September 10, 2003

THE WHEELS COME OFF (via Ed Driscoll):

Calif. Senate: Davis Should Apologize for Schwarzenegger Slur (Major Garrett, September 09, 2003, Fox News)

The California Senate voted 19-2 on Tuesday to demand an apology from Democratic Gov. Gray Davis (search) for what many regard as an ethnic slur made against Arnold Schwarzenegger.

The vote came on a motion by state Senate GOP leader Jim Brulte (search). Nineteen Democrats did not vote on the motion, which passed by a simple majority.

During the floor debate, some Democrats faulted Davis for telling a supporter -- in a conversation he thought was private but was overheard by a reporter -- that anyone who can't pronounce California should not be governor of the state. Davis later said he was only joking.

Schwarzenegger's campaign sought an apology from Davis, as did the state GOP.

"I am not going to deny that when the governor made fun of Mr. Schwarzenegger's accent it was very, very painful, especially for someone like me who speaks with an accent," Sen. Martha Escutia, D-Norwalk, who voted for the motion, said on the floor.

In politics when opening your mouth becomes a liability, it's time to hang 'em up.

Posted by Orrin Judd at September 10, 2003 8:04 PM
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