November 20, 2003
Daschle says he will vote for energy bill (AP, 11/19/03)
Senate Democratic leader Tom Daschle is ready to support the broad energy bill and will oppose attempts to scuttle it by a filibuster, one of the senator's aides said Wednesday.The decision casts doubt on whether opponents can succeed in blocking the bill through a filibuster over a dispute involving the gasoline additive MTBE, which has been found to contaminate drinking water supplies. [...]
South Dakota is a major producer of corn-based ethanol. The bill calls for doubling ethanol production to 5 billion gallons a year by 2012.
Interesting that he was willing to risk Max Cleland's seat over civil service rules, but not his own when corn is involved. Posted by Orrin Judd at November 20, 2003 7:53 AM
Sounds like corn subsidies were the driving force for Daschle's support rather than Thune. Daschle talks big but is willing to buck the Dem special interests for his own state - recall last summer when he tried (succeeded?) in getting forest cutting measures snuck through for SD but no one else, risking the enviros wrath.
As for Thune it still isn't clear that he is running. When Daschle announcing he was running instead of retiring it was noted that they were confident Thune wasn't going to run.
But would he buck his fellow SEnators if he weren't scared of a Senate challenger?
Posted by: oj at November 20, 2003 9:40 AMHe's the big man (insert height joke here) of the Senate Dems so maybe. The Energy bill seems to be chock full of special interest items (i.e. ethanol) that would gain Dem senator support.
Posted by: AWW at November 20, 2003 9:53 AMForgot to note that has an story dated 11/19 noting that the GOP is still trying to get Thune to run.
Posted by: AWW at November 20, 2003 9:54 AMOther than Daschle's sop, the energy bill is pure pork for Republicans. Complete waste of government resources, our money, and the paper it'll be printed on.
Posted by: Twn at November 20, 2003 10:29 AMHow many joules of fossil fuel does it take to grow and harvest a joule of corn ethanol?
Daschle probably didn't think he was "risking Cleeland's seat" on the civil service vote. He probably thought that Cleeland's Vietnam service would allow him to escape any criticism on questionable votes... much as I loathe Tommy Boy's politics, I have to concede he's usually much better tactically than that (e.g. the fire bill mentioned earlier, he voted for the partial birth ban while simultaneously blocking judges who wouldn't overturn it, etc.)
Posted by: MarkD at November 20, 2003 8:46 PMGideon:
According to the US Dept of Agriculture, for every Btu used to produce ethanol, there are 1.34 Btu's made available.
Interestingly, the comparable figure for gasoline is .74, meaning that humans use more energy to produce gasoline, than can be harnessed by burning it.
Posted by: Michael Herdegen at November 21, 2003 2:55 AM