February 20, 2004
McClellan obvious choice for CMS (Ellen Beck, 2/20/2004, United Press International)
Dr. Mark McClellan, a politically savvy physician and economist with White House experience, is viewed by analysts, consumer advocates and healthcare industry officials as the right guy in the right place at the right time to be the new Centers for Medicare and Medicaid administrator. [...]McClellan also is politically viewed as being able to work with both Republicans and Democrats -- an important aspect to consider as Medicare launches a controversial $395 billion prescription drug and Medicare reform plan in the upcoming years. A year's worth of FDA experience dealing with pharmaceutical companies -- their pricing structures, research, development and patent issues -- also will help him in developing the drug benefit.
He'll have to oversee the writing of regulations to implement the new Medicare law, which has rankled members of both parties. Conservative Republicans are unhappy with the high price tag and almost no controls on spending.
Democrats are upset over a lack of controls on drug prices pharmaceutical companies charge, billions of dollars in perks destined to insurance companies and what they see as a skimpy drug benefit for seniors.
"It's a terrific appointment," said Gail Wilensky, a senior fellow at Project Hope and a former administrator of the Health Care Financing Administration -- now CMS.
"He is an extremely capable individual who understands Washington, knows the Department of Health and Human Services and has a very good rapport with members of Congress, and knows the Medicare program," she told United Press International.
"He's probably the most competent and qualified person available," John Rother, policy director for the seniors' group AARP, told UPI. "He has the confidence, clearly, of the president and the White House. He's widely acknowledged to be an expert on some of the issues that CMS faces -- especially those that involve competition. And he has good relations on both sides of the Hill."
"He is an MVP of this administration because he combines the ability to analyze very complicated information, to speak plainly and understandably -- with one of the nicest personalities in the city," said Karen Ignagni, president of the American Association of Health Plans/Health Insurance Association of America.
An excellent choice to make a vital program succeed. Posted by Orrin Judd at February 20, 2004 8:58 PM