December 12, 2005


Crowd agitators linked to neo-nazis (David King, December 13, 2005,

EXTREMIST groups accused of links to neo-Nazis have admitted mobilising more than 100 people to attend the riots in Cronulla.

Jim Saleam, the New South Wales secretary of ultra-nationalist group Australia First, said his members had recruited up to 120 people for the rally but denied they were involved in violence.

"We do have some local supporters and these guys mobilised their family friends, mates, work-mates, associates, every Jack and Harry, to come," he said.

NSW Police Minister Carl Scully confirmed that extremists had taken part in the riots.

"There appears to be an element of white supremacists and they really have no place in mainstream Australian society," he said. "Those sort of characters belong in Berlin 1930s."

Posted by Orrin Judd at December 12, 2005 6:23 PM

If you read the Tim Blair weblog on this situation, you will get a very different picture of what is happening there. Apparently a week ago a group of Lebanese Muslims went to the beach, caused problems with people wearing bikinis and beat up a couple of life guards. Yesterday some of these same Lebanese went back to the beach and got their heads handed to them. They went back to their own neighborhood and then proceeded into another neighborhood and starting breaking windows in cars with baseball bats and then stood guard around a mosque with Glocks saying that they had heard that the whites were going to break into the mosque and cause damage. As Tim said when the news articles referred to the Moslems, no reference was made to them as being Moslems or Lebanese or as having caused any problems; when the articles referred to the ones fighting the Moslems, they articles always called them white gangs. As you can see this article is talking about them as if they were Aryan Nation against poor innocent Moslem citizens. There is a major disconnect between what Tim is reporting and what this article is reporting, a disconnect you could drive a truck through. Be interesting to see just what the true story is. I would tend to believe Tim on this one as the Australian MSM seems to be following the same rules as the US MSM.

Posted by: dick at December 12, 2005 8:19 PM

Just go to, The Australian, etc. Its white gangs vs. Middle Eastern gangs. A plague on both their houses.

Posted by: oj at December 12, 2005 9:08 PM

wretchard has a great first-hand report of this situation, at his blog.

Posted by: hobbe's toe at December 12, 2005 9:20 PM

"apparently a week ago"???? Try for the last TEN YEARS, Cronulla and the western suburbs generally have been terrorized by thuggish, vicious, cowardly Lebanese muslim gangs.

I LIVE IN SYDNEY you people don't, the Lebanese muslims are violent, drug trafficking scum. The Lebanese Christians and Copts don't behave like they do, most of them in fact fled to Australia to avoid islamic tribal savagery. What happened at Cronulla was years of frustration by locals at being left to the mercy of arab gangs while our PC police looked the other way, boiling over, and the resultant chaos being co-opted opportunistically by a few marginal neo-nazi groups which have no significant membership or influence otherwise.

Now our moron leftist press are desperately trying to spin this as somehow instigated by white supremacists while performing almost unbelievable rhetorical contortions to avoid using the word 'muslim', and, in the process, letting our idiot police off the hook.

This was community frustration, the spineless, useless police hierarchy have allowed this to go on for years, this ugly explosion of rage has been a long time coming and neo-nazis have NOTHING to do with it although they, like their hard left counterparts in the press, will be delighted to take advantage of it.

Posted by: Amos at December 12, 2005 9:34 PM

neo-nazis are the hard left.

Posted by: hobbe's toe at December 12, 2005 11:51 PM

Amos, in all seriousness, if there's that much community resentment, how does the local government stay in power? I've seen that kind of thing elsewhere, but it's never made any sense to me and it would great to have a local report on how that works in real life.

Posted by: Annoying Old Guy at December 13, 2005 1:02 AM

socialist governments are totally unresponsive to the wishes of the voters, and only react when there is rioting. in a parlimentary system you vote for a party not for a person. this gives the party leadership total control over an m.p.'s career. it is obvious that the police in australia like their counterparts in france are not protecting the populace, and what's worse, if you try and protect yourself they will put you in jail and probably take your assets and give them to your attacker. just google "Tony Martin" and "farmer" to see how bad things are in those kind of societies.

Posted by: noam chomsky at December 13, 2005 1:51 AM

This is a localized issue, the resentment occurs where muslim meets neighbor, and there aren’t many muslims. Cronulla has a train station, which means it's accesable by Western Suburb morons looking for trouble every weekend.

Australia does not have a large muslim population, thank God, the violence and criminality rife in Lakemba and other places has the potential to cause sporadic outbreaks of retaliatory violence in the suburbs most exposed to them, but this trash doesn’t have the numbers to cause the kind of disorder we saw in Paris. Lebanese muslim gangs are a threat to the areas they can readily access, in 1998 they fired on the Lakemba police station, they terrorize Indian and Chinese shopkeepers in the lower income suburbs which they share with other, more law abiding immigrants, and they rape women and bash lifesavers in eastern suburbs they can readily get to by car, or, in the case of Cronulla, by train.

But their numbers are comparatively small, and although most people who have to deal with them hate their guts (ask any Sydney bouncer what he thinks of 'The Lebs'), they don’t register as a national issue in a state as big as NSW. Going after them is actually a lot riskier politically than ignoring them, because it’s easy for leftist papers like the SMH and Melbourne age to spin it as a racist war on the poor under-trodden immigrants and denounce Howard’s ‘Culture of Fear’, ignoring the fact that decent immigrants who share these suburbs with the Leb scum are their primary victims and their fellow Lebanese Christians, Druze and Copts have taken pains to disassociate themselves with their muslim countrymen, having seen these barbarians tear up their previous homeland in the civil war.

So basically the political calculus is in favor of ignoring the problem as the people victimized by the gangs are statistically insignificant compared to the population that reads the SMH, not one single member of which’s editorial board lives in the Western Suburbs, I guarantee you that. Also, the NSW Liberal party is a disorganized joke.

Posted by: Amos at December 13, 2005 4:56 AM

How is the Aussie government's handling of the disruptive Moslems as reported here by Amos, different from the way we handle a similar population in our inner cities?

Answer is it's not different at all and as long the violence doesn't spill out into our space, we don't have to deal with it. The people who are forced to live within these occupied territories are terrorized by anti-social gangs (see Tookie Williams), and because they are powerless to do anything about it, police basically stay out of these areas. Other city services like firefighters, sanitation, etc. are beset and even murdered when they try to perform their assigned tasks, so they also stay out.

After decades of looking the other way, tacitly ignoring drug trafficking and other crimes, and upping the welfare checks, the hard core inner cities are for all attempts and purposes, autonomous, and the kids born there have practically no chance of breaking out into mainstream American society.

It's easier for our politicians to ignore the whole thing because any attempt to clean it up will be splashed across the media as racism. This was clearly demonstrated by the media's insistence, against the evidence of their own eyes, that blacks were targeted by authorities during the New Orleans post Katrina debacle.

As long as we continue to contain our home grown marauders in ghettoes, absolutely nothing will change. Let's hope they don't decide to take some of that mass-transit oj likes so much and visit our beaches and parks to interact with our non-inner-city yoots or we'll have some very ugly riots of our own.

Posted by: erp at December 13, 2005 9:21 AM


disruptive who?

Posted by: oj at December 13, 2005 9:29 AM

oj. Sorry. Disruptive yoots of seeming middle eastern appearance aka Muslims, our indigenous contingent of yoots are of seeming mixed negro/caucasion appearance currently requesting to be called African-American, many of whom are Moslem converts or led by same.

Posted by: erp at December 13, 2005 1:27 PM

Yes, that's not who's rioting.

Posted by: oj at December 13, 2005 1:38 PM

No, they're not. They've moved on to much more sophisticated methods (hit-and-run attacks coordinated by cellphone.) The yobs are a good 15 years behind them.

Posted by: joe shropshire at December 13, 2005 2:00 PM

oj. I didn't say Muslims were rioting, I said they were disruptive and according to Amos' first hand report those whose lives they had been disrupting for many years, starting fighting back and some unrest resulted which has spread to other cities.

I said there would be riots if our own yoots got out into our nice neighborhoods. There was a violent incident a couple of years ago when some black kids wandered through an Irish working class neighborhood called Howard Beach on the approach to Rockaway Beach in Queens, New York. Everybody was convinced to go back to their corners and a major altercation was avoided.

The potential for rioting is always there.

Posted by: erp at December 13, 2005 5:45 PM

The racist rioters aren't the disrupters?

Posted by: oj at December 13, 2005 6:23 PM

Here's a charming little sample os what the people at Cronulla have been dealing with for years, "She's not worth 55 years'.

That phrase was spoken by a lebanese thug leering at a woman he was standing over on Cronulla beach while she was sun bathing.

The referrence, '55 years' is to the sentence handed down to one of the muslim gang rapists that were comvicted last year after a chain of rapes that terrorised the western Suburbs. Real nice.

They're vermin. I hate them.

Posted by: Amos at December 14, 2005 3:20 AM

Here's a charming little sample os what the people at Cronulla have been dealing with for years, "She's not worth 55 years'.

That phrase was spoken by a lebanese thug leering at a woman he was standing over on Cronulla beach while she was sun bathing.

The referrence, '55 years' is to the sentence handed down to one of the muslim gang rapists that were comvicted last year after a chain of rapes that terrorised the western Suburbs. Real nice.

They're vermin. I hate them.

Posted by: Amos at December 14, 2005 3:20 AM

oj. What's the official number of disruptors that constitute a riot? Semantics is the other side's game.

I got the following email from a friend in New Zealand: don't forget, although these thugs are referred to as Lebs, they aren't. They are Palestinian mulsims displaced in the 1960's who went to Lebanon and caused a civil war there. . Lebanon was a peaceful and progressive country until the muslims arrived...same old story...ho hum...

Policy of the UN to scatter them throughout the world as they have been breeding rapidly in refugee camps. This thuggery business (rapes in particular) has been going on for years and police ignore it as it is politically correct to do so. Aussies hate the muslims.

Posted by: erp at December 14, 2005 3:01 PM

oj. Let's not play semantics, it's a game the other side plays and I don't much like it. BTW - How many disruptors constitute a riot?

I got this email from a kiwi friend don't forget, although these thugs are referred to as Lebs, they aren't. They are Palestinian mulsims displaced in the 1960's who went to Lebanon and caused a civil war there. Policy of the UN to scatter them throughout the world as they have been breeding rapidly in refugee camps. This thuggery business (rapes in particular) has been going on for years and police ignore it as it is politically correct to do so.

And she confirms what Amos said, Aussies hate the muslims.

Posted by: erp at December 14, 2005 3:07 PM


It is rioting: they're whites.

Posted by: oj at December 14, 2005 3:11 PM
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