September 24, 2006


Cameron's chance to convince the country (Iain Martin, 24/09/2006, Daily Telegraph)

One team is looking backward, the other is looking forward. The contrast could not be better for David Cameron. Alongside Tony Blair at the Labour Party conference in Manchester will be a former American President who makes the Prime Minister look like an amateur when it comes to sentimentality and showbiz shmaltz. The sense that Manchester is a full-stop at the end of an era of "progressive politics" is summed up by Blair having his old friend Bill Clinton on hand to help him say goodbye. Next weekend, however, Cameron is due to share a platform with the Republican front-runner in the race to be the next man in the Oval Office.

Cameron strategists plan to make as much as possible of the presence of Senator John McCain at their conference. He will be welcomed next Saturday by Cameron himself, then, on Sunday, they will both appear on the BBC's Andrew Marr programme: interviewed separately, but seated alongside each other at the end of the show. Then, later the same day, they will make their speeches.

The abiding image, his advisers hope, will be of the trim 68-year-old Senator and the prime ministerial frontrunner looking like men who can do business together.

Oughtta invite Jeb too.

Poll brings pain for Democrats (DAVID YEPSEN, September 24, 2006, Des Moines Register)

Today's Iowa Poll of the 2008 race for president in the Hawkeye state ought to make Republicans happy and cause a pause on the Democratic side.

It's particularly bad news for Gov. Tom Vilsack and Sen. Hillary Clinton, two Democrats gearing up for that contest.

We asked likely Iowa voters what they'd do in some hypothetical 2008 matchups in the state. The two GOP front-runners, former New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani and Arizona Sen. John McCain, beat the Democratic front-runners - Clinton, former North Carolina Sen. John Edwards and Massachusetts Sen. John Kerry.

(Giuliani beats Clinton 56-37; Edwards, 51-43; and Kerry, 53-40. McCain defeats Clinton 54-37; Edwards, 47-46; and Kerry, 53-39.)

Posted by Orrin Judd at September 24, 2006 10:19 AM

Too bad Romney's a Mormon. (The Wahoos won't accept that) The republic would be safer with a Warner V. Romney race.

With Clinton, McCain, Kerry, & Rudy, you have your pick of four not-too-bright megalomaniacs who wouldn't think twice about putting people who disagree with in camps the minute they could get away with it.

Posted by: Bruno at September 24, 2006 1:46 PM

Just so long it's their side........

They keep going the way they are, they'll be in the loony bin first.

Posted by: Sandy P at September 24, 2006 2:28 PM