October 1, 2017
Robotic Hamburger Flipper Lands First Job (Gene Marks, 10/01/17, The Washington Post)
According to a report recently in TechCrunch, a fast-casual restaurant chain headquartered in Southern California called Caliburger is installing robotic hamburger-flipping chefs in its Pasadena location and then plans to roll them out to its other 49 outlets around the world over the next few years. Caliburger's Pasadena location is conveniently located in the same town as Miso Robotics, a start-up that's developed its hamburger flipping, "robotic kitchen assistant" called -- not unsurprisingly -- Flippy.Flippy is a robot, or more specifically a very specialized industrial six-axis robotic arm that is bolted to the kitchen floor in front of a grill or fryer and has a "spinning spatula" that cooks the food.The unit receives data from thermal and 3D sensors as well as cameras and takes its orders through a digital ticketing system.It is capable of grabbing and unwrapping food, keeping track of cooking time and temperature and then plating the food so that a human chef can add garnishes.
Posted by Orrin Judd at October 1, 2017 7:48 AM