November 6, 2003
Graham on 'short list' for VP spot: Dean campaigns in Tallahassee (Bill Cotterell, Nov. 05, 2003, Tallahasee Democrat)
"We have got to stop having our elections in the South based on race, guns, God and gays - and start having them based on jobs and health insurance and a foreign policy that's consistent with American values."
We were sort of kidding when we suggested that the Dean campaign slogan should be: Ba'athism, Buggery, and Big Government. But here he is even campaigning against God, so it may not be too wide of the mark. Posted by Orrin Judd at November 6, 2003 8:12 PM
Blasphemy, Ba'athism, Buggery and Big Government?
Posted by: David Cohen at November 6, 2003 9:00 PMThat famous Dean arrogance comes to the fore.
Posted by: Marcus Tullius Cicero, Hades at November 7, 2003 6:28 AMThe point of dean's comment was not to denigrate Jesus, but rather to say that we shouldn't base our elections on relgion. Politicians have long paraded their faith and then turned their back on it when it was convienient. Fundamentalists have lambasted candidates for having religious views they didn't truly hold. Dean believes that despite the fact he is not a baptist, his policies speak to southern whites who have long been sold out by pro-corporate anti-poor republican administrations.
Posted by: Jon at January 20, 2004 5:52 PMJon:
Yes, but he's wrong. Religion is more important than those peripherals.
Posted by: oj at January 20, 2004 6:57 PM