November 15, 2003


Kennedy Calls Bush Minority Nominees 'Neanderthals' (News Max, 11/14/03)

Sen. Ted Kennedy called President Bush's judicial nominees "Neanderthals" on Friday, a group that includes Hispanic lawyer Miguel Estrada and African-American Judge Janice Rogers Brown.

Boasting of his party's resolve in the face of GOP attempts to stop the Democrats' filibuster, Kennedy told the Senate, "What has not ended is the resolution and the determination of the members of the United States Senate to continue to resist any Neanderthal that is nominated by this president of the United States for any court, federal court in the United States."

Hilarious bit on Fox News: Special Report last night, with Mort Kondracke arguing that Neanderthal isn't derogatory, but a simple description of retrogressive political views. Yeah, right, Mortimer...

Posted by Orrin Judd at November 15, 2003 4:30 PM

If he can call the nominees neanderthals and have people claim it's not derogatory, then surely those same people won't mind if we refer to Teddy as Swimmer?

Posted by: kevin whited at November 15, 2003 5:42 PM

Personally obese drunken skirt-chaser.

Posted by: Sandy P. at November 15, 2003 5:49 PM

I would have preferred that Teddy had at least given these men and women the benefit of "Homo Sapiensness" by labelling them Cro-Magnons, but am relieved he did not relegated them to Homo Erectus...

Posted by: MG at November 15, 2003 5:54 PM

Forget swimmer - he is drowner, first and last.

This sort of bloviated nonsense will play well in ads next year in many rural-type states. With Bush at the top of the ticket, I actually have some confidence that the GOP will run some sharp commercials. It has been a long time since the Tip O'Neill look-alike laughing while the gas tank ran dry.

Posted by: jim hamlen at November 15, 2003 8:10 PM

I'm just having fun imagining "Neanderthal" pronounced with that boozy Boston accent of his.

Posted by: R.W. at November 15, 2003 9:51 PM

I have rarely agreed with Mort Kondrake, but I've respected him as basically an honest moderate. He lost every ounce of respect I ever had for him when he tried to say that Neanderthal means "reactionary." Huh? Never heard that one. I did love Tony Snow going to commercial by saying "at least he didn't say 'knuckle draggers.'"

Posted by: NKR at November 15, 2003 10:02 PM

With Romney in office in MA and not having
had any major scandals Repubs need to put up
a serious challenger against Kennedy (get him

Posted by: J.H. at November 17, 2003 9:31 AM

You guys make me sick, going on making fun of the Hero of Chappaquidick!

Posted by: at November 18, 2003 2:26 AM