November 18, 2003
The London Streets: Who are these anti-Bush people? (Amir Taheri, 11/18/03, National Review)
George W. Bush's visit to London this week will be historic for at least two reasons. He will be the first U.S. president to come to Britain on a state visit. He will also observe a bizarre political marriage: one between the remnants of the Marxist-Leninist Left and militant Islamists. Negotiated over the past two years, the "wedding," will be celebrated in a mass demonstration against Bush's visit.The demonstration is organized by a shadowy group called "Stop the War Coalition," part of the Hate-America-International, which has orchestrated a number of street "events" in support of the Taliban and the Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein since 2001. [...]
The coalition was created in London in September 2001, at first as an exclusively leftist concoction bringing together the remnants of the Stalinist "peace movement" of the 1950s, diehard "no nukes" activists, and some fellow travellers.
The coalition has succeeded beyond the wildest dreams of its founders. For the first time ever it has brought together all radical leftist and anarchist groups. Under its umbrella march such traditional former archenemies as Stalinists and Trotskyites.
But the coalition's biggest success is the alliance that it has forged between the extreme Left and militant Islamist groups. This would have been unthinkable even a couple of years ago. The Left always regarded Islam as a "relic of feudalism" and an instrument of reactionary Arab regimes. For their part, the Islamists regarded leftists as atheist enemies who had to be put to the sword.
The first to advocate a leftist-Islamist alliance against Western democracies was Ayman Al Zawahiri al Qaeda's #2.
All of these demonstrations and stuff seem rather minor compared to the anti-American Freeze Movement that was all the rave during the Reagan administration. Back then even the decent Left was allied with the Marxists, now at least it's only the Islamicists who have joined the Marxists. In some strange sense it seems like progress. Posted by Orrin Judd at November 18, 2003 3:26 PM
Has the union of the far left and the Islamic radicals been authorized by a judicial body?
Seriously, their connection is easy to understand: they both operate out of fear. The far left is deathly afraid of moral courage and the Islamic radicals are deathly afraid of anyone who is one iota more radical. So they worship together, bound in their hatred (and bound in other ways, too).
Posted by: jim hamlen at November 18, 2003 4:49 PMI don't get a sense that it is the same as the nuclear freeze movement. Freeze supporters were passionate, and their contempt for Reagan was genuine, but I don't remember quite the frenzied display of, well, unhinge-ment for lack of a better word.
That fact that millions (!) of "educated" Westerners are willing to sign up with, not communism and it's "glorious future", but with flat-out murderous, slave-owning, troglodydic cavemen just frightens and sickens me in a way the idealists of the freeze did not.
The freezers were wrong, and we've proved that. These people today are nuts. Stone nuts. And they wuould rejoice in the deaths of you and me, make no mistake.
I look at them, and stare into an abyss I never knew existed two years ago.
Posted by: Andrew X at November 18, 2003 5:15 PM
How's that different from thinking that the Soviets should defeat the U.S.?
Posted by: oj at November 18, 2003 6:00 PMI thought that bin laden would not conspire with a secular leftist like Saddam. Boy this is really confusing. We need a stage manager to put the left back on the left and the fundamentalists back on the right where they are supposed to be.
Posted by: Robert Schwartz at November 18, 2003 9:43 PMI should stop writing and just quote Mark Steyn who makes the point with far more wit than I could muster.
It's 'peace' psychosis in a nut's hell By Mark Steyn
"There's "no connection" between Saddam and al-Qa'eda, because radical Islamists would never make common cause with secular Ba'athists. Or so we're told by pro-gay, pro-feminist Eurolefties who thus make common cause with honour-killing, sodomite-beheading Islamists, apparently crediting Saddam with a greater degree of intellectual coherence than they credit themselves."
Go read the whole thing.
Posted by: Robert Schwartz at November 18, 2003 10:12 PMThis is absolute proof of the emptiness of anti-Americanism. Nothing that all these groups agree on, can possibly have any content.
OJ - I think the difference between pro-Soviet then and pro-Jihadist now is that, even if they acknowledged that "oh, so Stalin and Mao killed 80 million. Gotta crack a few eggs, doncha know", the sick logic leads to that "glorious future for our children", blah blah, that they were ostensibly striving for. Completely wrong, of course, but at least I can put the logic together.
But now such people are forthrightly allied with creatures who literally are all about death, and nothing else. I suddenly see that what I thought would might end up as "maybe they will see the light as to how wrong they are, and think differently", is in reality, "they do see the light of how wrong they are, and thus will destroy everyone and everything they can, just.... for the sake of destroying and the literal worship of death... theirs, yours and mine".
Call me naive, but I didn't see that coming.
Posted by: Andrew X at November 18, 2003 11:18 PMAndrew:
If the infidels were all killed, mightn't it usher in a glorious period for the Ummah, when it was in perfect accordance with Allah's commands?
Posted by: OJ at November 19, 2003 12:26 AMOJ;
Yes, from their point of view. I think Andrew's point is that, as twisted as the means, the Communist's end goal was roughly similar to ours. The rhetoric claimed that it would have personal freedom and material plenty. Of course, it failed radically on both counts but one could see the logical connection could result from a highly abstracted, simplistic world view.
In other words, we fought with the Communists about the means. We fight with the Caliphascists about the ends.
The ends promised by Marx are not the ends promised by freedom and its product, Capitalism. The former peaks of a world which is objectively impossible since it negates human nature. Freedom and the resultant capitalism is a celebration of human nature.
Posted by: Tom C., Stamford,Ct. at November 19, 2003 4:13 PM