September 10, 2003


Cuban church challenges Castro (Mary Murray, 9/10/03, NBC News)

Cuba's Catholic Church has issued a powerful challenge to Fidel Castro to permit more religious freedom, political liberty and economic autonomy.

THE CALL CAME from the Cuban Conference of Bishops in a letter seemingly written to the faithful, outlining its "theological and pastoral teachings." Delving into the political, however, the document censured the country's communist government for its harsh treatment of political opponents and repression of private enterprise. [...]

In Monday's letter, Catholic leaders again stressed two key demands -- to be allowed to open private schools and broadcast television and radio programs over state-controlled airwaves. After the 1959 revolution, the Castro government shut down more than 150 Catholic schools across the island.

The letter also took aim at church critics who would like the institution to more actively support the internal political opposition. "The mission of the church is not political … its mission is not to directly intervene in the exercise of civil power … nor help one or another party, nor recommend a candidate … the church must remain neutral."

Considering the tightrope the Church has to walk between temporal power and spiritual authority, it's done a fairly remarkable job in the fight against Communism. Would that mainline Protestantism would stop Lewinskying Fidel Castro and issue equally tough pronouncements.

Posted by Orrin Judd at September 10, 2003 8:27 PM

Bishops demanding religious freedom is rich. What they mean, of course, is religious privilege.

Anyhow, there are other places with both bishops and despots. Where are their letters?

Posted by: Harry Eagar at September 10, 2003 9:21 PM


The church seeks privilege when it already has some degree of power; under Communist dictators, it merely wants survival. Your comment demeans good men like Cardinal Mindzsenty and John Paul II. As for mainline Protestantism getting tough, it is too busy sanctifying sodomy to worry about Fidel.

Posted by: jim hamlen at September 10, 2003 10:19 PM

The Catholic Church tackled the communist rulers of Poland, too. We know how that turned out.

Posted by: John J. Coupal at September 10, 2003 10:27 PM

It is always positive when a Bishop can discuss
economic autonomy as a positive. Could it be
that "marxist theology" is dead or dying in
Latin America?

Posted by: J.H. at September 11, 2003 9:33 AM

Sodomy and Saddam are the only two things "mainline" protestant churches will go to the wall to defend anymore.

Posted by: Jason Johnson at September 11, 2003 10:05 AM
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