April 22, 2005
Bush Likely to Get Confirmation on Bolton (DONNA CASSATA, 4/22/05, AP)
Beyond the sound and fury of the Senate fight over U.N. ambassador-nominee John R. Bolton is the reality that presidents typically get their man - or woman - and President Bush boasts one of the better records on high-level appointments. [...]Since 1789, presidents have made hundreds of Cabinet appointments, and the Senate failed to confirm just 15 - nine rejections, four withdrawals, two died in committee, according to the Congressional Research Service.
The last failed Cabinet nominee is one Bush would remember - his father's choice of former Texas Sen. John G. Tower to be defense secretary. [...]
Two of Bush's picks - Linda Chavez for Labor secretary in 2001 and Bernard Kerik for Homeland Security in 2004 - withdrew their names due to potential problems involving hired help.
Even more remarkable than his record on nominees is that no cabinet member has had to resign due to scandal. Posted by Orrin Judd at April 22, 2005 5:11 PM
Bolton will only get through if the GOP can keep Voinovich, Hegal, and Chafee on the reservation.
Posted by: AWW at April 22, 2005 6:57 PMI think Colin Powell will get his revenge on this one.
Posted by: Rick T. at April 22, 2005 9:42 PMPowell picked the wrong proxy to get back at Bush, or Cheney, or whomever he thinks he is 'getting'. By the end of Bush's second term, Condi Rice will have eclipsed him completely.
If Powell really wants to be in the arena, he should run against Hillary. Otherwise, he can only diminish himself with these petty squabbles (fought in the press).
Also, as time passes, Powell will look worse for leaving Saddam in power in 1991.
Posted by: jim hamlen at April 22, 2005 10:38 PM