November 4, 2003


'Hasta La Vista' Comes to UN on Cuba Embargo (Evelyn Leopold, 11/04/03, Reuters)

The assembly voted a record 179-3 against Washington's four-decade old trade embargo and travel against Cuba.

"Cuba's best day is when the Cuban people have terminated Castro's evil Communist dictatorial regime and said to him, 'Hasta la vista, baby,"' U.S. representative Sichan Siv told delegates before the vote.

California's Governor-elect Arnold Schwarzenegger uttered the oft-quoted line in the film "Terminator 2: Judgment Day."

Angry at the insult to the Cuban president, Havana's Foreign Minister Felipe Perez Roque shot back: "It is the people of Cuba who say 'Hasta la vista to the blockade, Hasta la vista to genocide."'

Talk is cheap. The Terminator delivered the line from the other end of a gun barrel as we should.

Posted by Orrin Judd at November 4, 2003 9:07 PM

Talk is cheap, indeed. I assume that OJ will promptly volunteer for the infantry when war on Cuba is declared. Unless his proposed division of labor is: "You boys advance under enemy fire. I'll post an uncompromising entry on my blog!"

Posted by: Peter Caress at November 4, 2003 10:22 PM

Infantry? Delta Force could do it in an hour.

Posted by: oj at November 4, 2003 10:30 PM

The question is, how many Hollywood stars and "intellectuals" will be in Havana, surrounding Castro on his deathbed, so he won't be drawn and quartered? I am sure Steven Spielberg and Martin Sheen will be there.

Posted by: jim hamlen at November 4, 2003 10:32 PM

This is it; hasta la vista Fidel. The dam has broken.

Posted by: genecis at November 4, 2003 10:52 PM

Who in the world thinks that the US will declare war on CUBA ??

Or that such a "war" would, as oj notes, take more than two days ?

If anything, the US will pull a Panama, and simply arrest Castro.

Posted by: Michael Herdegen at November 5, 2003 4:04 AM

I always thought Clinton invaded the wrong Caribean island.

Posted by: Robert Schwartz at November 6, 2003 12:44 PM