February 20, 2004
60-40 VISION (via mc):
Daschle satisfied with war progress (Denise Ross, Rapid City Journal)
Sen. Tom Daschle, D-S.D., on Thursday praised the Bush administration's war and nation-building work in Iraq and said he has no serious concerns about the lack of weapons of mass destruction.Daschle told state chamber of commerce representatives meeting in the South Dakota capital that he is satisfied with the way things are going in Iraq.
"I give the effort overall real credit," Daschle said. "It is a good thing Saddam Hussein is no longer in power. It is a good thing we are democratizing the country."
He said he is not upset about the debate over pre-war intelligence on weapons of mass destruction, an issue that has dogged President Bush as Democratic presidential contenders have slogged through the primary season.
"We can argue about the WMD and what we should have known," Daschle, the Senate minority leader, said.
Translation: internal polls show John Thune beating the Senate Minority Leader. Posted by Orrin Judd at February 20, 2004 8:42 PM
Luckily for Bush, Howard Dean's early strength led the rest of the field to go so far anti-war that they could never get back to Daschle's and, dare I say it, Hillary's more reasonable war stance. If the left could come up with a candidate who sounded like he (or she) would support our present course in foreign affairs, Bush might be in real trouble.
Posted by: Michael Gersh at February 20, 2004 9:58 PMMichael - with the media portraying Bush as an extremist and Kerry as a moderate it is possible for them to convince the public that Dems are serious in foreign affairs. Of course as you note they would have to ignore Dem statements for the past year or so.
Posted by: AWW at February 20, 2004 11:49 PMDaschle's "Kerry University" diploma should arrive in the mail any day now.
Posted by: John Resnick at February 24, 2004 4:43 PM