July 21, 2018

Posted by orrinj at 8:00 PM


Sheriff who backed Roy Moore allegedly had sex with teen girl (Max Jaeger July 19, 2018, NY Post)

The Alabama sheriff who threw his support behind accused jailbait-chaser Roy Moore's failed Senate bid is now under investigation for allegedly having sex with an underage girl.

Mary Elizabeth Cross, 41, says Etowah County Sheriff Todd Entrekin threw drug-fueled parties with underage girls and had sex with her four times in 1992 when he was 29 and she was just 15 years old -- below Alabama's age of consent, which is 16.

Posted by orrinj at 8:04 AM


U.S. tariffs to cost Germans up to 20 billion euros this year: report (Reuters) 

U.S. President Donald Trump's tariffs will lead to a drop in prosperity in Germany this year and are likely to cost Germans up to 20 billion euros ($23.44 billion), the head of German think-tank IMK said.

Posted by orrinj at 8:02 AM


Russia continues to shape narrative of Helsinki summit (Karen DeYoung, 7/20/18, Washington Post)

Russia already has sent formal proposals to Washington for joint U.S.-Russia efforts to fund reconstruction of war-ravaged Syria and facilitate the return home of millions of Syrians who fled the country, following "agreements reached" by President Trump and Russian President Vladi­mir Putin, Col. Gen. Mikhail Mizintsev, the three-star head of the Russian National Defense Management Center, said Friday.

The point is to tie Vlad down in Syria, not help him get out.  But the UR was his enemy; Donald is an ally.

Posted by orrinj at 7:59 AM


Here's proof your doctor isn't truly listening to you (Funto Omojola, 7/20/18, Moneyish)

Patients only get about 11 seconds on average to explain the reason for their visit before getting interrupted by their doctors, according to a new study published in the Journal of General Internal Medicine. Out of the 112 patient and doctor interactions videotaped and observed by researchers, only 36% of patients were asked about the reason they were there in the first place. And 27 out of the 40 (67%) who got a chance to explain why they were there got interrupted after just 11 seconds.

Rather than giving them a chance to fully express their concerns, researchers found that physicians commonly relied on assumed reasons patients were visiting based on their referrals. "When patients come to a visit, they are coming in with specific concerns and a problem," Dr. Naykky Singh Ospina, the lead researcher of the study and an assistant professor of medicine at the University of Florida, told Moneyish. "So as physicians, we should listen and let them tell their stories so we can collaborate and help them solve it."

And studies in the past have shown the same poor communication trends between doctors and their patients. A similar 2001 study published in the National Center for Biotechnology Information found that on average, patients spoke for 12 seconds after the doctor entered the room before being interrupted. And a fourth of the time, doctors interrupted patients before they finished speaking.

Posted by orrinj at 7:47 AM


Trump backers seize on case of jailed UK far-right activist (JOE JACKSON, 7/21/18, AP)

Supporters of US President Donald Trump are taking up the cause of an anti-Islam activist jailed in Britain for contempt of court, raising fears of a far-right revival.

Stephen Yaxley-Lennon, widely known by his pseudonym Tommy Robinson, was imprisoned for 13 months earlier this year for live-streaming outside a court in breach of reporting restrictions around a trial.

Robinson is the founder of the English Defence League (EDL), a fringe group protesting perceived threats from Islamic extremism, and he has a string of convictions on charges including assault, fraud and drugs possession. [...]

The new cause celebre of the populist far-right in Britain even breached diplomatic circles after Sam Brownback, Trump's envoy for international religious freedom, raised the issue with British ambassador Kim Darroch at a June lunch. [...]
Robinson gained notoriety in Britain after the EDL staged demonstrations in 2013 which often ended in clashes with anti-fascist demonstrators.

He was previously jailed for using someone else's passport to enter the United States, which had refused him entry because of drug offenses, and has a number of other convictions.

Posted by orrinj at 7:45 AM


Two Russian Police Officers Killed By Gunmen In Daghestan (Radio Liberty, July 21, 2018)

Two police officers in the Kizilyurtovsky District of Russia's volatile Daghestan region were killed on July 20 when their patrol was attacked by gunmen, a police spokesman said.

The Muslim-majority republic borders Chechnya, where Moscow has waged two wars against separatists since the Soviet Union broke up in 1991, and security forces there often face militant violence.

Posted by orrinj at 7:40 AM


Between the lines: Visas harder to obtain amid immigration crackdown (Stef W. Kight, 7/21/18, Axios)

U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services has continued its visa crackdown, recently releasing memos that make it easier for immigration officials to deny visa applications and begin deportation proceedings for those whose extensions or renewals are denied. [...]

The Trump administration and many advocates for cutting immigration levels believe that these kinds of visas take jobs from American workers, and accuse companies of taking advantage of the programs in order to pay less for labor.

"USCIS is simply starting to enforce the law," Mark Krikorian, executive director for the conservative Center for Immigration Studies, tells Axios. "Given the bottomless demand for the 1 million green cards we give out each year, holding applicants to strict standards is just common sense."