November 12, 2003
Iraq truck bombing triggers calls for Italian troops' return Wednesday (Agence France-Presse, 12-Nov-2003)
The killing of at least 18 Italians in the worst attack against the Italian military since World War II on Wednesday provoked a furious reaction from opposition parties, who demanded that Italian troops be brought home even as the government insisted they would stay on.[T]he opposition said Italian forces should be immediately recalled. "The Italian mission is a mistake. It is not a peace mission, it has been grafted on to an ongoing war," said Fausto Bertinotti, leader of the communist PRC party.
The leader of the PdCI ccommunist party, Oliviero Diliberto, took an even harder line, accusing the government of "sending boys to their deaths."
Maurizio Caldi, a former senator who heads a center for terrorism studies, said the Italian army was "paying the price for a foreign policy close to that of the United States and Israel, which is being carried out by the Berlusconi government.
"We have a non-existent foreign policy, totally subordinated to that of the United States. We must immediately withdraw all troops in a war zone," he said.
Wow. What an unserious people. Why wouldn't you blow up Italians if you could get their government to change its policies just by doing so? Posted by Orrin Judd at November 12, 2003 7:47 PM
Mr. Judd;
There's the interesting concept that it's beyond the political pale in Italy to send military troops into a war zone. There's a nation to fear.
Posted by: Annoying Old Guy at November 12, 2003 8:42 PMBertinotti and Diliberto are two of the most revolting characters in Europe. Their parties were founded in 1989, after the majority in the old PCI (Communist Party of Italy) began to question communist orthodoxy (gee, you might do that in '89 or even sooner). These guys are straight-up Togliatti-worshipping Stalinists.
Posted by: Brian (MN) at November 12, 2003 8:49 PMLet's do the math: One car bomb at Baghdad UN HQ, the UN cuts and runs. One car bomb at Red Cross HQ, they're outta there. One car bomb at Italian HQ, and they may take flight. Doesn't take much C-4 to run off a major portion of the 'international community.'
I don't criticize the UN and Red Cross for bugging out given the security situation. But who in their right mind (other than every Dem running for President) thinks that turning Iraq over to the UN and the 'international community' would accomplish anything, other than abject surrender. Heck, for that outcome, we only need to turn it over to the French.
Fred Jacobsen
San Francisco
Since all you have to do to dictate Italian government policy is murder Italians, it's surprising the mafia isn't running Italy. Oops!
OK that's not fair, Italy has largely demolished the mafia, and they are refusing to withdraw their troops from Iraq. But it sure shows you where things would go if the stinking, filthy worthless communists had their way.
Posted by: Amos at November 13, 2003 12:37 AMA tragedy for Italy. But the way this shapes up will be interesting to watch.
As for Italy having a non-existent foreign policy, that's a fascinating statement. I suppose the implication is that France and Germany not only have a foreign policy but one that Italy ought to emulate.
And as for Diliberto, I am eagerly awaiting Scott Adams's views on the character (and wonder whether Adams can sue for copyright infringement....)
Posted by: Barry Meislin at November 13, 2003 1:48 AM
"Bertinotti and Diliberto are two of the most revolting characters in Europe."
Now THAT is an accomplishment!
Posted by: Peter B at November 13, 2003 5:29 AM