March 16, 2006
One Vote for Gore (Chris Cillizza, March 16, 2006, Washington Post)
Al Gore, non-candidate for the 2008 Democratic presidential nomination, has his first inside-the-Beltway booster for a 2008 campaign.The support, enthusiastic if unsolicited, comes from Rep. James P. Moran Jr. (D-Va.), who urged Gore into the race yesterday during an appearance on C-SPAN. In an interview after that appearance, Moran was careful to note that he is not formally endorsing Gore or any other 2008 candidate just yet, but he cited the former vice president's popular-vote advantage over George W. Bush in 2000 as his strongest selling point.
"I'd like to give him another shot at it," Moran said.
He went on to draw a comparison between Gore's political career and that of former president Richard M. Nixon...
If the Vice President were a sheep in Brokeback Mountain people would complain about Mr. Moran treating him that way.... Posted by Orrin Judd at March 16, 2006 8:28 AM
Al obviously needs a more bare-knuckles fighter for the '08 race than Ed Rendell, and Moran's just the man to give that two him, along with a few gratuitous verbal shots at Israel along the way.
We're talking about "Baghdad Jim" Moran, the Baathist from Seattle, right?
Posted by: Mike Morley at March 16, 2006 10:26 AMNo, that's McDermott. Moran is the VA anti-Semite.
Posted by: oj at March 16, 2006 10:34 AMWhy should Gore run? He won it once already ... where's the challenge? {;>)
Posted by: Genecis at March 16, 2006 12:56 PM"he cited the former vice president's popular-vote advantage over George W. Bush in 2000 as his strongest selling point" Somebody should tell Moran that Bush is not running in 2008.
Posted by: ic at March 16, 2006 2:39 PMI hope he runs. No one makes me laugh more than Al Gore
Posted by: mike at March 16, 2006 3:27 PMOJ: Thanks for the correction; I hadn't had my coffee yet when I posted.
Imagine the 2008 Democratic field:
-John Forbes "I Committed War Crimes in Vietnam" Kerry
-Russ Feingold
-at least one more moonbat outlier (Mother Sheehan? Cynthis McKinney? Dennis Kucinich?)
Don't forget "Pretty Boy" John Edwards, and the Rev. Al. Plus, I think you'll see one or two 'moderates' like Mark Warner in there, trying to get the media to back them instead of the nutjobs. Maybe Evan Bayh.
Posted by: ratbert at March 16, 2006 8:11 PM