June 20, 2006
Homosexuality a Psychological Disorder: Pentagon Document (John Jalsevac, June 20, 2006, LifeSiteNews.com)
A pro-homosexual group known as Center for the Study of Sexual Minorities in the Military (CSSMM), a think tank at the University of California, Santa Barbara, claims to have unearthed a current Pentagon document that lists homosexuality as a psychological disorder.According to the CSSMM the Department of Defense Instruction that so categorizes homosexuality was signed by the Under Secretary of Defense for Personnel and Readiness in 1996 and re-certified as "current" in 2003.
Although homosexuality has traditionally been considered a psychological disorder the American Psychiatric Association (APA) removed homosexuality from its list of mental illnesses over thirty years ago, claiming that it "implies no impairment in judgment, stability, reliability, or general social and vocational capabilities." The APA’s decision, however, has been the subject of criticism in recent years with some alleging that the 1973 move to remove homosexuality from the list of disorders was highly influenced by homosexual activism and not objective scientific data (http://www.lifesite.net/ldn/2006/feb/06020902.html).
Posted by Orrin Judd at June 20, 2006 9:57 PM
Objectively (heh), it would seem to be every bit as much a "disorder" as, say, ADHD. In other words, it is behavior well outside the statistical norm. Interesting question: if a chemical intervention could change that outside-the-norm behavior, would parents give it to their minor children?
(Admittedly, a case can be made that gayness is not a disruptive or destructive behavior, while ADHD is.)
Posted by: ghostcat at June 20, 2006 10:51 PMOf course it's destructive.
Remember Twilight of the Goldbergs.
Posted by: oj at June 20, 2006 10:56 PMThe majority of Americans would abort their child if a test could determine that the unborn child was gay... so if a cure for it came along, the answer is a resounding "YES!"
Posted by: emma at June 20, 2006 11:05 PMSure, but it's nurture, not nature.
Posted by: oj at June 20, 2006 11:08 PMI think it's a bit of both.
Posted by: ghostcat at June 20, 2006 11:21 PMMeanwhile the other 99.2% of people live in 2006 and not 1973, where fringe groups have to speak truth to power against the big, bad, homophobic pentagon. I guess in general the Democrats and their fringe group supporters live in 1973... class warfare, racial injustice, blah blah blah.... 1973.
Posted by: lebeaux at June 21, 2006 12:05 AM"claims to have unearthed a current Pentagon document"
If this document is so hard to get that it has to be "unearthed", then obviously it's not being widely distributed, applied and probably not a statement of DoD policy. So what's the point here, other than the McCarthyite homosexual lobby, in their combing of an agency as large as the Department of Defense, has found a real witch?
Posted by: Raoul Ortega at June 21, 2006 10:10 AMA behavior which is disordered is not itself the disorder. A propensity for that behavior may or not be.
Since homosexual behavior is incompatible with military service, it is most reasonable for the Defense Department to consider the propensity to engage in it to be a disorder.
Posted by: Lou Gots at June 21, 2006 12:49 PM