November 29, 2003
'In an Uncertain World': The Man Behind the Surplus (Remember?) (DAVID WARSH, 11/30/03, NY Times)
One is prepared, on reading this headline from the Book Review, for yet another biography of Ronald Reagan--it was after all the ending of the Cold War and the cutting of military spending in half that created the surplus. Then again, it's the Times...
Posted by Orrin Judd at November 29, 2003 11:25 AMComments
Yes the man who sanctioned Enron style accounting
for the Federal Govt, who was behind the Mexico
devaluation, whose work at Goldman Sach's helped
Houston Natural Gas and ING merge, and chose Ken
Lay to run it; (The last detail, has to pieced
together from accounts in James Stewart's Den
of Thieves, and Murray Waas' Levine, they do not
appear in Rubin's one hagiography