April 11, 2005
Quest to get a Republican to fight DeLay may have crossed a line (ROBERT NOVAK, 4/11/05, Chicago SUN-TIMES)
On March 24, former Congressman Bob Livingston was sent an e-mail by a New York Times editorial page staffer suggesting he write an op-ed essay. Would Livingston, who in 1998 gave up certain elevation to be House speaker because of a sexual affair, write about how Majority Leader Tom DeLay should now act under fire? In a subsequent conversation, it was made clear the Times wanted the prominent Republican to say DeLay should step aside for the good of the party.Livingston in effect declined by responding that if he wrote anything for the Times, it would be pro-DeLay. But this remarkable case of that august newspaper fishing for an op-ed piece makes it appear part of a calculated campaign to bring down the single most powerful Republican in Congress. The Democratic establishment and left-wing activists have targeted DeLay as the way to end a decade of Republican control of the House.
So are they running his pro-Delay one? Posted by Orrin Judd at April 11, 2005 10:57 AM
Delay reminds me too much of Trent Lott. That aside OJ, your question is an excellent one that should be directly asked of the NYT. Hope the rest of the blogs latch onto this one. Oh Mama!
Posted by: Genecis at April 11, 2005 11:21 AMWhy would DeLay remind anyone of Trent Lott?
Lott was an ineffectual leader and perhaps a racist. DeLay is neither.
The David Brooks column over the weekend that cited a highly flawed Houston Chronicle poll on DeLay (from Zogby) was nice as well. Good to see what passes for a conservative columnist at the NY Times.
Posted by: kevin whited at April 11, 2005 12:22 PMDelay's activities probably do leave a lot to be desired, but no more so than his accusers both in and out of his party. Check The American Thinker's article by Dennis Sevakis. Scroll down about two thirds of the way. Tom Delay is just the next in series of bumps in the road designed to slow down Bush's domestic agenda.
Delay reminds one of Trent Lott because Lott was the last loyal Republican who was throw overboard in a silly attempt to satiate the Democrats. First it was Gingrich, then Livingston, then Lott and along the way a perfectly serviceable candidate for Senate in Illinois named Ryan, who could have won the race against Osama Omama Obama. At this rate Republicans are going to run out of politicians.
Posted by: h-man at April 11, 2005 2:56 PMGingrich and Livingston were adulterers and Ryan disrespected his wife--they had to go.
Posted by: oj at April 11, 2005 3:03 PM