July 11, 2004


Democrats Support Vouchers!: The party of the people wants to rip off Boston cabdrivers. (HAROLD HUBSCHMAN, July 11, 2004, Wall Street Journal)

With John Kerry's fund-raising going so well, you'd think the Democratic National Committee wouldn't need to hustle Boston cabbies for a cheap ride--or illegal campaign contributions. But that's pretty much the effect of the DNC's misguided plan to provide subsidized cab rides for delegates at their Boston convention.

At issue are the taxi vouchers the DNC wants to give to delegates arriving at Boston's Logan Airport. Under the DNC's proposal, taxi drivers would be required to accept the vouchers, worth $12 per passenger, in lieu of payment, even though the meter fare from Logan into the city, including tolls and an airport surcharge, is typically over $40. To add insult to injury, they'd then have to apply to the DNC to redeem the vouchers.

In the spirit of civic boosterism, the Massachusetts Port Authority magnanimously offered to waive their surcharge, although the Massachusetts Turnpike Authority, known for making fire engines stop to pay tolls on the way to emergencies, declined to follow suit. So even with three passengers per cab, which the DNC's voucher rules permit, the drivers would still be subsidizing the cost of the ride.

What the cabbies want to do is nothing more revolutionary than to charge the meter rate--something they do for every other convention that comes to town, from dentists' to paleontologists'. Many have threatened to take the week off. Some are even talking about filing a complaint with the Federal Elections Commission, on the grounds that the voucher scheme amounts to a coerced contribution to the Democrats. In short, it's been a PR nightmare for the party of the working stiff.

The only good idea Senator Kerry has had this whole campaign was to blow off this fiasco, but of course he flip-flopped...

Posted by Orrin Judd at July 11, 2004 12:13 PM

Isn't this precisely inline with Hillary's comment on Democratic policy in general: "We're going to take things away from you on behalf of the common good." It goes without saying that aid for the Democratic Party is a common good.

Posted by: jd watson at July 11, 2004 3:24 PM

So long as they get the media center -- currently in need to $300,000 in work to get it up to code -- in place by the start of the convention, whatever other problems there are in Boston will be barely noted, if at all, by most of the press, except to note that "Despite all the problems facing organizers, the convention came off as a rousing success for the Kerry-Edwards campaign."

But if they screw up the media center, lookout. Hell hath no fury like a big-city reporter or network TV correspondent denied his or her convention perks...

Posted by: John at July 11, 2004 9:26 PM

This situation explains why the Democrats have become so good at preening and so bad at governing. Bob Strauss would never have allowed such nonsense, but Bob Shrum probably considers it to be savvy.

Posted by: jim hamlen at July 11, 2004 9:42 PM

John - agreed. Here in Boston the local media are playing up the DNC convention as the greatest thing ever. The media will ignore the little stuff like this. It will take a huge problem, like losing electricity, bad media relations, huge strikes, etc. to get anyone to notice.

Posted by: AWW at July 11, 2004 10:41 PM

AWW, David, PJ:

"...the Massachusetts Turnpike Authority, known for making fire engines stop to pay tolls on the way to emergencies, declined to follow suit."

How, precisely, do you tolerate living in a place like this?

Posted by: Chris at July 12, 2004 6:45 AM

If you live outside 495, it's like a whole different state.

Posted by: David Cohen at July 12, 2004 8:42 AM

Now, now, this is actually a brilliant ploy. Aren't we all agreed that it's best for Kerry to avoid media coverage? And what would any intelligent person expect under this voucher system except that no cab drivers will show up at the airport? No cabs → no reporters → no coverage! Diabolic.

Posted by: Annoying Old Guy at July 12, 2004 9:05 AM

Actually, Boston has very good subway service to the airport as well as frequent water taxis. Taking a cab, on the other hand, is expensive, longer and usually involves sitting in a tunnel for 40 minutes.

Posted by: David Cohen at July 12, 2004 10:40 AM

Mr. Cohen;

Then why is the DNC banging on the cabbies if people can just take the subway / water taxi? Kidding aside, that seems to make this even stupider than it appears on the surface.

Posted by: Annoying Old Guy at July 12, 2004 11:13 AM


You must be seeing the Boston media differntly than I do; the Globe loves a fiasco, and the sports-talk radio has been hammering on this quite amusingly, with each report of a new outrage followed by a sound-bite of Mayor Menino saying, "Be Flexible. Work around it."

Posted by: mike earl at July 12, 2004 2:02 PM

Mike --

What the Boston media offers up for local consumption and what the rest of the nation see and hear about the convention's planning and execution could be two completely different things -- i.e., the Globe may not hide the fact that I-93 is closed, North Station is blocked off and the public is irate, but their parent company may not see fit to send any of that out over The Nw York Times' wire service, except as a brief add-on to the main convention story 50 or 60 graphs down from the lead.

So long as the media have all their electric outlets, high-speed modems, satellite truck space with south views and DNC staffers handing out the appropriate info/talking points copy at the right time, any traffic jams, irate cabbies or police slowdowns will be treated as sidebars, at best. But if the media center itself is a boondoggle, then the Democrats may get their worst press coming out of a convention in 36 years.

Posted by: John at July 12, 2004 2:56 PM