January 8, 2004


Tizzy Over Lezzies (MAUREEN DOWD, New York Times, 1/08/04)

The president and vice president have raised $130.8 million, and are showing a brutal willingness to do whatever it takes to secure key bases. The president courted Hispanics by saying he would try to extend more legal rights to illegal immigrants by offering a new temporary worker status. He courted the religious right by saying he would not try to extend more legal rights to gays by offering a new marital status.
This may be the worst op-ed column ever to appear in the New York Times. Be careful if you read it, because it will suck knowledge right out of your brain.

Posted by David Cohen at January 8, 2004 11:20 AM

One cannot help but wonder if Dowd threw the discussion of high-school lesbianism into an op-ed on immigration policy just because she . . . . Eeeeeewwww! Perish the thought!

Posted by: Mike Morley at January 8, 2004 11:38 AM

Or tossed a swipe at President Bush into a piece about lesbian chic.

I did have the thought, three-quarters of the way through, that this was a coming-out piece, but, no, it turns out she's not even that interesting.

Posted by: David Cohen at January 8, 2004 11:41 AM

It's a simple attention-grabbing device. Blogs that mention Brittney Spears (sp?) are an example.

I guess we expected better from the NYT.

Posted by: Bruce Cleaver at January 8, 2004 12:03 PM

Isn't she saying that President Bush is a lesbian (no pun intended)?

Posted by: oj at January 8, 2004 12:35 PM

Besides trying to comprehend the central message(s) of the editorial, I'm trying to get that last line and I don't. Is Lesbian the new L word? If so, what was the "old" L word? Or if lesbian was the old L word, what's the new one?

Posted by: Matt C at January 8, 2004 1:18 PM

"Liberal" is the old "L word" and, I think, a GHWBushism.

Posted by: David Cohen at January 8, 2004 1:43 PM

Brilliant commentary. Ms. Dowd is now clearly fit for an interview on the Howard Stern show.

Posted by: John Resnick at January 8, 2004 2:09 PM

I was clearly born 15 years too early. If I had been told that, in 2003, ten bucks could get your female classmates to make out with each other -- not to mention that said female classmates would no longer ostracize you for reading Lord of the Rings, but might even want to chat about it -- I would have crawled back in the womb and hit the "snooze" button.

Posted by: Charlie Murtaugh at January 8, 2004 2:13 PM

She's so coy. I cannot tell whether she blames Bush or Rove for teenage girls in Washington being lesbians.

Posted by: Harry Eagar at January 8, 2004 2:17 PM

I thought liberals just loved illegals! Opps, I mean "undocumented aliens". Here's "W" doing pretty much what the libs want regarding open borders and amnesty, and they still can't stand it!!

I bet she blames the Neocons for plagues of frogs, sunspots and lite beer.

Posted by: MAJ Mike at January 8, 2004 3:11 PM

Yeah, but nothing would beat blaming Bush for mail fraud committed by Nigerian lesbians...

Posted by: MG at January 8, 2004 3:41 PM

Girls kissing girls? Good Lord... what are guys complaining about?!

Posted by: ty thomas at January 8, 2004 4:06 PM

There was a woman in the office where I worked 15 years ago whom we nicknamed 'the black hole of dumbness'. Walk by her cube, and you got smarter - she sucked the dumb right out of you. One guy walked by and later said he suddenly understood points about differential equations that had always baffled him.

I wonder if that happens at the Times? Of course, there is no evidence of it, but I'll bet there are stories. Lots of stories.

Posted by: jim hamlen at January 8, 2004 4:25 PM

This may be the worst op-ed column ever to appear in the New York Times.

With apologies to George F. Will and his comment about Norman Mailer, the above statement will be rendered obsolete as long as Ms. Dowd maintains access to pencil and paper...

Posted by: John at January 8, 2004 6:57 PM

I was hoping that MoDo's 6 weeks vacation would be a harbinger of something bigger for her, like a job as a manicurist. If she spent the 6 weeks at Betty Ford's, then it is clear that she still has a problem

Posted by: Robert Schwartz at January 9, 2004 2:17 AM
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