October 19, 2005


When Drunk Driving Deterrence Becomes Neo-Prohibition (Radley Balko, 10/09/05, Cato Institute)

This fall Mothers Against Drunk Driving marks its 25th anniversary. The organization certainly has much to celebrate: Deaths from drunk driving are down more than 35 percent since the early 1980s. We no longer chuckle at the bumbling drunk who can barely get his key into the ignition — we scorn him. Hopefully, we arrest him, too.

Unfortunately, MADD has come to outlive and outgrow its original mission. By the mid-1990s, deaths from drunk driving began to level off, after 15 years of progress. The sensible conclusion to draw from this was that the occasional drunk driver had all but been eradicated. MADD's successes had boiled the problem down to a small group of hard-core alcoholics.

It was at about this time that MADD began to move in a different direction, one not so much aimed at reducing drunk driving fatalities but at stripping DWI defendants of basic criminal rights. MADD also seemed to expand its mission to one of discouraging the consumption of alcohol in general — what critics call "neo-prohibition."

MADD's biggest victory on this front was a nationwide blood-alcohol threshold of .08, down from .10.

Insightful to grasp that the campaign aghainst drunk driving flows from the same Puritan impulse as Prohibition did, but it's nonsense to equate the societal judgement that you shouldn't drink and drive with the idea that you shouldn't drink at all.

Posted by Orrin Judd at October 19, 2005 4:14 PM

The question raised by B.A.C levels is whether it is legitimate to criminalize an act, not to prevent harm, but to make it easier for law enforcement to prosecute harmful conduct.

The reason B.A.C.'s are creeping downward is that police and prosecutors have been losing cases and want to make their tasks easier and easier--the gun-control mentality at its worst.

Posted by: Lou Gots at October 19, 2005 6:34 PM

What "gun-control mentality" ?

All they want is for people not to get drunk at the firing range, which seems pretty common-sense.

Posted by: Michael Herdegen [TypeKey Profile Page] at October 21, 2005 4:43 AM