June 9, 2006
HALF-HEARTED (via Ali Choudhury):
The thoroughly modern moustache? (Catherine Hours, Jun 8, 2006, AFP)
Jay Della Vale verges on the evangelical in his praise of the moustache's attributes which, according to the 26-year-old DJ, include intimations of virility, a relaxed style and a healthy sense of humor."You walk differently. You're more laid back. You dress differently," Della Vale said. "We're on a mission to bring it back."
Della Vale's devotion to facial hair prompted him to make a documentary "The Glorious Moustache Challenge" in which he persuaded 30 men to grow moustaches for a month to see what difference it made in their lives and the reactions of those around them.
"For the first month, everybody is against it, especially the women," he said. "They say, 'Please don't do that, you remind me of my father ... or a 70s porn star'."
When you see a guy with only a moustache you just assume he isn't virile enough to grow the beard. Posted by Orrin Judd at June 9, 2006 8:26 AM
Double-dog dare you to say that to Burt Reynolds or Tom Selleck!
Posted by: Rick T. at June 9, 2006 8:54 AMWho are reportedly lovers.
Posted by: oj at June 9, 2006 9:07 AMIf Tom Selleck's mustache and your beard were sharing a jail cell OJ, the beard would clearly be the bottom.
Posted by: Jim in Chicago at June 9, 2006 9:42 AMT.C.'s could tickle my spine.
Posted by: oj at June 9, 2006 9:47 AMTheir priorities are misplaced; fedoras are far more important. Look what happened to society when people stopped wearing them!
Posted by: Guy T. at June 9, 2006 9:54 AMOJ: John Bolton has a moustache, but not a beard.
Posted by: Mike Morley at June 9, 2006 9:58 AMDitto J. Kenneth Blackwell.
Posted by: Mike Morley at June 9, 2006 9:59 AMBolten's moustache is named Regis.
Posted by: joe shropshire at June 9, 2006 10:26 AMI'm reminded of the line from the Simpsons:
Homer: We're here, we're queer, we don't want anymore bears.
Crowd: We're here, we're queer, we don't want anymore bears.
Lenny: Hey, that's a pretty catchy chant. Where did you hear it?
Homer: Oh, I heard it at the mustache parade they have every year.
Posted by: pchuck at June 9, 2006 11:26 AM
Go eat a fried Snickers bar ... and don't get any on your vitility.
Posted by: J at June 9, 2006 11:41 AMBolton is wifty.
Posted by: oj at June 9, 2006 12:05 PMJIC:
This picture of Sean Connery incorporates both OJ's themes of mustaches and prison love that dare not speak its name. I'll leave it to others to judge whether this helps or hurts his assertions.
Posted by: Rick T. at June 9, 2006 12:28 PMGay with a 'stache, macho with a beard.
Posted by: oj at June 9, 2006 12:37 PMRick T.: Oh my heavens, what the heck is that? Were you saving that one for this specific thread? That is the stuff of nightmares, really bad nightmares.
Posted by: pchuck at June 9, 2006 12:52 PMpchuck:
"Zed" in ZARDOZ. Suprised that OJ hasn't a movie review giving both the star and subject matter. And yes, the picture has been in my back pocket awaiting an apppropriate post.
Macho in a mustache as well (without an orange diaper, though) and more macho with a beard.
Posted by: Rick T. at June 9, 2006 1:24 PMHaving only a stache made him wear the diaper.
Posted by: oj at June 9, 2006 1:48 PMWhat about the Seargent in ZULU?
That guy was a man.
But was it a 'stache or a beard?
Posted by: Pepys at June 9, 2006 3:01 PMRIck T.: I went to the link for ZARDOZ. The tagline for the movie is: Beyond 1984, Beyond 2001, Beyond Love, Beyond Death. I say: Beyond Gay!
Posted by: pchuck at June 9, 2006 4:34 PM19th century rules were different.
Posted by: oj at June 9, 2006 4:43 PMPepys: Colour Sergeant Bourne ("Nobody told you to stop workin'!") sports moustache and mutton chops in the film.
Posted by: Mike Morley at June 9, 2006 5:06 PMIt's all vanity. I have a mustache sans beard, because it looks better. And my wife likes it, too. OJ has a full beard, because he thinks he looks better. And I suspect wife Brooke likes it, too. As for his friends, we think he's cute. As for the other mustache guys, OJ really hit a nerve, which, of course, was his intent!
Posted by: Jim Siegel at June 9, 2006 9:10 PM"19th century rules were different"
Why complain when someone wants to change the rules? Perhaps the beard will become the "in" thing for Soccer players to sport.
I'm reading a book on Lincoln and was just today noticing the number of mustacheless beards people sported in the pictures.
I suppose I lack virily myself as I grow facial hair poorly. It comes in fine on the mustache and virtually nothing on the chin, but okay around the neck....it's too bad, because I suspect I'm a beard man, only I can't grow a decent one.
Posted by: RC at June 10, 2006 5:56 AMThe mustacheless beard is preferable to the opposite.
Posted by: oj at June 10, 2006 9:32 AM