June 4, 2006
Blair plans state funeral for Thatcher (BRIAN BRADY, 6/04/06, Scotland on Sunday)
TONY Blair is backing a controversial plan to provide a state funeral for one of the Labour Party's most reviled enemies of recent decades: Margaret Thatcher.Scotland on Sunday can reveal that civil servants have been working for months on the details of Baroness Thatcher's funeral, even though there is no suggestion the 80-year-old is suffering from any life-threatening condition.
But Blair believes Thatcher's eventual passing should be marked with the first state funeral for a commoner since Winston Churchill more than 40 years ago.
The proposal has astounded constitutional experts, who argue that - royalty aside - the honour is normally reserved for politicians who "saved the country at times of dire need".
Mrs. Thatcher obviously did more to save Britain than Churchill, because she took on the domestic problems he helped cause. Posted by Orrin Judd at June 4, 2006 8:43 AM
A little ghoulish for my taste, but perhaps the British are more pragmatic about these things.
Posted by: erp at June 4, 2006 11:57 AMpoliticians who "saved the country at times of dire need".
The only explanation must be that Brian Brady is 18 years old and has never read anything about the state of the UK in the 1970's.
What domestic problems can be laid at Churchill's feet? The British system of parliamentary coalitions during wartime was the problem. Churchill's opinion of Clement Atlee and socialism is well known. Blaming Churchill for the stupidity of post-war Labour seems a little over the top.
Posted by: Tom C.,Stamford,Ct. at June 4, 2006 1:06 PM"Mrs. Thatcher obviously did more to save Britain than Churchill, because she took on the domestic problems he helped cause."
I respect Mrs. Thatcher's efforts as much as the next conservative, and obviously agree that she deserves a state funeral, but it's a bit much to compare over-aggressive labor unions to over-aggressive Nazis, at least in my book.
Posted by: Ed Driscoll at June 4, 2006 2:44 PMMr. Driscoll, I beg to differ. I don't see a big difference between over-aggressive labor unions and Nazis(and what would an over-aggressive Nazi be anyway?). Political, Social and Economic blackmail was common to both groups, as well as terrorist acts when needed. Marginal groups(such as the labor unions and Nazis) are dangerous in a parlimentary system, in a way that is hard to understand for Americans, who are used to a stable form of goverment.
Posted by: Robert Mitchell Jr. at June 4, 2006 2:51 PMThe Nazis couldn't get to Britain, Labour did. Churchill's maternalism helped establish the sclerotic welfare state.
Posted by: oj at June 4, 2006 4:21 PMOJ:
He'd dumped most of that stuff by WWII, and was a long ways removed from the progressive wing of Toryism. He used to joke that he really shouldn't be held responsible for views he articulated 30 years earlier. And even those early views weren't exactly socialistic -- read his review of "The Jungle" (available in this book) if you don't believe me. Or just read his famous speech saying a Labour government would mean the loss of personal freedoms that Britons had come to enjoy. He reportedly cribbed that one from Hayek.
Posted by: Matt Murphy at June 4, 2006 11:46 PMOJ:
He'd dumped most of that stuff by WWII, and was a long ways removed from the progressive wing of Toryism. He used to joke that he really shouldn't be held responsible for views he articulated 30 years earlier. And even those early views weren't exactly socialistic -- read his review of "The Jungle" if you don't believe me (available in a book compilation titled "The Great Republic"). Or just read his famous speech saying a Labour government would mean the loss of personal freedoms that Britons had come to enjoy. He reportedly cribbed that one from Hayek.
Posted by: Matt Murphy at June 4, 2006 11:47 PMYes, he was a TR socialist, not an FDR socialist. But, like Ike, Nixon, and Reagan, did nothing to reduce the statism he'd helped create.
Posted by: oj at June 5, 2006 7:49 AM