September 15, 2010
Arkansas, long-time Democratic fortress of the South, to raise Republican flag (Jonathan Strong, 9/15/10 The Daily Caller)
Of the state’s four House districts, the GOP is poised to take two from Democrats to form a three-to-one majority.Posted by Orrin Judd at September 15, 2010 6:25 AMThat includes Arkansas’s first district — a district that has not voted in a Republican since reconstruction – where Republican candidate Rick Crawford was leading by 16 points in a mid-August poll.
Though former President Bill Clinton recently returned to Arkansas to help her ailing candidacy, Democratic Sen. Blanche Lincoln is a dead woman walking. Polls show Republican Rep. John Boozman leading by almost 30 points on average.
The GOP is also poised to make significant gains in the state legislature, too, Arkansas sources say.