September 11, 2003


Remembrance Archive: Free Republic Threads From 9-11-01 (Free Republic, 9-11-01) (Posted on 02/01/2002 9:08 PM PST by Starrgaizr)

Upon request, I have collected links to many of the earliest threads from September 11, 2001 below. I reviewed threads from the very first FR report ( thread number 520326. Feel free to add other significant threads, including photo archives. Bumping this thread periodically instead of the original threads will also avoid scaring people with the headlines.

Bookmark this thread, and bump it from time to time when the nation and the press seems to forget why we need resolve in the face of evil. Forgive some of the early misinformation and broken photo links, and recall the horror and fury.

It was a day when you just couldn't get enough information or get it fast enough.

Posted by Orrin Judd at September 11, 2003 12:30 AM

I've linked to this before, but every once in a while I go to this link to remind myself of how we got here.

Posted by: David Cohen at September 11, 2003 7:56 AM