September 15, 2010

FISH VS FUNCTION (implied profanity alert):

Moderate Bass hangs on in N.H. (Tom Curry, 9/15/10, MSNBC)

In New Hampshire’s Second Congressional District, progressive activists claimed victory Tuesday in the Democratic primary as their candidate Ann McLane Kuster won in a landslide over Katrina Swett, who had run for the seat in 2002. Progressives shunned Swett partly because she’d served as co-chair of Sen. Joe Lieberman’s presidential campaign in 2004.

In the Republican contest, the GOP establishment candidate, former six-term congressman Charlie Bass, defeated anti-abortion conservative Jennifer Horn.

Horn was endorsed by the Susan B. Anthony List Candidate Fund, a pro-life political action committee, and by New Hampshire’s right-leaning newspaper, the Manchester Union Leader, which said “If any candidate can claim the Tea Party mantle this year, it is Jennifer Horn…. We would love to see her in Washington giving grief not only to the Obama administration, but also to her own party's leadership.”

The Democratic primary was particularly enjoyable--in a juvenile kind of way--for the lawn signs of "SWETT" and "KUSTER." Katrina is, of course, the wife of the worst-named politician of recent memory: Dick Swett. And the mind is tempted to add an L to make KLUSTER...which can really only be followed by one word...not "BOMB"....

Posted by Orrin Judd at September 15, 2010 6:10 AM
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