June 2, 2006
Energy, transportation talk of tech conference (Kristi Heim, 6/02/06, Seattle Times)
Some unusual cars pulled up to the curb at Microsoft's campus Thursday — three ultra-compact Smart cars that are enjoying brisk sales at a "green" dealership in Kirkland, a Volkswagen Jetta with an extra fuel tank for vegetable oil, and a plug-in hybrid that can get 100 miles per gallon.The clean-burning and fuel-efficient cars were on display as part of a conference on "Future Trends in Energy, Technology and Transportation," co-sponsored by Microsoft and the Discovery Institute's Cascadia Center for Regional Development.
Yet even as the technology moves forward, some transportation problems still seem to be stuck in neutral. The biggest complaint many participants had was fighting gridlock over Highway 520 to get there.
Posted by Orrin Judd at June 2, 2006 7:52 AM
The next president will be smart to give up on subsidizing mass transit and instead propose a big new highway system and it's about time. The last one was fifty years ago.
New highway designs that make it easier for people going through to not be bothered with local traffic, easier access to crowded cities bypassing commuter traffic, etc. There are probably a lot of new ways of doing things except that all the emphasis has been on getting Americans to do what we won't do, i.e., be herded like cattle into trains and buses carrying our chickens on our heads like they do in the rest of the world.
We won't tolerate it, so let the left go plotz and get us some new space age roads for our new space age cars that run on . . . who cares what they run on as long we can get there fast and cheap. After all, We, the People, pay for everything and we might as well get what we want and stop catering to the effete greenies who have made our lives miserable for far too long already.
You left-wing environmental wackos just never give up, do you?
Posted by: joe shropshire at June 2, 2006 12:15 PMThe article doesn't even mention the sea of blue Windows logo'ed beach balls behind "take one" signs yesterday morning, either. Some of the promos around the Evil Software Empire are downright surreal.
And when did New Hampshire County's motto become "Live Car Free or Die"?