June 3, 2007


China fears brain drain as its overseas students stay put (Jonathan Watts, June 2, 2007, The Guardian)

The Chinese Academy of Social Sciences revealed 1.06 million Chinese had gone to study overseas since 1978, but only 275,000 had returned. The rest had taken postgraduate courses, found work, got married or changed citizenship. [...]

Bai Xue, who is enrolled on a communication studies course in the University of Minnesota, says more than 80% of her Chinese classmates are trying to remain in the US. Her plan is just for a short extension, but she is keeping her options open. "There are a few of us who are thinking of returning, but nothing is fixed. If we get married or have babies or get used to the life here, maybe we will change our minds."

Xia Qing will start postgraduate study in California this September, but he is already planning to stay in America for a few years after his course finishes.

"I am slightly hesitant because China is developing very fast and by 2030, its GDP will probably surpass the USA. But I am concerned that I might not get a good job if I return. America may suit me more because they judge you according to your ability, whereas in China your background and connections are more important."

A survey this year found that in Shanghai 30% of high school pupils and 50% of middle-school students wanted to change their nationality.

...with any ambition go back?

Posted by Orrin Judd at June 3, 2007 9:15 AM
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