarts were shocked and floored by how weak the decision was. "What was the dance ... all about if this was going to be the end result?" a conservative leader asked."A total waste of everyone's time. ... It's certainly going to give people pause the next time one has to decide how far to stick one's neck out."One GOP strategist called it a "punch in the gut."
Christians have been speaking out about this and have gotten louder over the past week. Dr. Russell Moore, president of the Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission (ERLC) of the Southern Baptist Convention tweeted recently that "The reports of the conditions for migrant children at the border should shock all of our consciences. Those created in the image of God should be treated with dignity and compassion, especially those seeking refuge from violence back home. We can do better than this."This should be a pretty basic, run of the mill response from a Christian theologian to reports of migrant children sleeping on concrete floors and not being able to bathe for weeks at a time or have their diapers changed. But, in an odd turn of events (or what would have been considered odd just two years ago), Jerry Falwell Jr., president of Liberty University, represented another take on the collision of religion and politics and fired back at Dr. Moore over what he perceived to be a swipe at President Trump. He tweeted, "Who are you @drmoore? Have you ever made a payroll? Have you ever built an organization of any type from scratch? What gives you authority to speak on any issue? I'm being serious. You're nothing but an employee- a bureaucrat."Falwell's perspective is ridiculous. He himself has inherited his wealth and position from his own father as have many others. But, he demonstrates that what cannot be inherited is compassion.Jesus shows us how to have compassion for others. Matthew 9:35-36 says "And Jesus went throughout all the cities and villages, teaching in their synagogues and proclaiming the gospel of the kingdom and healing every disease and every affliction. When he saw the crowds he had compassion for them, because they were harassed and helpless, like sheep without a shepherd." When Jesus saw the crowds, instead of judging them or rejecting them or ascribing base motives to them, he was moved with compassion for them. Jesus says something similar in Luke 10:33 when he says that the Good Samaritan had "compassion" on the man beaten and lying on the side of the road by tangibly caring for him. This kind of compassion doesn't come automatically to individuals, nor is it inherited by a nation from past generations. It has to be cultivated through the development of character and through proximity and engagement with people in need. And that isn't always an easy process.
The Brazilian pension reform has become a defining issue for the left and the anti-left. For leftists, or those identified by the anti-left as members of that camp, Bolsonaro and any policy proposed by members of his government are the target of attacks and rejection. Facts and hard evidence have become just as irrelevant for this group of society as they are for Bolsonaro supporters and others. The left has staged a visceral campaign against pension reform in Brazil, often citing half-truths or unverified information to back up their arguments, mirroring the approach of Bolsonaro and his die-hard base of supporters on other highly-charged themes such as gender and climate issues. The left's fight against pension reform has thus served to rally anti-leftists in support of pension reform, leading to street demonstrations and unrelenting pro-reform posts on social media. Add to the mix the fact that the current Congress leans conservative and has all the ingredients to deliver a seemingly shocking vote in favor of the reform, which even claimed support from moderate deputies who did not associate themselves with the positions of their left or center-left parties.Thus head scratch no more. Brazil's pension reform vote is only surprising if one analyzes it from the viewpoint of relatively normal political conditions. Brazil today, not unlike much of the world, is anything but normal.
Algerian legislators have elected an Islamist opposition figure as speaker of Algeria's parliament, according to state media.Slimane Chenine, the leader of a parliamentary alliance of three small Islamist parties, will replace Mouad Bouchareb of the National Liberation Front (NLF), the party that was led by former president Abdelaziz Bouteflika, state television reported late on Wednesday.Bouchareb resigned on July 2 amid pressure from protesters and politicians, three months after Bouteflika stepped down following weeks of nationwide protests and pressure from the powerful military.
After months of legal battles, US President Donald Trump on Thursday dropped his bid to include a citizenship question on the 2020 census.
Bolsonaro has, so far, kept promises he made during his campaign. As part of his platform, he promised to repair anti-market foreign policies, implemented by past presidents. On his first international trip as president, he met with President Trump in the White House to discuss trade, after which the United States gave support for Brazil's entrance into the OECD (Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development). "Brazil and the United States have never been closer than they are right now," President Trump declared after the meetingJune 28 marked yet another international victory, when Mercosul -the South American trade bloc consisting of Brazil, Argentina, Uruguay and Paraguay- reached the biggest agreement in its history with the European Union. Classified by Bolsonaro as "historic", the agreement is predicted to generate an investment of $87.5 billion in Brazil in the next 15 years. This agreement has been deliberated on for 20 years, and was supported by the Brazilian Minister of Foreign Affairs Ernesto Araujo and the Minister of Economics Paulo Guedes, who, both appointed by Bolsonaro, played crucial roles in the execution of the agreement.While Bolsonaro has considerable authority in dictating foreign policy, his sovereignty in domestic affairs differs greatly. In its first six months, it's become obvious that the executive branch has a large obstacle to clear: Congress. Brazil's Congress is firmly committed to barricading Bolsonaro's executive agenda.Bolsonaro has a peculiar method of doing politics. He despises what he calls "old politics," in which politicians form alliances to exchange favors that generate mutual benefit for the parties involved. Instead, Bolsonaro intends to create a transparent political scene where politicians act according to their preferences and ideologies. Unfortunately, this method is unworkable in Brazilian politics.
THE SUN BLANKETS the Earth with enough photons every hour to meet the entire world's energy needs for a year. The question is how to efficiently convert them into electricity. Even under small-scale, laboratory conditions the world's best single-junction solar cells, the kind found in most solar panels, still max out at capturing 29 percent of the sun's energy. That puts them just shy of the hard limit of about one third that solar researchers calculated half a century ago. But scientists studying photovoltaics--the process by which sunlight is converted into electricity--have also long suspected that this limit is not as hard as it once seemed.
This second round of polling, which we led at the University of Texas at Austin, confirmed a modest increase in Americans' assessment of the intelligence community's utility and effectiveness, notwithstanding persistent expressions of hostility and distrust by the president. Starting before his inauguration, President Trump vigorously rejected the intelligence community's consensus judgment on Russia's interference in the 2016 elections, and since then he has repeatedly attacked these agencies and their former leaders. In 2018, the president went so far as to accuse the intelligence community of spying on his 2016 campaign, and his supporters labeled it as an anti-democratic "deep state" hostile to his administration.But despite the unprecedented public antagonism from the chief executive, most Americans, including Republicans, continue to express confidence in the intelligence community.
No better indication that the conservative movement has lost all ability to keep the hacks at arm's length than Pizzagate Posobiec landing a prestigious Claremont fellowship https://t.co/phssxJbMF3
— Andrew Egger (@EggerDC) July 11, 2019
While the Trump administration has generally embraced the far-right social media sphere, Thursday's event will be one of the first to bring that digital ecosystem into the real world. Disinformation researchers who spoke with NBC News said the event further legitimizes a network of social media personalities who repeatedly target politicians and social media users with disinformation, trolling and harassment campaigns."I feel like maybe the rest of us are in denial, or disbelief, that these kinds of internet celebrities and social media influencers are already a powerful force shaping our culture," said Erin Gallagher, who maps influence networks of targeted harassment and disinformation. "The people and topics that they elevate with their massive platforms are incredibly toxic and will have very damaging long-term effects on society."The toxicity of at least one of the attendees has already caused problems for the event.Cartoonist Ben Garrison, who was initially invited to the summit, is no longer attending. Garrison faced criticism for a cartoon that showed George Soros as a puppetmaster. The Anti-Defamation League called the cartoon "anti-Semitic" in 2017. Images of Soros, a Democratic donor who is frequently the target of conspiracy theories, have been a recurring trope in Garrison's cartoons.Various people have posted on social media their invitations to the event, but it's unclear whether all will be attending, given some controversy over their past online behavior.Conspiracy theorist Bill Mitchell, an online radio host and frequent guest on Infowars who has promoted the Qanon conspiracy theory, has tweeted that he will attend the event. Tim Pool, a YouTube personality who has pushed the false conspiracy theory that former Democratic National Committee staffer Seth Rich leaked hacked emails to WikiLeaks, also plans to attend the event.Right-wing commentator Ali Alexander also received an invitation. Alexander made headlines in recent weeks for questioning Kamala Harris's ethnicity in a tweet that was retweeted by Donald Trump Jr., the president's son. Harris was born in Oakland, Calif., and her father and mother are immigrants from Jamaica and India, respectively.
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, who has come under fire in recent years for allegedly failing to confront anti-Semitism and revisionism in Central and Eastern Europe, met Wednesday with the head of a Ukrainian political party whose membership includes ultranationalists and neo-Nazis.
...if these really were concentration camps then things exactly like this would be going on....Customs and Border Protection agents at a facility in Yuma, Arizona, are facing allegations of sexual assault and mistreatment of migrant children, according to documents obtained by NBC News. The outlet reviewed nearly 30 accounts from government case managers dating from April 10 to June 12 that detail an environment in which kids were allegedly neglected, denied basic provisions, and verbally and physically abused by those running the facilities. This mirrors the dismal conditions that have been criticized in Texas border facilities, like those in El Paso and Rio Grande Valley.
Ask members of the Washington diplomatic corps about the cables that Sir Kim Darroch, the British ambassador who resigned Wednesday, wrote to London describing the dysfunction and chaos of the Trump administration, and their response is uniform: We wrote the same stuff."Yes, yes, everyone does," Gérard Araud, who retired this spring as the French ambassador, said Wednesday morning of his own missives from Washington. "But fortunately I knew that nothing would remain secret, so I sent them in a most confidential manner." [...]"It could have been any of us," one ambassador, who is still serving and therefore spoke on the condition of anonymity, said on Wednesday.
The Atlantic League nudged America's past time another step closer to modernization with the introduction of robots Wednesday night. During the Atlantic League's All-Star Game in York, Pennsylvania, the plate umpire wore an earpiece to allow computer technology to relay whether to call balls or strikes.
Three attorneys from the Inspector General's office of the U.S. Department of Justice met in person in early June with dossier author Christopher Steele in Britain, said two sources with direct knowledge of the lawyers' travels.The interview with Steele, a former top spy on Russia for Britain's Secret Intelligence Service, or MI6, took place while Trump was in London for a formal state visit with Queen Elizabeth and a meeting with UK Prime Minister Theresa May.Steele's dossier, made public in 2017, alleged that Moscow attempted to interfere in the 2016 U.S. presidential election and that there was potential collusion between Russia and Trump's campaign, along with other unverified and salacious claims about the president. [...]One of the two sources said Horowitz's investigators appear to have found Steele's information sufficiently credible to have to extend the investigation. Its completion date is now unclear.
President Bashar al-Assad's assault in the northwest has been met with a painful rebel counterpunch that underlines Turkish resolve to keep the area out of his hands and shows why he will struggle to take back more of Syria by force.More than two months of Russian-backed operations in and around Idlib province have yielded little or nothing for Assad's side.
Donald Trump told Chinese president Xi Jinping last month that the US would tone down criticism of Beijing's approach to Hong Kong following massive protests in the territory in order to revive trade talks with China.The US president made the commitment when the two leaders met at the G20 summit in Osaka, according to several people familiar with the meeting. One person said Mr Trump made a similar pledge in a phone call with Mr Xi ahead of the G20 summit.
No president has been so closely aligned with a single news outlet as Trump is with Fox News, so his criticism carried added significance. While it was not the first time he has singled out Fox, it was the most pointed, raising the question of how the network, and the president's supporters, would respond.Trump on Sunday night wrote that watching Fox on the weekend was worse than watching CNN and MSNBC, outlets he frequently attacks. He said Fox is "loading up with Democrats" and criticized the network for using The New York Times as a source for a story. He also attacked Fox for hiring former Democratic National Committee head Donna Brazile as a contributor and poked at afternoon host Shepard Smith's ratings."Fox News is changing fast, but they forgot the people who got them there," Trump wrote.Fox did not immediately respond to requests for comment.While it was not clear what Trump was specifically responding to, he was particularly annoyed by Fox correspondent Greg Palkot's live report from a sports bar in France, where patrons erupted in a "F--- Trump" chant, according to two advisers not authorized to speak publicly about private discussions.Fox also aired two segments about immigration Sunday that used as a hook a Times story that said workers at a child detention center in Texas are "grappling with the stuff of nightmares," according to Matthew Gertz of the liberal watchdog Media Matters for America.
The difference being that he is the head of government leading these attacks on business. They are just consumers.Trump attacks "Radical Left" for boycotting, a tactic he has repeatedly advocated https://t.co/gJHKUVp9gP
— The Washington Post (@washingtonpost) July 10, 2019
Minaj's scheduled appearance in the western city of Jeddah next week as part of a cultural festival had triggered a social media backlash over human rights in the country."After careful reflection, I have decided to no longer move forward with my scheduled concert at Jeddah World Fest," Minaj said in a statement sent to AFP by her publicist."While I want nothing more than to bring my show to fans in Saudi Arabia, after better educating myself on the issues, I believe it is important for me to make clear my support for the rights of women, the LGBTQ community and freedom of expression."
Anti-gun politicians once were coy about their goals. President Barack Obama told PBS's Gwen Ifill during a town hall in 2016, "And at no point have I ever, ever proposed confiscating guns from responsible gun owners. So it's just not true."Now the presumed front-runner, former Vice President Joe Biden has put the entire firearms manufacturing industry in his crosshairs. "Our enemy is the gun manufacturers, not the NRA, the gun manufacturers," Biden said.Not a single candidate on the stage denounced the comment. Their silence is tacit agreement. Every Democratic candidate is now gunning for an industry that supports 312,000 jobs earning $15.7 billion in wages and has a total economic impact over $52 billion.
MORE:Most Americans want tougher gun laws but have little confidence their lawmakers will take action, according to a Reuters/Ipsos poll released on Friday ahead of the one-year anniversary of the country's deadliest high school shooting.The poll of more than 6,800 adults reflects widespread frustration with state and federal lawmakers after decades of mass shootings in the United States. The Feb. 14, 2018, attack at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida, killed 17 students and staff.According to the poll, 69 percent of Americans, including 85 percent of Democrats and 57 percent of Republicans, want strong or moderate restrictions placed on firearms. To stop gun violence, 55 percent said they wanted policies that make it tougher to own guns, while 10 percent said making firearm ownership easier would be better.The poll shows public support for strong firearms restrictions dipped slightly from a year ago, when the media was closely following the Parkland shooting, but overall support for gun restrictions has risen since the poll started asking about gun control in 2012.
[T]he Post/ABC poll asked one question that others haven't, and the results are truly startling.In its matchups of Trump versus other Democratic candidates, the poll asked people to choose between the president and an unnamed "Democratic candidate who you regard as a socialist."The result: A tie. Trump, 46%; Socialist, 46%.
It was supposed to be an exclusive party at Mar-a-Lago, Donald J. Trump's members-only club in Palm Beach, Fla. But other than the two dozen or so women flown in to provide the entertainment, the only guests were Mr. Trump and Jeffrey Epstein.The year was 1992 and the event was a "calendar girl" competition, something that George Houraney, a Florida-based businessman who ran American Dream Enterprise, had organized at Mr. Trump's request."I arranged to have some contestants fly in," Mr. Houraney recalled in an interview on Monday. "At the very first party, I said, 'Who's coming tonight? I have 28 girls coming.' It was him and Epstein."Mr. Houraney, who had just partnered with Mr. Trump to host events at his casinos, said he was surprised. "I said, 'Donald, this is supposed to be a party with V.I.P.s. You're telling me it's you and Epstein?'"In fact, that was the case, an indication of a yearslong friendship between the president and Mr. Epstein that some say ended only after a failed business arrangement between them. The full nature of their eventual falling out is not clear.But through a mutual appreciation of wealth and women, and years of occupying adjacent real estate in Palm Beach and on Page Six, the lives of the two men routinely intersected for decades -- until the connection turned from a status symbol into a liability, and Mr. Trump made sure to publicize the fact that he had barred his onetime friend from his clubs."In those days, if you didn't know Trump and you didn't know Epstein, you were a nobody," said Alan Dershowitz, the longtime Harvard University Law School professor who later served on Mr. Epstein's defense team when he was charged with unlawful sex with minors in 2006.
A few months ago prominent naturalist David Attenborough told attendees at the World Economic Forum about humanity's unsustainable population growth and his certainty that it has to "come to an end" quickly. In the meantime, he told participants, we should also eat a lot less meat. In delivering this message, Attenborough was once again echoing his long standing belief that "[a]ll of our environmental problems become easier to solve with fewer people, and harder - and ultimately impossible - to solve with ever more people."Britain's "national treasure" is hardly alone in terms of holding this view. Indeed, from Thomas Robert Malthus to Paul Ehrlich most proponents of population control measures have argued that a significant population reduction - short of being achieved by an infrastructure-destroying army - would benefit the remaining inhabitants by giving them access to more and better resources. In an online debate with economist Bryan Caplan, economic historian Gregory Clark even argued that plagues ultimately "raised material living standards." As he put it, in England "1.5 million people died prematurely in 1349. In return 6 generations got to live very well with little further excess deaths. And then 1.5 million people got to live longer as the plague weakened its grip in the 16th century, and the population returned to its earlier level. The unlucky generation of 1349 was counterbalanced by the lucky generations of 1540--1620. God smiled on the English when he delivered the plague!"And yet, as critics of this perspective have long argued, the population growth pessimists have always had things exactly backward. After all, as urban theorist Jane Jacobs wondered two generations ago, many parts of the world, such as portions of Ireland and Sicily, had by then been almost entirely depopulated by emigration, yet far from thriving their remaining inhabitants remained poor. As she put it: "One wonders how much a population is supposed to be reduced before prosperity ensues."Indeed, virtually all the historical evidence suggests to the contrary that a more numerous population that engages in trade and innovative behavior is always better off. This can be traced back to two essential factors. The first is that a larger population that engages in trade and the division of labor will deliver greater material abundance per capita. The second is that the greater the number of human brains, the greater the likelihood of new beneficial inventions. As the British political economist William Petty observed over a century before Malthus, it was "more likely that one ingenious curious man may rather be found out amongst 4,000,000 than 400 persons."Furthermore, present and future advances build on past ones. The economist Fritz Machlup thus summed up past debates over half a century ago by distinguishing between the "retardation school" of technological change, whose proponents believed that "the more that has been invented the less there is left to be invented," and the "acceleration school," according to which "the more that is invented the easier it becomes to invent still more" because "every new invention furnishes a new idea for potential combination with vast numbers of existing ideas" and the "number of possible combination increases geometrically with the number of elements at hand," a perspective that has long been vindicated.
There are too many bald eagle nests for the Pennsylvania Game Commission to count on its own, and it needs the public's help.The agency used to release bald eagle nest numbers each year around July 4, when the birds were considered threatened in the state. But a comeback from just three nesting pairs in 1983 to more than 300 today has changed that."The population has expanded to a point where tracking individual nests is not feasible," said Sean Murphy, an ornithologist with the Pennsylvania Game Commission.
Following upon inspiration from the writings of Russell Kirk, Winston gave this site distinctiveness by recognizing that "conservative" must be something beyond the cravings of Young Republican politicos (though, they're certainly welcome to join in all aspects of the life of his journal) and that conservatism could and should not be merely about free-market economics and nuclear (and non-nuclear) defenses. That is, Winston understood, if one is to be conservative, one must conserve what deserves to be conserved--all that is best in experience, all that is best in metaphysical desires, and all that is best in the word, reflecting always The Word.And, today, on day 3,285 of this journal's existence, we're still talking, listening, thinking, and imagining.With the profound success of his dissertation-turned-book, The Conservative Mind, Kirk worried that conservatism might too easily become yet merely one more "ideology" in a world drowning in them. All ideologues, Kirk realized, failed to imagine a world beyond their own egotistical desires. Only imagination allows us to see beyond our own limitations, to place ourselves in the shoes of another, to see beyond the failures and successes of our particular slice of time.Inspired by Harvard's Irving Babbitt and Princeton's Paul Elmer More, Kirk found still more answers and more questions in a transcendent humanism, one that took into account the vast differences of persons while also recognizing the universals that hold all together.It is imagination, Babbitt knew, that balances our higher understanding (the rationality of the mind) with the lower understanding (the passions of the stomach). The imagination allows us to see that which is not us. Ironically, though the least human aspect of us--the light reflected in our souls--imagination is what allows us to be most human."Among those who took up the defense of the traditional order against Rousseau, Burke is easily first, because he too perceived in how own way the truth that cold reason has never done anything illustrious," Babbitt explained in 1924. Burke "saw that the only conservatism that counts is an imaginative conservatism." In the twentieth century, Babbitt feared, our modern imagination tended toward disunity and chaos rather than toward unity and order. Progressivism, as such, has only become "novelty and change, with the piling up of discovery on discovery."Babbitt's best friend, Paul Elmer More, made similar observations, noting that a real progress in society demanded two things from each person: restraint of will and generosity of imagination. "The instinctive distrust of uncontrolled human nature and the instinctive reliance on the imagination--are the very roots of the conservative temper, as their contraries are the roots of the liberal and radical temper, the lack of imagination, if any distinction is to be made, being the chief factor of liberalism and confidence in human nature being the main impulse of radicalism." Properly understood, imagination is "a force for order and self-restraint and political health," More concluded in 1915.
Not gonna lie, it's kinda fun watching a racist fool like this weeping about my presence in Congress 🤣🤣
— Ilhan Omar (@IlhanMN) July 10, 2019
No lies will stamp out my love for this country or my resolve to make our union more perfect.
They will just have to get used to calling me Congresswoman! https://t.co/nRS13yWivK
Hong Kong leader Carrie Lam's apologies and explanations for a doomed extradition bill have failed to quell political tension and her departure is now seen by many in the Chinese-ruled city as merely a matter of time in a drawn-out, long goodbye.On Tuesday, Lam described the bill, which would have allowed people in Hong Kong, with its cherished rule of law, to be sent to mainland China for trial and pave the way for assets to be confiscated, as "dead".But activists and protest groups said they could not trust her words and are increasing demands for her to officially withdraw the bill and step down.And they are vowing further action, after weeks of huge and at times violent street protests that have plunged the city into its worst crisis since Britain handed it back to Chinese rule in 1997.On Saturday, some groups will spread their message to mainland traders in a New Territories village near the city's border with China - a step seen as a further provocation of Communist Party leaders in Beijing.And while Lam, a self-styled "Iron Lady", has vowed to stay on, her latest statements have only fueled speculation that she has already offered to quit.
NEWARK, NEW JERSEY--Planes on their way to the airport fly low over a crowd of young protesters chanting "Racist ICE has got to go!" More than 100 Jewish and immigrant activists have gathered outside the Elizabeth Contract Detention Center in New Jersey, where Immigration and Customs Enforcement holds approximately 300 detainees.Rabbi Salem Pearce leads the protesters in the Mourner's Kaddish, a Jewish prayer of mourning, for six immigrant children who have died in U.S. government custody."There are more who are not named," she says. "There will be more."Periodically, the sound of a shofar horn rises above the chanting. The bugle-like instrument, traditionally made of a ram's horn, is blown on Rosh Hashanah (the Jewish New Year), and Yom Kippur, the day of atonement that follows. By sounding it at the protest, "it's like we're collectively repenting for the sins of America," explains Julia Davidovitz, a 26-year-old preschool teacher from Boston and the descendent of Jewish refugees. Her grandfather was incarcerated by the Nazis in the Minsk Ghetto, where he lost his parents and two sisters.Down the road, a group of activists with a banner that reads "Never Again Means Close the Camps" links arms across the gate to the employee parking lot, briefly blocking employees from leaving as they demand the facility be shut down. Later in the evening, 36 protesters are arrested.The protest marked the beginning of two weeks of action organized by an unofficial coalition of Jewish and immigrant activists demanding an end to the detention and deportation of undocumented immigrants in the United States. Their message: that "Never Again"--an expression used in remembrance of the Holocaust--means never again for anyone.
Publishers of religious books are warning that President Donald Trump's latest proposed tariffs on Chinese imports could result in a Bible shortage in the U.S.Tens of millions of bibles are printed in China each year, with some estimates as high as 150 million. Publishers large and small testified against the proposed tariff in hearings last month, saying it would make the Bible more expensive for consumers and Christian organizations that give away Bibles as part of their ministry. The proposed tariffs are currently on hold as trade negotiations resume following months of parrying by U.S. and China officials.Bibles are printed on "unusually thin paper" that requires specialized machines, Mark Schoenwald, president of HarperCollins Christian Publishing, said in testimony to the U. S. Trade Representative. Up to 75% of what it costs a publisher to make a Bible, with its complex illustrations and ultra-thin pages that make it portable, is spent in China and can't be handled elsewhere, according to Schoenwald.
Adding yet another hurdle for the Justice Department as it struggles to find a new path forward to adding a citizenship question to the 2020 census, U.S. District Court Judge Jesse Furman said in a court order the department's 11th-hour request to change lawyers handling the case is "patently deficient" and provides no "satisfactory reasons."
The rate of intermarriage among US Jews is "like a second Holocaust," Israel's new minister of education said.Rafi Peretz made the statement at a cabinet meeting on July 1, Axios reported Tuesday, citing three people who were in the room.Peretz, a former chief rabbi of the Israeli army, is the leader of the Union of Right Wing Parties bloc.Peretz said the assimilation of Jews around the world and mostly in the US was "like a second Holocaust," and also said that, due to intermarriages in the last 70 years, the Jewish people "lost 6 million people," according to the report, which added that Peretz's spokesman confirmed the account.
If electric vehicles are indeed the future, we're on the brink of a major upheaval in car design. The necessary components for EVs are different enough (bye bye internal combustion engines) that they have the potential to take forms hitherto unseen on American roads. You've seen hints at these futuristic designs from Tesla, Rivian and even top brands like Toyota.Where you won't see quasi-sci-fi EV design: the 2020 Mini Cooper SE, the British brand's first all-electric car which was unveiled today. Instead of pushing the limit of what a Mini could look and feel like, the company chose to design it as close to the existing, gas-powered Minis as possible. And that makes it radical.
Following a long history of more open and welcoming immigration policies, in the first half of the 20th-century U.S. attitudes toward immigration became increasingly restrictionist. Racism against immigrants of color drove immigration legislation, especially during economic downturns and political turmoil.Beginning in 1924, the government set national immigration quotas. Due to a belief in eugenics, a pseudo-science claiming that Nordic and Anglo-Saxon races are superior to all others, the authorities effectively cut off legal immigration from all but a few Western European nations.Lawmakers claimed it was for the sake of preserving and improving upon the nation's ethno-linguistic heritage as recorded in the 1890 census. The count excluded most African Americans and all Chinese Americans.There were no quotas for immigrants from neighboring countries, however. And so then, as now, Mexican migrants filled industrial and agricultural labor shortages, especially across the Southwest.But once the Great Depression began and unemployment soared, President Herbert Hoover bowed to popular pressure to preserve "American jobs for real Americans" and approved the large-scale deportation of Mexican workers and their families.Largely carried out by local law enforcement between 1929 and 1936, the deportation dragnets rounded up hundreds of thousands of people of Mexican descent - many of them U.S.-born citizens - and forced them onto trains bound for Mexico.The advent of World War II reignited longstanding anti-Japanese attitudes. Franklin Delano Roosevelt's administration forced nearly 120,000 people of Japanese descent - most of them U.S. citizens - into remote internment camps between 1942 and 1945. His administration also deported thousands of Japanese Americans who had renounced their citizenship under duress. And the government turned away at least 200,000 Jewish refugees who were fleeing the Nazis despite the quotas for their countries not being filled.World War II also revived the U.S. economy, suddenly creating labor shortages in jobs left by those who had joined the war effort. Looking south for a fix, lawmakers established the Bracero program. It encouraged and regulated the flow of Mexican migrants primarily employed as farm workers from 1942 until 1965 - when a landmark immigration law abolished national quotas.Many employers preferred to hire undocumented workers to avoid the Bracero program's bureaucracy and wage restrictions. In 1954, President Dwight Eisenhower initiated "Operation Wetback" to force hundreds of thousands of low-paid farm workers to leave the country.Like Hoover's deportation spree, officials made little effort to differentiate between the U.S. citizens and noncitizens who got rounded up and deported. Historians have found that innumerable U.S.-born people were again among the hundreds of thousands supposedly repatriated to Mexico.Since 2014, growing numbers of Central Americans have arrived at the U.S.-Mexico border seeking asylum. The Trump administration has gone out of its way to discourage these migrants by changing eligibility criteria, application procedures and detention practices.Large numbers of Central Americans first began to arrive in the U.S. in the 1980s - in many cases fleeing U.S.-backed brutality. Rather than acknowledge its allies' human rights abuses, the administrations of Ronald Reagan and George H.W. Bush labeled these asylum seekers "economic migrants." Less than 3% were granted asylum, a fraction of the approval rate for refugees fleeing communist regimes in Eastern Europe and oppression in Iran and Afghanistan.Even so, Reagan also demonstrated generosity toward undocumented migrants. His administration's 1986 Immigration Reform and Control Act provided amnesty for over 3 million undocumented immigrants - the vast majority of them from Mexico and Central America - letting them become permanent legal residents.The 1986 law also took major steps to toughen border security to deter future undocumented migration. Combining legalization with deterrence, Reagan hoped, would fix the nation's immigration system once and for all.However, the law created no means of regulating future migration to the U.S. Economic turmoil in Mexico during the 1980s and early 1990s - especially following the 1994 North American Free Trade Agreement - pushed more migrants north. As a result, millions more people ended up living and working in the U.S. with few prospects for gaining legal status.Aside from the complementary measures adopted during the the first Bush presidency, no president since Reagan has signed legislation for another expansive amnesty for the undocumented. With few exceptions, immigration policies have become increasingly punitive with the passage of time.More than any other president, Bill Clinton paved the way for Trump's plans to deport millions of undocumented families, terrify others into voluntarily departing and slash legal migration. During his 1996 reelection campaign, Clinton signed the Illegal Immigration Reform and Immigrant Responsibility Act, one of the most draconian and far-reaching pieces of anti-immigration legislation in U.S. history.The 1996 law eroded due process for many migrants seeking asylum. It created a program that enlists local law enforcement agencies into immigration enforcement. Critics of the program say it drives a wedge between the police and immigrant communities, interfering with law enforcement.Following the law's passage, deportation numbers soared, setting new records for the numbers of immigrants detained during the Clinton, George W. Bush and Obama administrations.
In the summer of 2016, Russian intelligence agents secretly planted a fake report claiming that Democratic National Committee staffer Seth Rich was gunned down by a squad of assassins working for Hillary Clinton, giving rise to a notorious conspiracy theory that captivated conservative activists and was later promoted from inside President Trump's White House, a Yahoo News investigation has found.Russia's foreign intelligence service, known as the SVR, first circulated a phony "bulletin" -- disguised to read as a real intelligence report --about the alleged murder of the former DNC staffer on July 13, 2016, according to the U.S. federal prosecutor who was in charge of the Rich case. That was just three days after Rich, 27, was killed in what police believed was a botched robbery while walking home to his group house in the Bloomingdale neighborhood of Washington, D.C., about 30 blocks north of the Capitol.The purported details in the SVR account seemed improbable on their face: that Rich, a data director in the DNC's voter protection division, was on his way to alert the FBI to corrupt dealings by Clinton when he was slain in the early hours of a Sunday morning by the former secretary of state's hit squad.Yet in a graphic example of how fake news infects the internet, those precise details popped up the same day on an obscure website, whatdoesitmean.com, that is a frequent vehicle for Russian propaganda. The website's article, which attributed its claims to "Russian intelligence," was the first known instance of Rich's murder being publicly linked to a political conspiracy."To me, having a foreign intelligence agency set up one of my decedents with lies and planting false stories, to me that's pretty outrageous," said Deborah Sines, the former assistant U.S. attorney in charge of the Rich case until her retirement last year. "Maybe other people don't think it's that outrageous. I did ... once it became clear to me that this was coming from the SVR, then that triggers a lot of very serious [questions about] 'What do I do with this?'"
Russian President Vladimir Putin likely suspects that the real economic situation in his country is worse than the officially registered sluggish growth and that the erosion of his popularity goes deeper than the slight decline reported by semi-official pollsters (Carnegie.ru, June 20). During his annual televised question-and-answer show, which also aired on June 20, Putin tried to reassure the population that their social needs were being prioritized. And yet, Russians have few reasons to be satisfied with his performance, and viewership numbers of this tired show fell to a new low (Kommersant, June 21). The contraction in personal incomes continues despite his assertions to the contrary (Vedomosti, June 24). Moreover, stagnation is no longer comfortable for Russia's predatory elites, because it generates social discontent rather than apathy, and there is no way to quell such feelings among the populace by continuing to distribute only symbolic gifts (Rosbalt, June 21).The sudden quarrel with Georgia thus provided the policy-manipulators in the Kremlin with a perfect opportunity to produce a distraction from these unhappy domestic developments.
In 1992, Perot ran for president as a third-party candidate -- and his historic percentage of the vote prompted some Republicans to blame him for President George H.W. Bush's loss to Bill Clinton, a Democrat. During that 1992 campaign, Perot spent over $63 million of his own money, and used charts and graphs that included what became his soundbite: "It's just that simple."In 1996, when Perot ran again for president, his bid was less successful. He received 8% of the vote.
When Zariah Horton stepped to the front of a mosque in Los Angeles last year and prepared to address a congregation of Muslim women, she was assuming a position she never imagined being in. She had attended jumu'ah, or Friday prayers, at mosques in the United States for decades, but the idea of leading prayers herself had never felt like an option, because she had only seen men in the role."It never occurred to me, I guess due to the gender factor," she said.But when the Women's Mosque of America opened in Los Angeles in 2014, Horton's ideas began to change. The Women's Mosque is exclusively for women. Women lead all aspects of the Friday prayer service, including making the call to prayer, delivering the sermon, and leading the congregation in prayer--activities traditionally performed by men. (According to most Islamic scholars, women are not permitted to lead men in communal prayer, but they can lead other women.) The Women's Mosque meets at the First Unitarian Church of Los Angeles, transforming a room in the church by putting up banners emblazoned with the names Muhammad and Allah in Arabic calligraphy.Last September, Horton decided to lead the prayer, an experience she said was initially scary, but ultimately important for developing religious leadership skills. "It's important that women put ourselves out there," said Horton, a psychotherapist and life coach based in Los Angeles.The Women's Mosque is one example of the ways Muslim women in the United States are taking on new positions of religious leadership.
% who say the U.S. has a responsibility to accept refugees:
— Pew Research Religion (@PewReligion) July 7, 2019
Religiously unaffiliated 65%
Black Protestant 63%
Catholic 50%
White mainline Protestant 43%
White evangelicals 25%https://t.co/pkyUkikUMM pic.twitter.com/yEFg2OPGvr
The mixup was especially ironic for Kobach, who once headed President Trump's so-called voter fraud commission and dedicated his political career to demanding stricter identification for voters. As part of that fight, Kobach has tried to purge voter rolls of names that don't match registrants' state IDs, which would've included names that were misspelled during registration.
The latest bizarre twist in the Census citizenship question case came on Sunday when the Department of Justice announced that the entire team of lawyers defending the government's position in ongoing litigation would be replaced. The highly unusual move was confirmed on Monday in a series of court filings. It is likely at the behest of career officials uncomfortable with the government's position moving forward, according to former DOJ attorneys. The lawyers on the case told the courts last week that the administration would stop trying to add the citizenship question to the census, but were quickly forced to reverse that position after President Donald Trump tweeted that reports of the decision to back down were "fake." The sudden change in lawyers suggests there is some internal recognition that the government's latest census stance has become untenable.
He asks visitors if they'd like to wash their hands in a bathroom near the Oval Office.He'll send a military doctor to help an aide caught coughing on Air Force One.And the first thing he often tells his body man upon entering the Beast after shaking countless hands at campaign events: "Give me the stuff" -- an immediate squirt of Purell.Two and a half years into his term, President Donald Trump is solidifying his standing as the most germ-conscious man to ever lead the free world. His aversion shows up in meetings at the White House, on the campaign trail and at 30,000 feet. And everyone close to Trump knows the president's true red line."If you're the perpetrator of a cough or of a sneeze or any kind of thing that makes you look sick, you get that look," said a former Trump campaign official. "You get the scowl. You get the response of -- he'll put a hand up in a gesture of, you should be backing away from him, you should be more considerate and you should extricate yourself from the situation."
Hitler seemed obsessed with the idea of infection. The Nazi leader was, by most accounts, a germaphobe who avoided personal contact and bathed incessantly. He was repelled by sex, horrified by venereal disease. He referred to himself as an Einsiedler - a hermit. He extolled the virtues of celibacy and claimed prostitution was for inferior races, though some have proposed Hitler himself contracted syphilis from a Jewish prostitute in Vienna in 1908.It was in ideology, however, where Hitler's obsession with infection thrived, becoming the essential Nazi metaphor: Germany was the body, Jews were the parasites.Examples are abundant in his speeches and writings:"How many diseases have their origin in the Jewish virus! We shall regain our health only be eliminating the Jew.""Anyone who wants to cure this era, which is inwardly sick and rotten, must first of all summon up the courage to make clear the causes of this disease.""This is the battle against a veritable world sickness which threatens to infect the peoples, a plague that devastates whole peoples...an international pestilence.""The Jew is a parasite in the body of other nations.""Germany, without blinking an eyelid, for whole decades admitted these Jews by the hundred thousand. But now... when the nation is no longer willing to be sucked dry by these parasites, on every side one hears nothing but laments.""If this battle should not come...Germany would decay and at best sink to ruin like a rotting corpse."Do Hitler's germaphobic tendencies and obsession with the infection metaphor reveal anything about his personality traits? While it's impossible to know for sure, it seems likely that he was highly sensitive to disgust.
Over the past couple of decades, studies have linked disgust sensitivity to numerous dimensions of ideology - immigration, political affiliation, sense of justice. If Hitler ranked high on the disgust scale, there were probably deeply rooted psychological forces lurking underneath his xenophobia and murderous fantasies that research on the behavioral immune system might help bring to light.
One of the most powerful departures of behavioural economics from "standard" economics is that where standard economics tends to assume that people are individualistic, and out only for their own ends, behavioural economics embraces altruism, reciprocity, conformity, and identity. These are all aspects of our being which influence our behaviour and are inherently social.One of the big puzzles for economists was that they failed to foresee the financial crisis, and that even once it was well underway, it took them time to get their heads fully around it.In part, this was because the recession didn't make any sense. In the UK, the start of the crisis really came with the "run" on Northern Rock - people queueing for hours to get their money out of their bank accounts, bringing about the collapse of the bank. This doesn't make sense, as almost nobody had enough money deposited to actually risk losing anything - the government's financial protections would have prevented it.But despite this the queues formed, and the longer they got, the faster people rushed to join them. This instinct to conform to the behaviour of others - to follow the herd - isn't something economics could handle.It's a theme captured in a study by Bruce Sacerdote, who exploited the random assignment of students to their college roommates to see how much you're influenced by your roommate.The answer, as it turns out, is quite a lot - roommates tended to join the same sorts of societies, have the same hobbies, and even get about the same grades.If this is striking, it's worth noting that it's probably an underestimate of the true effect our friends have on us. Your real friends, after years of knowing each-other, are able to exert far more influence than a mere change in GPA or a decision to sign up to the creative writing society.
Immigration and Customs Enforcement officials have mined state driver's license databases using facial recognition technology, analyzing millions of motorists' photos without their knowledge.
Exuberance over the levies dramatically boosted U.S. output just as the global economy was cooling, undercutting demand. That dropped prices, creating a stark divide between companies like Nucor Corp., that use cheaper-to-run electric-arc furnaces to recycle scrap into steel products, and those including U.S. Steel Corp., with more costly legacy blast furnaces.Since Trump announced the tariffs 16 months ago, U.S. Steel has lost almost 70% of its market value, or $5.5 billion, and idled two American furnaces in mid-June that couldn't be run profitably at the lowest prices since 2016. Meanwhile, Nucor, down around 20%, has touted $2.5 billion in expansion projects.The president's actions likely "sped up" up an unavoidable "evolution," said Nucor Chief Executive Officer John Ferriola in an interview last month.
So odd to see various accounts suspended for relatively minor offenses when anti-Semitic bilge like this continues to exist on this website. https://t.co/TF6IXeyD1p
— Jake Tapper (@jaketapper) July 7, 2019
For one thing, cooperation requires dialogue between the countries' respective military establishments in the region. US Central Command (Centcom) and Iran's revolutionary guard corps' Quds force are both responsible for their countries' extraterritorial operations. The IRGC's designation as a terrorist organisation - and Iran's reciprocation against Centcom - has ended the possibility of negotiation between these two extremely influential state entities.Next, in an unprecedentedly aggressive action, the Trump administration has imposed sanctions on Iran's ultimate source of authority according to its constitution, namely the supreme leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei. Just as in the US the president has the authority to determine the general trajectory of foreign policy, the supreme leader in Iran is the one who sets the foreign policy of that country. Let's not forget it was the supreme leader who allowed direct negotiation with the US over the nuclear issue in the first place. By sanctioning Ali Khamenei, Trump has effectively killed off any chance of diplomatic rapprochement so long as he is in office. And it is not only the political leadership of Ali Khamenei that is relevant here; he is also a religious scholar with millions of Shia Muslim followers - not just in Iran, but Iraq, Pakistan, Afghanistan, India, Bahrain and elsewhere.In addition, last week, the treasury secretary Steven Mnuchin said the Trump administration was looking to levy penalties against Iran's foreign minister, Javad Zarif, who trained in the US and is one of the most distinguished career diplomats in Iran's recent history. Zarif has been compared to the popular prime minister Mohammad Mossadegh, who nationalised Iran's oil industry and was deposed in 1953 in a coup organised by Britain and the US. Sanctioning Zarif is a mistake if the US ever wants to reengage with Iran, because he is in charge of the diplomatic channels that would be necessary to resolve this crisis. As Wendy Sherman, who led the US negotiating team in the talks that led to the 2015 accord, put it: "I can't think of anything that makes less sense than sanctioning a key person who might actually be helpful if there is ever a dialogue with the US."The Iran nuclear deal is the most comprehensive agreement in the history of non-proliferation. As part of it, Iran accepted the most intrusive transparency measures and stringent limits on a nuclear programme ever demanded of a non-proliferation treaty member. What is more, the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) recently judged that Iran was in full compliance with the terms and conditions of the JCPOA.But where Iran has kept its end of the bargain, it has been rewarded with sanctions and additional pressure, and the benefits Iran was supposed to receive have been suddenly snatched away. The Trump administration made a decision to undermine the diplomatic legacy of Obama, but it may not have fully understood that in doing so it would also be obliterating any possibility of brokering its own diplomatic solution.
📈⚽️ Trending now: 'back-to-back' #USWNT https://t.co/ILPhFU9P6x
— Merriam-Webster (@MerriamWebster) July 7, 2019
Man who drew a cartoon the @ADL calls "blatantly anti-Semitic" says he was invited to the White House for a social media summit https://t.co/Fzckv4rJbD https://t.co/nmH1zyCV7C pic.twitter.com/hvz4BpLNVt
— Jake Tapper (@jaketapper) July 6, 2019
CLINT, Tex. -- Since the Border Patrol opened its station in Clint, Tex., in 2013, it was a fixture in this West Texas farm town. Separated from the surrounding cotton fields and cattle pastures by a razor-wire fence, the station stood on the town's main road, near a feed store, the Good News Apostolic Church and La Indita Tortillería. Most people around Clint had little idea of what went on inside. Agents came and went in pickup trucks; buses pulled into the gates with the occasional load of children apprehended at the border, four miles south.But inside the secretive site that is now on the front lines of the southwest border crisis, the men and women who work there were grappling with the stuff of nightmares.Outbreaks of scabies, shingles and chickenpox were spreading among the hundreds of children who were being held in cramped cells, agents said. The stench of the children's dirty clothing was so strong it spread to the agents' own clothing -- people in town would scrunch their noses when they left work. The children cried constantly. One girl seemed likely enough to try to kill herself that the agents made her sleep on a cot in front of them, so they could watch her as they were processing new arrivals."It gets to a point where you start to become a robot," said a veteran Border Patrol agent who has worked at the Clint station since it was built. He described following orders to take beds away from children to make more space in holding cells, part of a daily routine that he said had become "heartbreaking."
In one of the most recent reported dispatches filed on June 22 Darroch criticized Trump's fraught foreign policy on Iran, which has prompted fears in global capitals of a military conflict, as "incoherent" and "chaotic.""It's unlikely that US policy on Iran is going to become more coherent any time soon. This is a divided Administration," he wrote, according to the Mail.He allegedly said the president's assertion, that he called off retaliatory missile strikes against the Iranian regime after a US drone was shot down because it risked killing 150 Iranians, "doesn't stand up.""It's more likely that he was never fully on board and that he was worried about how this apparent reversal of his 2016 campaign promises would look come 2020," Darroch reportedly stated, referring to the next presidential election.
A federal judge in February ruled that Epstein sex-trafficked underage girls and President Donald Trump's Secretary of Labor, Alexander Acosta, who served as a federal prosecutor in Miami at the time, illegally kept details of Epstein's plea from his victims. [...]Not only has Epstein been friends with Trump for over two decades, former president Bill Clinton is also among the list of prominent people who have been associated with the convicted sex offender.In 2002, Trump told New York magazine Epstein "enjoys his social life.""I've known Jeff for fifteen years," Trump said. "Terrific guy. He's a lot of fun to be with. It is even said that he likes beautiful women as much as I do, and many of them are on the younger side."
Britain's ambassador to the United States described President Donald Trump's administration as "dysfunctional", "clumsy" and "inept", the Mail on Sunday newspaper reported, citing a series of confidential memos.In memos to the British government which date from 2017 to the present, Kim Darroch said Trump "radiates insecurity" and advises officials in London that to deal with him effectively "you need to make your points simple, even blunt"."We don't really believe this Administration is going to become substantially more normal; less dysfunctional; less unpredictable; less faction riven; less diplomatically clumsy and inept," Darroch wrote in one, according to the newspaper.In others, the newspaper said he had described the administration as "uniquely dysfunctional" and that media reports about White House "knife fights" are "mostly true".
At least one other social media group with an apparent nexus to Customs and Border Protection has been discovered to contain vulgar and sexually explicit posts, according to screenshots shared by two sources familiar with the Facebook pages.The secret Facebook group, "The Real CBP Nation," which has around 1,000 members, is host to an image that mocks separating migrant families, multiple demeaning memes of Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, a New York Democrat, and other derisive images of Asians and African Americans.
Proud Boys founder Gavin McInnes took the stage in fake handcuffs meant to symbolize the effect of online censorship on his politics. He then attempted to wrench the handcuffs off himself to prove that he could overcome his social media bans--but could not manage it and had to be helped by someone else on stage. After the rally, McInnes claimed that was all part of his plan.McInnes went on to praise the fighting prowess of the all-men's Proud Boys group that he founded but claims to no longer lead. McInnes compared the Proud Boys to German soldiers fighting waves of Soviet troops in World War II."That's how it feels to fight antifa," McInnes said, referring to left-wing antifascist demonstrators participating in the counterprotest.
In a variant of Palin's theory that the First Amendment entails the right not to be criticized, the "Rally For Free Speech" seems premised on the idea that the First Amendment guarantees you the right to say whatever you want on any platform of your choice, whether or not the platform agrees to host those sayings. The lifetime bans given by Twitter to figures such as Loomer and Yiannopoulos loom large in these arguments.To deal with the easiest question first: None of these people have had their First Amendment rights violated by being banned by social media platforms. The First Amendment constrains only the government, not corporations or private individuals. By definition, "big tech" cannot violate the First Amendment. Only government censorship can violate the constitution, and none of the would-be martyrs are even claiming to be victims of censorship by the state.Not only is the government not suppressing their speech just because Twitter is preventing them from using its platform, they also have access to a major public space at the nation's capital where they can publicly claim that their speech is being suppressed to their heart's content.To be more generous than the people making this argument deserve, however, it is true there are principles of "free speech" that go beyond the First Amendment. If you're an ordinary worker and your boss fires you for seeing a bumper sticker for a candidate he doesn't like on your car, your ability to speak your mind has been chilled -- although, unless you work for the government, your First Amendment rights have not been violated. If a ubiquitous social media site such as Facebook or Twitter were to ban, say, all registered Republicans (though the headliners of the rally are hardly representative of all Republicans) or all people with blonde hair from their sites, this would raise troubling free speech concerns (although they would be perfectly within their legal rights under current law).But it should also be obvious that the idea that social media sites are required to host literally anything or anybody is absurd -- and nobody really believes that they are. Virtually nobody would suggest that Facebook or YouTube acted wrongly or threatened free speech by taking down footage of the New Zealand mosque shootings, for example. Facebook bans nude images -- even though mere nudity is never considered obscene under the First Amendment -- without generating campaigns suggesting that the practice bans free speech (though the policies often result in protests). Platforms make choices about what content they'd like to host and what content they won't allow.Free speech also doesn't mean you have unfettered access to the particular forum of your choice. Liberty University doesn't violate my right to free speech if it refuses to invite me to give a speech urging Roe v. Wade to be upheld. Similarly, social media platforms are allowed to decide that their site's standards do not permit the dissemination of hate speech. Laura Loomer is free in the United States to speak as much anti-Muslim bigotry as she pleases, but when this bigotry violated the terms of Twitter's site, it was permitted to deny her access, and it did not violate her free speech rights when it does so. If anything, social media sites should be more aggressive, not less, in refusing to disseminate hate speech.
Fort Sill is now where all United States soldiers and Marines in the artillery community, known since the time of Napoleon as "the King of Battle," come to learn or hone their craft--that is, how to precisely fire massive cannons so their shells kill a far-off enemy that they can't see. They learn how the King of Battle kills targets--people--based on guidance from forward observers. Approaching the cemetery, there is the distant, occasional percussion of small arms gunfire from the training ranges, and--depending on the day--an arrhythmic heartbeat of artillery thumps, the type that you can feel in your chest and sinuses as a small and thundery pressure differential.On the map, the Beef Creek Apache Prisoner-of-War Cemetery--one of three Apache POW interment sites on the post--is tucked in between a helicopter landing zone and a rock dump, along a mosquito-filled waterway that flows down from the north Arbuckle Range, what the Army calls a "dudded artillery impact area"--an off-limits practice range where unexploded shells are presumed to remain stuck in the ground. On the road, the cemetery lies just past a sign that reads "Landfill & Rubble Pit, 1.5 miles."A father of 12 named Kanesaburo Oshima was shot dead in spring 1942 trying to scale the camp's barbed wire while crying "I want to go home, I want to go home."There have been many ways to get stuck at Fort Sill over the years, as the cemeteries attest. Before the announcement that lone undocumented children would be stuck here, there were the newly inducted soldiers, heads shaved for basic training, who all left eventually for far-flung postings and deployments. Before that, there were 707 Japanese-American civilians held prisoners on the post by the U.S. during World War II; one, a Hawaiian father of twelve named Kanesaburo Oshima, was shot dead in spring 1942 attempting to scale the camp's barbed wire while crying, "I want to go home, I want to go home."In the throng of protesters assembling outside the Fort Sill gates after I arrived was Satsuki Ina, who was born in captivity in a similar California camp where her family had been held during the war; now 75, Ina told the assembled reporters why the protest was so important to her. "We are here," she said, "to say: 'Stop repeating history.'"
One challenge that our brains face in monitoring our actions is the inherently ambiguous information they receive. We experience the world outside our heads through the veil of our sensory systems: the peripheral organs and nervous tissues that pick up and process different physical signals, such as light that hits the eyes or pressure on the skin. Though these circuits are remarkably complex, the sensory wetware of our brain possesses the weaknesses common to many biological systems: the wiring is not perfect, transmission is leaky, and the system is plagued by noise - much like how the crackle of a poorly tuned radio masks the real transmission.But noise is not the only obstacle. Even if these circuits transmitted with perfect fidelity, our perceptual experience would still be incomplete. This is because the veil of our sensory apparatus picks up only the 'shadows' of objects in the outside world. To illustrate this, think about how our visual system works. When we look out on the world around us, we sample spatial patterns of light that bounce off different objects and land on the flat surface of the eye. This two-dimensional map of the world is preserved throughout the earliest parts of the visual brain, and forms the basis of what we see. But while this process is impressive, it leaves observers with the challenge of reconstructing the real three-dimensional world from the two-dimensional shadow that has been cast on its sensory surface.Thinking about our own experience, it seems like this challenge isn't too hard to solve. Most of us see the world in 3D. For example, when you look at your own hand, a particular 2D sensory shadow is cast on your eyes, and your brain successfully constructs a 3D image of a hand-shaped block of skin, flesh and bone. However, reconstructing a 3D object from a 2D shadow is what engineers call an 'ill-posed problem' - basically impossible to solve from the sampled data alone. This is because infinitely many different objects all cast the same shadow as the real hand. How does your brain pick out the right interpretation from all the possible contenders?
Last month marked the 85th anniversary of the passage of the FDR-era Indian Reorganization Act. It is now up to Congress to make this milestone a happy one. Hailed by supporters as the "Indian New Deal," the IRA was enacted in 1934 to revitalize Indian tribes by reinstating their homelands and tribal self-government. With its emphasis on restoring tribal sovereignty, culture, and land, the IRA is a staple of American Indian law and policy.The heartbeat of the IRA is a provision that authorizes the Department of the Interior to acquire lands in trust for Indian tribes, largely exempt from state and local regulation. Trust lands provide resources and housing, and create eligibility for vital federal programs. A decade ago, however, in the 2009 decision Carcieri v. Salazar, the Supreme Court crippled the Interior Department's ability to properly administer the IRA's fee to trust provision. Two House bills presently before the Senate aim to change that.On May 15, the House overwhelmingly passed H.R. 312 and H.R. 375, bipartisan measures designed to ensure that all federally recognized Indian tribes are treated equally under the IRA. Oklahoma Republican Rep. Tom Cole's H.R. 375 is critically needed to correct the damage caused by the Supreme Court's disastrous decision in Carcieri. That ruling quashed the Narragansett tribe's land trust in Rhode Island by effectively reinterpreting the IRA to apply only to tribes that were federally acknowledged at the time of its enactment in 1934. The court's finding that the Narragansett tribe was not "under federal jurisdiction" in 1934, an issue that was not even briefed by the parties, countermanded more than 70 years of agency policy, congressional mandates, and the court's own standard of review. In addition, it ignored that federal acknowledgment can only be obtained if a tribe proves that it "has been identified as an American Indian entity on a substantially continuous basis since 1900." H.R. 375 is a Carcieri fix that reasserts that the IRA applies to "any federally recognized Indian Tribe."Massachusetts Democratic Rep. Bill Keating's H.R. 312, the Mashpee Wampanoag Tribe Reservation Reaffirmation Act, meanwhile, is a narrowly tailored Band-Aid bill that restores the Mashpee Wampanoag tribe's reservation lands in Massachusetts and reinstates an Interior land trust decision that was invalidated by a Carcieri challenge. It exemplifies the lengthy, costly, and circuitous route federally recognized tribes must now follow post-Carcieri to try to secure their trust lands.However, the Mashpee Wampanoag tribe's plans to build a casino near the Rhode Island border are opposed by the same c[***]no interests that benefited from the Carcieri decision. Just before the House vote on H.R. 312, seemingly out of nowhere, President Donald Trump weighed in and tweeted--invoking the racial slur that he devised as a nickname for Sen. Elizabeth Warren--that Republicans should not vote for it: "Republicans shouldn't vote for H.R. 312, a special interest casino Bill, backed by Elizabeth (Pocahontas) Warren."
The paper outlines a series of five different long-term studies -- four in the U.S. and one in Japan -- that collectively surveyed about 15,500 people. Experts at a handful of different universities started the projects to track a whole host of things over time, like physical and mental health, relationships, behavior, etc. But for the purposes of this paper, the authors were only interested in the link between personality and smoking.In each of the different studies, participants, who ranged in age from 20 to 92 years old, filled out a questionnaire that asked them about their smoking habits. The surveys included questions meant to assess where the participants fell on a spectrum of five personality traits, often called the Big Five: openness, extraversion, agreeableness, conscientiousness and neuroticism. Then, anywhere from four to 18 years later (depending on the studies), the same participants filled out the same survey again. Researchers flagged those who had quit smoking since their first survey and put them into their own "smoking cessation" group.The results showed that, overall, people who smoked were more likely to report becoming less extraverted, open, agreeable and conscientious over the years, while also becoming more neurotic.
Back in 2004, the university-biotech complex and its camp followers in the media and Hollywood convinced California voters to borrow $3 Billion to establish the California Institute for Regenerative Medicine (CIRM). Its purpose was to pay for embryonic stem-cell and human-cloning research over which the federal-government imposed funding restrictions.The campaign promised cures, and sold itself as a way to defy Bush's modest embryonic stem-cell federal-funding restrictions. Fifteen years later, the money is running out -- and whaddya know? It turns out the promises were mostly hype -- as many opponents of Proposition 71 warned at the time.
Russian state media mocked President Donald Trump's "Salute to America" July Fourth event, The Washington Post reported on Thursday.The hosts of Rossiya 1's "60 Minutes" program, Yevgeny Popov and Olga Skabeyeva, both scoffed at the footage of tanks rolling into Washington, DC, ahead of Trump's military extravaganza."The greatest parade of all times is going to be held today in Washington, that is what our Donald Trump has said. The American president announced he would show us the newest tanks," Popov said.Popov told the audience that, "these are Abrams and Sherman tanks, used during World War II and withdrawn from service in 1957."
Trump entered office on January 20, 2017, and starting with February 2017 he has been President for 29 months. Total job growth during that time has been 5.613 million or 194,000 per month with those results being helped by the tax cut.Working back from January 2017, Obama's last month in office, there had been 6.423 million jobs added or 221,000 per month. The difference for the 29 months is 810,000 more jobs or 27,000 more per month than Trump.
A far-right rally scheduled for downtown Washington on Saturday has been thrown into disarray by dramatic allegations centering on cocaine, a love triangle, and the far-right Proud Boys men's group."The Proud Boys? More like the Joke Boys," Republican congressional candidate Omar Navarro, a key player in the bizarre feud, told The Daily Beast.The drama has torn apart one-time allies prominent on the pro-Trump internet and cost the so-called "Demand Free Speech" rally at least one speaker, after other prominent right-wing celebrities already cited other reasons for not appearing. While the rally was meant to protest the banning of conservative figures from social media, the surrounding drama has cast a shadow over the event.On one side of the fight: Navarro, a perennial challenger to Rep. Maxine Waters (D-CA) whose losing campaigns against the liberal stalwart have become a cause celebre on the right.On the other: the Proud Boys, the all-male group of self-described "Western chauvinists," and DeAnna Lorraine, a self-styled MAGA relationship expert and Navarro's ex-girlfriend.The clash became public late on Wednesday night, when Navarro tweeted that Lorraine had been using cocaine and "sleeping with the proud boys." Navarro declared that he would no longer speak at Saturday's rally, which was organized in part by top Proud Boy leaders. [...]"The Proud Boys are just as bad as antifa is," Navarro said.
Consider some of the assumptions that are embedded in the economic models of the two government agencies most respected for their independence and technical expertise: the Congressional Budget Office and the Federal Reserve.When the C.B.O. projects how legislation will affect the economy, it assumes that when the government borrows more, higher deficits will cause interest rates to rise, crowding out investment by the private sector.Generations of college economics students have been taught that this is simply how things work, and the reason that countries should avoid running large budget deficits. But the logic just isn't holding up right now.For example, in the spring of 2018, when the C.B.O. modeled tax cuts and spending increases that had been agreed to the preceding winter, it forecast that higher deficits would result in higher interest rates: 3.7 percent on 10-year Treasury bonds in 2019.That is 1.75 percentage points higher than actually was the case on Wednesday. [...]At the meeting in December 2015 where Fed officials first raised rates, for example, their consensus projection was that the longer-term level of the unemployment rate was 4.9 percent and that they would need to raise interest rates to 3.5 percent by now to keep the economy in balance and forestall inflation.The actual results have undermined those assumptions. The unemployment rate has fallen to 3.6 percent. But the inflation rate has remained persistently below the 2 percent the Fed aims for. If anything, the growth rate of workers' wages has been slowing in recent months. That's important because higher wage growth is, in the traditional theory, the mechanism by which a tight labor market fuels overall inflation.Moreover, the movements in bond markets the last few weeks suggest that very low inflation is likely to be the norm indefinitely, despite the low jobless rate.
Gotta hand it to our military. Trump wanted the pomp and celebration of a massive Bastille Day parade. What he got was four armored vehicles on display in the rain, a few football game flyovers and the military service chiefs didn't even show up.
— Brandon Friedman (@BFriedmanDC) July 5, 2019
DoD slow-walking at its finest.
Memorial Stadium in Baltimore wasn't much of a ballpark. I didn't know that when I went there for my first major-league baseball game as a kid in the late 1970s and while walking up to our seats caught a glimpse through a tunnel of the field, the greenest, most perfect grass I'd ever seen, a color I didn't know existed. (This was long before the advent of high-def TV.)The lush field at the center of an enclosure of concrete and steel provides one of the themes of Paul Goldberger's new book. For him, the ballpark is the garden in the city, the rus in urbe, a sports combination of the Jeffersonian agrarian tradition and the Hamiltonian emphasis on cities and industry.A former architecture writer for the New York Times and The New Yorker, Goldberger calls the ballpark "one of the greatest of all American building types" and argues that, "as much as the town square, the street, the park, and the plaza, the baseball park is a key part of American public space."Goldberger relates the history of baseball through its physical facilities and the business, real-estate, and design considerations that created them. You couldn't do this with any other major sport. It's rare that a football stadium or basketball or hockey arena becomes memorable in its own right. The experience of baseball, in contrast, is caught up in its surroundings.
All through our history, our Presidents and leaders have spoken of national unity and warned us that the real obstacle to moving forward the boundaries of freedom, the only permanent danger to the hope that is America, comes from within. It's easy enough to dismiss this as a kind of familiar exhortation. Yet the truth is that even two of our greatest Founding Fathers, John Adams and Thomas Jefferson, once learned this lesson late in life. They'd worked so closely together in Philadelphia for independence. But once that was gained and a government was formed, something called partisan politics began to get in the way. After a bitter and divisive campaign, Jefferson defeated Adams for the Presidency in 1800. And the night before Jefferson's inauguration, Adams slipped away to Boston, disappointed, brokenhearted, and bitter.For years their estrangement lasted. But then when both had retired, Jefferson at 68 to Monticello and Adams at 76 to Quincy, they began through their letters to speak again to each other. Letters that discussed almost every conceivable subject: gardening, horseback riding, even sneezing as a cure for hiccups; but other subjects as well: the loss of loved ones, the mystery of grief and sorrow, the importance of religion, and of course the last thoughts, the final hopes of two old men, two great patriarchs, for the country that they had helped to found and loved so deeply. "It carries me back," Jefferson wrote about correspondence with his cosigner of the Declaration of Independence, "to the times when, beset with difficulties and dangers, we were fellow laborers in the same cause, struggling for what is most valuable to man, his right to self-government. Laboring always at the same oar, with some wave ever ahead threatening to overwhelm us and yet passing harmless ... we rowed through the storm with heart and hand . ..." It was their last gift to us, this lesson in brotherhood, in tolerance for each other, this insight into America's strength as a nation. And when both died on the same day within hours of each other, that date was July 4th, 50 years exactly after that first gift to us, the Declaration of Independence.My fellow Americans, it falls to us to keep faith with them and all the great Americans of our past. Believe me, if there's one impression I carry with me after the privilege of holding for 5 1/2 years the office held by Adams and Jefferson and Lincoln, it is this: that the things that unite us -- America's past of which we're so proud, our hopes and aspirations for the future of the world and this much-loved country -- these things far outweigh what little divides us. And so tonight we reaffirm that Jew and gentile, we are one nation under God; that black and white, we are one nation indivisible; that Republican and Democrat, we are all Americans. Tonight, with heart and hand, through whatever trial and travail, we pledge ourselves to each other and to the cause of human freedom, the cause that has given light to this land and hope to the world.My fellow Americans, we're known around the world as a confident and a happy people. Tonight there's much to celebrate and many blessings to be grateful for. So while it's good to talk about serious things, it's just as important and just as American to have some fun. Now, let's have some fun -- let the celebration begin!
Pediatricians shared disturbing images drawn by migrant children who were recently separated from their parents while in US Customs and Border Protection custody. The drawings show people behind bars and in cages. The pictures were drawn last week by three children, ages 10 and 11, at Catholic Charities Humanitarian Respite Center in McAllen, Texas, after being released by CBP.The staff at the center asked the children to depict their time in CBP custody. A social worker at the center gave the drawings to the American Academy of Pediatrics, which gave them to CNN."The fact that the drawings are so realistic and horrific gives us a view into what these children have experienced," said Dr. Colleen Kraft, immediate past president of the AAP. "When a child draws this, it's telling us that child felt like he or she was in jail."
Sri Lanka is moving to curtail Saudi Arabian influence, after some politicians and Buddhist monks blamed the spread of the kingdom's ultra-conservative Wahhabi school of Islam for planting the seeds of militancy that culminated in deadly Easter bomb attacks. [...]The outcry in Sri Lanka is the latest sign that Wahhabism, which critics deem a root cause of the jihadist threat, is under pressure internationally.Jihadist organizations, including Islamic State - which claimed responsibility for the Easter bombings - follow an extreme interpretation of Islam's Salafi branch, of which Wahhabism was the original strain.
Poor Ignoranimus, he thinks May Day crowds turned out voluntarily....Politico reporter Nancy Cook detailed the shocking desperation for White House staff as they struggle to get Washingtonians to attend President Donald Trump's Fourth of July rally. According to Cook, there's already an outbreak of "finger-pointing" about the low turnout and the festivities haven't even begun.Cook filed the story earlier in the evening, but on "The 11th Hour," she told substitute host Ali Velshi that she's hearing White House staffers are so desperate to find people who will appear in Trump's VIP section that they're giving them to anyone who will come.
The webcam at the National Mall was abruptly shut down without notice and has been removed from the https://t.co/htcTPrpZCO site. Presumably to stop viewers from seeing the lack of attendees at the #TrumpParade. We are about to relive Trump's inauguration all over again. pic.twitter.com/dDzoGLhkPK
— Spin Doctor (@SpinDr) July 4, 2019
Some notes to the candidates who raised their hands last week when asked if they would support health insurance for undocumented immigrants:First, there are already clinics and emergency rooms across the U.S. that provide a safety net for many millions of patients, including those in the country illegally, whether or not they have health insurance.The clinics are known as Federally Qualified Health Centers. They received grants under Obamacare from 2010 to 2015, and as they expanded they began to receive more income from patients coming in with their new Medicaid cards. I traveled to one of the clinics a few years ago on the shores of Lake Erie, in Dunkirk, N.Y., and was told by the medical director there that 85 percent of their patients now have insurance and the main problem is a shortage of doctors.Emergency rooms across the country have the same problem. They are bound by law to see patients in an emergency whether they have insurance or not.
It is because the Founding was conceived in sin, enshrining slavery, that the new birth is required.Lincoln's next two clauses mention two key ideas: liberty and equality, each of which is linked to the dominant metaphor of birth. Casting back before the advent moment in 1776 to the moment of conception, Lincoln says the nation was "conceived in Liberty." What could that mean? How literally should this language of sexual congress be taken?Of course, "to conceive" can denote either a physical or a mental phenomenon: becoming pregnant or taking a notion into the mind. Before the nation could be brought forth into practical realization, it had to be thought of or imagined. Whence arose the concept? According to Lincoln, it originated "in Liberty." Of the handful of common nouns that appear mid-sentence throughout the speech, this is the only one Lincoln capitalized, although he might have capitalized "people" (as he did in both the Lyceum and Temperance Addresses, as well as in some of his Thanksgiving Proclamations) or "freedom" (since it is the proper name, so to speak, of the new birth prophesied at the end of the speech). The result is that "Liberty" and "God" are, in effect, the only capitalized words, since none of the sentence-starting words would normally be capitalized.Why does Lincoln incarnate liberty in this way and what does it mean to be "conceived in Liberty"? Whenever the interpretation of Lincoln is at issue, the Bible is a good starting place. Psalms 51:5 speaks of being conceived in sin: "Behold, I was shapen in iniquity; and in sin did my mother conceive me." The passage takes one back to Genesis 3:16: "Unto the woman he said, I will greatly multiply thy sorrow and thy conception; in sorrow thou shalt bring forth children." Quite different is the Gospel description of the virgin conception. In Luke 1:31, the angel tells Mary, "And, behold, thou shalt conceive in thy womb, and bring forth a son," and in Matthew 1:20, the angel assures Joseph that "that which is conceived in her is of the Holy Ghost."According to Lincoln's redaction, the new nation was conceived not in sin or sorrow but in liberty, although given the use that humans make of their liberty, there might not be much difference between the terms. Beneath the beautiful thought that the nation was conceived in the pure womb of liberty there lurks the afterthought evoked by the distant resonance of Psalm 51's conceived in sin. That psalm, known as the Miserere, is the most famous of the seven penitential psalms. In it, a contrite King David prays for a clean heart and a renewed spirit after his unjust taking of Bathsheba, the wife of the humble Uriah. The old Adamic/Davidic conception in sin and the new salvific one in the womb of Mary are explicitly linked through the genealogy that opens the book of Matthew. The list of 41 generations (the "begats") is interrupted only twice, once to interject that "David the king begat Solomon of her that had been the wife of Urias" and then to mention that 14 generations later the Israelites were "carried away to Babylon." Among the wages of David's sin was civil war brought on by the insurrection of his son Absalom. (William Faulkner, in Absalom, Absalom!, certainly saw parallels between the Biblical and American stories.)In his very frank 1855 letter to his dearest friend, Joshua Speed, Lincoln uses a variant of "conceived in sin" when he declares that the Kansas-Nebraska Act "was conceived in violence, passed in violence, is maintained in violence, and is being executed in violence." But while Lincoln's poetry in the Gettysburg Address is deep enough to sound these darker echoes of sin and sorrow, the surface meaning of "conceived in Liberty" is altogether positive, although not perfectly clear. John Channing Briggs, in his wonderful 2005 book, Lincoln's Speeches Reconsidered, stresses the obscurity of Lincoln's phrasing: "Certainly, if one presses the metaphor to its sensible limit, the nation had parentage; but the manner and precise timing of its conception...is hidden as well as enacted in Liberty." Briggs refers his readers to Eva Brann's 1976 essay, "A Reading of Lincoln's 'Gettysburg Address'" (without a doubt, the best and most extensive article-length treatment available).Leon Kass, in his admirable 2007 speech, "The Gettysburg Address and Lincoln's Reinterpretation of the American Founding," tries once again to plumb the mysteries of the nation's generation. He develops three scenarios. Perhaps Lincoln means to suggest that, just as a child might be conceived in love, the nation was conceived in liberty. Liberty, or maybe love of liberty, was the seminal passion that eventually produced the nation. Or perhaps "conceived in Liberty" indicates that the idea of a new nation was freely formed and chosen. While the Declaration itself insists on the force of "necessity," Lincoln instead highlights the operation of free will; the nation was conceived in an act of liberty. One final possibility is that Lincoln means to refer further back, even centuries back, into the colonial period. Alexis de Tocqueville, for instance, argues that the spirit of liberty was present from the first in the English colonies. He explains how the aristocratic liberty of the mother country assumed a new more democratic form in the New World. If so, then British liberty was the womb (the Latin is matrix) within which the new nation gestated.These three speculations are not, in fact, incompatible with one another: A love of liberty, long present among the colonists, did flare up in one decisive, freely chosen act, transforming British subjects into founders.The organic, "gentle" character of Lincoln's account of the nation's origins suggests a further concern. Perhaps Lincoln did not want to come anywhere near words like "revolution" or "independence" while in the midst of putting down "a gigantic Rebellion." For him, there is a crystal-clear distinction between a justified revolution, undertaken in response to well-documented violations of rights, and an unjustified rebellion in which one portion of a democratic people, unhappy with the results of a perfectly constitutional election, attempts to nullify that election by secession. The secessionists were in no way comparable to the American revolutionaries.Lincoln didn't have time in this speech to explain the theoretical difference, as he did at length in other speeches, especially his First Inaugural. Instead, he found euphemisms for the American Revolution like "brought forth" and "conceived in Liberty." He uses the language of generative congress to describe an act of political separation. Given that he was resisting those who wanted a further separation, it was not the time to praise the dissolution of political bands.created equalAfter liberty, the other feature of the founding that is highlighted is equality. Lincoln says the nation is "dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal." Whereas liberty is linked backwards to the nation's conception, equality is more prospective; it involves dedication. As in the moment of christening or baptism, the infant nation is placed on a certain path. Although Lincoln quotes (accurately) from the Declaration, he puts his own gloss on it, famously introducing some key changes.The Declaration speaks of equality as a truth held to be "self-evident" by the American people. They knew that this self-evident truth was unfortunately not evident to everyone the world over, but they expected that, in time, the scales would fall from the eyes of others (temporarily blinded by false teachings, such as that about the divine right of kings)."Self-evident" is a term borrowed from geometry. A self-evident truth is an axiom. An axiom doesn't require proof and, in fact, it can't be proved. You just see it or you don't. If a = b and b = c, then a = c. According to the Declaration, human equality is like that; it is axiomatic. All men -- black and white, male and female -- simply are equal in the relevant sense of being endowed by their creator with natural rights to life and liberty. This is the essential truth of the human condition. This foundational truth is not invalidated by the harsh fact that most human beings, in most times and places, have lived under political orders that violate their natural rights, slavery being the most dramatic instance. According to the Declaration, despotic regimes and unjust institutions are illegitimate. It follows that people may exercise their right of revolution in order to establish new governments founded upon the consent of the governed and respectful of the individuals' pre-existing natural rights.Although there are plenty of places where Lincoln uses the orthodox language of "axiom" or "self-evident" to describe the primary, capital "T" truths of the Declaration, his most famous formulation, here in the Gettysburg Address, calls human equality a "proposition." "Proposition" is another term borrowed from geometry. A proposition, unlike an axiom, requires a proof. That's why one must be "dedicated" to it. It's a theorem that must be demonstrated in practice. That Lincoln was well aware of the distinction between axioms and propositions is evident from a letter he wrote to H. L. Pierce in 1859, where he says:One would start with great confidence that he could convince any sane child that the simpler propositions of Euclid are true; but, nevertheless, he would fail, utterly, with one who should deny the definitions and axioms. The principles of Jefferson are the definitions and axioms of free society.What might explain Lincoln's shift from one Euclidean term to the other? It's not that Lincoln suddenly doubts the truth of human equality. It's rather that he wants to highlight the needfulness of translating an abstract truth into concrete political form. As early as the Lyceum Address, Lincoln described the founders as experimental scientists or mathematicians drawn to an unproven proposition. "Their ambition," he said, "aspired to display before an admiring world, a practical demonstration of the truth of a proposition, which had hitherto been considered, at best no better, than problematical; namely, the capability of a people to govern themselves." In that formulation, it was self-government -- the corollary of equality -- that needed to be proved. The current crisis, however, was more severe. At the time of the founding, there was general agreement that all were created equal, even if there was no political ability on the part of the very weak federal government to do much about the domestic institution of slavery in the states. Nonetheless, all then understood that slavery was an evil; even those who argued that slavery was necessary (and there were many of those) at least called it "a necessary evil." But subsequent generations had fallen away from this view. Led by John C. Calhoun, Southerners had taken to openly repudiating the truths of the Declaration, calling equality a "self-evident lie" and slavery a "positive good."In the 1850s, as the crisis of the "house divided" escalated, Lincoln argued that the crisis had arisen because a substantial portion of the American people had lost sight of the truth on which their own rights depended. Lincoln put it concisely in his 1854 Peoria speech: "When the white man governs himself that is self-government; but when he governs himself, and also governs another man, that is more than self-government -- that is despotism."Since the Civil War was brought on by a serious departure from the meaning of both equality and consent, it seems right for Lincoln, when speaking in the midst of that war, to imply that a truth once firmly held as self-evident had now moved into the ranks of a propositional truth that must be proven in action -- that action being the restoration of a Union dedicated to the principle of equality. We see here, perhaps, that the language of mathematics is not perfectly suited to (or congruent with) politics, since political truths depend on being held in the heart as true. Thus, the Gettysburg Address superimposes religious language (dedicate, consecrate, hallow) on its Euclidean substrate.In his opening paragraph, in 30 words, Lincoln has performed an act of remembrance. His description of "our fathers" is meant to make his audience reverential. But, at the same time, the generative imagery conveys the message that each successive cohort of Americans is essential to the maturation or completion of the founding. The necessary proof is ongoing. It's up to us to live out the timeless truth to which the nation has been pledged. With this single sentence, Lincoln formed the nation's self-understanding, a self-understanding that unites filial piety with progress. Action here and now is mandated by fidelity to the past. Lincoln's political stance manages to combine liberal elements with profoundly conservative elements.
With the book built around Loyalist arguments, we might ask what these were.Frazer begins, naturally enough, with the theological ones. He points to the contests over the meaning of such passages as Romans 13 and I Peter 2, in which the apostles urge obedience to established government, including honoring and praying for the king. Frazer holds up the Loyalist clergy as consistent in their literal interpretation of these passages. He believes their commitment to the plain meaning of these inspired texts was the centerpiece of their stance of allegiance to the mother country. (There is some irony in the fact that, in this case, the Anglicans emphasized a literal interpretation, while in other settings they would want to balance the literal text with reason and church tradition.)It should be noted that the author's sympathies are clearly with these Loyalists' endorsement of total obedience and that he is skeptical of all forms of resistance to government.The second group of arguments centers around these men's political thought, and this section allows Frazer to draw on his background in political theory. In their writings, the Loyalists developed a vision of government that was opposed to both Tom Paine and John Locke. The Loyalists started with a mixed view of human nature: People are sinful and limited yet made for society. For humans, government is a necessity. Rather than the result of social contract, government is divinely ordained and so continuous in human experience. These clergy went so far as to root divinely ordained government in original patriarchy. On this point, although Frazer doesn't reference him, I wondered if Robert Filmer was still influencing these Loyalists.The third set of arguments is legal and constitutional. Like the Patriots, the Loyalists studied very closely the colonial charters and worked to parse the unwritten British Constitution. Charters acknowledged royal sovereignty--did that include parliament? As the colonies had tolerated parliamentary legislation previously, the Loyalists asserted that it was an established fact, with legislation and taxation inseparable. They thus insisted on the 18th century metropole's definition of sovereignty as the king-in-parliament--the exact formulation denied by the Patriots. Further, they asserted the virtual representation of the colonists in the British Parliament, yet another idea that the Patriots rejected.The final group of arguments is practical and prudential. The Loyalists were most pointed in the mid-1770s, before independence was declared, at which time their public voices were silenced. They acknowledged abuses by the British ministry but did not believe that such abuses justified the American policy, which seemed calculated to exacerbate divisions. They strongly questioned the legitimacy of the Continental Congresses, believing that only individual colonial legislatures had constitutional standing. They grew ever more horrified by the measures enforced by the Continental Congress as it moved closer and closer to independence.Meanwhile, they found themselves persecuted by local committees who, with no checks or legal standing, silenced their preaching, stopped them from publishing their ideas, seized their property, and forced them to flee for their lives. Hoping to the end for reconciliation with the mother country, these Loyalists warned of all the dangers that came with launching on a plan for independence.CounterargumentsIn presenting the Loyalist perspective, the book makes clear their beliefs and arguments. It also, however, reproduces their biases and blind spots. These Loyalists were theorists, but also actors in the conflict, and so the polemical nature of some of their arguments should not be dismissed. As I read, I kept imagining Patriots like John Adams, John Jay, and John Witherspoon demanding to answer the arguments, and it should be remembered that these debates did have two well-argued sides.So, for instance, the debate over Scripture remains a fascinating one to examine. Frazer says the Patriots' use of Scripture was misleading and avoided the clear meaning of the text. Other recent scholarship by James Byrd has demonstrated extensive Patriot engagement with the problems of interpreting Romans 13 and I Peter 2, and they intentionally worked to do so in a consistent, faithful way. Moreover, Daniel Dreisbach has demonstrated that Patriot pastors were often very careful in their use of scriptural passages about "liberty." Their moves from spiritual to political liberty were self-aware and explicitly considered.Closely related to the use of the Scriptures was the debate over "passive obedience" (the Loyalist formulation) or "unlimited submission" (the Patriot formulation). Frazer supports the Loyalist disinclination to resist, although he acknowledges that some Loyalists did recognize justifiable resistance at some point (just not in the American conflict). If so, resistance became a question of degree and prudence rather than being simply out of bounds. Moreover, many Patriots wrote extensively about where and when the right to resist became the right to cut ties with England--they were cognizant of the need to get this exact point right.In discussing resistance, Loyalists had to reckon with a key event in British history: the Glorious Revolution of 1688. It was an example of resistance to a British monarch that led to his removal, and it was within recent memory. The Glorious Revolution had been justified as Protestant resistance to a tyrannical Catholic king. That model of a successful transfer of power very much appealed to the Patriots in their own resistance to a king"whose character" (in the words of the Declaration of Independence) "is thus marked by every act which may define a Tyrant."The debate over the Glorious Revolution therefore also points to the origins of the American Revolution in general. Contra many of the Loyalists (and Frazer himself), Americans were not only motivated by the political thought of John Locke. Rather, they drew on a larger Anglo-American tradition of political thought. Their own reading of British constitutionalism allowed for the protection of rights, liberties, and property. Furthermore, versions of republicanism were not new imports but part of a longer-term colonial outlook, as both Bernard Bailyn and Michael P. Winship have demonstrated.
The two main figures in these events are Ngo and antifa.The publication where Ngo is an editor, Quillette, is widely seen as a major hub of the "intellectual dark web" -- a loose collection of anti-political correctness, anti-identity politics, anti-left media figures and reporters. Ngo is the closest thing the intellectual dark web has to a gonzo journalist, someone who goes into allegedly hostile places and documents them for his more than 200,000 Twitter followers to illustrate that the IDW is right about the threat from multiculturalism and the left.Last year, for example, Ngo went to the UK to chronicle the supposed threat the rising Muslim population posed to British society. The resulting article, "A Visit to Islamic England," claimed England was being quietly conquered by fundamentalist Islam.The piece was shredded by actual Brits. Most amusingly, Ngo presented a London sign reading "alcohol restricted zone" as evidence of Islamic dominance in the Whitechapel neighborhood; it was actually a public safety ordinance designed to discourage public acts of drunkenness from patrons of nearby pubs, bars, and strip clubs.Ngo's coverage of left-wing protesters is similarly ideological. He views left-wing activists, like Muslim immigrants to the West, as a threat to free and open societies. His reporting plays up acts of vandalism, violence, and hostility to free speech without a comparable focus on the much more frequent and deadly actions of right-wing extremists.Antifa is a perfect foil for Ngo. The group of typically black-clad activists are radicals who believe the best way to deal with the rise of white supremacy and hate groups in the Trump era is by confronting them on the street. Sometimes, this means organizing demonstrations against them; other times, it means brawling in the streets."They view self-defense as necessary in terms of defending communities against white supremacists," Mark Bray, a Dartmouth historian who studies antifa, told my colleague Sean Illing in a 2017 interview. "They have no allegiance to liberal democracy, which they believe has failed the marginalized communities they're defending. They're anarchists and communists who are way outside the traditional conservative-liberal spectrum."Antifa does not have a central command structure, and its members are typically anonymous. While not all antifa activities involve physical confrontation, some do have a nasty habit of assaulting people -- including journalists, as some reporter friends of mine like Taylor Lorenz, who were attacked while live-streaming in Charlottesville, Virginia, can speak to.Portland, where Ngo lives, has seen a particularly notable number of brawls between antifa and far-right groups in recent years. Ngo has not only documented antifa activities but published at least one member's full name alongside a picture -- "doxxing" her, in internet parlance, and exposing her to retaliation. Ngo's work on this front had made him well-known to antifa, and profoundly despised -- he claims, for example, that an antifa member assaulted and robbed him at his gym.In mid-June, he reported advance news of an event on June 29 in Portland by the "Proud Boys" -- a far-right group who describe themselves as "Western chauvinists" and are a major antifa nemesis. Portland antifa, who organized a counterprotest, issued a statement warning about the event that criticized Ngo by name.The stage was set for a major confrontation between Ngo and antifa. And when he showed up at their event over the weekend, that's exactly what happened.
👀 Wow. Just. Wow. This is a transcript from today's census case hearing. Parties attended by phone it seems.https://t.co/uADujBv9LE
— Jennifer Taub (@jentaub) July 3, 2019
America, G.K. Chesterton once observed, was "a nation with the soul of a church." Make that a shul: As Proclaim Liberty Throughout the Land, a powerful new book, argues, "the American Republic was born to the music of the Hebrew Bible."Its editors--Rabbi Meir Y. Soloveichik, Matthew Holbreich, Jonathan Silver, and Stuart W. Halpern, of the Straus Center for Torah and Western Thought at Yeshiva University--make their case, in the fine tradition of our wise forefathers, by laying before us scroll after scroll of source material, showing us the Biblical thread that binds everything from the Mayflower Compact to Lincoln's second inaugural address.Clarified by the editors' illuminating introductions, these historical documents make a strong case for just how firmly our republic was always rooted in the fertile theological soil of the Hebrew bible. Rather than the transactional spirit of John Locke, who they preceded, the pilgrims were moved by a deeper, wilder spirit. Here, we see them speaking not of social contracts--a shaky base, that, for something as unearthly as a nation--but of covenants, the newcomers to America understanding themselves to be the latest in a human chain that began with Noah and Abraham and that owes its existence to its Creator and His will.Thus thunders John Winthrop, in 1630, that "we are entered into covenant with Him for this work... The Lord will be our God and delight in all our ways, so that we shall see much more of His wisdom, power, goodness, and truth than formerly we have been acquainted with. We shall find that the God of Israel is among us, when ten of us shall be able to resist a thousand of our enemies, when He shall make us a praise and glory, that men shall say of succeeding plantations, the Lord make it like that of New England." It's a model of a covenantal political community taken straight from the prophet Micah, who reminded us that "it hath been told thee, O man, what is good, and what the Lord doth require of thee: Only to do justly, and to love mercy, and to walk humbly with thy God."
President Donald Trump's newest selection for the Federal Reserve, Judy Shelton, previously called for open borders between the United States and Mexico.In an op-ed for The Wall Street Journal published in 2000, titled "North America Doesn't Need Borders," Shelton praised former Mexico President Vicente Fox's vision of a "greater movement of people" migrating to the United States."His talk of open borders is deeply controversial in the U.S., though what he is really selling is the fulfillment of open markets," wrote the economist. "His proposal to combine resources across borders may strike some as too imaginative in its scope. But it is, in fact, steeped in pragmatism."Praising Fox's efforts to expand the number of work permits granted by U.S. immigration authorities, Shelton noted how the European Union's free flow of resources was an economic "success" for participating countries like Spain, Ireland and Portugal."Mr. Fox does, indeed, want to shift economic power," continued Shelton. "Not from one nation to another, though, but rather from government to the people."
[E]vidence suggests that Mexicans and other Latinos are sometimes targeted for arrest based on their race or ethnicity.In 2014, independent monitors at a Customs and Border Protection checkpoint in Arivaca, Arizona, just north of the U.S.-Mexico border, found that vehicle occupants who appeared to be Latino were 26 times more likely to be asked to show identification than white-looking vehicle occupants, who are frequently waved through the checkpoint.And in 2012, a U.S. Department of Justice investigation in Alamance County, North Carolina, found that the sheriff had instructed deputies to "go out there and get me some of those taco eaters" by targeting Latinos in traffic stops and other law enforcement activities.The DOJ concluded that the county demonstrated an "egregious pattern of racial profiling" - a violation of the 14th Amendment, which guarantees everyone equal protection under the law.Mexicans in the United States have seen their constitutional rights violated in other ways.The most egregious example was the forced separation of families found to have crossed the border illegally.Under this Trump administration policy, which began in April 2018, at least 2,654 migrant children - and perhaps thousands more - were taken from their parents and held in government custody while their parents were criminally prosecuted for crossing the border unlawfully.Thirty of the children known to have been separated from their families were Mexican; the rest were from Central America. Poor record-keeping has made it difficult for all of them to be reunited with their families before their parents' deportation.Together, these actions violate the constitutional rights to legal due process, equal protection and, according to the Southern District of California, the right of parents to determine the care for their children."The liberty interest identified in the Fifth Amendment provides a right to family integrity or to familial association," wrote Judge Dana M. Sabraw in a June 2018 ruling.More routine civil rights violations happen to Mexicans in the U.S. every day, our report found.Though children born in the U.S. are entitled by law to American citizenship regardless of their parents' immigration status, hundreds of undocumented Mexican women in Texas have been denied birth certificates for their U.S.-born children since 2013, according to a lawsuit filed by parents. In 2016, Texas settled the lawsuit and agreed to expand the types of documents immigrants can use to prove their identity.And in both Arizona and Texas, so-called "show me your papers" laws allow police to demand identification from anyone they have a "reasonable suspicion" may be undocumented, which may lead to discriminatory targeting of Latinos.Once in government detention, surveys conducted in Mexico of recently deported immigrants show, Mexican deportees are often badly treated.On average, in 2016 and 2017, about half of all recently deported Mexicans reported having no access to medical services or a bathroom while in government custody. One-third reported experiencing extreme heat or cold.
The 2-1 US win in the semi-final in Lyon called to mind the scene on the Death Star before it vaporises a planet. Down on the surface it's a hive of nervous energy and excitement as the tenacious underdogs scramble to mount their makeshift defences and gutsy counter-attacks. Up in the command centre, the view is calm and orderly as the workers carry out their instructions by rote, flicking a few switches to activate the superlaser. For the rebels, it's the defining battle of their lives. For the empire, it's just Tuesday.England dipped into derangement after Steph Houghton's penalty was saved, with Millie Bright sent off and Demi Stokes dropping the ball to concede a foul throw, while the US shepherded out the match with inevitable efficiency; doing just enough, as in the quarter-final against France.The British media tried its best to provoke some conflict after the pre-game revelation that a couple of US staffers were found in England's hotel, touring it as an option ahead of the final. Investigating the location of the breakfast buffet and the price of a 500ml bottle of Evian from the mini-bar was shaped into a spy scandal, as if Phil Neville might have accidentally left "START RACHEL DALY OUT WIDE" scrawled on the whiteboard in the Fourvière Hotel's meeting room.Tuesday's semi-final would be a "grudge match", declared the Daily Star; "England fury at World Cup 'Spygate' row: Manager Phil Neville in war of words with the US," roared the Daily Mail. While England were planting a St George's Cross on the moral high ground and fussing over why the Americans couldn't just read the reviews on TripAdvisor, the US simply went about their business before and during the match, paying due deference to the opposition's threat but not reserving any singular treatment for Neville's team, save for a taunt.Alex Morgan clearly likes her tea served ice-cold. (Although someone should tell her that we increasingly prefer coffee these days.) Her Lyon Tea Party celebration was the most withering put-down since the exchange between the characters Martin and Bob, a school bully, when they meet again as adults in the 1997 film, Grosse Point Blank: "Do you really believe that there's some stored-up conflict that exists between us? There is no us. We don't exist." Having said that, the US annoying England with their celebrations wasn't anything personal: they reserved the same treatment for Thailand and Chile.
The average person in the world is 4.4-times richer than in 1950. But beyond the global average, how did incomes change in countries around the world? And why should we care about the growth of incomes? These are the two questions I answer in this post.The two charts in this post show the level of GDP per capita for countries around the world between 1950 and 2016.The first chart shows the level of GDP per capita at four different points in time: 1950 in purple, 1970 in yellow, 1990 in green, and the latest available data for 2016 in green.The chart at the end shows it at two points in time: On the vertical axis you see the level of prosperity in 1950 and on the horizontal axis you see it for 2016.GDP - Gross Domestic Product - measures the total production of an economy as the monetary value of all goods and services produced during a specific period, mostly one year. Dividing GDP by the size of the population gives us GDP per capita to measure the prosperity of the average person in a country. Because all expenditures in an economy are someone else's income we can think of GDP per capita as the average income of people in that economy. Here at Core-Econ you find a more detailed definition.Look at the world average in the middle of the charts. The income of the average person in the world has increased from just $3,300 in 1950 to $14,574 in 2016. The average person in the world is 4.4-times richer than in 1950.
Perhaps, in time, the quality that allowed the United States to navigate those few minutes -- and the agonizing 20 or so more that followed -- will come to be identified as its defining trait. "It was a nail-biter," Lavelle said of those minutes when everyone's fate was busy being decided somewhere else. "It was a long wait. But I think it's a time to regroup, to get together, to be ready for whatever's next."None of it threw Jill Ellis's team. There is too much experience, too much nous, in the United States ranks for that to happen. Instead, it did all it could to tamp down the frenzy. The team that had started this tournament by running up the score against Thailand, adamant that it should, at all times, seek to attack, to go for the jugular, to never stop, started to run for the corners. Heath did it. Morgan did it. They dallied at free kicks. They looked for contact, and when they got it, they stayed down. They waited until they had the ball just right before taking throw-ins. Naeher held on to the ball for as long as she could without attracting sanction from the referee, Ellen White making her feelings on the matter plain as she did so. They drew the sting. They ran the clock.In doing so, of course, they tried England's patience. "I don't want to say too much," White said afterward, her devastation still plain. "I could say a lot. Some of it may be a bit unsporting, but that is game management. That is how they win games."She is right, too: that cynical side is just as much a part of the United States arsenal as Morgan's finishing or Horan's vision or Heath's technique. It is what makes them such a fearsome opponent, one capable not only of pummeling an opponent, but of asphyxiating them, too, draining them not only of time but of hope.It speaks, deep down, to this team's true identity. There is little highbrow talk of philosophy from Ellis and her players. They do not see themselves as the standard-bearers for some idea of how the game should be played or what it should look like. It would be wrong to say there is no aesthetic quality to what they do; more that they accept that aesthetics are subjective -- what looks beautiful to some may be dull to others -- and that their concern is, primarily, with the objective.This is a team built to win: whenever, wherever and however that might be. Morgan running for the corner was no less a manifestation of a ruthless streak than giddily cranking up the score against Thailand was almost a month ago. She was doing what was necessary to win. That is all that matters. That, to this incarnation of women's soccer's greatest dynasty, is all that there is.
A federal judge blocked the Trump administration's plan to jail immigrants seeking asylum and deny them bail if they crossed the U.S. border without permission.The ruling Tuesday in a class-action lawsuit brought by asylum applicants and their advocates is the latest in a string of court defeats for the President Donald Trump's effort to prevent migrants along the southern border from reaching American towns and cities. Apprehensions of prospective asylum seekers have more than doubled in the last year, according to U.S. Customs and Border Protection."It is the finding of this court that it is unconstitutional to deny these class members a bond hearing while they await a final determination of their asylum request," U.S. District Judge Marsha J. Pechman in Seattle wrote.
Members of the far-right Proud Boys men's group and their allies will rally in D.C. on July 6, just a week after violence at rival Portland rallies ratcheted up tensions between groups on both the right and left. The Proud Boys event and a rival counterprotest threaten to add even more tension for what's already shaping up to be a hot, strange week in Washington.The Proud Boys--self-described "Western chauvinists" who adhere to a dizzying array of rules, including restrictions on how much they can masturbate--will be joined by a number of right-wing internet personalities at the "Rally for Free Speech" at D.C.'s Freedom Plaza.The event's website lists a number of right-wing internet provocateurs, including conservative smear-pusher Jacob Wohl, anti-Muslim activist Laura Loomer, British far-right activist Milo Yiannopoulos, and former Pizzagate promoter Jack Posobiec.
The Department of Homeland Security's Office of Inspector General on Tuesday released its final report on overcrowding at several border facilities in the Rio Grande Valley -- nearly a week after BuzzFeed News reported on a draft version -- revealing shocking photographs of people crammed into small detention spaces.Inspectors detailed how, when they visited several the facilities earlier this month, they found adults and minors with no access to showers. Many adults were only fed bologna sandwiches, and detainees were seen banging on cell windows -- pressing notes to the windows that detailed their time in custody.Inspectors described the conditions as "dangerous" and "prolonged." Some adults were held in standing-room-only conditions for a week. There was little access to hot showers or hot food for families and children in some facilities.The inspectors said the overcrowding and prolonged detention for the single adults represented a security risk for detainees, agents, and officers. Adults purposely clogged toilets with Mylar blankets and socks in order to be released from their cells, while some refused to return to cells after they had been cleaned. Others tried to escape.
[T]esla has yet more tidings to celebrate: On Wednesday, Thatcham Research announced that the electric sedan is one of the safest cars in Europe, especially when it comes to avoiding crashes.In a new round of testing, Thatcham, a British nonprofit that assesses vehicle safety, awarded the Model 3 its highest rating of five stars. In crash testing, which Thatcham administers according to standards set by the European New Car Assessment Programme, the Model 3 posted a 96 percent score for how it protects adults. It got an 86 for keeping kids safe, and 74 for how it treats "vulnerable road users" like pedestrians. (That last test involves firing what looks like a half-bowling ball, intended to simulate a pedestrian's head, into the windshield at 25 mph, then examining how the vehicle absorbs the energy of the impact.)The Model 3 secured a perfect five-star safety rating from the UK's Thatcham Research, using tests developed by the European New Car Assessment Programme.Good crash ratings are nothing new for Tesla. Safety experts in the US and Europe have praised the automaker for making a structurally sound car by taking advantage of its electric powertrain. The lack of a big engine let Musk's engineers make the front of the car into an especially effective crumple zone. The battery that forms the floor of the vehicle improves the car's rigidity and keeps the center of gravity low, reducing the risk of a rollover. Last year, the US Department of Transportation's National Highway Traffic Safety Administration gave the Model 3 five out of five stars. Tesla's Model S sedan and Model X SUV have posted similar scores in the past.What stands out in the new European results is not just that the Model 3 can take a beating, but that it can avoid one. Of the six cars that earned five stars, the Model 3 is the only one with a "safety assist" score over 80 percent. Its 94 percent is among the highest scores ever seen on a test for that category.
An Italian judge ruled on Tuesday that the German captain of a migrant charity ship had not broken the law when she forced a naval blockade at the weekend, saying she had carried out her duty to protect life.Carola Rackete, a 31-year-old German national, disobeyed Italian military orders and entered the port of Lampedusa on Saturday, hitting a police patrol boat as she brought some 41 African migrants to land in the Sea-Watch rescue vessel.She was immediately detained and placed under house arrest, but in a blow for Italy's hardline interior minister, Matteo Salvini, Judge Alessandra Vella ruled that Rackete had been carrying out her duty and had not committed any act of violence.
Vice President Pence's abrupt decision Tuesday to abandon plans to fly to New Hampshire for an opioid event -- and instead return to the White House -- has prompted confusion and conflicting statements from members of his team, as administration officials refused to divulge the reason for the last-minute change.
U.S. Border Patrol agents packed migrants into overcrowded patrol stations near the Rio Grande Valley, creating conditions so poor that one facility manager called it a "ticking time bomb," according to a new government watchdog report made public on Tuesday.In one example, Homeland Security Department inspector general investigators allege that many of the detainees were held in standing-room only conditions for a week and hadn't showered in a month.This latest finding by the independent investigators alleges that most of the children held at children-only shelters didn't have access to showers and were not given a change of clothes.Eighty-eight adult males held in a cell with a maximum capacity of 41, some signaling prolonged detention to OIG Staff, observed by the Office of Inspector General, June 12, 2019, at Border Patrol's Fort Brown Station.more +The report states that 50 migrant children under the age of seven traveling without their parents were being held in custody at the facilities - some waiting more than two weeks before finally being transferred to a longer term shelter.The government has wound up with thousands of these children it calls "unaccompanied alien minors" because it does not allow extended relatives such as aunts, uncles and grandparents to accompany children across the border. In the month of May alone, the government counted 11,000 "UACs" at the border.The watchdog office inspected five facilities in the Rio Grande Valley. Children at three of the facilities did not have access to showers and some kids were not provided hot meals, a requirement outlined by government detention standards.
Carlson said there "is no defending the North Korean regime," which he described as "monstrous and "the last really Stanilist regime in the world.""On the other hand, you've got to be honest about what it means to lead a country. It means killing people," Carlson continued. [...]Carlson said that while he "is not a relativist or anything" it is the "nature and life, and certainly the nature of power" to have to choose between "the bad people and the worse people.""I do think that's how the president sees it," Carlson said. "He's far less sentimental about this stuff."
President Trump chuckled and joked when a supporter at his Florida rally suggested shooting immigrants as a way to decrease migrant crossings at the southern U.S. border on Wednesday night.
Here's the email from DOJ pic.twitter.com/PdyfK0a1hJ
— Daniel Jacobson (@Dan_F_Jacobson) July 2, 2019
Cost of Mueller report was $35m, which is about half the cost of Trump's July 4th parade. The first probed an historic assault on US democracy. Second is a militarized rally to glorify 1 man. Trump calls Mueller "world's most expensive witch hunt." What does that make his parade?
— Edward Luce (@EdwardGLuce) July 2, 2019
A short video released by France's presidential palace of Ivanka Trump awkwardly interacting with world leaders at the G-20 summit had a certain je ne sais quoi that made it go viral over the weekend, and France insists it had no intention of humiliating the U.S. president's daughter. "We didn't anticipate the reaction, and once again, we are not responsible for the use made of the clip," an official with the Élysée said in a statement.The video, in which IMF chief Christine Lagarde appears mystified at Trump's interjection to a comment by British Prime Minister Theresa May, encapsulated for many the high profile, enigmatic, and arguably inappropriate role Trump played during President Trump's trip to the G-20 summit in Osaka, Japan, and to South and North Korea. There were substantive critiques about nepotism and the dangers of diplomatic amateurism, and there was some snark, as in the #UnwantedIvanka photos on Twitter in which Ivanka Trump is photoshopped into all sorts of famous events, real and fictional.
The Homestead shelter for unaccompanied migrant children has been shrouded in secrecy and cloaked in controversy from the moment it was reactivated in February 2018. Lawmakers scornful of President Trump's immigration policies have been blocked from visiting. Because it sits on federal land, Florida's child welfare agency is barred from investigating allegations of abuse.Rather than close it, as activists have demanded, the feds just gave the operator, Comprehensive Health Services, a brand new contract -- one worth $341 million.There was no competitive bidding and it happened under the radar.By the time the contract -- the latest in a series of short-term deals -- runs out in November, CHS will have earned more than half a billion dollars for housing migrant children, a figure that inflames critics while advocates say it is justified by an out-of-control influx on the southern border. The dollar total could rise still higher since the payment escalates if the number of youths increases, as is expected.The cost per youth, as of last month, amounts to $775 per day, according to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.
In the latest scandal to rock the Trump administration, Secretary of State Mike Pompeo is being scrutinized by a congressional committee for allegedly using his government security detail to run personal errands, including picking up his dog and fetching Chinese food.According to CNN, a whistleblower has been feeding the unnamed committee information about America's top diplomat for months, describing a pattern of alleged misbehavior seemingly at odds with President Donald Trump's election promise to "drain the swamp."
Religious pre-military academies are creating "private militias" that listen to their rabbis over their military commanders, Avigdor Liberman charged.
Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, D-N.Y., screamed at federal law enforcement agents "in a threatening manner" during a visit to a Border Patrol facility in El Paso, Texas, and refused to tour the facility, according to two people who witnessed the incident.A group of 14 House Democrats, including Ocasio-Cortez, and their aides kicked off their visit to the region at about 11 a.m. MST Monday at the El Paso Station on Hondo Pass Drive.The group was standing inside the station near an area where migrants are held when Ocasio-Cortez left them to sit inside a nearby holding area with a family as the other lawmakers and aides were briefed on station operations."She comes out screaming at our agents, right at the beginning [of the tour] ... Crying and screaming and yelling," said one witness who said he was stunned by the outburst in front of approximately 40 people.
To Director Bloomfield:We are scholars who strongly support the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum. Many of us write on the Holocaust and genocide; we have researched in the USHMM's library and archives or served as fellows or associated scholars; we have been grateful for the Museum's support and intellectual community. Many of us teach the Holocaust at our universities, and have drawn on the Museum's online resources. We support the Museum's programs from workshops to education.We are deeply concerned about the Museum's recent "Statement Regarding the Museum's Position on Holocaust Analogies." We write this public letter to urge its retraction.Scholars in the humanities and social sciences rely on careful and responsible analysis, contextualization, comparison, and argumentation to answer questions about the past and the present. By "unequivocally rejecting efforts to create analogies between the Holocaust and other events, whether historical or contemporary," the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum is taking a radical position that is far removed from mainstream scholarship on the Holocaust and genocide. And it makes learning from the past almost impossible.The Museum's decision to completely reject drawing any possible analogies to the Holocaust, or to the events leading up to it, is fundamentally ahistorical. It has the potential to inflict severe damage on the Museum's ability to continue its role as a credible, leading global institution dedicated to Holocaust memory, Holocaust education, and research in the field of Holocaust and genocide studies. The very core of Holocaust education is to alert the public to dangerous developments that facilitate human rights violations and pain and suffering; pointing to similarities across time and space is essential for this task.
Late last year Trump's charitable foundation agreed to dissolve and give away its assets to other nonprofit organizations as a result of the New York attorney general probe, which began under Eric Schneiderman. At the time, Schneiderman's successor as attorney general, Barbara Underwood, said the nonprofit had exhibited a "shocking pattern" of illegality.That deal did not stop the civil lawsuit Underwood filed against the foundation last year from proceeding. The New York attorney general's office continued to seek nearly $3 million in restitution and additional fines as part of the suit, as well as a ban on Trump's leading a New York nonprofit for the next decade and placing one-year bans on the charity's other board members, which include the president's adult children.Trump has repeatedly clashed with Schneiderman through the years and later publicly criticized Underwood and James, claiming their investigations were politically motivated. The office has led significant investigations into not only his charity, but also into Trump University, the president's defunct real estate education venture.Shortly after her election in November, James, a Democrat, vowed to "use every area of the law" to probe Trump, his family and associates, and his business. The office of attorney general has sweeping investigatory and prosecutorial powers to do just that.Earlier this year, James subpoenaed Trump's banks, seeking information about the Trump Organization and the president's finances. Trump dismissed those efforts as "presidential harassment" and tweeted that James "openly campaigned on a GET TRUMP agenda."James opened that probe, a civil inquiry, after Michael Cohen, the president's former attorney, testified to Congress in February that Trump inflated the worth of his assets in financial statements that he provided to banks to secure loans.
HANOVER -- New parking rates -- and fines -- go into effect on Monday as the town of Hanover tries to do more to encourage commuters to park in lots on the outskirts of downtown, freeing up more spaces for shoppers and other short-term visitors.Hanover has also installed technology that lets motorists use a smartphone app to pay for a meter or extend time, within legal limits of the spot, and which promises down the road to help pinpoint open spaces.Among the fee changes:■On-street metered rates are in some cases doubling, so 40 minutes at a meter that used to cost 50 cents is now $1.■Parking at 10-hour lots downtown will now cost $5 a day -- or 50 cents an hour -- up from 35 cents hourly, or $3.50 per day.■Daily parking rates for the town parking garage, which is frequently full, are rising from $15 to $20. But monthly fees for a space in a peripheral lot remain at $35.Meanwhile, some parking fines are also rising by $5, to $15 for an expired meter and to $25 for overtime meter feeding.
It's hilarious that the GOP thinks it can win by running against health care.55% of voters back a Medicare for All system that diminishes the role of private insurers if they retain access to their preferred providers.Independents are 14 points more likely to back the system when told losing their private plan would not mean losing their doctor (42% to 56%).
When Richard Yim moved to Canada at age 13, he was in for a rude shock. Children of all ages were running around freely and wildly, and none of them seemed to fear losing a limb or their life. "It was something so simple, the freedom to walk around," he says. That freedom did not quite exist back in Phnom Penh, Cambodia.Yim, now 25, wasn't a prisoner, but he and millions of others in his homeland were held captive by land mines and other explosives buried under the ground. These are remnants of violent conflicts that began during World War II and continued during the French Indochina War, the Vietnam War, the Khmer Rouge regime and the K5 Plan to seal off the Cambodia-Thailand border.Cambodia is by no means the only country that is riddled with mines -- the problem extends from World War II leftovers in Germany to ongoing strife in Yemen -- but the Southeast Asian nation is among the most highly affected. According to the HALO Trust, an organization in the U.K. that trains deminers and has been operating in Cambodia for decades, 64,000 casualties have been reported since 1979. Children are under constant watch, Yim says, always sticking to the same routes to and from school. Around 50 percent of the country's mines have reportedly been cleared, which still leaves behind a huge number considering that one estimate pegged the total at 10 million mines.Human-led demining is painstaking and dangerous. The solution? Meet Jevit.
Iraq is establishing a financial "loophole" to continue buying vital gas and electricity from Iran despite US sanctions, AFP has learned, mirroring a European mechanism that came into effect Friday.The "special purpose vehicle" (SPV) would allow Iraq to pay for imported Iranian energy in Iraqi dinars, which Iran could use exclusively to buy humanitarian goods, three senior Iraqi officials said.
Note to nationalists, post-liberals, natalists, populists and progressives: It has been over a decade since we were in recession. Unemployment is at 50-yr low. Here's a long-term chart of the hourly wages of typical workers (1973=100). You are all mad at the 1970s and 1980s. https://t.co/m19hPa6mZY pic.twitter.com/41fvIINJKM
— Scott Winship (@swinshi) July 1, 2019
Shortly after the military parade (with tanks!), the raids begin. https://t.co/sdOmfdHrfJ
— Scott Lincicome (@scottlincicome) July 1, 2019
Investigative journalist A.C. Thompson from ProPublica today exposed a secret Facebook group for US Border Patrol agents full of racist and misogynistic comments and memes, including calls for violent action against immigrants and Democrats.The group, called "I'm 10-15," a reference to the Border Patrol code for "officer in custody of alien," has over 9,500 members and began in 2016. According to its introduction page it exists to serve as a Facebook "family" for Border Patrol agents:Per the ProPublica report, agents on numerous occasions engaged in commentary or shared memes illustrating a community-wide hatred for undocumented immigrants, liberals, and Democrats.
U.S. manufacturing activity slowed to near a three-year low in June, with a measure of new orders received by factories tumbling, amid growing anxiety over an escalation in trade tensions between the United States and China.
THREAD: Niskanen senior fellow @RachelBitecofer has released her predictions for the 2020 presidential election: "Barring a shock to the system, Democrats recapture the presidency," she says. pic.twitter.com/PdfTuApZK0
— Niskanen Center (@NiskanenCenter) July 1, 2019
...and on the 8th day, God printed shower curtain rings...Researchers at Rockefeller University in the US have used stem cells to create a 3D model of early embryonic tissues, allowing them to simulate developmental processes as they occur in time and space.Writing in the journal Nature Cell Biology, they say they hope this tool will make it possible to further elucidate the processes that guide embryonic growth, and ultimately lead to innovations that promote healthy pregnancies.
On Sunday, after President Trump's meeting with North Korea leader Kim Jong Un at the Demilitarized Zone (DMZ) between North and South Korea, The New York Times reported that the Trump administration has being working for weeks on an offer for Kim to exchange some U.S. sanctions relief for what amounted to "a nuclear freeze, one that essentially enshrines the status quo, and tacitly accepts the North as a nuclear power, something administration officials have often said they would never stand for."Chief among those administration officials is National Security Adviser John Bolton, who did not travel with Trump to the DMZ. While Fox News host Tucker Carlson and daughter Ivanka Trump were part of Trump's official party to the DMZ, Bolton "had been sent, or sent himself, to Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia," The Guardian reports. And Bolton tweeted Monday that the Times report must be wrong -- the other possibility presumably being that Bolton is not privy to Trump's national security plans.
When Reagan took office, the US economy was struggling under what was known as "stagflation" - high unemployment coupled with high levels of inflation. President Jimmy Carter had appointed Paul Volcker as Chairman of the Federal Reserve and Volcker was determined to get inflation under control by raising interest rates. Reagan, having read Milton Friedman and others, agreed with Volcker's approach and gave the Fed Chairman room to implement his monetary policy.[15] As expected, raising the interest rates sent the economy into recession and left Reagan with a low approval rating. [...]Of course, Reagan also faced the challenge of getting spending cuts through a Democratic House - something that would prove extremely difficult. As such, Reagan decided to seek additional revenues in 1982 by raising taxes. He and Speaker of the House Tip O'Neil held a press conference in the Rose Garden explaining the legislation. The image alarmed some of his most ardent supporters who viewed Reagan's support for tax increases a betrayal of the Reagan Revolution.[19] Reagan explained to those who were concerned that "more than three-fourths of the revenue raised comes from increased taxpayer compliance and the closing of tax loopholes." Reagan would also maintain that O'Neil had promised him three dollars' worth of spending reductions for every dollar in tax increases. A promise - if it was indeed made - that would not be kept.Despite the tax increases, by early 1983 the American economy was beginning to rebound. Volcker's hard medicine had tamed inflation and the Reagan tax cuts were now fully in effect. President Carter deserves some credit for appointing Volcker and for deregulating the transportation industry. Reagan built on Carter's deregulations ending price controls on gasoline. Furthermore, Reagan further decreased tax rates and simplified the tax code when he signed the Tax Reform Act of 1986.[20] The combination of sound monetary policy, tax cuts, deregulation, and increased military spending resulted in impressive rates of economic growth from 1983 through the end of the Reagan administration. Unemployment also began to decline as the American economy produced around 19 million new jobs from 1983 to 1988.[21]Although the Reagan economic record is impressive, critics have claimed that Reagan did little to end the flow of manufacturing jobs overseas and that his policies exacerbated income inequality. The main criticism of Reagan, however, is that his administration increased the national debt by 186 percent. Reagan's insistence on dramatically increasing the defense budget (by around 35 percent) and his inability to decrease domestic spending led to an explosion of the national debt. During his administration the debt increased by $1.86 trillion.[22]Another aspect of Reagan's economic legacy was his ability to compromise with O'Neil to save Social Security. Although Reagan had denounced the federal government's role in Americans' retirements, he signed the Social Security Reform Act of 1983 that "increased the Social Security payroll tax, raised the retirement age for recipients to sixty-seven, required federal employees to join the system, and placed taxes on the benefits of higher-income recipients"[23] Upon signing the bill, Reagan exclaimed that this "demonstrates for all time our nation's ironclad commitment to Social Security."[24] On the one hand, Reagan could be praised for his willingness to compromise his principles and work across the aisle to save a program that most Americans supported. [...]Perhaps Reagan's greatest contribution to our political discourse today was his unflinching belief in immigration as a source of American greatness. Reagan signed comprehensive immigration reform in 1986 that granted almost 3 million people amnesty.[33] In his farewell address, Reagan described the United States as a shining city on a hill: "It was a tall, proud city built on rocks stronger than oceans, windswept, God-blessed, and teeming with people of all kinds living in harmony and peace; a city with free ports that hummed with commerce and creativity." Reagan continued that "if there had to be city walls, the walls had doors and the doors were open to anyone with the will and the heart to get here."[34]Likewise, in his "Brotherhood of Man," speech, Reagan spoke about his desire to see a world where the people of the globe lived in harmony. Reagan insisted that the US was "the one spot on earth where we have the brotherhood of man." The former president declared that "if we continue with this proudly, this brotherhood of man [will be] made up from people representative of every corner of the earth, maybe one day boundaries all over the earth will disappear as people cross boundaries and find out that, yes, there is a brotherhood of man in every corner."[35] In the midst of the Trump presidency it is important to remember that an alternative Republican vision on immigration, trade, and general human flourishing exists. While Reagan's policies were a mixed bag, he continues to provide timeless rhetoric that elevates the individual above the collective and preaches tolerance rather than exclusion.
In the mvp machine: How Baseball's New Nonconformists Are Using Data to Build Better Players, Ben Lindbergh and Travis Sawchik set out to introduce the world to what they herald as yet another revolution, which represents a synthesis of sorts. Writers at The Ringer and FiveThirtyEight, respectively, they are at once steeped in advanced analytics and fixated on player improvement. As their subtitle indicates, they explore a growing movement within baseball to use statistical metrics, biomechanical data, and cutting-edge forms of player observation to help players hone their skills.Their book is explicitly cast in the mold of Moneyball, to which the authors devote a substantial portion of their opening chapter. As Lindbergh and Sawchik rightly point out, Lewis had surprisingly little to say about player development. The philosophy that Beane brought to the A's organization was guided not so much by what players could be as by what they were--it was about how to construct a roster out of players whose specific usefulness had been undervalued in the market. The Beane model didn't have much to offer players who were interested in actually improving, aside from maybe "try walking more" and "don't bunt so much." By contrast, "this new phase is dedicated to making players better," Lindbergh and Sawchik write. "It's Betterball. And it's taking over."The authors report from the front lines of a technological transformation in how we look at baseball itself. A sport that has lately been understood primarily through numbers on a spreadsheet is paying newly fine-grained attention to the game as a human activity. Among the innovations discussed are a high-speed camera called the Edgertronic, which can capture minuscule variations in pitch release; a Doppler-radar system called TrackMan, used to provide input on batters' swings and pitchers' spin rates; and even more bizarre machines with even more Marvel Comics-sounding names, such as Proteus and Rapsodo, whose stories I won't spoil here. The diamond has become a panopticon, and if this strikes you as a bit creepy, you're probably right, but you also probably don't play baseball for a living.Lindbergh and Sawchik argue that these machines and the voluminous bodies of data they yield have helped players refine their skills and extend their careers with unprecedented effectiveness. They cite reclamation projects galore, like the relief pitcher Craig Breslow, who found himself nearly out of baseball before reinventing his release point with the help of the aforementioned Rapsodo and a device called a motusTHROW. And then there are star players who have ascended to superstar status through Betterball techniques. The MVPs of the book's title are the Boston Red Sox's Mookie Betts and José Altuve of the Houston Astros, the franchise that the authors hail as Major League Baseball's premier Betterball practitioner. Betts won the American League MVP Award in 2018 after coming under the tutelage of the Betterball swing guru Doug Latta, and Altuve won the award the previous season while leading his team to a World Series victory.
There are sorrows in this world that put speech beyond us. We've spent the past week flooded with them: Concentration camps are very real in our country, and they're being used to house children. Children are being left in dirty diapers, with matted hair and lice, "wearing clothes caked with snot and tears" untreated influenza and other diseases ravage the camps, and five children have already died. In one incident, a roomful of children was told to share a lice comb, and when they lost the comb, their beds were taken away.And all that may seem like the limit, like the most barbarity you could stand to hear about, but it isn't. Because after you've absorbed all of that, then you hear the term "child-mothers.""Child-mothers" doesn't mean mothers of children. It means mothers who are children. And they're locked up in the child detention camps, too. Many of them are survivors of sexual abuse, many have already undergone some kind of horror on their journey, and the conditions in the camp now put them and their babies at risk.