July 6, 2004


Beyond Munich – The Spirit of Eurabia (Bat Ye’or, July 2, 2004, FrontPageMagazine.com)

In Europe today, dominated by the spirit of dhimmitude – the condition of submission of Jews and Christians under Muslim domination – there is no conceivable battle. Submission, without a fight, has already taken place. A machinery that has made Europe the new continent of dhimmitude was put into motion more than 30 years ago at the instigation of France.

A wide-ranging policy was then first sketched out, a symbiosis of Europe with the Muslim Arab countries, that would endow Europe – and especially France, the project’s prime mover – with a weight and a prestige to rival that of the United States (2). This policy was undertaken quite discreetly, outside of official treaties, under the innocent-sounding name of the Euro-Arab Dialogue. An association of European parliamentarians from the European Economic Community (EEC) was created in 1974 in Paris: the Parliamentary Association for Euro-Arab Cooperation. It was entrusted with managing all of the aspects of Euro-Arab relations – financial, political, economic, cultural, and those pertaining to immigration. This organization functioned under the auspices of the European heads of government and their foreign ministers, working in close association with their Arab counterparts, and with the representatives of the European Commission, and the Arab League.

This strategy, the goal of which was the creation of a pan-Mediterranean Euro-Arab entity, permitting the free circulation both of men and of goods, also determined the immigration policy with regard to Arabs in the European Community (EC). And, for the past 30 years, it also established the relevant cultural policies in the schools and universities of the EC. Since the first Cairo meeting of the Euro-Arab Dialogue in 1975, attended by the ministers and heads of state both from European and Arab countries and by representatives of the EC and the Arab League, agreements have been concluded concerning the diffusion and the promotion in Europe of Islam, of the Arabic language and culture, through the creation of Arab cultural centers in European cities. Other accords soon followed, all intended to ensure a cultural, economic, political Euro-Arab symbiosis. These far ranging efforts involved the universities and the media (both written and audio-visual), and even included the transfer of technologies, including nuclear technology. Finally a Euro-Arab associative diplomacy was promoted in international forums, especially at the United Nations.

The Arabs set the conditions for this association: 1) a European policy that would be independent from, and opposed to that of the United States; 2) the recognition by Europe of a “Palestinian people,” and the creation of a “Palestinian” state; 3) European support for the PLO; 4) the designation of Arafat as the sole and exclusive representative of that “Palestinian people”; 5) the de-legitimizing of the State of Israel, both historically and politically, its shrinking into non viable borders, and the Arabization of Jerusalem. From this sprang the hidden European war against Israel, through economic boycotts, and in some cases academic boycotts as well, through deliberate vilification, and the spreading of both anti-Zionism and anti-Semitism.

During the past three decades a considerable number of non-official agreements between the countries of the CEE (subsequently the EU) on the one hand, and the countries of the Arab League on the other, determined the evolution of Europe in its current political and cultural aspects. I will cite here only four of them: 1) it was understood that those Europeans who would be dealing with Arab immigrants would undergo special sensitivity training, in order to better appreciate their customs, their moeurs; 2) the Arab immigrants would remain under the control and the laws of their countries of origin; 3) history textbooks in Europe would be rewritten by joint teams of European and Arab historians – naturally the Battles of Poitiers and Lepanto, or the Spanish Reconquista did not possess the same significance on both Mediterranean littorals; 4) the teaching of the Arabic language and of Arab and Islamic culture were to be taught, in the schools and universities of Europe, by Arab teachers experienced in teaching Europeans.

At all times in every nation there's at least a substantial portion of the populace willing to trade its freedom and its culture for peace and security--even if the latter have always proved to be illusory.

Posted by Orrin Judd at July 6, 2004 9:56 AM

And what does OJ think of this capitulation? sadness? anger? indifference?

Posted by: Paul Cella at July 6, 2004 10:43 AM

Except, as Ms. Ye'or points out further down, there is something even more chilling at play here in that this is not occurring in response to a serious external threat as in Europe in 1938. It has been embraced unecessarily, eyes wide open, as a matter of free choice. Those who lack courage can presumably be rallied by the strong, but what do you do about death wishes?

This presentation is a very strong argument that the West truly no longer exists.

Posted by: Peter B at July 6, 2004 10:50 AM


Of course it exists, just not in Europe.

Posted by: oj at July 6, 2004 11:03 AM


It will be Europe's salvation. It's going to be easier to Reform Islam than to remoralize Secularism.

Posted by: oj at July 6, 2004 11:05 AM

But what if we have to destroy Islam to reform it? The Christians of antiquity, for example, thought not to "reform" the Arian heresy, but to destroy it, that it might never again capture souls.

Posted by: Paul Cella at July 6, 2004 11:29 AM

This is FrontPage mag propoganda. Actually
Europe is gearing up for a pretty serious backlash. Ireland just recently rescinded
birthright citizenship. The open criticism
of immigration, asylum and multi-culturalism
is much further along than it is here.

How is the writer's example of history curricula
different from the fact that every day is "Black
History Month" in the U.S? Do you really think
ghetto youth learn about George Washington?

Posted by: J.H. at July 6, 2004 11:32 AM


The great majority of blacks are Christian and American; they are not emigrating here to impose an alien religion on us.

Posted by: Paul Cella at July 6, 2004 11:41 AM


That's what Reform will do.

Posted by: oj at July 6, 2004 12:02 PM

The only "reform" we've been seeing in Islam is to scream "ALLAH-U AKBAR!" EVEN LOUDER. To become more Radical, more Pure, more Islamic.

Do you know why the Taliban failed? They were Impure. They weren't Islamic enough. Any future "reform" has got to be more Taliban than the Taliban to be considered "real Islam".

They're locked into a synergistic vicious circle. Maybe the example of Iraq (if we don't cut and run) can break the circle, maybe not.

Posted by: Ken at July 6, 2004 12:48 PM
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