July 20, 2004
The meaning of Whorigami (James Pinkerton, 7/19/04, Tech Central Station)
The slogan for this conference was "Access for All." I now think it should have been "Everything for Everybody" -- which translates into "consciousness gets raised, but nothing else gets done."
The Foundation for Human Rights put up a huge poster in the lobby of the convention center, declaring, "The respect, protection and fulfillment of human rights is central to the AIDS agenda, and equally AIDS needs to be at the centre of the global human rights agenda." And what were some of the specifics to be respected and protected? Here's a partial list: "Freedom of opinion and expression, the right to freely receive and impart information … Equal access to education, an adequate standard of living, Social Security assistance and welfare." In other words, nothing was left out.
Much of the mindshare at Bangkok was devoted to feminist causes that were, at best, tangential to AIDS. These might be meritorious on their own, but breakout sessions such as "Women's Networking: Our Life, Our Decisions" and "The Community Sector: Assuming Leadership" were surely marginal to the targeting of the Human Immunodeficiency Virus, which infects some 38 million people worldwide.
Indeed, a strange kind of in-your-face feminism infected the conference. Also in the lobby, right in front of the media center was a show put on by the Australian-based "Debby Project," which celebrated the life of "sex workers," aka, prostitutes. The tagline was "Debby doesn't do it for free"; visitors were told, "It is not necessarily degrading to have intimacy with strangers. In fact, it is one of the most liberating things you can experience." Some of the art included a display of "whorigami" -- get it? -- and a painting entitled, "The C__ of Many Colors." It's worth pointing out once again that this display wasn't hidden away somewhere, wrapped inside a metaphorical brown paper wrapper. Nope, Debby and her Doings were large, in charge, and highly visible. One has to wonder how the celebration of sex workers might contribute to preventing or healing AIDS.
But strange as it may seem, celebrating sex seemed to be more important to many conferees than eradicating a sexually transmitted disease. Gregg Gonsalves, of the Gay Men's Health Crisis, a Manhattan-based activist group, walked around with a tee-shirt declaring that he was HIV positive. To my mind, that's unfortunate, but to Gonsalves, his medical situation seemed to be almost an asset, because it gave him a platform from which to unleash his own far-reaching social-activist agenda.
Looking at this as a biologist, you would have to describe this phenomenon as a parasitic infestation. Social causes are now no more than opportunistic parasites, glomming onto any disease, social pathology or politico-economic disaster to reproduce and spread their memetic material.
Posted by Robert Duquette at July 20, 2004 10:11 AM
Basically, many of the atendees at the conference don't want theiir sexual lifestyles to be changed in any way because of the disease. They just want the medical profession and the U.S. government to fix it now, dammit, because they also know it's only due to the sexist, homophobic foot dragging of the current administration that there isn't already some sort of cure or preventative medication on the market.
And it should cost about a buck a pill, too. At most. Even if the pharmacutical companies go broke making it, because they don't deserve patents anyway anmd shouldn't profit from AIDS medication (we're entering our third decade of this sort of thinking; the only difference being there was an eight-year period when the cries of a U.S. government plot against AIDS victims were toned down to a near whisper).
Posted by: John at July 20, 2004 11:26 AMThis Conference was as much about curing AIDS as Durban was about stopping racism. As John says, it was more about protecting sexual license from AIDS and HIV plagues.
Why are there no high-profile politicians or doctors who are prepared to bell the cat loudly and pointedly and speak like the articulate Mr. Pinkerton? This is a plague, darnit, and people have to be made to face the truth whether they like it or not. Lyrical odes des to abstinence and fidelity are clearly not enough.
Posted by: Peter B at July 20, 2004 11:54 AMIt's almost entirely self-selecting. Why should we care more than they do?
Posted by: David Cohen at July 20, 2004 12:29 PMDavid:
Perhaps because, at those numbers, the worry that it won't stay self-selecting is a reasonable one. Diseases now associated with AIDS such as virulent drug-resistant pneumonia and TB aren't self-selecting.
But even stepping outside the confines of rational science, for the children.
Posted by: Peter B at July 20, 2004 12:42 PMvirulent drug-resistant pneumonia and TB are around, and will continue to be around, regardless of the # of individuals with HIV. it just seems like it's more prevalent because these individuals are so much more afflicted by such infections. wash your hands and finish your course of antibiotics when prescribed, you'll be just fine.
it's rather sad that an AIDS conference talks about everything except AIDS, but since i feel the billions spent on 'finding a cure' for this infection might be better spent on cancer research, i have a hard time empathizing.
Posted by: poormedicalstudent at July 20, 2004 11:56 PMpoormedicalstudent:
OK, I'll bow to scientific authority, try to check my mysticism, and accept there is no current reason to fear spreads other than sexually or drug transmitted ones.
But are you sure of the future? I have great, if visceral, difficulty with the idea that a society can forever shrug off and isolate a lethal plague of this magnitude. If several of my neighbours have HIV, do I have any present or future worries at all if I live the straight and narrow and wash my hands a lot (??).
So what is the public health interest here?
Posted by: Peter B at July 21, 2004 7:46 AMPeter:
Read And the Band Played On and/or Michael Fumento's Myth of Heterosexual Aids--you, as a male, can only get Aids by being on the receiving end of anal intercourse or sharing a needle with someone who has Aids. The virus is feeble.
Posted by: oj at July 21, 2004 8:00 AMOJ, women can get the disease through vaginal intercourse, correct? So a woman who plays it straight and narrow can get it from her husband who doesn't. There are many men who engage in anal intercourse with other men who don't consider themselves gay.
There is an interesting article in this month's Discover magazine about how diseases are spead by the trucking "culture". There are many homo and bi-sexual men who are drawn to truckers, and arrange truck-stop rendevous over the internet. There are networks of drug dealers and female prostitutestied to truckstops as well. Some truckers who are married and consider themselves straight still will engage in homosexual sex on the road.
It is believed that truckers are the main source of the spread of AIDS in Africa.
Posted by: Robert Duquette at July 22, 2004 10:42 AM