October 2, 2023


The Lesson of Newburgh (Miles Smith IV, 3/20/23, Law & Liberty)

A group of officers, enraged at the perceived shameful treatment of the army by Congress, began preparing ways to find redress. Without informing the army's high command, they circulated an unsigned letter urging a meeting at Newburgh in March 1783, ostensibly to discuss a range of possibilities including marching on Congress. George Washington caught wind of the meeting, which he called irregular and disorderly. He ordered the officers to a second meeting, overseen by a high-ranking officer. He also ordered a written report of the meeting, hinting that he himself would not attend.

When the second meeting occurred on March 15, the resentful and fuming officers were stunned when Washington himself appeared and asked to speak. Washington understood the officers' frustrations but rebuked any attempt to coerce the civilian government with military force. Anyone "who wickedly attempts to open the floodgates of civil discord and deluge our rising empire in blood" should, he demanded, be opposed by the army. Coups, Washington made clear, would not only never be instigated by his army, they would also be opposed by the army. The civilian government of the United States must be protected, even when it acted inconsistently or imprudently.

After speaking, Washington took a letter out from a member of Congress of his pocket. He looked at it for a moment and held it uneasily. Slowly, he pulled his reading glasses from the pocket and haltingly put them on. Most of the soldiers had never seen Washington wear them. "Gentlemen," Washington said gently, "you will permit me to put on my spectacles, for I have not only grown gray but almost blind in the service of my country." The sight of a greying and aging Washington--loyal to the government as ever--shamed the conspirators, many of whom began to openly weep. The Newburgh Conspiracy was dead, and so was the first major threat to civilian government in the new republic.

Posted by at October 2, 2023 1:00 AM