November 18, 2003


Nukes option by U.S. in Korea (Bill Gertz, November 18, 2003, Washington Times)

The United States is committed to defending South Korea from an attack by the North and would use nuclear forces if needed, Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld told the government here yesterday.

Mr. Rumsfeld, who finishes his first official visit to Asia today, said the U.S. commitment to South Korea includes "the continued provision of a nuclear umbrella" for South Korea, according to a statement issued after joint security talks.

"We understand that weakness can be provocative, that weakness can invite people into doing things that they otherwise might not even consider," Mr. Rumsfeld told a joint news conference with South Korean Defense Minister Cho Young-kil.

How about using them pre-emptively to end the North Korean threat?

Posted by Orrin Judd at November 18, 2003 1:42 PM

Let's not. Instead, drop in millions of tiny radios, cb's and tv sets, and pictures of south Korean grocery stores.

Posted by: some random person at November 18, 2003 2:33 PM

We could always send them Amway, although I'm not sure that even a card carrying member of the Axis of Evil deserves that.

Posted by: jefferson park at November 18, 2003 2:39 PM

The 38th parallel is waiting for about 100 MOABs. We don't need to use nuclear weapons - just the biggest 'normal' bomb we have.

Posted by: jim hamlen at November 18, 2003 2:43 PM

Naw, to hardcore. We just couldn't do it.

More to the point since we are GOING to use nukes in their defense, how 'bout pulling every soldier out of SoKo, except maybe enough for a large air base, maybe a Pusan port facility.

We don't need any "tripwire". Matter of fact, I think such a "withdrawl" would tell the Norks that we actually take the prospect of war seriously.

Posted by: Andrew X at November 18, 2003 2:49 PM