July 9, 2022
The age of the anti-natalists (Lionel Shriver, July 09, 2022, The Spectator World)
When the first deluge of documentaries about transgenderism hit our televisions starting in about 2012, one of the concerns conspicuously unaddressed was fertility. The parents on these shows who were eager to encourage their children to embrace whatever he/she/it felt they were never raised the issue of whether pumping their progeny full of hormones might just possibly impede the kids' capacity to reproduce. All that mattered was self-actualization. As this baffling social infatuation has accelerated, the fact that the majority of this experimental population will be unable to bear children has continued to be dismissed as by the by.The rage for swapping sexes -- and we're only born in two sexes to conceive offspring -- is also estranging the anatomical signatures of sex from their purpose. Women don't grow breasts to form an alluring cleavage in low-cut dresses; mammary glands and nipples are meant for feeding infants. Biological men who take estrogen and get implants do not have female breasts; they have extrusions. On females, the vagina isn't a cul-de-sac; that passage leads somewhere. Its sole purpose is to facilitate the fertilization of eggs and to serve as an exit ramp for the next generation. Likewise, aside from its double duty as a fire hose, the penis is designed to inseminate females. That's what it's for. Making babies. No matter how skillfully plastic surgeons approximate the innies and outies of males and females, the exercise of sex "reassignment" bastardizes human biology. It trades reproductive functionality for fakery.
Posted by Orrin Judd at July 9, 2022 6:22 AM