December 27, 2002


Eyes on 2004 Vote, Democrats Fault U.S. Terror Defense (ADAM NAGOURNEY, December 26, 2002, NY Times)
Democratic contenders for president are beginning to challenge President Bush's record on terrorism, arguing that Mr. Bush has failed to do enough to prevent another fatal attack on American soil and that the nation is barely safer than it was before Sept. 11, 2001.

The expressions of concern about the nation's safety by Mr. Bush's prospective challengers, voiced in interviews, speeches and television appearances over the last three weeks, suggest that the focus of the Democratic White House candidates in 2004 will go well beyond the traditional Democratic fare of education, the economy, jobs and health care.

While so far the criticisms lack many specifics beyond asking for more money for police agencies or the creation of an additional intelligence force, campaign aides said these early challenges on terrorism signaled what they expected to be a central theme in 2004. They argued that Mr. Bush was potentially vulnerable on the issue that Republicans view as a pillar of the president's political strength.

Even if they're right, and I believe they are, this is a losing issue for the Democrats. They can't get to the right of the Administration on terror and at the same time criticize John Ashcroft and things like the Patriot Act. So they have to start by accepting everything the Administration has done and then propose more, to which Mr. Bush says: "You're right, give me the power and we'll do it." Then where's your issue? Posted by Orrin Judd at December 27, 2002 11:11 AM

Good Luck to the Dems on this one. Can anyone out there in the 'sphere tell me if they have actually seen a Democrat saying this AND actually PROPOSING some genuine policies along with the criticism?

"We haven'y caught Osama / defeated Al Queda yet." Fine. WHAT are you proposing? Invading Riyadh and Karachi? What?

"We haven't secured our homeland." Meaning we should... what? Arrest more Arabs? Wiretap more people? What?

Seriously, even it you disagree with what they propose, please tell me WHAT THEY ARE PROPOSING.... because I am politically curious, and the fact that they are proposing nothing, just bitching about it, is so far rather insulting.

Posted by: Andrew X at December 27, 2002 12:29 PM

Not only that, but if any of them opens his mouth, all you have to do is say "Clinton North Korea policy" to shut him back up.

Posted by: Harry at December 27, 2002 12:37 PM