January 8, 2004
More Bush-bashing from Madonna (Jeannette Walls with Ashley Pearson, 1/08/04, MSNBC)
Madonna is saying the current administration is a bigger threat to our safety than terrorism. At least that’s the way some people are reading an e-mail that the singer is sending to fans.“I am writing to you because the future I wish for my children is at risk,” notes Madonna.
I passed a kidney stone when I was child, dropped a roll of sheet plastic on my toe as a teen--not only breaking off the toe but crushing the nail at the quick, and in my dotage I've developed a bit of gout. The only physical pain supposedly as heinous as those three that I could probably experience is shingles.
But, I'm here to tell you, I'd take any one of them in a heartbeat over the psychic anguish inflicted by the thought of the future Madonna wishes for.
Posted by Orrin Judd at January 8, 2004 12:17 PMWow. Beats my two nails driven through my toe, one after another, that I had to pull out by hand, my smashed finger (like you, right at the quick), messed-up knee, near-death pnuemonia, and whatever it was I got that nearly killed me and certainly knocked twenty pounds off me in six days when I was 18. That said, I'm totally with you.
Posted by: Chris at January 8, 2004 12:28 PMI would have thought that Madonna's past is the biggest risk to her children's future.
Posted by: MG at January 8, 2004 1:27 PMI thought that was a photo of Hillary Clinton when I first saw the MSNBC page...
Posted by: Jorge at January 8, 2004 2:30 PMJorge: That's cold.
Posted by: Chris at January 8, 2004 2:43 PMFor God's sakes, don't touch Madonna!! You don't know where she's been!! You'd certainly catch something nasty and drippy!!
Besides, which country is she talking about? The UK or the US? Does she still live here in the US?
Posted by: MAJ Mike at January 8, 2004 3:07 PMEver since Blair snuck her out in a black duffle bag, yes.
Posted by: Chris at January 8, 2004 5:04 PMWell, you let a feisty old lady like Madonna start muttering things in public and you never know what they're gonna say. She's probably bought into that old Democratic line that Republicans are going to take away her Medicare and is just scared to death about having to be left eating dog food in a few years when her royalty checks start running out...
Posted by: John at January 8, 2004 6:52 PMJay Leno's comment was that Britney thought it tasted like Polident.
Posted by: John J. Coupal at January 9, 2004 9:14 AM