July 12, 2004


John Kerry: Restlessly On the Road: Reserved Candidate Seeks His Comfort Level (Lois Romano, Washington Post, 7/12/04)

The protective "bubble" of a presidential campaign is always tedium endured by edgy, ego-driven men who yearn to back-slap and interact. They are confined to the front cabin of a jet for hours on end, hustled from tarmacs into waiting Suburbans and whooshed to underground parking garages. They face crowds they rarely get to meet. The way in which the candidates adjust and cope has long provided a window into their personalities.

For Kerry, independent by nature, the transition from a largely unfettered politician to cloistered nominee has seemed slow and painful, as he tries to find a comfort level both on the road, and in his public persona. His New England reserved, almost laconic demeanor on the trail has worried some Democrats. But his outward demeanor belies a restlessness that has only been exacerbated with the restrictions, according to those close to the presidential candidate.

He has dealt with his rarified confinement by designing his own freedoms and his traveling style -- from a well-utilized cell phone out of the reach of staff, to a virtual traveling gym, to the people he chooses -- or doesn't choose -- to invite on his chartered Boeing 757. . . .

A zealous athlete and outdoorsman who rides an $8,000 custom Serotta Ottrott bicycle and thinks nothing of wind surfing, Kerry, 60, has found precious little time to stretch his legs. No longer can he wander off solo for a 30-mile bike ride. He has repeatedly asked that time be built into the schedule to allow him to exercise outside -- but the time, aides say, simply evaporates.

Undaunted, he often tries to just steal it back. In Chicago this month, he started to ascend the stairs of his plane after a speech, and then turned on his heels, demanded his football and proceeded to toss the ball with staff -- an increasingly familiar scene for those looking out the windows waiting to depart. "I really need some fresh air," he tells aides on a daily basis.

One annoying thing about the left is that when they lose an election, they always blame their messenger rather than their message. This time, there is the chance that, because they have made their message so extreme, they might realize that the American people aren't just rejecting John Kerry but the left as well. This will not work if John Kerry snaps before the campaign is over, so I hope he doesn't. I'm a little worried, therefore, that the Washington Post does seem to be trying to send the message that John Kerry might snap like a dry twig.

Posted by David Cohen at July 12, 2004 12:06 PM

Anyone who rides an "$8,000 custom Serotta Ottrott bicycle" had best not indulge in any "Two Americas" populist bu[bovine excreta]it.

For the record, the Trek that Lance rides on stage rides (not time trials) costs about half that.

Posted by: Jeff Guinn at July 12, 2004 1:09 PM

Didn't we see stories like this back in the primary season? Or is it deja vu all over again?

And at what point are we supposed to stop pitying poor Mr.Kerry for not being able to indulge in his extravagant leisurely lifestyle?

Posted by: Raoul Ortega at July 12, 2004 1:18 PM

The local news showed some footage of Kerry throwing the football on the tarmac and said it portrayed a candidate comfortable with himself and the status of his campaign (paraphrased).

Posted by: AWW at July 12, 2004 1:30 PM

From George McGovern to Walter Mondale to Jesse Jackson to Barbara Boxer, it is never the message that is wrong. It is always the American people who are wrong, for refusing to embrace THE MESSAGE. However, in John F. Kerry, a uniquely foolish messenger has been anointed, so perhaps something will change.

Posted by: jim hamlen at July 12, 2004 1:36 PM

"John Kerry might snap like a dry twig."

Its inevitable. I keep thinking of Coach Mechling, watching the track team at the first spring practice, knowing that McCarty was his most talented and least discplined athlete, who smoked and never worked out on his own, pointing to a light pole and saying "McCarty is going to drop about there." And sure enough, when McCarty, who had been far ahead of the other boys, got to the pole, he slowed to a jog.

Kerry is going to drop about there.

Posted by: Robert Schwartz at July 12, 2004 2:10 PM

"It is a scientifically proven fact that a mid-life crisis can only be cured by something racy and Italian. Bianchis and Colnagos are a lot cheaper than Maserattis and Ferraris." -- Glenn Davies

Still, $8,000 does seem to be pushing the envelope.

Posted by: Bill Woods at July 12, 2004 3:00 PM

If you've never seen it, rent Journeys with George this weekend for a look at a candidate who truly understands the bubble.

Posted by: oj at July 12, 2004 11:08 PM