April 20, 2005
Stage set for June 27 election (BILL CURRY AND GLORIA GALLOWAY, April 20, 2005, Globe and Mail)
The Conservatives have secured May 19 as the day they will most likely defeat the minority government, paving the way for a June 27 election.One day after the government postponed the Conservatives' opposition day scheduled for today and attempted to push back all the opposition days that had been set for the first three weeks of May, the Tories managed to use a backdoor route to salvage one of them.
On that day, May 19, the Conservatives can bring forward a no-confidence motion.
The firm date, coupled with signals from all three opposition parties that they are willing to defeat the government, suggests the minority Parliament is in its final days.
Posted by Orrin Judd at April 20, 2005 2:39 PM
From the article:
"Lawrence Cannon, a former Liberal member of the Quebec National Assembly, would run for [the Conservative] party in the western Quebec riding of Pontiac."
Since when does a province have a "National Assembly"? Or is that part of their "special status" they've inflicted on the rest of the country. But it is nice to see that someone finally realizes that the Liberals need a national opposition instead of a bunch of regional parties.
Red Green for PM!
Posted by: Luciferous at April 20, 2005 7:00 PMThe term National Assembly was adopted by the first Separatist provincial government in th 1970's to identify the Quebec Legislature as that of an emerging nation and not a province of Canada.
Posted by: oswald booth czolgosz at April 21, 2005 1:06 AM