March 10, 2005


Black Christian Broadcaster Urges Jewish-African American Alliance (Chad Groening,
March 10, 2005, AgapePress)

Glenn Plummer, the outgoing chairman and chief executive officer of the National Religious Broadcasters, recently spoke at this year's NRB Convention in Anaheim, where he addressed an audience that included members of the Israeli Knesset. In his talk, he drew out the many similarities he sees between the historical struggles of American citizens of African descent and people of Jewish heritage.

Plummer advised the Knesset members that many cultural commonalities exist which could serve as the basis of a mutually beneficial relationship between blacks and Jews. "I think they received it," he says, "and I think it's worth pursuing." [...]

And because blacks and Jews have so much in common, the outgoing NRB chairman says he thinks Jews should work towards developing the same kind of relationship with blacks that they currently have with the largely pro-Israel Evangelical Christian community.

"Because you have so much in common," Plummer says, "and because blacks in America are predominantly Christian and respect the Bible -- that's a great group of people that you all can pursue like you have Evangelicals and create a relationship with."

Posted by Orrin Judd at March 10, 2005 4:57 PM

I don't get it. American Jews have not tried to have a "mutually beneficial relationship between blacks and Jews"?

How old is this Christian Broadcaster? He must have missed the last 60 years.

Posted by: h-man at March 10, 2005 6:48 PM

To respond to h-man: Yes and no. Jews and Negroes (We used to call them that, then) were old natural allies, joined by otherness and by Jewish longing for justice. This has changed, for two causes. First has been the frank, ignorant anti-Semitism of the Black Muslims and their ilk. Take a look at the "Principles of Kwanzaa" sometimes. Also, the anti-American Left understands, if few others do, the role of Israel as the stalking horse and outpost of the American Empire.

Times change and we are changed in them. Jews and Blacks need to look around and understand who their friends are.

Posted by: Lou Gots at March 10, 2005 8:57 PM

To respond to h-man: Yes and no. Jews and Negroes (We used to call them that, then) were old natural allies, joined by otherness and by Jewish longing for justice. This has changed, for two causes. First has been the frank, ignorant anti-Semitism of the Black Muslims and their ilk. Take a look at the "Principles of Kwanzaa" sometimes. Also, the anti-American Left understands, if few others do, the role of Israel as the stalking horse and outpost of the American Empire.

Times change and we are changed in them. Jews and Blacks need to look around and understand who their friends are.

Posted by: Lou Gots at March 10, 2005 8:58 PM

I like Plummers' use of the expression "American Citizens of African descent."

Posted by: Genecis at March 10, 2005 9:21 PM