June 3, 2007


Why they hate us (Um ... actually, they don't) (William Drozdiak, 6/03/07, The Washington Post)

France's newly elected president, Nicolas Sarkozy, has already stretched a warm hand of friendship across the Atlantic. He vowed to transform the venomous relations with Washington that prevailed under his predecessor, Jacques Chirac, urged his compatriots to emulate the social mobility and work ethic commonly found in the United States, and expressed pride in his nickname, "Sarko l'americain."

Sarkozy's paean of affection for the United States echoed the sentiments of German Chancellor Angela Merkel, who upon taking office in 2005 declared that she would strive to restore a close U.S.-German partnership. While President Bush is held in low esteem in many world capitals, the fact that the new leaders of "Old Europe" could win with pro-America platforms suggests that Yankee phobia may not be as toxic or universal as some pundits, mainly on the American left, claim.

Why has U.S. stature in the world eroded?

Three of our main opponents in the WoT --Canada, Germany and France -- have just voted out their Franco-socialist leaders in favor of Anglo-American conservatives yet we're supposed to believe our stature is slipping?

Posted by Orrin Judd at June 3, 2007 9:47 AM

Our stature has slipped because the media says it has. Few travel globally more than I do in my job. I've never seen the decline anywhere. The US is still #1. Ask the people, not the press.

Posted by: Tom Wall at June 3, 2007 7:11 PM
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