June 22, 2007
Edwards' nonprofit kept his profile high: Center not subject to limits imposed by federal election laws (AP, 6/22/07)
When John Edwards pursued his crusade against poverty in 2005, he created a nonprofit center that allowed him to maintain a high profile, and avoid the legal scrutiny aimed at presidential candidates.Posted by Orrin Judd at June 22, 2007 3:07 PMNot that Edwards was running for the White House at that point. Fresh from his loss as Democratic nominee John Kerry's running mate in 2004, he would not declare himself a candidate for president until late in 2006.
However, the nonprofit Center for Promise and Opportunity offered distinct advantages to Edwards, its honorary chairman. The center's five officers all had worked for his previous presidential campaign, for example, and it appears to have paid for his travel to New Hampshire and several delegate-rich states.
The center wasn't subject to the limits imposed by federal election laws on a presidential exploratory committee, the first major step in raising money toward a bid. Meanwhile, it may have stretched the limits of tax law, which prohibits political nonprofits from having a primary purpose of supporting or opposing candidates.
"It's possible that the 'opportunity' the center was promoting was only John Edwards' opportunity _ his opportunity to run for president," said Massie Ritsch, a spokesman for the nonpartisan Center for Responsive Politics, a Washington-based research group that tracks money in politics.
We thought Clinton's "depending on what 'is' is" is a stretch. Edwards is out-Clinton Bill.
Posted by: ic at June 22, 2007 5:12 PMThis is no surprise - Edwards already avoided millions in Medicare tax liability.
Elizabeth is the brains of this outfit - Pretty Boy is just a front. She should have married Bill Clinton back in the day.
Posted by: jim hamlen at June 22, 2007 8:14 PM