June 9, 2006


Racism casts a cloud over World Cup 2006 (Nancy Armour, 6/09/06, The Associated Press)

U.S. midfielder DaMarcus Beasley has heard the ugly words, vicious taunts screamed by fans in Holland simply because he is black.

Cameroon's brilliant Samuel Eto'o was so sickened by insults hurled his way that he threatened to walk off the field.

Even Thierry Henry, one of the world's best players and a spokesman for racial tolerance, has been stung by a slur — from Spain's coach, no less. [...]

German officials who don't want racist thugs to seize that platform have planned extensive security measures following recent attacks on minorities here.

Posted by Orrin Judd at June 9, 2006 8:50 AM
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