March 21, 2006
Freedom, Yes, Iraqis Say, But at Great, Grave Cost: Contrasts to Hussein Era Leave Some Hopeful, Others Bitter (John Ward Anderson and Omar Fekeiki, 3/21/06, Washington Post)
Sardar Muhsin Maheed, 25, a student at Mosul University, said too many people blamed the occupation for all of Iraq's ills. He traced most problems to Hussein, suggesting that issues such as the poor economy are legacies of the ousted president."The U.S. has liberated us from Saddam and his oppression," he said. "We are not ready to form a democratic state, and that is because of the burden left by Saddam's regime."
Another of Hussein's legacies, he said, was sectarian tension in the country. An Iraqi government has been democratically elected, but the politicians and their parties are creating a new Iraq based on religious and ethnic interests.
Luay Mohammed, a 57-year-old Sunni Arab who spent 35 years working for the Education Ministry, said he was forced to retire because the government and the ministry are now run by Shiite Muslims. His son could not get a job "because he is not a Shiite and he did not suffer" under Hussein, Mohammed said, his voice laced with bitterness and sarcasm.
"We've been waiting for years for true democracy to come, a democracy that makes everybody live and work together with respect and love. But here it is: a democracy with maximum chaos," he said. Now, all of his sons have cellular telephones -- not because it is hip or because of a communications boom, but because the security situation demands it. "This is what democracy has brought us."
The U.N. sanctions that had been imposed on Hussein's government have been lifted, and a vibrant free press has emerged. But unemployment is stuck between 27 and 40 percent, while oil production -- which the government counts on to generate 90 percent of its revenue -- remains below prewar levels.
"The toppling of Saddam Hussein's regime was worth everything," said Fakhri Fikry Kareem, owner and publisher of the daily Meda newspaper, one of more than 100 newspapers that have begun publishing in Iraq since Hussein's fall. Despite a rocket attack on his office, a bomb attack on his car and the killing of three of his reporters, Kareem said: "I have never felt as free to speak any day in my life as today. If George Bush did anything good, it was toppling Saddam Hussein."
Kareem, 63, said he opposed the war. While drinking Turkish coffee and fingering a long string of worry beads in his Baghdad living room, he talked of what might have been, suggesting that perhaps the United States could have removed Hussein without starting a broader conflict.
"I am not pessimistic," he said. "But I'm upset, because the war and the occupation, which could have led to a new situation in Iraq, were squandered by the stupid mistakes committed by the American administration and military and the U.S. representatives in Iraq."
Subhi Nadhem Tawfik, a professor at Baghdad University's Center for Strategic Studies, said people no longer believed that helping Iraq was foremost on the U.S. agenda during the invasion. "The U.S. has won a tremendous strategic victory," which has come increasingly at the expense of Iraq, he said.
"With the occupation of Iraq, the strategic significance of all the states in the region was diminished," Tawfik said.
When you consider the loss of life required, the money wasted and the time it took to liberate Poland from Hitler and the Bolsheviks it's hard to take complaints about Iraq too seriously. The most legitimate complaint, as with Eastern Europe, is that we should have liberated them at the end of the first war. Posted by Orrin Judd at March 21, 2006 8:14 AM
Let's see ... Sunnis were the ones to most benefit from Saddam's regime. Baghdad and Fallujah are at the heart of the Sunni Triangle. So naturally, everyone interviewed for the story is from Baghdad and Fallujah.
That doesn't mean there aren't problems with sectarian violence and payback discrimination in Iraq. But it would be like some foreign journalist coming to check on the pulse of the U.S. and doing all their interviews in Boston and San Francisco.
You mean "like doing interviews about the success of the Bush Administration only in Boston and San Francisco".
Posted by: Annoying Old Guy at March 21, 2006 9:53 AMI really get a kick out the retrospective wisdom of some folks. At one time the ideology of Marx and it's application in the Soviet Union and it's imposition on other states was honestly believed to be the alternative to the 'ideology' of the United States and it's 'imperialsim'. The 'two-sides of the same coin' argument, which I hear used everyday in describing the history of the Islamic East vs. Christian West conflict. Rationalization and equivocation employed so as to avoid unpleasant facts that might get at the root of the matter.
Posted by: Tom C., Stamford,Ct. at March 23, 2006 6:26 AMThey're the same side of the coin--there's Abraham's God on one side and everything else on the other.
Posted by: oj at March 23, 2006 7:38 AMI suppose you agree with the notion that 'History is bunk'.
Posted by: Tom C., Stamford,Ct. at March 23, 2006 8:54 AMNo, History is over.
Posted by: oj at March 23, 2006 8:59 AM